Chapter 146 The Magician

Today's Russians have not learned to respect others, so Chinese immigrants should not stay in Vladivostok and go directly to Sakhalin, out of sight and out of mind.

Sakhalin, like Vladivostok, was a fiefdom of George.

Sakhalin Island covers an area of ​​7.64 square kilometers. The northern part is flat and mainly hilly and mountainous. The southern part is rich in forest resources. There are oil, coal, and gold underground, and it is rich in salmon.

After Mikhail registered the residents of Vladivostok in detail, he sent Chinese immigrants to Sakhalin Island in batches and built four settlements on Sakhalin Island.

By Vladivostok standards, there are actually four farms. The main tasks of the residents are to open up wasteland, fish, build houses, and survive the first winter first.

This summer, the wasteland reclaimed by Sakhalin Island last year has achieved a bumper harvest, with an average yield of 120 poods per mu, which not only meets the consumption of Sakhalin residents, but also saves money, and the prospects are promising.

With grain in hand, don't panic in my heart.

When you have surplus grain, you will be in the mood to do other things. You will raise poultry and livestock first. The surplus grain can also be used to make wine. If there is still surplus grain, you will raise more poultry and livestock to make more wine. One day, you will not be able to eat any more grain. When finished, you can consider external output.

Export grain to other countries?
  Stop being ridiculous, Russia only exports great power chauvinism.

George cannot yet care about Sakhalin, and his support for Sakhalin is very limited.

For Korff and Mikhail, this is the most normal thing.

George is a Russian, so he cannot be so nice to the Chinese for no reason.

Now George is tantamount to throwing Chinese immigrants to Sakhalin Island and leaving them to fend for themselves. This is in line with the behavioral logic of a Russian super duke.

When Chinese immigrants make achievements in Sakhalin Island and can bring benefits to George, it will be logical for George to improve the status of Chinese immigrants.

After all, the "greedy and spendthrift" Super Duke Yurievsky will not be troubled by his own money bag.

After the New Year, the first machines from the United States arrived in Vladivostok.

Also arriving at the same time was an icebreaker belonging to George.

With the icebreaker, Vladivostok’s external contacts in winter no longer completely rely on the Siberian fleet.

These machines are all industrial machine tools.

Machine tools are basic equipment for industrial production, including lathes, drilling machines, boring machines, grinders, etc. With these equipment, Vladivostok has the possibility to develop industry.

Machine tools alone are not enough; skilled workers are also required.

In 1884, machine tools were not numerically controlled and had to be operated manually, so experienced workers were extremely valuable. This is how the legend of "eighth-level workers" came about.

Even in St. Petersburg, experienced workers are extremely rare. If Vladivostok wants skilled workers, it must train them themselves.

George called both Kanunnikov and Igor to come together to figure out a solution.

"If you need workers, you can go to the technical schools in St. Petersburg to recruit them, or you can build your own technical schools to train them."

"The factories in St. Petersburg use the old to bring in the new, and every time they bring out a qualified worker, they will get a reward."

Kanunnikov and Igor gave very different advice.

This is normal. Kanunnikov and Igor are in different classes, have different living environments, and must have different understandings of things.

It is unrealistic to build a self-owned technical school. Vladivostok has not yet established a systematic education system. Even if a school is built, there will be no students.

Although the Russian education system is a little rough, it does exist after all.

After Russian students graduate from primary school, they can go to technical schools or military schools. Those with the best grades go to university. They all have a bright future.

There is not even a primary school in Vladivostok. It is unrealistic to train skilled workers in large quantities. The only way is to take the traditional path of bringing in the old and bringing in the new.

In St. Petersburg, old workers lead new people, and for each qualified worker they bring out, the old workers can receive a reward of 10-100 rubles.

Most of the time it's 10 rubles.

Although there is a standard of 100 rubles, no one has ever received it.

George stopped playing tricks. For every qualified worker he brings out, George will be rewarded 30 rubles.

George designed a complex wage calculation system. Based on the different proficiency levels of workers, as well as comprehensive considerations such as efficiency and yield rate, Vladivostok workers can theoretically receive up to 50 rubles per month.

If you want to get this salary, you must be able to process 305 mm naval guns, and you must not make mistakes.

This salary does not include taking care of students.

So if you want to get a high salary, you can also focus more on training students.

Chinese tradition is to teach students to starve their masters to death.

This basically does not exist in Vladivostok. In theory, the number of skilled workers needed in Vladivostok is unlimited, the more the better.

"The condition of these machines is not very good. Some machines have not been used for a long time and are seriously rusted and corroded. Some machines are seriously insufficient in accuracy and cannot be used to process precision parts." Igor was not satisfied with the condition of the machines. So satisfied. There is no other way. The Americans will not sell the most advanced machines to Thierry. The Americans themselves do not have enough. These machines have been eliminated by American factories.

The industry in Vladivostok has just started, and the number of skilled workers is seriously insufficient. Giving Vladivostok the most advanced machinery is also a waste.

Although the performance of these machines has lagged behind, it is consistent with the level of Vladivostok workers. In the future, as the processing level of Vladivostok improves, George will also upgrade the equipment.

Igor is highly skilled and comprehensive and knows how to use all the machines. He spent a whole morning using these machines to process a double-barreled shotgun.

After George's test firing, it was confirmed that the shotgun performed well, and this shotgun became the first product of the Vladivostok Machinery Factory.

"In the future, a museum will be built to offer this shotgun. It is the first industrial product in Vladivostok and is of great significance." George will not miss such a momentous moment. He also has his own methods for production efficiency.

It took Igor a whole morning to make a shotgun, which was too inefficient.

George popularized the assembly line concept to Igor.

Igor frowned. The assembly line did not require skilled workers with comprehensive skills, but only skilled workers who were proficient in a certain technology. This seemed to Igor to be a waste.

"Workers don't need to operate many machines at the same time. They only need to be proficient in one of them. Those who rub the barrel only rub the barrel, and those who make the butt only make the butt. Practice makes perfect. In this way, incomplete and incomplete skills can be trained in a large amount in a short period of time. But a skilled worker who is proficient in a certain technology.”

George hopes that Kanunnikov and Igor can understand the significance of the assembly line for industrial production. If Vladivostok wants to have strong industrial processing capabilities in a short time, the assembly line is essential.

Kanunnikov and Igor both frowned. The assembly line concept proposed by George was too novel and completely different from the industrial production they were familiar with.

"Igor, if you want to get higher income and higher social status, you have to get rid of the worker mentality and focus on how to train more workers as soon as possible and how to improve production efficiency. If you are in this position If you don't perform well, someone will replace you." George put forward higher demands on Igor. No matter what method, you have to give it a try to know whether it is suitable.

"The assembly line is theoretically feasible -" Kanunnikov's acceptance of new things is obviously faster than that of Igor.

Kanunnikov also has a mission.

The Vladivostok industry has begun to take off, and then it will need richer and more advanced products.

This is Kanunnikov's job.

Kanunnikov and his students are the rare high-tech talents of this era, and are more important than skilled technical workers.

George decided to set up an institute in Vladivostok and let Kanunnikov and his students do what they did best.

It would be too wasteful for Petersburg University professors and students to collect samples in the field. They are better suited to study how to make products have better performance in the laboratory.

There are so many types of industries that Kanunnikov can study for a lifetime just by making steel.

George hopes that Kanunnikov can become his horse bone and attract more high-tech talents to settle in Vladivostok. Igor determines the lower limit of Vladivostok's industry, while Kanunnikov can determine the upper limit of Vladivostok's industry.

Kanunnikov is proficient in mechanical design. George introduced Kanunnikov to the principles of semi-automatic pistols and told Kanunnikov the general characteristics of semi-automatic pistols.

Half a month later, Kanunikov handed George a design drawing.

George handed the drawings to Igor, and it took only three days for Igor to get George a semi-automatic pistol.

This is not an outrageous thing. Heavy machine guns are now available, and there are no technical obstacles to semi-automatic pistols.

Even without George's promotion, the world's first semi-automatic pistol would have been born in Austria in 1892.

With George, this process has been greatly accelerated, and future history books will write: In 1885, the world's first semi-automatic pistol was born in Vladivostok.

Really, before I know it, it’s already 1885——

George has grown a year older and now looks like an adult.

Except there is no beard on the face.

After spring, George will return to St. Petersburg.

Ekaterina is also going back to France. She wants to bring new hope to France's wealthy ladies.

Last winter, Makarova and Shadelin had new technology. Makarova designed a new lipstick to make women's lips more beautiful and attractive.

Naturally, men can also use it. Shadelin does not focus on beauty and attractiveness, but on preventing dryness and cracking.

So the cosmetics laboratory has a new product to prevent frostbite.

With the function of preventing frostbite, cosmetics are no longer cosmetics, but medicines.

George sent a telegram to Shadelin and asked Shadelin to go to the Qing Empire to find excellent folk prescriptions, which was another huge market.

George is not a Chinese medicine expert. Although he cannot explain the principles of Chinese medicine, compared with European medicine, Chinese medicine is definitely a Zenith star technology.

Before Chinese medicine was introduced to Europe, Europeans treated patients with headaches by beheading and feet by beheading. Doctors had the same image in people's minds as magicians.

 I fell asleep on the table while coding last night, and I have to go to the hospital today. I am also sick——

  (End of this chapter)

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