Chapter 172 Industrial System

In the age of steam, industrial production was not as diverse as in the original world before Perficott traveled through.

The most important role of the invention of the steam engine was to upgrade early manual workshops into mechanical factories, and to upgrade the original relatively primitive handicraft production into real industrial production.

The one that has been most affected is undoubtedly the textile industry. Just as the industrial revolution in the original world started with the enclosure movement and steam textile machines, the industrialization in the Victorian Empire also started with the textile industry.

The demand for machinery brought by industrialization has also given rise to the machinery manufacturing industry, and a virtuous cycle of industrial development has been driven.

Handicraft workshops turned into factories, which brought about a leap in production. More things were available on the market, which promoted consumption. The increase in market demand also prompted factories to continuously expand production capacity, which required more advanced machines, and machines The continuous improvement continues to promote the continuous improvement of the factory's production capacity.

In this repeated cycle, with the first-mover advantage, Viktoria became the most industrially developed country in the old world.

At the same time, with the strong market demand, the development of related industries and theoretical research has been spawned, and related disciplines have begun to be subdivided and systematized, gradually forming a modern scientific system.

Therefore, the industrial revolution is not just the development of industry and productivity, but the development of the entire society.

The first industrial revolution can be said to be the most intense revolution that spurred social change. The subsequent second industrial revolution and the third industrial revolution also had a profound impact on the world, but they were far less intense. extent of the first industrial revolution.

After all, during the first industrial revolution, the whole world entered a major reshuffle, and the whole world was closely connected for the first time.

Because of this, the emergence of the industrial revolution was not caused by the progress or breakthrough of a certain technology, but an inevitable outcome after social development accumulated to a certain extent.

Even without the steam engine, the first industrial revolution would still have occurred because society has developed to this point.

In the same way, if society has not developed to a sufficient stage, even if steam engines and internal combustion engines are manufactured and related products are forced to appear in the world, it will not bring about changes in society.

This is why Purficott did not build internal combustion engines or develop generators or anything like that.

Can't she do it? The steam rider and the difference engine have been built, but they are just generators and internal combustion engines.

But does it mean anything? The answer is no.

Without the exploration and extraction of oil, as well as the research on technologies in related fields, the internal combustion engine could only burn alcohol like early cars, without enough fuel.

The same goes for generators. Even if Perfectcourt plans to build a dam and hydroelectric power plant that can generate enough electricity, now even Langton, the most technologically advanced and civilized city in the world, has no demand for electricity. What is the electricity used for?

Some things coming up early are meaningful, but some things coming up early are meaningless.

It is precisely because of this consideration that although Perficott requested the establishment of a complete industrial system in the north, he only requested machinery manufacturing, shipbuilding and textile industries, plus a large alchemy workshop and supporting facilities. facility.

Although it does not require many things, if the supporting industries are also included, this is actually a quite large project.

Fortunately, in this era, there is no such thing as the financial industry that contributes almost nothing to society. Factories also prefer the entire industry chain. They only need to recruit a factory and they can build the entire industry chain themselves.

For example, Andrew's Steel Company includes the entire industry chain from mining to transportation to smelting and casting. That is to say, he cannot solve the technical problems in machinery manufacturing. Otherwise, this steel company can even directly support the machinery manufacturing industry.

With these pillar industries and supporting industrial chains, the northern industrial system has basically been established.

Although the supply of daily necessities may not be perfect enough, at least the basic production and construction needs are not a big problem.

After settling these negotiations, Purficott left McClintock's office.

Although it seemed that there were not many issues involved and the content of the negotiation was not complicated, Purficott still talked to McClintock for several hours, and it was already approaching noon.

After leaving the parliament building, Purficott saw that it was almost time for dinner, so she didn't go anywhere else and asked the palace attendant to take her to the restaurant she had reserved.

Because she was in Langton, Purficott did not put on a big show. There was only a team of royal guards and a few knights in regular uniforms around her to protect her safety.

After all, this is the capital of the empire, and it is impossible for Purficott to go out and lead a team of steam knights like he did in New Shake City.

That would be too ostentatious and could easily attract unnecessary attention.

Without revealing their identity, it was just a group of royal guards and knights in regular uniforms, which was not conspicuous in Langton.

After all, as an empire with colonies spread all over the world, there are too many noble people in the capital of Viktoria.

There were so many that even if Purficott just threw a stone casually, it would hit three nobles.

This is actually a good thing for Purficott. At least she can enjoy her lunch in a relatively quiet environment without being disturbed, instead of having a large group of people come up to have a relationship every time she eats.

Of course, in addition to eating by himself, Purficott also has to wait for the two subordinates he recruited to come over and report on their work.

However, Robert and Oliver hadn't come over yet, so Purficott was able to enjoy her lunch in peace.

In the old feudal era, because products were not abundant, Viktoria, like other countries in the old world, was accustomed to eating two meals a day. One meal in the morning was rich enough to fill the stomach, and then it was easy to eat until bedtime at night. Eat some.

After all, in the old feudal era, even great aristocrats like Purficott did not have many entertainment activities at night. Apart from watching men fight during the day and women fighting at night, there was really no entertainment.

Therefore, people at that time had to go to bed as soon as it got dark, and even had to get up to take a rest before going back to sleep because the sleeping time was too long.

Under such circumstances, it is not a big problem to only eat one full meal a day. After all, there is really nothing to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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