Don’t raise unruly people in extreme cold weather

Chapter 195 Making the Flying Stone

Chapter 195 Making the Flying Stone

Purficott was very interested in the fantasy alchemy, and she soon began to trial-produce the flying stone according to the knowledge imparted to her by the Cuiyulu.

Because this is a fantasy element in itself, and the manufacturing process cannot be separated from the assistance of the Philosopher's Stone, so it is not that important whether there is a laboratory and experimental equipment. Anyway, it is all done by hand, using a flask, test tube, alchemy table, and on the dining table. What difference does it make if you rub it by hand with a knife, fork, plate?

Although alchemy tables and various professional equipment can effectively improve the success rate of experiments, these are secondary to the Philosopher's Stone.

Purficott just used the Philosopher's Stone as a base to generate the materials needed to make the Sky Stone out of thin air, and then drew an alchemical ritual circle on the floor of the Behemoth's restaurant. With the help of the Philosopher's Stone, The stone aggregates several materials created out of thin air and transforms it into a flying stone about the size of a coin.

This is a blue crystal that looks like a heterochromatic version of the Philosopher's Stone. It emits blue fluorescence and is floating in the alchemy circle in an attitude that violates the laws of physics.

Purficott put away his Midas Philosopher's Rod, and then stretched out his right hand towards this fantasy stone that violated the laws of physics.

However, before she could hold the stone, Claudia on the side suddenly stopped her and said, "Miss, is there any danger in this? Let me do it!"

With that said, Claudia reached out to touch the flying stone before Purficott.

Claudia didn't have any special thoughts. She just instinctively followed the process of protecting Purficott and carried out the process of protecting her.

This kind of stone is an unknown object at first glance. Direct contact is likely to cause accidents or injuries. At this time, as a bodyguard, she should stand in front of Perfectcott.

It's like soaking in a swimming pool without a swimming ring. The whole person's feet are as weak as stepping on cotton. It only takes a little force to get off the ground.

However, Purficott just waved his hand to indicate not to be nervous, and then held the flying stone with his right hand.

Although Purficott was still standing on the ground in the Behemoth restaurant, she could actually feel that with just a tap of her feet, she could leave the ground and float into the air.

Purficott thought so and did the same thing. She just tiptoed the ground slightly, and her whole body floated, as if she could fly.

However, suddenly, Claudia noticed Purficot's skirt, and hurriedly shouted at them: "Get out! Where is your gentlemanly spirit? Do you want to be disrespectful to the Earl?"

Immediately, an indescribable feeling of extreme lightness was transmitted from the flying stone to Purficott's whole body, making the clothes on her body start to float. At the same time, even she couldn't help but feel weightless.

This scene shocked the onlookers, the crew of the Behemoth and the knights of the White Bear Knights. They stared at the floating Perfectite in the air with a look of wonder, and couldn't help but marvel.

Lieutenant Colonel William was the first to react to Claudia's voice. He coughed and immediately ordered all crew members to return to their respective posts in the name of the captain and not to stay here any longer.

A great knight from the White Bear Knights immediately issued the same order and rushed all the knights to the cabin and the restaurant on the other side of the airship.

Seeing that everyone had left, Claudia came to Purfict's side and reached out to help her hold down her skirt that had floated up, covering the bottom of her skirt. "Sorry, I didn't expect this to happen." Purficott was a little embarrassed. She really didn't expect that her skirt would fly up before her.

Not only that, but Claudia, who came to help press her skirt, seemed to be affected by the flying stone, and her hair and clothes also tended to float.

But fortunately, she was only standing next to Purficott, and the range of influence of the flying stone made by Purficott seemed to be limited, and it was not enough to support the two of them flying together, so Claudia's body was still He stood firmly on the floor and held onto Purficott to prevent her from flying out.

Purficott looked at the flying stone in his hand with some distress, and then tried to let go.

She could clearly feel that as she let go, the light force that kept her body floating quickly dissipated from her body, allowing her to be restrained by gravity again, and her whole body fell back to the ground.

Because Claudia was supporting her, Purfict didn't fall, but it still made her feel lost and even a little uncomfortable.

This is not a psychological effect, but that Purficott's internal organs and the blood in her body were also affected when she floated just now. The change in gravity in a short period of time caused some reactions in her internal organs, which caused Her discomfort.

However, Purficott quickly adjusted himself, and then looked at the still floating flying stone, not knowing what to do with it.

This was her first time making such a magical fantasy creation. She was still confused as to how to control the power of the flying stone.

Although the information given by Jade Jade Record was very complete, Purficott's main focus before was how to make the flying stone. As for how to control and control the flying stone, although she took a glance at it, she did not study it in depth.

Now that the stone is floating here, it is really uncontrollable. She needs to find a way to at least store it properly instead of floating like this all the time.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome to research and otherwise process it, which would be really useless.

Fortunately, after the Jade Record opened a new page, her connection with Purficott was further strengthened. At least now she could directly check the knowledge recorded in the Jade Record through her omniscient eyes, so she quickly Found a way to temporarily "shut down" the flying stone.

Follow the relevant operating procedures to put the flying stone into an inert state. It quickly loses its luster and then falls to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Purficott picked it up and put it into his pocket.

"Miss, what is this? It looks like it can... fly?" Claudia couldn't hide her curiosity and asked Perficott.

"The Flying Sky Stone is a fantasy element created through the Philosopher's Stone. It can make objects as light as a feather and get rid of the constraints of gravity. In a simple summary, it is indeed as you said, it can fly." Ficott answered Claudia's question.

(End of this chapter)

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