I'm playing whack-a-mole in Siberia

Chapter 169 Are you radical or conservative?

Chapter 169 Are you radical or conservative?
  George gave DeYoung the task of reciting Pushkin's "If Life Deceived You."

If you can’t even recite Pushkin, do you still deserve to be a Russian?
  Looking sad along with De Yang was George's guard captain Yangkov.

When the Fu Tuan was established, George asked Yangkov if he wanted to become a battalion commander in the Fu Tuan.

Yankov didn't want to go. He was so comfortable with George that he wouldn't change him for a major.

Now he finally felt uncomfortable. If Yangkov couldn't memorize "If Life Deceived You" within the time specified by George, then Yangkov would have to clean the toilet with Dejan.

"I would rather run 10,000 meters." Yankov hated Pushkin deeply.

"If I don't have to carry this thing, I can run away with 20,000 yuan!" Deyang's words made Yangkov angry. Is this going to be a ticket?

"If life deceives you, don't be sad, don't be impatient - how do you pronounce this?" Yangkov cheered up.

"Silly!" Deyang said unkindly.

"You need to be calm in your silly days - you are so stupid!" Yangkov scolded with a smile. He was neither stupid nor stupid, he just didn't want to learn.

To be able to become George's guard captain, Yangkov's IQ is naturally online.

In fact, Deyang is not stupid. If you ask him to learn how to fight, he will learn very quickly. He is more proficient in surrounding areas and calling for reinforcements than anyone else. But when it comes to learning, as soon as Deyang sits down, his whole body will be full of energy. uncomfortable.

Drink water, drink coffee, nibble a carrot, eat a snack, go to the toilet, come back and continue drinking water——

If you drink too much water and there is no taste in your mouth, then drink some wine.


When George saw the two drunken men, he became furious.

I asked you to study, but you actually drank!

Great, let's go clean the toilet together.

"Duke, I know how to recite it -" Yangkov said confidently.

"Back!" George checked his homework.

"If life deceives you - you need to be stupid in your life - damn it!" Yangkov kicked De Yang to the ground, who was swaying with laughter.

George was speechless, these two living treasures could talk about cross talk.

Although a bit surprising, Dejan and Yankov really passed George's test.

George confirmed that these officers under his command were not stupid, but did not understand the importance of knowledge and culture.

George called the officers together for a meeting.

Although the soldiers of Fu Tuan are not full, the officers are full, with a total of 85 officers.

Some of these 85 officers were promoted from the Fu regiment, and some were members of George's guards. George's guards are now all new recruits. The veterans either serve as officers in the Fu regiment, or serve as sergeants or sergeants in the lower companies.

"I know that many of you don't care about learning."

"I ask you to think about it, do you want to be an officer for the rest of your life? When you retire, what else will you do besides serving as soldiers and fighting?"

"As you all know, the Amur Governorate and the Amur Military District have just been established, and a large number of civilian officials are needed in a short period of time."

"When you retire, some of you will be appointed as officials, and some of you can only go to the factory to see the gate. Where to go depends on your thoughts."

George made it very clear that they are all adults and must be responsible for their own actions.

If his academic performance is good, George will naturally make arrangements when the time comes. These officers will play a decisive role in George's control of the Amur region.

If your grades are not good, there is nothing you can do about it. Going to the factory to see the gate will definitely not be a problem, but there is still a gap in the treatment between the Vladivostok police chief and the factory security director.

After Milyutin's restructuring, the service time of Russian soldiers was shortened from 25 years to 9 years.

This time is still too long. George decided to transfer some officers to local places starting next year. With the urban development of Vladivostok, the quality of officials also urgently needs to be improved.

"Duke, can't you be an officer for the rest of your life?" Yankov doesn't want to leave the army. Those who retired in Russia in 9 years were soldiers. Many officers are professional soldiers and will only leave the army when they retire.

"Of course, but the empire also has requirements for officers. Strictly speaking, none of your academic qualifications meet the requirements of the empire." George's requirements for military officers are stricter than those for local officials. Only the best officers can Became a professional soldier in Vladivostok.

The situation of Fu Tuan is somewhat special, unlike other legions in the empire.

Officers from other officers in the empire must at least graduate from a regular military academy before they are eligible to serve as officers. Almost all the officers of the Fu regiment were promoted by George. Only the five lieutenants and staff officers at the regiment headquarters were staff officers who graduated from regular military academies. The others were, to put it bluntly, wild men with shady backgrounds.

"There is only one legion in Vladivostok now, and it will definitely expand in the future. By then, the people around you may become legion commanders, or even generals, and may be juniors who are much junior than you. Will you be your commanders? Don't you blush when you salute them?" George hoped that the officers would take the initiative to roll up, so that they would be motivated.

The effect of the meeting was still very good. Even Ye Luoxin started to take the initiative to study. He was the only tsarist general in the Amur Military Region. He graduated from a regular military school and had a good foundation.

After finishing the talisman, George focused his main energy on the development of Vladivostok.

The second batch of steelmaking equipment from the United States arrived, and the scale of the steel plant expanded again.

The steel rails trial-produced by the steel plant last winter passed Kanunikov's inspection and can be used for railway construction.

After a winter of accumulation, the steel plant has stockpiled nearly a thousand rails. After the spring, the railway between Vladivostok and Khabarovsk will start construction, and the development of Khabarovsk is finally on the agenda.

"Khabarovka is safer than Vladivostok. We will move some important factories and research institutions to Khabarovka. Vladivostok's main responsibility in the future is trade." George The plan made Korf almost cry with joy. Thank God, George finally remembered that his fiefdom was not just Vladivostok.

Vladivostok is a port. Although it has forts and a navy, it is not as safe as Khabarovsk.

Khabarovsk is located inland and has very convenient transportation via rivers and railways, which does not increase transportation costs much.

After George starts building the railway, the Amur railway must be privately owned by George. Then George can charge as much freight as he wants, and let those so-called railway tycoons in St. Petersburg die.

As a man of action who devotes himself to the development of real industry, George hates the high freight charges in Russia. After the wheat from St. Petersburg is shipped to Vladivostok, the freight is 330% of the price of the wheat itself. This is a gross industry, and the profits are all squandered. Help the railroad tycoon make money.

George's requirements for freight are very simple. As long as he does not lose money, the goods produced in Amur must be mobile to be valuable. What is the current industrial scale of Vladivostok? Once the entire Amur region takes action, the energy that will burst out will be shocking. world.

So Korff, don’t be too happy, George’s requirements for him are also increasing.

"No problem, you have the final say where the factory and research institutions are built, and how big the place is. Even if you want to build the factory in my Governor's Mansion, I will demolish it tomorrow." Korff had long wanted to The Governor's Palace in Khabarovsk was demolished so that Korv could build the Governor's Palace in Vladivostok.

"There is no need to demolish your Governor's Palace, or even any house in Khabarovka. I am going to move the factories and research institutions to a safe enough place and build a new city." George has a deep understanding of Japan's intelligence capabilities. Enough vigilance, once the new city is built, Japanese people and dogs are strictly prohibited from entering.

Chinese who want to go to the new city must undergo strict inspection.

The disgusting thing about the Japanese is that this nation is very good at pretending.

Before the Sino-Japanese War broke out, Japan took advantage of the relatively similar appearance of East Asians to train many Japanese intelligence officers in Japan who looked no different from Chinese, and sent these intelligence officers to work in the Qing Empire.

The Japanese also paid heavily to bribe Qing people who were willing to provide information to Japan to spy on Japan.

Now Vladivostok's awareness of precautions against the Japanese is becoming more and more obvious.

But George was not sure whether there were Japanese spies among the Qing people hired by Vladivostok.

Yes or no.

George's policy for the new city is that no one is allowed in or out. The new city has hospitals, schools, nurseries, and nursing homes. It covers everything from birth to death. Even if there are spies, George makes it impossible for them to pass on the information.

This extreme situation will not last long. Twenty or thirty years is enough. Even if information is leaked by then, George will not be afraid.

The fundamental reason why Japan was stuck in going to war with the Russian Empire before the Trans-Siberian Railway was opened to traffic was that the Russian side did not do a good job in preventive measures and the Japanese found out their wealth, so the Japanese took desperate risks.

Things are much simpler now.

After Vladivostok has sufficient strength, even if the Japanese find out Vladivostok's family background, it is estimated that the Japanese will not dare to go to war with Russia.

When the time comes, George can make a round ball if he wants to, and flatten if he wants to flatten it.

"Is this necessary?" Korff felt that George was a little overly cautious, as he was quite aggressive some time ago.

Could it be that he was frightened by the Tsar's order?
  Korff felt the need to send another telegram to St. Petersburg. It was not good to be too radical, but it was equally bad to be too conservative.

"It is so necessary. I hope that the workers in the factory can work hard without any worries. The situation in St. Petersburg must not happen in Amur." George must strictly guard against not only the Japanese, but also the Russian People's Popular Party. .

Compared with the Japanese, the People's Democratic Party is more hateful.

If the Japanese are a disease of the elbows and armpits, then the People's Democratic Party is the real thorn in their side.

Korff nodded silently.

This is right, this is the Yurievsky Super Duke I am familiar with.

(End of this chapter)

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