Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day.

Chapter 252 The Confrontation between Aegon and Daemon

Chapter 252 The Confrontation between Aegon and Daemon

Just when Rhaenyra was about to change into a formal dress, a strong wind blew in King's Landing at night.


A dull thunderous dragon roar echoed lowly, a huge figure blocked a crescent moon, and the shadow covered a large area.

The giant dragon with dark green scales flew from the direction of Blackwater Bay and soared over King's Landing.

On the back of this old dragon were two figures, one behind the other.


Red Fort, banquet hall.

A large enough dining table was placed in the hall, and the maids served dishes and fruits one after another.

An excited Viserys arrived first, motioned the maids to continue working, and sat down at the table to wait.

Rhaenyra was indignant after biting out a row of red teeth marks.

Deeply loved by her.

Also arriving were several young Targaryens.

The two little girls are Ranal's daughters, her adopted daughters.

After venting her anger, Rhaenyra was in a good mood and smiled back: "Benilla, Rhaenya."

After a while, Allison arrived.

There was a soft sound of footsteps on the stairs leading to the hall.

Not feeling relieved, he raised his foot and stepped on the other's boot.


The two girls also greeted Rhaegar obediently and received a response from him.

Rhaegar immediately distanced himself and rubbed the sore side of his face.

Viserys smiled and called his children to sit down.

No regard for image, no matter what.

Rhaenyra held his arm, and her long silver hair was braided into small braids, with long silky hair hanging down on her waist.

Half an hour later.

Rhaegar felt pain immediately and pushed and refused to bite.

Rhaenyra frowned, grabbed his head with both hands, opened her mouth and took a big bite on his cheek.

Two little girls with silver hair and dark skin sat on the round stools at the dining table, greeting Rhaenyra crisply.

The two went downstairs, and the dining table in the hall was already crowded with people.

Rega groaned in pain and said deliberately: "Don't be angry, I am telling the truth."



A bad habit that can't be changed since childhood.

Before she could go downstairs, Rhaenyra puffed up her cheeks and complained softly: "It's all your fault. I changed into another dress. I must be late."

Rhaenyra bit too hard.

Hearing this, Rhaenyra's cheeks turned crimson and she glared hatefully.

"It's not late, the party hasn't started yet."

The dining table is rectangular, surrounded by members and relatives of the Targaryen family.

Seeing Rhaegar and Rhaenyra arriving, everyone took their seats.

"I dare to say, neither big nor small."

"Don't you like chewing? Let me try chewing on you instead!"

I gnaw on it whenever I have free time. I really don’t use steamed buns as solid food.

The time is getting later and more and more guests are entering the hall.

"your Highness……"

However, Rhaegar's face soon became unhappy.

Rhaegar was dressed in black attire, with his long hair neatly combed, revealing a handsome face.

Viserys was overjoyed, very satisfied with this long-awaited family dinner.

"Look, tonight's hero is here!"

Rhaegar made a quibble and apologized: "Rhaenyra, you know, I lost my mother when I was a child, and I will always miss her a little bit."

Viserys sat in the middle of the long side of the table, with Allison and Otto on his right.

He is just three years old this year, obedient and sensible.

There is room on the left hand side for a pair of children.

Next to Otto's right hand were Lanino and a strange silver-haired girl.

Opposite them.

Sitting from right to left are Aegon, Helena, Aemond, Daeron and the twin sisters.

The sides of the dining table are wide.

On one side sat the elegant Rhaenys.

On the other side sat Lannal and...Daemon who came from Chaotou Island.

"Rhaega, take your seat first."

Rhaenyra saw that something was wrong with his expression, tugged at the corner of his clothes, and whispered a reminder.

Rhaegar touched the side of his face and imitated the other person's previous tone: "Rhaenyra, you have embarrassed me."

"Okay, you can blame me."

Rhaenyra smiled helplessly and pulled him to sit down.

Showing up with a tooth mark is indeed impressive.

I didn’t see Helena and a series of children exploring the truth with strange eyes.

After taking his seat, Rhaegar looked around and smiled without saying a word.

Viserys raised his glass and spoke first: "Everyone, you are all blood relatives of the Dragon Clan. Welcome to this family banquet."

As he spoke, he reached out and patted Rega on the shoulder.

Rhaegar poured a glass of wine and raised it in cooperation.

Others followed suit and raised their glasses together.

Viserys said some decent words, acted cheerful, and repeatedly mentioned the rites of passage for his eldest son.

"Everyone, how do you think a grand coming-of-age ceremony should be held?"

After asking the crucial question, Viserys looked around expectantly.

"Rhaega hasn't been knighted yet. Maybe he can hold a tourney."

Rhaenys was the oldest and the oldest, and she spoke out the proposal that the Council of Kings maintained.

In the past three years since the Battle of the Stepstone Islands, King's Landing has hosted more than a dozen banquets, large and small.

Kingswood hunts were also held several times.

The tourney that hasn't happened in a long time is a good choice.

"That's a good suggestion, cousin."

Viserys praised him, but his eyes fell on Daemon who was drinking alone. He said with a straight face: "Damon, what do you think?"

This banquet was intended to ease the feuding relationship between Damon and his nephews.

Give him a chance and don't speak quickly.

"Uh..." When his name was suddenly called, Damon's eyes flashed slightly, his index finger pointed his chin, and he muttered: "What my cousin said is very insightful, I agree!"

"Hmph, I agree too."

Aegon at the corner of the table shook his head and responded with strange sounds.

Damon glanced at him with an indifferent expression.

This stupid nephew is much more annoying than his eldest nephew.


Rhaegar chuckled lightly and propped up his chin with his hands.

Look at the look in his eyes while watching the show, which is full of mockery.

Damon spent two years in a dungeon and was released from prison last year.

Viserys gave reasons for releasing Daemon.

Make amends!

Rhaegar didn't care about "passing", he didn't think this good uncle could shake his status.

What he cares about is "gong".

As early as three years ago, in the quarrel, Viserys proposed to make Daemon the governor of the Narrow Sea to guard the peace of the Stepstones.

Rhaegar did not want to release Daemon at that time, nor did he want Daemon to serve as the so-called Governor of the Narrow Sea.

In his view, the Stepped Stone Islands were a place of four wars and a treasure trove of wealth.

It is supposed that the royal family should send troops and hold it tightly.

He refuted his father's suggestion.

Who could have guessed that Viserys had prepared an even more alarming proposal.

Enfeoffed Aegon to the Stepstones and granted him the title of Prince of the Stepstones.

It is said that the Stepstone Islands will be permanently included in the territory of the Targaryen Dynasty, and at the same time supervise Daemon's responsibilities in the Narrow Sea.

As soon as this proposal came out, Rhaegar's objections almost echoed throughout the Red Keep.

Put aside Aegon's character, abilities and personal wishes.

The enfeoffed territory is still an archipelago of stone steps far away from the mainland.

This undoubtedly touched Rega's bottom line.

Throughout the history of Targaryen members, except for the crown prince, he was named the Prince of Dragonstone.

There was no prince with a fiefdom.


Without territory, the Targaryens living in King's Landing are already a huge burden to the royal family.

Targaryens are proud, disorganized, and unwilling to be inferior to others.

Except for the children of Jaehaerys I, there was no generation that did not fight openly and secretly for the throne.

To seal away Targaryens like Aegon who have tamed dragons is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain and allowing its ambitions to flourish.

What's more, if you ban Aegon today, will you ban Aemond and Daeron tomorrow?
And good uncle Damon.

He is the only adult male Targaryen. Should he be separated?
Wherever the enfeoffment is, where does the territory come from.

After the enfeoffment, will these princes be instigated by others and have thoughts they shouldn't have?

Rhaegar thought of these questions.

As a king and father, Viserys should also think of this.

But he acted willfully, and without any countermeasures, he was bent on enfeoffing.

"Rhaegar, what do you think of the tourney?"

Viserys asked with a smile on his face, ignoring the undercurrents of his two sons and brother.

He knew in his heart that his eldest son had a grudge.

He also made changes in his thinking.

Damon was imprisoned for two years, which was a lesson learned.

Of course, the premise is that neither the uncle nor the nephew will remember the hatred of each other's dragon attack.

Aegon did not get the complete Stepstone Islands, only a piece of Bloodstone Island.

The title of prince has not been promulgated, and he still maintains his status as a prince.

Moreover, the fortress on Bloodstone Island is still under construction, and there is no trace of the castle.

For three years, Aegon garrisoned the Stepstones as free labor.

Occasionally, when I return to King's Landing, I wish I could die drunk in a brothel, and I wouldn't want to leave unless someone drags me away.

As far as Viserys was concerned, he had kept the trouble to a minimum.

It will not add any obstacles to the future of the eldest son.

It was precisely because he did not take things absolutely that Rhaegar became angry and reluctantly accepted the current situation.

When the opportunity arises in the future, formulate good rules to nip problems in the bud.

After thinking about it, Rhaegar agreed: "No problem, I was just thinking about becoming a knight."

Without revealing the flames and runes, you can get a good ranking just by relying on your skills.

"Okay, that's it. Let's discuss the venue for the tournament later."

Viserys thought of the restored Harrenhal.

He hadn't been to Harrenhal since the falling out with his eldest son.

Set the venue for the tourney at Harrenhal, take the opportunity to have a look, and get out of King's Landing to relax.

After the incident, the dinner officially began.

Rhaenyra and Allison sat on either side of Viserys, serving him food.

Viserys was smiling broadly, enjoying the service of his wife and daughter.

Rhaegar was holding a plate of food, his eyes glancing at Aegon and Daemon from time to time.

Daemon is the governor of the Narrow Sea, to put it mildly, he manages the entire Narrow Sea.

To be honest, the only area under its jurisdiction is the Stone Steps Islands.

You must always be on guard against pirate plunder and the revenge of the Three Women Kingdom.

Typical responsibility is big, power is small, thankless.

Aegon's fiefdom is on Bloodstone Island, and the annual allocation from the treasury is limited, so the castle has been delayed.

He also fell into Damon's hands as a subordinate and was assigned various assignments.

Over time, Daemon's arrogance clashed with Aegon's laziness.

The uncle and nephew looked down upon each other, and their relationship became worse and worse.

Once, Damon took a chance and taught Aegon a lesson, completely offending his second nephew.

Aegon was afraid of Rhaegar, but not the uncle who had been beaten up by his elder brother.

Overtly and covertly, he spent most of his time on Bloodstone Island disgusting Damon.

It means not making big mistakes but making small mistakes.

Toads crawling on your feet are disgusting but don't bite.

However, Dimon's authority still has no way to deal with him.

Gradually, it became clear that Viserys just wanted him to maintain the safety of the Stepstone Islands, so he gave up his responsibility as governor of the Narrow Sea.

Return to Chaotou Island and find Lanner to immerse yourself in the gentle land.

Having not touched a woman for two years, Damon was extremely hungry and thirsty, and he and Lanner were in a passionate relationship.
(End of this chapter)

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