Chapter 120 Determined to tear down the Great Wall

Duo Ze and Li Yangeng fled north in embarrassment and arrived at Zunhua. At the top of Zunhua City, the King's flag had been changed. The high Ming army flag was like an iron gate bolt, firmly sealing their retreat.

It's over, it was fine when we came, and we can't go back.

"Your Majesty, let's attack the city with all our strength and open a way out."

Duo Ze glanced at Li Yangeng; "Without the Han army, do you want me to attack the Manchu Eight Banners? The life of your Han army is not as good as a dog of my Manchu family. Let my warriors attack the strong city, and I will lose nothing. I guess I will go back. My princely hat is gone too.”

The emergency report was not received at night, "A large group of Ming troops are pursuing us."

Duo Ze decisively ordered: "Bypassing Zunhua, we will walk through the mountains."

When we arrived at Xifengkou, the military flag of the Ming Dynasty was flying. When we reached all the gaps in the Great Wall, there were soldiers of the Fourth Army and the Third Division waiting in full formation.

At this time, the important role of the Great Wall was truly highlighted.

Although the Great Wall couldn't stop people, it could stop horses.

In the end, Duo Zai gave the order to abandon all the war horses, and everyone climbed over the Great Wall into Mongolia and went home.

Two legs really couldn't catch up with four legs. In the end, Lu Mou's army stopped at the Great Wall. After capturing tens of thousands of war horses, the enemy was still not completely wiped out.

This made him feel very sorry.

Lu Chenglong was ordered to withdraw his soldiers and horses from the Great Wall, turning the Great Wall into an undefended line of defense again.

All generals expressed firm opposition to this.

Lu Chenglong said firmly: "Your Majesty, although it is difficult to defend the Great Wall, the soldiers of our third division are willing to endure hardships to defend the territory and peace for our Han nation."

Lu Mou smiled and shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to defend the Great Wall and protect the stability and peace of the Han Dynasty. But why do we defend now instead of letting go? Just like this time, let go of the Great Wall and let the enemy in, and then we will Wouldn’t it be better to eliminate them bit by bit?”

The generals were unable to get around the prince's extraordinary concept.

"Don't be discouraged or doubtful. In fact, defending the Great Wall is infinitely passive for us."

Then he held the Great Wall in his hands, looked at the vast grassland in the north, and said with emotion: "The Great Wall is the protection of our Han farming nation, but why is it not man-made and restricting our thoughts of expanding outward? I really hope that in my life In my lifetime, I can completely demolish the Great Wall, unlock the barriers that restrict the development of our Han nation to the north, let our territory reach directly to the North Sea (Lake Baikal), and let us read the inscription on the inscription that sealed the wolf Juxu again."

Faced with such an unconventional goal, the generals were ambitious and shouted in their hearts: "If you dare to demolish the Great Wall, we will dig up your ancestral graves without future generations."

In fact, Lu Mou misunderstood the ideological essence of Han culture.

In Han Chinese thought, having possession of the whole world is of course the greatest. But the premise is that what you own must be a place where you can farm.

The Han army reached the far north several times and saw the vastness of Lake Baikal, but they conquered rather than occupied it.

There is no other reason why I can’t farm, so what do I want him to do?

North of the Great Wall, it was bitter cold and barren. I only conquered it but didn't want it because I couldn't cultivate the land.

The sea to the southeast is covered with blue waves and cannot be farmed, so I only sent Zheng He to conquer it but not to occupy it.

To the south is a vast jungle, a smoke-barred land, where logging and farming are harsh. Unable to farm, I only conquer but not occupy.

To the west, there are endless snow-capped mountains and deserted Gobi land. It is impossible to farm. Of course I don’t want it. I’ll just set up a Protectorate to manage it.

For this reason, the whole country was in a state of excitement during the moon landing. When the news network solemnly announced that vegetables cannot be grown on the moon, the mentality of the Chinese people collapsed at that time, and no one mentioned the topic of the moon landing again.

That’s it, the moon can’t farm, what do I want it to do?

But when they heard that potatoes could be grown on Saturn, everyone was eager to try it.

The Han nation is peace-loving and will not snatch an inch of other people's land, except for land that can be cultivated.

Zhu Changxun refuted Lu Mou's ambition: "It is our responsibility to protect the Great Wall and protect our peace."

Lu Mou smiled and nodded: "You are right, but now even if we set up a heavy defense, we don't have the ability. Instead of defending at a disadvantage, why don't we let go? Just like this time, let go of the Great Wall and lure the Manchus to keep entering. , and then we continue to annihilate them. We will continue to consume them and eventually bring them down. Wouldn't it be better to realize our wish to easily restore Liao Dynasty? Back then, Huang Taiji continued to invade the Ming Dynasty, but did not occupy Beijing. The reason was that he knew that he Even if he occupied Beijing, he could not rule the entire Han family instead. He used this kind of strength that continuously consumed the Ming Dynasty to strengthen them. In the end, the big tree of the Ming Dynasty fell down without cutting it down, and they took advantage.

Since even wild boars think so, why don’t we think so and do this? Open your arms, come on, and then we will annihilate them one by one, and eventually consume the Qing Dynasty. In the end, we will easily regain the Liao Dynasty. Isn't this good? "

In the first battle, tens of thousands of war horses were captured in pursuit. This was the biggest gain. A total of 20,000 real war horses were captured.

Since ancient times, when weapons were cold, cavalry has been the existence of natural infantry. The best way to deal with cavalry is still cavalry.

In history, the Northern Song Dynasty and the grassland nomads relied on advanced equipment and formations to fight to the death more than 900 times and won more than 700 times.

But just one battle at Gaoliang River ruined the great rivers and mountains of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The reason is that after winning more than 700 times and not killing many enemies, they cannot win a single battle and run away in the blink of an eye. There is nothing you can do about it. And if you fail in the first battle, others will chase you north, and your entire army will be wiped out.

If this time, Lu Mou had a cavalry unit, and during the battle at Guhe, Duozhe escaped and Lü Mou's cavalry pursued him, it is impossible to say that Duozhe would have been invited by Lu Mou to drink tea in the dungeon and reminisce about the past.

Don't talk to me about Guan Ning's cavalry. Guan Ning has transformed into a turtle, so he is still a cavalryman.

A cavalry team under the guidance of his own thoughts and influenced by the atmosphere that his other arms dare to fight is what Lu Mou needs most.

There is no need for him to do anything, as long as he can catch up with the enemy after the infantry defeats them and beat up the drowned dog, then their value will be realized.

The original defense arrangements remained unchanged, and Lu Mou decided to set up his own cavalry in Nanyuan on the outskirts of Beijing.

Nanyuan, with beautiful water and grass no less than Bashang Grassland, was originally a royal horse farm and the most important training and supplementation base for war horses in the Ming Dynasty.

I think back when Huang Taiji invaded the invaders for the first time, he plundered the Ming Dynasty in Nanyuan all at once. He worked hard to cultivate more than 10,000 war horses, which shows its importance.

As a result, a notice for King Ding to recruit a cavalry team was posted everywhere on the northern border of Zhili. And it is specially stated that only horse thieves are recruited.

Cavalry does not mean that a man climbs onto a war horse and rides on a war horse without falling off, that is, he is a cavalryman. Only the fusion of man and horse is the true cavalry.

In the Ming Dynasty, in order to solve the problem of horse shortage like the Song Dynasty, the horse government system was specially introduced.

If you go to the north in later generations, you will see village names called Lvtun everywhere, almost becoming standard.

But that's not called Donkey Tun, that's called Mahu Tun.

At that time, the problem of war horses was solved, but a by-product was derived: horse thieves.

The harm caused by Ma Zheng is appalling. In order to survive, Ma households can only work for the people during the day and become thieves on horseback at night.

Therefore, these horse thieves all live on the back of horses and stay with horses. They are the best cavalry.

When recruiting the horse bandits, Lu Mou still refused to talk about his feelings for the horse bandits because it was Chi Guoguo's temptation of interests.

In Lu Mou's announcement: "Excuse your sins and give you plenty of wealth." The slogan resounded throughout the border areas. Of course, those horse thieves were willing to whitewash their identities and turn into officers and soldiers.

As a result, as soon as the announcement came out, those who responded gathered.

Almost instantly, Lu Mou had a cavalry force of 20,000 men, and at the same time solved the problem of horse bandits, which really killed two birds with one stone.

But from then on, every time Lu Mou looked at his elite cavalry chasing death in the north, he was proud but his heart was bleeding.

It's too expensive. The consumption of one war horse is equivalent to five infantrymen. This is indeed not something ordinary people can afford.

This won't work. One day I have to take them out to rob, get back the funds to raise them, and earn some more by the way.

Isn’t it said that a cannon is worth ten thousand taels of gold? That must be income, not expenditure.

(End of this chapter)

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