EVE, I’m such a miner

Chapter 203 The Legend of the Crow and the Red Moon

Chapter 203 The Legend of the Crow and the Red Moon (500 orders for additional updates)

Finally, when Li Yi's Crow fired the last round of torpedoes, the two Crow-class battleships were extremely close and were about to collide.

At this time, the first round of torpedoes launched by Li Yi finally touched the shield of the opponent's Crow-class battleship. The shield shook for a while, but it did not disappear completely.

Then, the second round of torpedoes followed and struck, instantly breaking the opponent's shield before the opponent could react.

A round of torpedoes normally has a dph of nearly 7000. With the addition of overload and implants, Li Yi's round of torpedoes reached a dph of nearly 8000, while the opponent's crow-level shield value was only about 7000. In terms of resistance, With the blessing of nature, it can only withstand one round of torpedoes without having its shield broken, but it cannot withstand the second round of torpedoes.

At this time, as long as the opponent turns on the shield recharge, the shield value of the spacecraft can be basically restored. However, under the dive, the second round of strikes will come soon, because this second round of torpedoes is only behind the first. A round of torpedoes is less than 400m away.

At the speed of the torpedo, this second round of strikes was just 0.17 seconds after the first round. Such strikes were too dense and the opponent could not react at all.

The second round of torpedoes penetrated the opponent's arc, damaging the Raven-class armor and knocking off nearly half of it.

Then, the third round of torpedoes arrived. These torpedoes were all launched while the Crow class was sprinting. The distance between them was less than 400m. At the speed of the torpedoes, these strikes all happened at the same second. Inside.

The third round of torpedoes penetrated the opponent's armor and damaged the opponent's hull structure.

Then, the fourth round of torpedoes also arrived. Under the impact of the fourth round of torpedoes, only a trace of the opponent's Crow-class hull structure was left.

However, this is not the last round. The last round is the fifth round of torpedoes that Li Yi just launched.

If the flight time exceeds 16s, 0s is the time for the first round of torpedoes, 4s is the second round of torpedoes, 8s is the third round, 12s is the fourth round, and 16s is the fifth round of torpedoes.

The distance between the head and tail of these five torpedoes was no more than 5km. At the torpedo's speed of 2, these five torpedoes all hit the target in the same second.

In less than a second, unless the opponent knows what will happen in advance and is fully focused and prepared, the opponent will not be able to make any reaction and will not be able to save his Raven-class battleship.

Under the fifth round of torpedo strikes, the opponent's spacecraft could no longer maintain the structural stability of the hull, and the spacecraft exploded and disintegrated.

At this time, Li Yi's crow happened to rush in front of his opponent.


During the violent explosion, the two spaceships did not collide. Li Yi's crow swooped in from a distance, crossed the red moon, passed through the flames of the explosion of the other's hull, crashed through the scattered wreckage, and streaked across The red moon flies into the distance.

Such a scene is destined to remain in the minds of these viewers.

The spectators who were watching the game around them didn't realize what happened at first. When Li Yi's crow flew away through the flames of the explosion, they finally came to their senses.

Although they didn't know how it was done, they all understood that an incredible scene happened here! This was a scene they could not have imagined, yet it happened so incredibly.

"what happened?"

"Instant kill! It's actually an instant kill!"

"This is an instant kill! The torpedo crow actually killed the turtle crow instantly!"

"Incredible, incredible, this is an instant kill! He actually killed a battleship in an instant!"

"Is this a BUG?"

"How on earth did you do it!"

"How is it possible that in a battleship duel, you can actually kill instantly!"

At this time, the outside of the arena was boiling!

Instant kill! Such a situation actually occurs on a ship with strong defense like a battleship, and the opponent is a turtle and crow!

Originally, the output of the torpedo Crow could only slowly drain the opponent's battery before destroying it, but at this time, Li Yi's Crow swooped in, carrying 5 rounds of torpedoes, and actually achieved an instant kill!

Before this, no battleship had ever killed another battleship instantly.

Instant kill, such a situation cannot happen in a 1V1 battle of battleships.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can a battleship kill another battleship instantly!"

"This is absolutely impossible!" "Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway. This is an instant kill!"

"Instant kill, isn't it only possible when a big ship hits a small ship? How could it happen on a spaceship of the same level, or a battleship!"

According to theory, even the 1400mm howitzer with the highest DPH cannot kill a battleship instantly. Even if the opponent's battleship has no defense, it will still require at least 3-4 rounds of 1400mm howitzer salvos.

This is the method used by those who bombard the party. With the 1400mm howitzer, they can kill the battleship instantly.

However, those rape gangs are not alone. They can do it only by appearing in groups.

However, now, those viewers have looked back at the video and confirmed once again that an instant kill really took place, killing a battleship in an instant.


At this time, the audience were so shocked by the scene before them that they were speechless.

The Crow-class battleship instantly killed another Crow-class battleship, although the opponent's battleship was not equipped with much equipment to improve the effective defense of the spacecraft.

However, that is a battleship. In the most basic case, the effective defense value exceeds 3 battleships. However, because the opponent's Crow-class battleship has no time to activate the shield recharge, the opponent's effective value is basically It is about the basic effective value of the Crow-class battleship.

This means that Li Yi's Crow class caused nearly 4 damage in an instant, and all of these damage occurred within 1 second.

This is a flash sale.

"The moment the Crow class passes by, it's the moment when fireworks bloom!"

I don't know who said this to describe the scene at this time, to describe Li Yi's swooping crow.

Gradually, this sentence became a legend, and basically not many people recreated this scene in real battles.

This is because the conditions for use are too harsh. First, it is necessary to reduce the flight speed of the torpedo, and then increase the flight speed of the Crow class to the extreme. Moreover, the opponent's spacecraft also needs to have little movement ability and no effective defense.

So many conditions came together to create this extremely rare instant kill in actual combat.

And this swooping crow gradually became a true legend.

Legend has it that when the Crow-class battleship dives towards you across the red moon, the moment it passes you by, fireworks will burst into bloom.

Such a scene has become the most classic scene in this competition and will always be remembered by others.

However, occasionally some players have succeeded in replicating it, such as using advanced viper implants, fleet bonuses, etc. to reproduce such a swooping crow.

With these bonuses, the speed of these Crow-class battleships can even be faster than the speed of torpedoes. When the Crow-class battleship dives in, there are a large number of torpedoes following behind the Crow-class.

These torpedoes instantly bombarded the target spacecraft, and then fireworks exploded.

At this time, the game is about to end. As soon as this last round of competition is completed, the player's event will end. What follows is a fleet battle between the six major Emma families.

"Take action!"

In the Emma Space Station, someone gave an order, and Hells Angel-class battleships sailed out of the space station one after another.

 Swooping Crow, a tactic from the Red Moon era of EVE, has now become a legend, for cutting down the speed of battleships, and missiles, especially torpedoes.

  In the past, torpedoes could fly for 30 seconds and hit 80km. At that time, the crow was faster.

  Diving the Crow means launching torpedoes from 80km away. When the Crow rushes in front of you, any non-flagship ship will be instantly killed.

  This is what I modified based on the data of the current version. It is one of the few scenes where the swooping crow can be used.



(End of this chapter)

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