Chapter 179 Past History

With the hooded man's explanation, Purficott finally figured out his identity and the relationship between him and his parents.

To put it simply, Mr. Brandlis was a progressive young man at that time. He saw the various shortcomings of Victoria under the imperial rule and the hardship of people's lives under the superficial prosperity of the empire.

So he was worried about the country and the people. After he came into contact with the ideas of freedom from France across the sea, he joined the revolutionary movement to overthrow the imperial power and aristocratic rule, and wanted to realize freedom and democracy in Viktoria.

But as a top alchemist, Mr. Brandlis has a very high IQ, and he also has keen observation and analytical skills.

So he soon discovered that without a systematic program and a strong armed force as a guarantee and support, it would be impossible to truly establish a free and democratic New Victoria.

Especially the revolution that broke out in France was finally seized by the big bourgeoisie. The people were still oppressed, but the aristocrats of the past were replaced by the capitalists and factory owners of the present.

This seriously stimulated Mr. Brandlis, who clearly realized that the revolution in Victoria was also used by these new bourgeoisie.

Especially after Mr. Brandless went to France and had contact with local workers, ordinary citizens, and more people at the bottom, he clearly realized that the bourgeoisie exploited and oppressed the people and even More excessive than the nobles of the past.

The oppression and exploitation of the nobles is more of a status-based exploitation, leaving the people with no personal freedom, or even just the possessions and property of the nobles.

But because of this, nobles usually do not exploit and oppress the people in their territories too harshly, because they are all people who work for their own land. If too many people die or escape, it will The property of the nobles suffered damage.

But for capitalists, workers are just parts on the production line. If one breaks, they can be replaced with a new one.

If you don't do it, there will be parugan.ipg

This also leads to the fact that capitalists will only try their best to squeeze out the last bit of surplus value from workers, and are even unwilling to pay workers the remuneration they deserve for their labor.

Therefore, the lower class people who originally worked as serfs for the nobles might be able to survive all year round, and if they met a kind-hearted lord, they could even make ends meet. After becoming workers, they not only have to face various dangerous working conditions, up to a dozen times a day. Hours of high-intensity labor requires the whole family to work hard together to barely support the family.

You must know that in the past, when working for the noble masters, it only required the diligent work of an adult man to make a living for the whole family.

This cruel fact greatly shocked Mr. Brandless. Although he also knew that the feudal system was backward compared with the capital system, the exploitation methods of the feudal system were also backward compared with the capital system.

There is no doubt that capitalists are better at exploiting the surplus value of the people.

It is precisely because of this that capitalists can be so wealthy, and can even surpass the accumulation of nobles in several generations in a short period of time.

Therefore, they were not willing to be ruled by the aristocracy. They incited and used the gradually awakening people to overthrow the feudal imperial power. Then these capitalists stood up and used money and influence to establish their own bourgeois government.

The people were taken advantage of. They did not escape the fate of being exploited and oppressed. They just overturned one mountain and were crushed by another.

After realizing this, Mr. Brandless had a heated discussion with his companions after returning to China. Some people believed that the feudal imperial power should be overthrown first to give the people freedom, and then consider the issue of bourgeois exploitation. But some people think that since the bourgeoisie will be worse off when they come to power, it is better to maintain the rule of the imperial power first, and then carry out reforms through the royal family, and achieve social changes in Victoria in as gentle a way as possible.

The latter concept is very much supported by some aristocratic children. Most of them are people like Mr. Brandless, and they are all children of aristocratic families. However, because they were exposed to the ideas of freedom and democracy, they became obsessed with the people at the bottom. He lost sympathy and began to oppose the class he was born into.

They are compromising, but it must be said that such moderate reforms have the smallest impact on society.

These people began to practice their ideals, and this is why the Victoyan royal family gradually transferred power to the Parliament.

As for the former, they cooperate with the bourgeoisie and are still secretly trying to launch a great revolution like France's to completely overthrow the existing political system and imperial rule of the Victoria Empire.

Mr. Brandless obviously does not want to see such a thing happen, but he also knows that the quality of feudal imperial rule depends entirely on the wisdom of the ruler. A heroic leader can naturally lead the country to be strong, while a mediocre leader can naturally lead the country to prosperity. Naturally, it can also lead the entire country to the abyss of eternal destruction.

So under such circumstances, Mr. Brandless, who had not come up with a good solution, took a step back and let others carry out reforms and try what method is most beneficial to the people.

And together with his wife and other like-minded companions, he played the role of a supervisor in the darkness.

They established the Assassin Brotherhood and carried out assassinations against corrupt and stubborn nobles and greedy and depraved capitalists, in order to clear away the worms and carrion of the empire.

Although this resorts to violence and is not a practice worth advocating, it has to be admitted that during the years when the Assassin Brotherhood was most active, Langton's officials were the most anthropomorphic.

At that time, everyone was afraid of being targeted by the Assassin Brotherhood, so they restrained themselves a lot whether it was exploiting or oppressing the people.

Even the capitalists pinched their noses and agreed to many demands put forward by the labor movement in order to avoid having their heads on their necks when they woke up the next day, making life much easier for the workers in Langton.

But as the moderate reformists gradually gained a foothold in the Noble Council and began to gradually gain power from the royal family, they began to target the Assassin Brotherhood.

After all, no one wants to be threatened by daggers in the dark when they reach the peak of power.

Not only the moderate reformists, but also the revolutionaries who lean towards the bourgeoisie do not want to see the existence of the Assassin Brotherhood, because they feel that it is precisely because of the Assassin Brotherhood's assassinations that the nobles and capitalists have compromised, and the people have a better life. Without it, there is no fighting spirit.

Temporary compromise cannot change the status quo of the oppressed, so it is better to allow the people to be oppressed even more cruelly, and then explode when they are intolerable.

As a result, the Assassin Brotherhood was stabbed in the back, and they had to fall into silence after suffering great losses.

(End of this chapter)

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