I'm playing whack-a-mole in Siberia

Chapter 310 Add some extra stuff

Chapter 310 Add some extra stuff

For Amur, the Qing Empire was the best market.

The rich people in the Qing Empire were really rich. Most of the mansions next to Peter the Great Bay were owned by the princes and ministers of the Qing Empire.

Many of Siberia Bank's big customers are Qing nationals, and at most one of them has a deposit of more than 10 million rubles in Siberia Bank.

George didn't know how much money the big customer had.

But George was certain that the big customer would not keep all his money in the Siberian Bank.

The wealthy ladies of the Qing Empire were also an important customer group for Vladivostok's products. Vladivostok exported fabrics from the Qing Dynasty, using Qing Dynasty craftsmanship, to make garments to the Qing Dynasty, and the supply exceeded demand.

It's strange, it's strange, it's strange.

Akihito had no residence in Vladivostok, so he stayed at the Japanese Embassy in Vladivostok.

The Japanese embassy, ​​like the embassies of other countries, is located on Wanguo Road next to the Guest House. Walking along Wanguo Road to the end is Imperial Avenue.

Of course beef stew with potatoes is also a must.

Ichiro Shiga was very respectful, and it was difficult for him to do his job in Vladivostok.

"Work hard, the empire will not forget your efforts!"

But the area is not small, it is larger than the Austro-Hungarian Embassy next to it.

When it comes to revenge, it has to be Russia!
"Vladivostok is backed by the Russian Empire and has endless resources. The officials here are all personally appointed by Super Duke Yurievsky. They are equivalent to the Duke's retainers. Their salaries are generous and they have almost no salary. The worry is that if they make a mistake, the one at the Yuriev Palace can punish them directly without trial, so they are difficult to deal with. Last month, the military attaché at the British Embassy tried to bribe a police officer and was expelled."

These embassies were built by each country, so they have different styles. Walking along the alleys beside the road, there are residences for the embassy staff on both sides of the road.

The residences on both sides of the road are also unique, with traditional oriental pavilions and spires and bell towers common in Europe. There are four churches within a distance of just one thousand meters, which fully proves the inclusiveness of the city of Vladivostok.

"We will definitely redouble our efforts and never let down the mission entrusted to us by the empire."

Incomplete statistics show that more than 60% of special workers in Vladivostok are from Japan.

Even the alley can accommodate four carriages driving side by side. The ground is all hardened with stone strips and is swept as clean as if it had been washed with water.

In order to save money, the Japanese Embassy was not even willing to burn too many fireplaces. All staff concentrated their work in one large room as much as possible.

The location of the Japanese embassy is a bit remote, and the building is not very brilliant.

Akihito worked hard to feed Ichiro Shiga chicken soup. Japan was tightening its belts from top to bottom and struggling to survive. The embassy in Vladivostok was just a microcosm.

"Is Amur really that rich?"

The dinner was still very sumptuous, including not only Akihito’s favorite sashimi, but also caviar produced in the Russian Empire, as well as tropical fruits from East India and the Malay Peninsula.

More than 60% of the rest comes from Korea.

Akira was in a heavy mood and had no appetite, so he took two hasty bites and ended it.

But Vladivostok was so unwilling to give the Austro-Hungarian Empire face, which Akihito did not expect.

All the Japanese government's revenue was used to build warships, and the funds for Shiga Ichiro were seriously insufficient.

Akihito had been to Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire respectively, and knew that the relationship between the two was not very good.

Ichiro Shiga had no choice but to use the traditional skills of the Japanese Empire to collect information, and at the same time make some money.

When Akihito came to Vladivostok, he realized how far Vladivostok had developed in just a few years.

At this time in 93 and 94, there were still many places around the world experiencing famines from time to time, but fish meat had become the most common ingredient in Vladivostok. A wild large yellow croaker sold for only 25 kopecks.

No way, there are just so many of them now. To what extent is Amur wildlife overrun?
There is a saying in the Qing Empire that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

In Vladivostok, the number of Siberian tigers is so large that there are more people than there are people.

As for beating the roe deer with a stick and scooping out fish, the pheasant flew into the iron pot.

Not only is this not an exaggeration, it actually feels inappropriate.

Do you still need to use a ladle to scoop out fish? In winter, dig a hole in the lake and the fish will jump out on their own.

It’s hard to say whether the pheasants will fly into the iron pot on their own initiative, but there are definitely more chickens than the old hens raised by people in Vladivostok.

So as long as you work hard in Vladivostok and don’t freeze to death in winter or be bitten by wild beasts, it will be a paradise.

"What I stated in the report is not enough to describe one-tenth of Amur's wealth. There are too many secrets in Amur that are not known to the outside world. What we can see are what the Amur officials are willing to let us see. Amur's No one has ever known how strong its industrial capabilities are, how many tons of steel it can produce each year, how many tons of coal it can mine, how many guns and artillery it can produce.”

Shiga Ichiro was worried about the future of the empire.

This is just the Amur. How many Amur are there in the entire Russian Empire?

Although there are not many people in Amur.

But there are more than 100 million people in the entire Russian Empire.

Is this a country that Japan can challenge?

"How many train guns are there in Vladivostok?"

Akira Ren is not desperate, it all depends on people.

"Although there is only one train gun that comes and goes, who dares to believe that there is only one train gun in Vladivostok?"

George's trick worked, focusing on a false and true story.

"The Vladivostok Shipyard has the ability to build giant ships of 300 tons. Although the torpedo boats currently under construction are only tons, the Russian Empire's shipyards themselves have the ability to build battleships. The difference is just whether they want to or not."

The more Ichiro Shiga talks, the more desperate he becomes. Even Japan can build a 4000-ton cruiser. There is no reason why the Vladivostok Shipyard cannot.

It is known that Vladivostok can build 10,000-ton merchant ships.

Vladivostok can also produce 305 naval guns.

The British "Sovereign" class battleship has a main gun caliber of only 343.

That is the most powerful royal fleet in the world.

"The Russian Empire is the most powerful country in the world, and it is not surprising that it has such strength."

At least for now, Akihito does not have the courage to challenge the Russian Empire.

George knew that the outside world was curious about the strength of the Amur Military Region.

Celebrating the New Year is a good opportunity to show force. George prepared a military parade for ministers from various countries and citizens of Vladivostok to add luster to a series of New Year celebrations.

The military parade is held at the Imperial Plaza. Construction workers have built three 20-meter-high viewing platforms for nearly a thousand people to watch the military parade.

The Vladivostok Infantry Division was formed on the basis of the Oak Regiment. Yelokhin himself was a squire general and was very familiar with military parades.

George was not satisfied.

Not dissatisfied with the process, but dissatisfied with the content.

(End of this chapter)

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