Chapter 106 Bear by the River

Early the next morning, the old housekeeper who came to help Purficott clean up the tent naturally saw Purficott's air mattress. This surprised him, but he quickly understood the principle of this thing.

This made the old housekeeper couldn't help but praise: "It is a genius idea to obtain support by inflating to replace the filling in the mattress! If there was such a thing during the war in the past, sleeping on the ground would not be a problem. I’ll wake up from the cold.”

"Has Grandpa Afu ever been woken up by the cold while sleeping on the ground before?" Purficott was taking care of her hair with a comb. Although her hair was of good quality, her head was still messed up after a night's sleep. .

While helping Purficott pack up various things, Foster was also answering her questions: "There were several times when I fought with the master. We launched an offensive in winter. The weather was very cold at that time, but the army The logistical conditions in the country were far from as good as they are now. During field marches, they could only sleep directly in the wild. Even the master only had two blankets.

Almost every day, soldiers caught colds or contracted typhoid fever, resulting in serious attrition of the troops. At that time, his staff and other generals suggested that he withdraw his troops and wait until spring to continue the offensive.

But the master was too stubborn. He insisted on attacking despite huge non-combat attrition and everyone's opposition, including himself suffering from severe frostbite. However, he finally won the battle, and he also received the title of baron. "

"Sounds like a stubborn old man who refuses to admit defeat." Purficott shook his head and tied his hair into a ponytail. This was not only simple and convenient, but also prevented his hair from catching on anything in the wild.

Foster organized the packed things together, and then, under Purficott's guidance, let out the air in the air mattress and rolled it up.

While doing all this, he did not forget to reply to Perfectcott's words: "The master is indeed a stubborn old man, but I have to say that he really loves you very much. On the day you were born, the whole manor could hear his words. His laughter makes him want to hold you almost all the time!

When the two young masters were born, I had never seen them so happy, but it was a pity that they could not watch you grow up.

But if the master could see what you did today, miss, he would definitely be very happy! "

For the old butler, old Baron Brandless is the most important person in his life. Now that the old Baron has passed away and only Purficott is left in the Brandless family, it is important for Purficott to grow up healthily. The whole meaning of his life.

"Hey, Grandpa..." Purficott could not help but sigh as he recalled the memories that had gradually faded away in his mind.

She came from time travel and has no deep memory of what happened in the past. In addition, children have shortcomings in memory and cannot remember things from their childhood. Naturally, she has no respect for the grandfather who Foster said loved her deeply. What an impression.

So Purficott didn't say anything, and just watched in silence as Foster packed up all his things.

After packing up the bedding for last night, Purficott and Foster left the tent together and came outside.

Other members of the exploration team are also packing their things. Some are taking down their tents and putting them away, while others are reinforcing the camp in place.

Seeing Purficott appear, the exploration team leader immediately came over and greeted her: "Good morning, Baroness, how did you rest last night? Field conditions are limited, please bear with me."

In several other exploration sites before, Purficott showed that she was not adaptable to the wild environment. Although she had been trying her best to endure it, the exploration team leader still noticed the discomfort of the eldest lady. Now that the conditions are getting worse, he is also there. I was worried that Purficott wouldn't be able to endure such a harsh environment.

However, Purficott unexpectedly replied: "I had a good rest last night. Although the conditions in the field are indeed difficult, for an alchemist, this is nothing, so let's get down to business first."

Seeing what Purficott said, the exploration team leader did not dare to say anything. He just nodded and asked Purficott: "According to the plan arranged yesterday, today the exploration team will be divided into two. Head to the direction of the coal mine, explore the roads along the way and conduct surveying and mapping, in preparation for the subsequent mining of coal mines and the construction of narrow-gauge railways. The other team will stay in the camp to conduct exploration around Eagle Beak Cliff to confirm whether this area is suitable for building an advance base. .

Your Majesty, do you plan to stay in the camp or follow another team to the coal mine to investigate?

From a personal point of view, I recommend you to stay here, the journey to the coal mines takes about three days and may not be an easy and pleasant journey for you. "

The exploration captain sincerely hopes that Purficott will not take any risks. No one can predict what kind of dangers he will encounter on the way to the coal mine.

During three days of field exploration, unpredictable dangers are likely to occur, which in the opinion of the exploration captain is too dangerous for Purficott.

"No, I think I should still..." Before Purficott could finish his words, there was a sudden noise from the river, causing a commotion in the camp.

Purficott frowned, and when he looked up, he saw a huge brown bear appearing by the river.

The exploration team members who were fetching water by the river were obviously frightened by the bear. While they threw down their buckets and ran back, they were also yelling for people to shoot.

Seeing this scene, Purficott said to Foster angrily: "Let him calm down, he will anger the bear!"

Foster didn't hesitate after hearing Purficott's order, and rushed over directly, slicing the panicked exploration team member in the back of the head with his palm, knocking him unconscious, and at the same time, he whispered to the other panicked team members, Let them regain their composure.

At the same time, Purficott and the exploration captain were also preventing the guy who had taken out his gun and started loading bullets from shooting randomly.

"When encountering a large beast in the wild, be sure not to panic or use weapons indiscriminately. It is meaningless except to anger the beast and make it launch a crazy attack on you." Purficott came to Foster and looked at him from a distance. The bear on the river bank whispered to Samantha who had already drawn her sword.

Seeing Purficott coming, Foster hurriedly said: "Miss, this is too dangerous, you should stay in a safe place."

"It doesn't matter. This bear doesn't look hungry. It just comes to drink water." Purficott replied, and also said to the exploration team leader: "Let everyone stop messing around and prepare their guns, but don't do anything to them." Just hold it and it will go away after drinking water."

After saying that, Purficott looked at the huge brown bear, and then noticed that there was a very small bear next to the big bear.

This is a female bear with cubs.

(End of this chapter)

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