I'm playing whack-a-mole in Siberia

Chapter 107 You seem to be blaming me

Chapter 107 You seem to be blaming me

Romania is a typical agricultural country. The proportion of gross industrial production in the national economy is very low. Although the output of grain is not low, it is far inferior to that of Russia. All the advantageous projects of this country are as high as those of the Russian Empire. overlapping.

No wonder Romania, as a neighbor of Russia, has never been taken seriously by Russia. For Russia, Romania does not seem to have any value worth wooing.

George doesn't think so.

In the Tenth Russo-Turkish War, Archduke Karl led 3.8 Romanian troops to participate in the war and made a major contribution to the Russian army's victory in the Battle of Pleven.

When Romania entered the war, it was not even an independent country. The Battle of Pleven also played a decisive role in gaining recognition from European countries for Romania.

Unfortunately, the friendly relations between the Russian Empire and Romania were short-lived. After Romania became independent, the relationship between the Russian Empire and Romania became increasingly tense.

This is another typical case where the butt decides the head.

Before the Tenth Russo-Turkish War, Romania, like Bulgaria, Serbia, and Montenegro, was ruled by the Ottoman Empire.

To get rid of the rule of the Ottoman Empire, the Russo-Turkish War was the best opportunity.

Archduke Karl seized the opportunity, and Romania successfully won its independent status. As a result, Romania's biggest threat changed from the Ottoman Empire to Russia.

Romania and the Ottoman Empire did not border on each other, and if the Eleventh Russo-Turkish War broke out, the Bulgarians would be the first to bear the wrath of the Ottomans.

The threat from Russia is very close at hand.

"It's not too late to learn about Romania slowly after arriving in Bucharest. To truly understand Romania, you need to observe with your own eyes instead of completely believing in these written reports." Although Milyutin did not become George's military teacher, it was true Train George as his close disciple.

George also had someone to train, so George brought Andrei with him, and Demet also appeared in the visiting team as Milyutin's adjutant.

All the work of the rubber group can only be entrusted to Ye Luoxin.

This was no problem, Ye Luoxin had been a general and was more than capable of managing a mere regiment.

"What is our purpose this time?" George sharpened his sword before the battle.

The alliance between the two countries is a complicated task, and George does not think that all problems can be solved this time.

"Don't think too much. We are going on vacation this time. By the way, we invite the kings of the Balkan countries to participate in the celebration of His Majesty's second anniversary." Milyutin had a copy of Leo Tolstoy's "Anna Calle" at hand. Nina", reading is one of Milyutin's hobbies.

This is rare. Almost all the Russians George knows, few like to read.

George also likes reading, but he spends less and less time reading.

"Time flies so fast!" George sighed casually.

"Hahahaha——" Mi Liujing laughed and shook his head repeatedly: "You little guys always feel that time passes too slowly. You wish you could grow up overnight. Nostalgia for the past is the exclusive domain of old guys like us."

"Whether it's too slow or too fast, we have to live in the moment." George was multitasking, chatting with Milyutin and writing to Nikolay. Nicholas was very envious of George being able to go to the Balkans with Milyutin. He was the crown prince and could not leave Russia easily, so Nicholas asked George to write him a letter to talk about his lovesickness.

"We haven't arrived in Bucharest yet, what are you writing about?" Milyutin was curious.

"Some ideas about Vladivostok." George did not hide it.

The development of Vladivostok is inseparable from the empire's help. George not only needs policy and economic tilt, but also needs to change some of Nikolai's ideas.

Russia is a country that is extremely stubborn about its territory. From the tiny land of the Grand Duchy of Moscow to the current huge empire with an area of ​​2200 million square kilometers, Russia's persistence in land can be seen.

Just like Italy in Churchill's words, Russia also has sharp teeth but no good appetite. Russia does not manage such a huge territory very well. Except for a few limited large cities such as St. Petersburg and Moscow, it is everywhere. They are all dilapidated and extremely underdeveloped.

In this regard, after Nicholas came to the throne, Russia also proposed the Yellow Russia Plan, and it was not afraid of pushing itself to death.

George hopes that Nikolai can shift his attention from external expansion to Russia's domestic development.

Anyone who has played P Club games knows that after occupying an area, it takes a long time to digest it before you can truly claim it as your own.

Siberia is such a big land, but there are only a few people there. If it continues to expand, where will the population come from? Russian women are already trying their best to have children, but it takes time for children to grow up.

"Why would you accept a place like Vladivostok?" Milyutin hoped to improve his understanding of George.

"Isn't Vladivostok bad?" George would definitely not reveal all his thoughts.

"It's not that Vladivostok is not good, but you should have better choices, such as Poland, or somewhere on the Black Sea." Milyutin hopes that George can spend more time in Europe instead of Far East.

Vladivostok is very good. The only drawback is that it is too far from St. Petersburg. It takes several months to go back and forth. A waste of time is a waste of life.

"This year in the Guards, I have met many new friends -" George did not directly answer Milyutin's question: "-almost everyone hopes to launch a war, win glory, occupy the enemy's city, and plunder the enemy's wealth--"

Milyutin didn't interrupt. He knew the Russian military better than George and knew what the madmen in the military were thinking all day long.

"Has anyone thought about what to do after occupying the enemy's city? In 1855, there were only 50 riots within the empire. Last year, there were as many as 230 riots. Therefore, the empire must maintain a large-scale local army and reserve forces to maintain The cost of these troops accounts for more than half of all military expenditures. Has anyone thought about the consequences if this situation continues?" George seized every opportunity to influence the people around him, and Milyutin was the key figure.

After Yasan came to power, although Milyutin resigned as Minister of War, he did not fade out of the center of power. As the most important minister in the Yasan era, his advice was very important to the tsar.

"It sounds like you are accusing me -" Milyugin looked a little frustrated.

In 1856, Milyutin began to serve as a member of the Military Work Improvement Committee and served as Minister of War from 1861 to 1881. Milyutin was very aware of the situations George mentioned, but he had no good solution.

"Although you are not responsible for this aspect of work, all of us should be responsible for this." George became ruthless, not even letting himself go.

 Forgot the time
  (End of this chapter)

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