Chapter 135 Failed Turbine Blade

The aftermath of the blizzard is still continuing, but for Purficott, she no longer needs to be distracted from dealing with these things.

Although she does not have any unique talents under her, after she has made a decision, she just needs her people to implement it according to her arrangements.

If they couldn't do this well, Purficott felt that there was no need to consider "opening up the northern border".

What's more, both Colonel Richard and Commander William are qualified officers. Although asking them to take care of government affairs may not be enough, if they just manage a military camp, there is still no problem.

The current Eagle's Mouth Cliff Base and Fjord Camp itself are not much different from military camps. It is safe to let them manage and handle daily affairs.

As for loyalty, although Purficott didn't feel that the two of them were completely loyal to him, there was still no big problem with basically obeying orders.

Especially since Purficott had had in-depth conversations with Richard several times before and found that this man who was theoretically his distant uncle was still a bit ambitious.

He is now in his forties. Although he has reached the position of colonel and commander of the Guards Division, he has basically reached the ceiling of what he can achieve.

Wanting to be promoted to major general, or further obtain a knighthood, this is not something he can do now.

Unless a war breaks out now and he has the opportunity to gain sufficient military exploits as the commander of the Guards Division, this is the end of his life.

After all, he is not a direct descendant of the Brandlis family, and cannot inherit the title and influence of the Brandlis family. Even if he changes his surname to Brandlis, it will only allow him to sit as the commander of the 17th Guards Division. That’s all.

Although the empire had already abolished the original aristocratic private armies and local corps during the military reform, and integrated them into a new army that directly took orders from the royal family.

However, as one of the compromises with the military, the royal family still acquiesced that some military positions should be held by nobles.

The 17th Guards Division was previously controlled by the Brandless family. However, except for this distant relative, the Brandless family no longer has anyone who can make a difference. Naturally, the 17th Guards Division is very important to them. The control ability of the health master has also been reduced to an embarrassing situation.

In fact, Colonel Richard's position as division commander was the last sign of dignity for the Brandless family in the 17th Guards Division. After all, there was only so much left of the old baron.

Once the Brandless family is declared extinct, or Perficott marries someone else, causing the title to be inherited by someone else, the former Brandless family will basically exist in name only, and naturally there will be no way to talk about it. Influence.

Of course, if Colonel Richard could seize the title of the Brandless family by virtue of his status as a collateral lineage, then he would not be able to borrow a chicken to lay eggs and inherit everything from the original Brandless family.

However, it had only been three years since Perfectcott's parents passed away. During this period, Princess Anne had been secretly watching over them, so the Brandless family could still support them and not be robbed by anyone with ulterior motives.

Later, with the strong rise of Purficott, in just a few months, she jumped from an orphan girl of a minor noble to a frontier official such as a pioneering earl and a guardian. The form has undergone fundamental changes.

For Colonel Richard, he no longer needs to consider trying to seize the title of the Brandless family or other evil ways to obtain promotion.

Now he only needs to swear allegiance to Purficott and then work hard to serve her, and he will naturally have the opportunity to get promotions in titles and military ranks. After all, currently, the only ones with the surname Brandlis are him, Perficott, and his two sons.

So after having a frank conversation with Purficott and stating what he wanted, Purficott would naturally not be stingy about giving his relatives a title.

As an earl, she was qualified to confer lower-level nobles for herself, but she had to come up with the corresponding fiefdoms herself.

Based on this, lower-level nobles would naturally have to fulfill their vassal obligations for her.

From the current point of view, there is no conflict of interest between Colonel Richard and Purficott. On the contrary, the more stable Perficott's position is, the greater the benefits he can obtain.

Because of this, Purficott currently hands over the day-to-day management of the Eagle Beak Cliff Base to Colonel Richard, letting him take care of daily affairs.

This also saves Purficott a lot of time and energy, allowing her to focus on her own things.


"Damn it, it failed again! This is the eighth time it has failed. Why is it still not working?" In the laboratory, an assistant hammered the table in frustration, looking at the corroded and deformed blades in front of him, and made a frustrated voice.

Others around him also had similarly disappointed expressions, and their moods were also very complicated.

The failure of the experiment is not that big a blow to them. After all, how can there be no research without failure?

What really hit them was that the research and experiments they were doing now were just what seemed to them to be a simple task given by Purficott, which was to find materials that were strong enough and also resistant to corrosion. , used to make turbine blades for steam turbines.

From the perspective of these assistants, this is actually a very simple task.

As alchemists, although they are not as strong as Purficott, they can still improve the properties of materials to enhance a certain aspect of performance.

It was just that when they started to strengthen existing metal materials to meet the requirements for making steam turbine turbine blades according to Purficott's design requirements, they found that no matter how they tried, the materials they improved could not be installed into blades. When the inside of a steam turbine is tested, corrosion and deformation quickly appear.

This caused great confusion for them, because Purficott's requirements for materials were not very high. They thought that after improvements, the materials they made had perfectly met the requirements, but the fact is The result of each experiment was failure.

When the blades made of the materials they improved were put into the machine for testing, they often became damaged after a short period of operation. In the most serious case, the entire steam turbine was damaged, so that several assistants had to It took two days to fix it.

The test prototype in front of them was handmade by Perficott. They didn't have such strong alchemy skills, so they couldn't reproduce it as it was.

"We have tripled the hardness, but why does it still break? What's wrong?" An assistant looked at the experimental records aside and felt extremely puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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