Score report

So far, the first order is 1033, and the average order is or .

I mentioned in my introduction that I would start with 500 orders, and for every 100 more orders, I would add a chapter.

So, that’s five chapters.

Then, one chapter will be added to the ten thousand rewards. Currently, there are two ten thousand rewards, which will make it two chapters again.

Finally, there is an additional update for the monthly ticket. I never expected that it would break 100 on the first day, so it’s another chapter.

In this way, I will add eight more chapters.

Today I’m going to write the last two chapters first, to slow down a bit. Yesterday I wrote from 6am to 11pm, and I felt like my brain was drained.

Finally, I'm curious. The first and second chapters were updated at the same time. Why is it that the second chapter is 200 times lower than the first chapter?

(End of this chapter)

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