Don’t raise unruly people in extreme cold weather

Chapter 183 Assassin’s Hidden Blade

Chapter 183 Assassin’s Hidden Blade

Although Purficot did not ask Ezio to assassinate the conservative nobles, he asked him to help the Assassin Brotherhood collect relevant information to ensure that he could control the situation so that he would not be unable to get the latest information and let these conservatives The precious people who sent them made a big deal for themselves.

It has to be said that Purficott doesn't actually know his parents.

After Ezio's introduction, Purficott finally understood how much his parents had done back then.

"...Although it's all in the past, I have to say that your parents are really amazing." When Ezio talked about Perficot's parents, although his mood was still dull, it could make people feel The emotion and sadness in his heart.

Purficott just nodded politely. Although his inner mood was not calm, he still maintained his composure and asked Ezio: "Then what are your plans next? Will you continue to launch revolution or assassinate someone?" Government official?"

Although he felt that he had convinced Ezio, Purficott was still worried that his father's comrade would not be able to change his mind for a while and would go back to his old career.

Although it seemed to her that it was easy to control Ezio just now, in fact, it was not simple at all. Purficott truly believed that Ezio could easily kill a big knight if the opponent was not prepared. Not even the knight of honor could escape his assassination.

After all, not everyone can hear the heartbeat and breathing of the second person in the room like her.

"The mission of the Assassin Brotherhood is to fight for the benefit of the people. Originally, I came back this time to assassinate the aristocrats and bureaucrats of the empire, trigger social unrest and incite a new revolution." Ezio still had a calm tone. , but what he said was a major event that was enough to make the entire Victoria Empire tremble: "But now that we already know about the Doomsday Winter, the Assassin Brotherhood can't just sit back and watch.

I plan to go back and tell the other assassins about this first, and then find out some information and discuss with everyone what to do next. "

But in this situation, the Assassin Brotherhood and the North can establish a cooperative relationship.

Having said this, Ezio looked at Perficott and extended an invitation to her: "If you are willing, you can attend the meeting of the Assassin Brotherhood as Mr. Brandlis's daughter. After all, you Both your father and your mother are mentors of the Assassin Brotherhood, and as their daughter you can inherit their position in the Assassin Brotherhood."

And I can also allocate a piece of land to you in the north, let you build a town, and give you autonomy, so that you can try out any ideas you have here and test whether there are any problems with the social system you propose. "

Hearing this, Purficott raised his eyebrows, then shook his head and said: "It is not convenient for me to attend your meeting for the time being. After all, I am an important minister of the empire and the lord of the north. Someone will definitely target my identity. .

Ezio was very interested in the suggestion put forward by Purficott, because after hearing it, he immediately had an impulse to build this town.

After that, my people will recruit immigrants to the North in Langton. I hope that the Assassin Brotherhood can help guide the people and let them choose to immigrate to the North.

In the past years, although the Assassin Brotherhood has tried to help locals gain freedom and independence in many colonies around the world, they have never been able to make satisfactory progress.

Although it is not that they have overthrown the governors of several colonies, they have also tried to organize local people to resist foreign colonists.

We have fought many battles, but we always lose more than we win. After all, the incited people cannot compete with professional soldiers. Not only that, but more importantly, even before the colonists were driven away, the local indigenous people began to fight among themselves and fight for power. As a result, several attempts to overthrow the colonial governor ultimately failed due to internal divisions. Ezio couldn't help but feel disheartened.

If there could be a town built according to their own ideas, although the place might be a bit small, it would at least allow the Assassin Brotherhood to try to verify whether the system they proposed was realistic.

"I understand, I will go back to discuss this matter with everyone." Ezio nodded, then looked at his hidden sword that had been dismantled into parts, and sighed helplessly: "Your father You really have the same temper, your father also dismantled my hidden sword into a bunch of parts when he first saw it."

Purficott didn't expect such a small accident, but he didn't care about it. He just said to Ezio: "Don't worry, I'm just studying its structure, and I'll return it to you when I finish studying it.

Besides, I gave you a pair of ebony and white ivory. "

"..." After hearing what Purficott said was exactly the same as what Mr. Brandlis said back then, Ezio could only helplessly pick up the box on the table and prepare to leave.

However, before leaving, Ezio still asked Perficott a concerned question: "How should I replenish the bullets for these two guns?"

"Come to me directly for supplements. In addition, the cartridge cases can be reloaded, so remember to pick up the cartridge cases after shooting." Purficott replied to Ezio, and then she turned her attention back to the table that had been dismantled. On the hidden blade of parts, he was so focused that he didn't even know when Ezio left.

At this time, all her concentration was attracted by the exquisite hidden sword in front of her, and she carefully studied its structure and principles, with a very satisfied smile on her face.

"What a genius design! It's great that this ancient machine can still remain strong and durable after being used for so long!" Purficott did not hesitate to praise him.

Although it seems to be a relatively old and primitive technology, its design and conception are still very fascinating.

However, as much as there are amazing things, there are also things that make people criticize. At least the flintlock pistol installed by Mr. Brandless back then made Purficott feel extra phantom limb pain.

Although this is a problem left over from history, and the musket technology at that time was not enough, Mr. Brandless has tried to make it as simple, practical and convenient as possible, but there is no good solution without a breakthrough in the industrial level. Perfico Complaining has become a necessity.

Of course, there is also an unavoidable problem here, that is, the problem of knowledge.

You can't ask an eighteenth-century fusilier to understand what rifling is and what human-machine efficiency is...

So Purficott began to modify this hidden sword in all aspects, and even thought that he might be able to make one and wear it for self-defense.

(End of this chapter)

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