Chapter 162 Bearing Notoriety

The Triple Alliance did not waste time until the last minute of the seventy-two hours. Almost before dark, they formally submitted the letter of surrender through the ambassador to Victoria.

Although the Three Kingdoms Alliance did not want to struggle again, the capital was completely destroyed, and millions of people were killed and injured in the country. At the same time, millions of people were displaced and in urgent need of medical treatment. This impact made it impossible for them to organize any effective plan. resistance.

Not to mention that the entire national government agency has been blamed. It is difficult to find someone to temporarily take the blame to sign the surrender document.

Fortunately, they were only taken away from the capital, and other important cities were still intact. After spending some time wrangling, they still elected a temporary government leader, and then stood up and announced their surrender.

There was nothing they could do if they didn't surrender. No one dared to resist Viktoria's threat of war.

No one dares to bet whether Victoria has used up all the thermobaric bombs, or they dare not destroy the Triple Alliance at a rate of one city a day.

By the way, there is no Triple Alliance anymore. Within twelve hours after their capital was destroyed by thermobaric bombs, the provisional government of the three countries announced the dissolution of the alliance, and Ross and Saint Romulus were still condemning Fernando. Lance started the war.

The world is so absurd. As a victim of war, we still have to shoulder the responsibility of provoking the war.

But this has nothing to do with Purficott. She is now on her way to the palace to attend a royal meeting held in the palace.

Because Purficott didn't have a carriage that matched her status, and her steam carriage was left in the north without being brought back, it was Princess Anne's carriage that was used.

This also gave Princess Anne some time to discuss with Purficott how to deal with the three countries that have surrendered: "The three countries have surrendered. Do you have any follow-up plans for them?"

"What does the parliament think?" Purficott did not express his opinion, but asked Princess Anne in return.

"They don't have any special opinions. They are all the same old things from the past, such as ceding overseas colonies and paying war reparations. That's all." Princess Anne didn't have any special thoughts about this. She just asked Purficott: " Little Purficott, do you have any ideas? If you need it, I can support the use of all war reparations for the construction of the northern border at the Royal Council.

As for occupying the lands of the Three Kingdoms, Little Purficott also knows what the future will be like, which is completely meaningless to the empire.

It will take at least one or two years for us to occupy those lands before we can initially control them. If we want to fully digest them, we don’t know how much energy and time we need to invest. The empire is simply unable to do so now. "

It was precisely because of the future doomsday that this war adopted the strategy of quick victory in the most intense way proposed by Purficott, and used the method of destroying the capitals of the three countries to make this war that should not happen possible. End in the shortest possible time.

So now Victoria has no time to consider occupying the lands of the Three Kingdoms. After all, they are even ready to give up their homeland, so how can they still cling to the lands of other countries in the old world?

Even if these lands have population, industry and resources, they are tasteless and useless to the current Victoria Empire.

"If we let them serve us and drain their resources, manpower, and industrial production capacity to the maximum extent, can we do it?" Purficott asked a question that made Princess Anne sound a little creepy. "This can be done if a large occupation force is maintained, but in that case..." In that case, the empire would have to adopt high-pressure rule in the occupied areas, which would undoubtedly bring great suffering to the people in the occupied areas.

Even though they were not the people of the Victoria Empire, Princess Anne still did not want to take such a cruel approach.

But Purficott's face was full of indifference at this time, and he said in a tone without sadness or joy: "In that case, I will trouble Aunt Anne to support my proposal at the royal meeting later. I will squeeze them dry. Use the resources and industrial capacity extracted from the three countries to build the northern border.

And not only the defeated three countries, but also the empire itself needs to squeeze out the last trace of its industrial potential in the next two years.

Only by doing this can we build enough shelters and supporting facilities in the north in the next two years to protect the people of the empire through the doomsday winter in the future. "

"But if you do this, the empire will lose the support of the people!" Princess Anne argued to Purficott. The kindness in her heart did not want her to do this, nor did she want Purficott to do this: "With the current industry of the empire, is it possible?" Isn’t the production capacity enough to build the northern border? Can’t we use Huairou’s method? Do we have to use such an extreme method?”

In response to Princess Anne's question, Purficott's voice was as cold and hard as the ice and snow in the North: "I killed millions of innocent people for this plan. If I can't save more people, then Their deaths would become meaningless.

Sacrifice is the cornerstone of redemption. In order to redeem humanity as a collective, all human individuals can be sacrificed.

Millions of innocent people can be sacrificed, nobles and rulers of various countries can be sacrificed, and I can be sacrificed, as long as it can be exchanged for the salvation of mankind. "

At this time, Purficott seemed to have hypnotized herself. Her two different-colored eyes seemed to have lost their former agility and brilliance, becoming deep and cold. However, deep in her eyes, there was an incomparable passion lurking. of flame.

That was an emotion that she forcibly suppressed, because the emotional fluctuations in her heart were so violent that the flames in her eyes were like a volcano waiting to erupt, full of repression.

She had to do this because she was afraid that once she released her emotions, her sympathy and intolerance would make her emotional, thus affecting the entire plan.

Everyone can be emotional, but she cannot.

Because now Purficott has stood in the position of leading mankind through this doomsday crisis.

This is like walking a tightrope over a cliff. If you take one wrong step, you will be doomed! Any deviation on her part may lead to the fate of mankind turning into an unpredictable abyss.

"Aunt Anne, if you are worried about public opinion and public opinion, just pass all the responsibilities to me. Anyway, my current reputation is bad enough." Purficott remained indifferent, but there was still a hint of helplessness in his tone. And chagrin: "Whether it is the guilt of massacring millions of people or the notoriety of cruelly oppressing everyone, I really don't care about these, as long as the plan can be executed smoothly."

(End of this chapter)

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