Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day.

Chapter 208 New Title "Young Dragon King"

Chapter 208 New Title "Young Dragon King"


Dragon flames bombarded the Three Women's Warship like pillars of fire, making an astonishing explosion.

"Glutton, attack that ship first!"

Rhaegar's eyes flashed coldly as he stared at the warship where the commander of the Three Women's Kingdom was located.

This warship was the first to hit the cargo ship, and the pirates were fighting with Cole and others.


The glutton flapped his wings and flew towards the warship.

The commander of the Three Women Kingdom discovered the movements of the glutton and was shocked: "No! Jump off the ship!"

The dragon is no joke.

But their plan was doomed to fail.

The first battle today was a crushing battle, but he was extremely happy.

In the sky, four dragons circled the pirate fleet, burning each warship.

The plan is only halfway through here.

Turned into a mutilated and charred corpse.

The commander of the Three Women Kingdom just screamed and was drowned by the dragon flames before he even had time to jump off the ship.

"Hahaha, burn them all!"

"Aegon, keep flying at high altitude and solve the battle quickly!"

He was driven to King's Landing for several days, wasting time on Gray Gallows Island.


Rhaenys flew past with Melias, sternly reprimanding him.


But they faced four dragons.

Rhaenys shouted in response, driving Melias to blast away.

Cole took the cargo ship as a bait to attract the main force of the Three Women's Kingdom fleet.

Aegon glanced at his brother and urged Yang Yan to spray dragon flames quickly.

Thousands of pirates were killed in a one-sided attack. Rhaegar looked as usual and shouted: "Fight quickly and rush to the aid of Bloodstone Island!!"

Aegon rode on Yang Yan's back, laughing wildly with excitement.

After several rounds of scorpion crossbows, the pirate fleet was defeated and unable to fight back, with dragon flames burning everywhere.

In just ten minutes, the battle was basically over.

He fights to atone for his sins.

Lanino looked excited and rode Hai Yan and Yang Yan together.

The scorpion crossbow is filled to the point of firing, enough for four dragons to burn several warships.

Steel spears flew out one after another, aiming at the four dragons in the sky.

If a puff of dragon flame goes down, everyone on the ship will have to wait for death.

Rhaegar said no more and concentrated on burning every pirate ship.

A few days ago, when he released the pirate ship, he made a plan in his mind.

More than twenty warships arrived.

If you know the specific time of the transport ship, you will definitely not let it go, so as to pursue the victory.

Blood splattered all over his head and face, but he didn't notice it and just kept fighting.

Rhaegar led Rhaenys and others to wait in advance, and the four dragons burned the main force of the enemy army to death.

A dragon might be afraid of the salvos of dozens of scorpion crossbows.

The Three Women Kingdom had just won a great victory, and it was the time to underestimate the enemy.

Deliberately leaking information about cargo ships transporting supplies, giving the enemy an opportunity to intercept.

"no problem!"

The glutton glided past, and green dragon flames sprayed on the warship, burning the mast and deck instantly.

Bloodstone Island.

More than ten warships were burned in a row, and the pirates finally recovered and controlled the scorpion crossbow to fight back.

He commanded more than a dozen cargo ships and became a bait to attract pirates from the Three Women Country.

Rectify the military equipment and create the illusion of storming Bloodstone Island.

Below, Cole was locked in a bitter battle, with the meteor hammer killing pirates one after another.

There are three red dragons, sea horses, purple grapes on a blue background...and other flags hanging on the ship.


Weimund was wearing armor and holding a scimitar and shouted.

The warship soon arrived in the waters of Bloodstone Island.

The warships stopped moving forward, and the boats fell into the water one after another. The soldiers jumped on the boats and slid to the shore.

Defenses were rebuilt on Bloodstone Island.

Seeing the enemy coming, the patrolling pirates quickly blew their horns.


A sharp arrow flew and hit the patrolling pirate in the throat.

A few hundred meters away, on a small boat.

Robb Rivers retracted his longbow and urged the brothers of the Second Sons to row.

He was a nobody in the Battle of the Stepstones.

But in the Riverlands, he has his own name.

The best archer in the Riverlands——Red Robb Hewen

After a while.

Dozens of small boats docked ashore. The Second Sons led by Robb charged forward, followed closely by eight hundred Dragon Guards.


Behind them, soldiers from Qingting Island and Crab Island swarmed up.

If you look carefully, many people's armors are stained with blood.

Before arriving at Bloodstone Island, they were attacked by a small group of pirates.

But they attacked in full force.

The small group of pirates were vulnerable to the large army and were easily defeated.

"Rush quickly and take back Bloodstone Island!"

Spike from Arbor Island charged forward, slashing the weakly defensive pirates with his sword.

The main force of Bloodstone Island was sent to Feng Nu Cape to intercept the transport ship.

Half of the remaining troops attacked Gray Gallows Island and were massacred by the Royal Army.

At this moment, the defense force on Bloodstone Island was unprecedentedly weak.

Hundreds of pirates rushed out of the cave and resisted to death.

The Royal Army has thousands of people.

The strength of the two sides is very different.

Less than half an hour.

Hundreds of pirates lay dead on the beach without any waves.

Soldiers tidied up the battlefield and re-erected fortifications under the command of officers.

Weimond dragged an arm and reinstalled the three red dragon flags on the watchtower on Bloodstone Island.


A dull dragon roar sounded like a bell, and the glutton's dark dragon shadow appeared in the sky.

Rhaegar glanced at the battlefield below and knew that Bloodstone Island had been captured.

Robb put his longbow on his back and shouted to the sky: "Prince, the plan goes well!"

The Glutton slowly landed, and Rhaegar slid off the dragon's back. "How are the casualties? Are the supplies on Bloodstone Island enough?"

Rega's eyes were dull, and he focused on asking questions that he cared about.

He is the leader of this war.

Preliminarily formulate a plan, release false news, appease people, and ride the dragon into battle...

The main force of the Three Women Kingdom was burned to ashes in Cape Wrath.

The defense force of Bloodstone Island must be weak.

Weimond and others led the entire army to attack and regained control of Bloodstone Island in one fell swoop.

The supplies on the island are enough for the army.

Robb said happily: "All the supplies are in the air raid shelter, there are just a lot more!"

The pirates of the Three Women Kingdom are actually a group of mercenaries.

The captured loot will not be turned over, but will be sold to other Free Trade Cities after the war.

The supplies on Bloodstone Island were looted by them before they had time to sell the stolen goods.

Rega's eyebrows stretched out when he heard this, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "Very good, after the battle on Bloodstone Island, the Three Women's Kingdom will no longer be able to make big waves."

The last time the Three Women Kingdom attacked Bloodstone Island, dozens of warships were burned by Rhaegar who came to support him.

Cape Wrath completely destroyed the main force.

Even if the country of Sannu is rich, it cannot withstand successive heavy losses.

The three Free Trade Cities will also quarrel over losses.

During the conversation, Weimond and other commanders from various places gathered around.

Rhaegar scanned their faces one by one, pulled out the dragon claw and raised it high, raising his head and loudly saying: "My lords, was this battle a happy one!?"

He controls the situation of the battle single-handedly.

He is entirely responsible for failure, and success is his fault.

The words spread, and all the commanders looked at him in reverence.

There was no expression on Weimond's dark face, and his eyes were extremely complicated.

He slowly knelt down on the ground, raised the scimitar above his head, and said in a deep voice: "Prince, you live up to your position as crown prince. The Velaryon family pays tribute to you!"


The commanders fell to their knees and raised their weapons above their heads.

They were all looking at Rhaegar.

Long silver-gold hair, purple pupils, handsome face, cold temperament...

And, the face of a young boy who is resolute but slightly immature.

An idea emerged in everyone's mind.

Perhaps, this is a real Dragon King.

I don't know who it was, but suddenly shouted: "Young Dragon King!!"

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the commanders shouted one after another.

"Young Dragon King..."

"Young Dragon King..."

The cry spread across the beach and reached the ears of the soldiers clearing the battlefield.

The title of Young Dragon King was passed down from one soldier to another, from every soldier who heard it.

In an instant, the words "Young Dragon King" echoed over Bloodstone Island.

The news spread more than ten miles away.


into the night.

On the top of Bloodstone Island.

Rhaegar sat on the edge of the cliff, watching the four dragons hovering over the island.

"Prince, the armaments and supplies are reported as above, which is enough for the entire army to consume for one year."

Robb took a list and summarized the supplies on Bloodstone Island one by one.

"Got it, Robb."

Rhaegar answered absentmindedly.

Robb nodded and stood aside.

Rhaegar closed his eyes and slowly lay down, feeling the salty sea breeze blowing on his face.

It can be seen from the slight frown on his face that he has something buried in his heart.

"Young Dragon King..."

With a murmur, Rhaegar shook his head and laughed.

He likes this title, and he fully deserves his status.

But he didn't like the title appearing too early.

Shaolongwang is the king's title, the title of the king.

Just like his father Viserys' title of "Young King".

His father was in his prime and had plenty of time left to govern.

Rhaegar now promotes the title of "Young Dragon King", which is a great disrespect to his father.

When it reaches the ears of interested people, they still don’t know how to stir up trouble.

Rega rubbed his brows and muttered: "I hope my father will be broad-minded enough and not listen to slander."

He was relatively relieved about this.

The love his father gave him was something that no other brother or sister had.

A title that shouldn't offend him.


There was a dull and powerful sound of footsteps.

"Prince, there is a letter from King's Landing, stamped with the seal of the Princess of Dragonstone."

Tormund's soft voice reached his ears.

Rhaegar opened his eyes and turned to look.

The little giant Boru stood on the cliff, carrying the pale Tormund on his shoulders.

Rhaegar laughed out loud: "Tormund, you are very good at finding mounts!"

"Boru is not a mount, Boru is Tormund's friend!"

The little giant Polu had a dull voice and a stiff face as he defended his identity.

"Sorry, Poru."

Rhaegar apologized to appease this stubborn guy.

Aemond patted Polu on the shoulder and motioned for him to put him down.

He likes this big guy.

When he controls the falcon, it can protect his safety very well.

Tormund handed over an unopened letter.

Rhaegar took the letter, looked at the red clay seal, and tore open the letter.

The seal is Rhaenyra's Princess Seal of Dragonstone and cannot be faked.

"Did something happen again in King's Landing?"

Rhaegar was looking through the letters and thinking uneasily.

After the twists and turns in the past month or two, he has developed the habit of preparing for the worst as soon as he reads the letter.

Reading the small print on the letter, Rhaegar whispered: "The messenger of Dorne...marriage..."

The more he thought about it, the lower his voice became, and his eyes narrowed unconsciously.

In the end, the letter was crumpled into a ball.

(End of this chapter)

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