EVE, I’m such a miner

Chapter 259 "Death Journey"

Chapter 259 "Death Journey"

"If you like it, you can spend 200 and move this sofa to your office."

At this time, maintenance man Thor, who had just finished setting the spacecraft navigation, came up from his lower body and spoke to Mr. Smith.

"Hey, Sol, what did I say, don't sell my sofa!"

At this time, Captain Locke said slightly dissatisfied.

"Okay, then you can take it away for free, haha."

Apparently, maintenance man Saul had been wanting to get rid of the sofa for more than a day or two.

"Hey, my office is too small to fit this piece of art."

Mr. Smith said.

This sofa can indeed be called a work of art, because it is so old and shabby that even the scrap collectors are too lazy to ask for it.

Only Captain Locke still keeps the sofa.

Because here, he can sit on the sofa, look out the window, and watch the stars.

In this way, Mr. "Smith" returned to his room. According to what he said, he would have some stomach discomfort during the jump, so he would choose to sleep during the trip.

"If possible, I would like to experience this piece of art."

Li Yi said that since the space in the cockpit of the clone pilot was not large, it was obviously impossible to fit a sofa in. He had not experienced the feeling of lying on a sofa in space.

Captain Locke and maintenance worker Thor looked at each other and spread their hands.

"Okay, it's time to set off!"

"Let me see which part of the spacecraft is not welded firmly."

"Clear Sky, this is the command and control center of the space station. You can prepare to leave the station and jump."

"Copy that, see you at the contract interface later!"

"Okay, Locke, I hope your ship will be more complete when we meet next time."

Just like that, the Clear Sky spacecraft left and sailed out of the space station.

Li Yi also came to the large window in front of the cockpit, followed Captain Locke, and looked at the scenery outside the window.

I have to say that putting a sofa in the cockpit and lying on the sofa to admire the stars is indeed a kind of enjoyment.

However, when the Clear Skies left the space station, Li Yi glanced at a Caldari shuttle parked quietly around the space station, watching the spacecraft entering and exiting the space station.

Li Yi smiled slightly.

He knew that this legendary "Sunny Sky" ship's journey would never be peaceful, and this was the time for Li Yi to see what was so special about these old versions of the ship.

This trip to Heck is very important to Li Yi. If everything goes well, he can even see Titan by following the Clear Sky spacecraft!

If possible, Li Yi even wanted to steal a Titan.

That was not a Titan designed for clone pilots, but a real Titan from the Amarr Empire, an Archangel-class Titan.

If you want to operate such a Titan, you must learn to operate these old-fashioned spacecraft.

"They have left the station, and the target is on the spacecraft!"

At this time, the Caldari shuttle next to the space station was sending a message to some people.

Just like that, the Clear Sky started the jump engine.

"They're on their way to you."

The shuttle continued to report, and after the Clear Skies left, it also turned around and left.

In this way, the Clear Skies passed through the star gates and headed straight for the Heck Galaxy.

Among the three people on the spacecraft, Captain Locke had been staring out the window, while the gunner Charlie checked the weapons system of the spacecraft, and the maintenance man Thor was also checking the respective systems of the spacecraft.

Li Yi followed Sol, listening to his introduction to the spacecraft.

"This is the reactor of the spacecraft. It provides the power required by the spacecraft."

"This is the jump computer of the spacecraft. If the jump computer fails, we will not be able to jump."

"This is the propulsion system of the spacecraft. Everything is normal."

"Oh, this is the air sealing system of the spacecraft. It seems that there is something wrong with our air sealing system. The spacecraft is constantly leaking air."

“It’s amazing how well all the systems work!”

At this time, gunner Charlie said to Captain Locke.

"This is the first time that all the systems of the spacecraft can operate normally. It seems that the 3000 million star coins spent on repairs were not wasted." "Except for the light on my console, which is still flashing, everything else is... no problem."

"Didn't you say everything has been repaired?"

"Well, yes, the main system has been repaired, but our lights, cables, and pipes are still the same. The door motors, elevator controls, and sewer systems still need repair."

"Also, don't ask what happened when Sol was taking a shower. We finally connected the lubricant line correctly."

Hearing this, Captain Locke nodded.

"Considering that the ship was put back together from pieces, it's pretty good that it's as good as it is now."

However, Gunner Charlie disagrees.

"When we bought it, that was it, that was the Minmatar style."

Then, the two discussed how to deal with emergencies.

Thor bought a full shield resistance and shield recharger for the Sunny Sky, and also equipped it with some 1400mm howitzers.

This is not an ordinary 1400mm howitzer, but a 2mm howitzer from T1400 Technology. The ammunition used is the "tremor" ammunition bought from Guitar. This is also the ammunition of T2 Technology, and it is powerful.

The spacecraft is also equipped with an enemy tracking computer and a rotation stabilizer to increase the turret's damage and rotation speed.

"It only takes one salvo, and most of the spaceships have already reached the armor!"

Gunner Thor said.

"Yeah, except for us."

Captain Locke complained that this ship, the Clear Sky, obviously couldn't withstand a salvo of 1400mm howitzers. I was afraid that after one round, it would be directly reduced to pieces.

However, such powerful firepower also has a drawback, that is, most of the time, it can only be used to attack stationary targets.

Just when Locke and Charlie were debating whether to call for backup if they faced an unexpected situation.

Maintenanceman Saul interrupted the argument between the two.

"Come to the bridge quickly!"

At this time, maintenance worker Thor had already discovered that someone was "waiting" for their arrival at the Star Gate.

Locke and Charlie ran all the way and finally came over.

They all discovered that there was an accident near the star gate.

At this time, Li Yi also followed Sol and came to the cab.

I also saw the clear sky facing the Clear Sky Wanli now.

The opponent has a total of 3 spaceships, a Raven-class battleship, a Blackbird-class cruiser, and a Heron-class frigate.

"This is a trap!"

"It seems you are not stupid. These people have a lot of background. Even the Stargate Cannon is offline."

Hearing this, Li Yi felt something in his heart. Is the Star Gate Cannon offline?

Obviously, the star gate and star gate cannon will not be offline for players to pass through. The Clear Sky spacecraft is indeed taking a different path from the player's.

They all used other star gates, such as the hidden star gate they saw in the blockade before.

At this moment, the other party also took action.

The Heron-class frigate used jump scrambling to successfully take the Clear Sky's jump engine offline, while the Blackbird-class cruiser used an ECM device to interfere with the Clear Sky's locking system.

Although the gunner Saul turned on the weapon safety and could fire at any time, he could not lock on the target at all. If he could not lock on, he could not fire.

Now, Clear Skies has been slowed down, its speed has been reduced to 20 meters/s, and it cannot move or fight back.

"Okay, dear guest, don't worry, I will find our backup right now!"

At this time, Captain Locke did not forget to remind Li Yi.

"Alright, go ahead."

Li Yi was not panicked. It was his first time to experience the fighting methods of these old-fashioned spaceships. Everything was so fresh.

Anyway, he is an "immortal" clone pilot. Even if the spacecraft is destroyed, the clone body can be reactivated, while the other people on the spacecraft will actually face death.

This situation is the biggest difference between them and clone pilots.

"Hand over your cargo, or let us turn you into a firework."

At this time, the captain of the Crow class finally contacted the Clear Sky.

(End of this chapter)

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