The diva and I cross each other

Chapter 248 Wen Songyue’s methods

Chapter 248 Wen Songyue’s methods
After listening to Lin Shuwen's words, Sister Shan gradually calmed down.

Indeed, if Wen Songyue wanted to deal with Huayue Entertainment, some unclean artists in the company would have gotten into trouble long ago.

They are still doing well now. It can be seen that, at least at this stage, Wen Songyue's targets are only Tan Lishan and Zhu Jianchun.

"Looks like I need to talk to Wen Songyue!" Sister Shan said in a complicated tone.

Later, Sister Shan contacted Wen Songyue through Lawyer Qin, and Wen Songyue did not refuse to meet Sister Shan. The two made an appointment to have afternoon tea together at a cafe near Huayue Entertainment at 2 p.m.

Wen Songyue also specially asked Sister Shan to call Lin Shuwen and said that he wanted to express his gratitude to Lin Shuwen.

"Sister Shan, what's going on with Mr. Zhu now?" Lin Shuwen asked.

"I don't know. Mr. Zhu didn't come to work today."

"Ah? Will Mr. Zhu actually skip work?"

"It's not that he missed work, he and the board of directors took a leave of absence."

Moreover, Song Yu is still unable to perform the intense dance movements as before. Based on this alone, it can be said that Song Yu has left "serious" sequelae. Coupled with Wen Songyue's operation, the diagnosis result may even be serious injury. Tan Lishan You must go in.

At 1:40 pm, Sister Shan and Lin Shuwen went to the coffee shop not far downstairs of Huayue Entertainment.

Knowing this outcome, which lawyer would take on this lawsuit? Isn’t this damaging your own brand?
When Mr. Zhu's wife saw that no lawyer was willing to take her niece's case, she started crying while sitting in the car.

When his eyes came to Zhu Jianchun, it was not that Zhu Jianchun didn't want to go to work, but he couldn't go, because after Tan Lishan was arrested yesterday, Zhu Jianchun was begged by his wife to fish for someone else.

"Zhu Zhu Jianchun, are mean to me!"

"Why are you crying at my place? Just go to Song Yu's place to cry. By the way, take your brother and sister-in-law with you and go to Song Yu's school to cry together. I will help you online.

"How to beg? She obviously wants to send Shanshan in." Tanya asked weakly, suppressing her crying.

"Don't talk to me in this tone. If you have time to cry here, you might as well go and beg Song Yu."

At first, Mr. Zhu was patient and comforted, but then he couldn't bear it anymore and said with a dark face: "Cry, cry, cry, Tanya, why are you still like this after so many years? You know how to cry when something happens! Crying can save your niece. ?
I told you a long time ago that you should persuade Tan Lishan not to be so arrogant. Have you persuaded her? Let me say that Lisa Tam is here today solely because of her own fault. "

At 2 o'clock sharp, Wen Songyue walked in.

She opened the door and got out of the car, and hurriedly took a taxi to her brother and sister-in-law's house.

Tan Lishan pushed Song Yu directly down the stairs, resulting in a significant displacement of the fracture in her right leg, which was cured through surgery. This situation was at least a moderate injury.

Looking at Tan Yaruo's back, Zhu Jianchun murmured to himself: "I want to see if you can withstand the crowd. Even if you can withstand it, the fox's tail should be exposed!"

Tan Lishan is 100% guilty of the crime of intentional injury. Those who intentionally injure others and cause serious injuries shall be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than ten years; those who cause death or cause serious injuries and severe disabilities by particularly cruel means shall be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years and not more than ten years. Life imprisonment or death penalty.

As long as you are a normal person, you will not choose to fight to the death. "

You and your brother and sister-in-law cry a little more sadly. It is best to kneel down to Song Yu in public.

After listening to Zhu Jianchun's words, Tan Yaruo already knew what to do.

It was the first time for Sister Shan and Lin Shuwen to meet Wen Songyue.

In desperation, Zhu Jianchun accompanied his wife to more than a dozen law firms in Shanghai. After learning the details, the lawyers said there was nothing they could do.

People on the Internet like to uphold justice. It doesn’t matter who is right. As long as you appear to be the weakest party, they will help you.

With a little guidance from me, public opinion will turn towards you. If Song Yu relents, that's all. If Tan Lishan doesn't relent, she will be drowned by public opinion.

Originally, Sister Shan thought that Wen Songyue would be a very shrewd-looking person.

Unexpectedly, Wen Songyue's appearance has nothing to do with shrewdness. On the contrary, he has the appearance of an honest man. In addition, he always has a warm smile on his face, which makes people subconsciously relax their vigilance against him.

"Miss Qian, Miss Lin, you two have been waiting for a long time. I have a lot of things at hand, so please forgive me." Wen Songyue said to the two of them after taking their seats.

"Lawyer Wen has a lot to do, so it's our honor to take time out to see us." Sister Shan said with a smile.

"Miss Qian, where are you? It's an honor for me to meet the famous gold medal manager in the entertainment industry, not to mention that Miss Lin is also traveling with me today."

At this point, Wen Songyue suddenly stood up, bowed to Lin Shuwen and said: Miss Lin, thank you for saving my daughter. Wanwan doesn't know what would have happened without you. I owe you Miss Lin a big favor. If necessary in the future. I'm here to help. Miss Lin, just call me. This is my business card. "

Lin Shuwen subconsciously took Wen Songyue's business card and put it into her handbag.

The favor of a barrister is of great value.

"Ms. Lin, I have a small gift here, please accept it." Wen Songyue said and took out a small box.

Lin Shuwen took the box and opened it. Inside was a very delicate watch. Lin Shuwen didn't know much about watches and didn't know the value of this watch. Sister Shan's eyes flashed with surprise when she saw this watch. This watch was from Patek Philippe. It looked like it cost hundreds of thousands. Wen Songyue really made a move. Generous.

Sister Shan's expression was caught by Lin Shuwen. She closed the box and pushed it forward: "Lawyer Wen's watch is too expensive, I can't have it."

Wen Songyue smiled and said, "Ms. Lin can just hold it. My daughter's life is not worth ten dollars to a watch like this. Or does it mean that Miss Lin thinks Wanwan's life is not as good as this watch?"

Wen Songyue said so, and it was impossible for Lin Shuwen to refuse. She thanked her and put the watch into her bag.

Sister Shan already had a headache.

Because the better Wen Songyue's attitude towards Lin Shuwen and the more valuable the gifts he gave, the more it showed that Wen Wan's status in Wen Songyue's mind was very high.

Mr. Zhu and his useless niece almost killed their precious daughter. Wen Songyue would definitely not let them go easily.

Thinking of this, Sister Shan's expression couldn't help but become serious.

Wen Songyue smiled slightly when he saw this and said: "I have already guessed the purpose of Miss Qian's visit. Miss Qian, you can rest assured that I will not take action against your company unless it is absolutely necessary.

Your company is considered a big company in the industry. Even if I use some means, it will not damage the foundation of Huayue. At most, it will make Huayue's stock fall for a period of time. This is meaningless for Huayue, which can continue to produce high-quality content. .

No matter how many obstacles I make, Huayue can restore its reputation and stock price by making a TV series that is out of the industry. I will not do such a meaningless thing. "

"But Zhu Jianchun is Huayue's CEO, and his accident would have a much more troublesome impact on the company than a period of stock price decline.

And Lawyer Wen, don’t underestimate Zhu Jianchun too much. Zhu Jianchun is a very capable person. From what I know about him, he should take action. "

"so what?"

"Lawyer Wen, you have already sent the culprit Tan Lishan to prison. Why don't you just let it go? I will help you kill Tan Lishan. I also have some dirty information about her. Is it better to send her to prison for 10 years for all the crimes? No problem, if Lawyer Wen agrees, I will hand over the evidence in my hand to you."

Wen Songyue looked at Sister Shan deeply when he heard this, and then asked: "Ms. Qian, do you think Zhu Jianchun knows about Tan Lishan bullying her teammates?"

Sister Shan hesitated and said, "I should know."

"Then I can't agree to your conditions. Even if Zhu Jianchun is not the culprit, he is still an accomplice. I didn't want to send him in, but at least I want him to lose his current status.

Ms. Qian, are you interested in the position of CEO of Huayue Entertainment? If you are interested, we can cooperate. For Miss Lin's sake, I am willing to push you up. "

After listening to Wen Songyue's words, Sister Shan sighed: "It seems that we can't reach an agreement."

"That's a pity. Will Miss Qian tell Zhu Jianchun about my relationship with Wen Wan?"

"What will Lawyer Wen do if I say yes?"

"If I guess correctly, Zhu Jianchun will now be thinking of putting pressure on my client and forcing him to make concessions. With the help of the power of public opinion, not only my client but even me will be in trouble. This is The simplest and most effective method.

The premise for Zhu Jianchun to do this is that he doesn't know that I am the mastermind behind the scenes, and only regards me as Song Yu's attorney and a helper invited by the mastermind behind the scenes.

If Zhu Jianchun knew that I was the mastermind behind this, I think he would take a more proactive approach, such as using his own connections to directly put pressure on my law firm and force me to make concessions.

In this case, the two sides are completely at odds with each other. I just said that I will not take action against Huayue Entertainment unless it is absolutely necessary. This situation is a last resort.

I will not hold back on Huayue Entertainment by then. Huayue Entertainment is indeed a relatively clean entertainment company in comparison, but in such a big company, there are always a few scum, Miss Qian, right? "

Threatening, there is no doubt that Wen Songyue is threatening Sister Shan.

If Sister Shan dares to tell Mr. Zhu about this, Wen Songyue will die immediately.

At that time, it will no longer be a grudge between Wen Songyue and Zhu Jianchun, but a grudge between Wen Songyue's law firm and Huayue Entertainment.

Sister Shan was silent for a moment and sighed: "Oh! Lawyer Wen, you win. I will keep this matter a secret."

"Miss Qian made the most correct judgment."

"Lawyer Wen, here are some of the disgusting things that Tan Lishan did in my hands. Let me hand them over to you!" As she said this, Sister Shan took out a USB flash drive from her pocket and placed it on the table.

"Ms. Qian, what do you mean?"

"I also hope the bad guys get punished."

Wen Songyue laughed when he heard this: "Miss Qian, I didn't realize that you still have this side."

Lin Shuwen was not surprised at all when Sister Shan presented the evidence in her hand. Sister Shan was a good person, which Lin Shuwen had never doubted.

(End of this chapter)

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