The diva and I cross each other

Chapter 229 The Development Prospects of AI

Chapter 229 The Development Prospects of AI

"Wenwen, you are very good. I can see that you have worked hard during this period." Director Zhu praised.

Lin Shuwen smiled when she heard this.

Luo Ming on the side also breathed a sigh of relief. He had seen Lin Shuwen's hard work during this period, and even experienced it himself.

Lin Shuwen is so thoughtful about her acting skills, and she also has to play him.

Theory + practice are carried out simultaneously, and it is natural that there will be progress.

"Wenwen, to be honest, your acting skills are definitely good enough for this movie, but it's still hard to make people remember you right away. Do you want to improve a little bit?"

"Of course I have!" Lin Shuwen said without hesitation.

Director Zhu smiled and nodded: "Then tomorrow afternoon, you can accompany me to Hangzhou! Mr. Luo, if you are free, you can come too."

Lin Shuwen and Luo Ming looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's meet at the entrance of Huayue Entertainment at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon!"

After Lin Shuwen and the others came out of the room, artists from Huayue Entertainment came up to them and asked which role Lin Shuwen was competing for and which part Director Zhu asked her to act in.

"I'm competing for the second female lead, the daughter who is parasitic on the host's family. As for the clip, Director Zhu just pointed out a random section with no reference value." Lin Shuwen said with a smile.

"Wenwen, why are you competing for the second female lead? You can win the first female lead, right?"

"The first girl is a rich wife. My image, temperament and age are not suitable."

“So that’s how it is”

The artists from Huayue Entertainment asked all sorts of questions, and after confirming that Lin Shuwen had no valuable information, they let her go.

Lin Shuwen, who finally escaped, felt like she was surviving a disaster.

The next day, Lin Shuwen and Luo Ming went to Huayue Entertainment together after lunch.

When the two arrived at Huayue Entertainment, Director Zhu was already waiting for them downstairs.

After seeing Director Zhu, Lin Shuwen quickly ran over and said, "Director Zhu has kept you waiting for a long time."

"It's not even two o'clock yet. I'm early. Let's go?"

Lin Shuwen nodded.

Director Zhu then invited Luo Ming and Lin Shuwen into his RV, and then asked the driver to drive directly.

"Wenwen, Mr. Luo, what would you like to drink?" Director Zhu opened the car refrigerator and asked.

"I'll just drink water." Lin Shuwen replied politely.

In comparison, Luo Ming was much more casual: "I want juice, preferably orange juice."

Director Zhu smiled and took out a bottle of mineral water and a bottle of fruit orange to say goodbye to Lin Shuwen and Luo Ming.

"Director Zhu, why are we going to Hangzhou?" Luo Ming asked after opening the orange juice and taking a sip.

"Let's go to the theater."

"Going to the theater? Why do you want to go to the theater?"

“I am a filmmaker, and from my professional perspective, the history of film is actually very short.

It emerged with the innovation of science and technology, and became popular because of the two world wars and the propaganda of ysxt after the war.

Before the invention of movies, Wenwen, do you think people could enjoy something similar? "

Hearing Director Zhu's question, Lin Shuwen immediately remembered what Director Zhu just said about going to the theater.

"Director Zhu, are you talking about opera?" Lin Shuwen asked.

"Yes, it's opera. In my opinion, there is no essential difference between opera and movies. It's just that there was no technology to record images at that time, so you could only watch the scene.

But no matter how the method changes, what people watch is still the plot and the same performance.

Even the "things" they praise are the same. In the past, people chased stars and admired celebrities, but today's people also chase stars and admire wrists.

The only difference is probably that transportation was slow and communication was difficult at that time. The skills of performers were mostly passed down from master to apprentice. A play arranged by a troupe would still be fresh even if it was performed in the same province for decades.

Nowadays, communications are becoming more and more developed, science and technology are changing rapidly, the training model of performers has changed, and the demand for the updating of scripts is also greater.

Once a crew gathers together, the play is finished, the movie is released, and the disc is released, there will be no chance of it being performed a second time.

When the new crew is prepared, people gather together again, but the composition of the crew will never be exactly the same as the previous crew, and the script will also be different.

No matter how these things change, for actors, the requirements for acting skills remain the same at all times. "

"Director Zhu thinks that watching opera can improve acting skills?" Luo Ming asked. "No, no, no, I don't think so, I just want Wenwen to see another form of performance!
When the audience describes a person's acting skills, the highest praise is: "So-and-so really brought such-and-such to life!"

The actor and the person in the play are two different people. If you want to make people feel that they are not out of the play, or even into the play, the actor needs to give the character soul.

How to weaken the actor's own sense of existence and perfectly interpret a role is the test of acting skills. "

Hearing this, Lin Shuwen suddenly realized that what Director Zhu was talking about was actually two performance schools in the entertainment industry.

Today's film actors probably have two schools of thought when performing, one is the technical school and the other is the experiential school.

The so-called technical flow is what Lin Shuwen did during this period. She went to the theater and took acting classes. Based on what she learned in the acting class, she studied expressions and movements to improve her acting skills. At the same time, she learned from the experience of her predecessors and analyzed the core of the characters required by the script. All in all, do everything you can technically do to improve your acting skills as much as possible.

And the performance of technical stream has reached its peak. Actors can better control the quality of the finished film and can switch between each job well. As the saying goes, "acting is stable and acting is fast".

If the technical stream wants to create a classic character, it must do a lot of preparation work. When you get to the set, an idea will flash, and maybe it will be a classic.

The experience school is completely different.

When you play a taxi driver, you drive a taxi yourself; when you play a teacher, you become a teacher; when you play a soldier, you go to the military camp to experience it yourself. Through practice, you can transform the actor's state into the character in the play.

The person in the play is me, I am this character, and all the performances are performed in my true colors.

Such actors choose crews and co-stars, are slow to perform, easily distracted, and prone to emotional breakdown. Once they fall over, they may leave nothing but a classic for the rest of their lives.

But their characters have spirit, flesh, spirit, and soul, and all of them are brilliant.

Lin Shuwen's usual schedule is extremely tight, and she and Luo Ming travel to each other every other week, which makes her have no intention of becoming an experiencer.

Taking the technical route, a lot of preparation work can be left to the assistant. All she needs to do is memorize the lines and figure out the role.

After studying in the theater for a period of time, and having to play Luo Ming every other week, Lin Shuwen thought that after honing her acting skills during this period, she was already very good, at least she would not hold back the crew.

Lin Shuwen's goal is also to be steady and make no mistakes. If all parties cooperate properly, it may be possible to achieve better results than imagined.

To put it bluntly, when Lin Shuwen was filming, she knew that it was fake and would not and could not be integrated into the plot. She was performing the role according to a certain standard.

Could it be that Director Zhu wanted her to move closer to the Experience Sect? But if she really wants to be an experiential person, Lin Shuwen thinks she can't do it.

When it comes to immersive experience, she can probably only experience Luo Ming's life immersed in it.

This experience may be useful in the future when I play a technical geek or a domineering CEO.

Thinking of this, Lin Shuwen burst into laughter. She felt that she was overthinking it. Director Zhu could not let her do any experiential work. He should only improve her acting spirituality based on her current situation, rather than asking her to change her acting style.

But the question is, what should she do?

Lin Shuwen thought about these things, and her thoughts drifted further and further away.

Luo Ming was having a lively chat with Director Zhu at the moment.

Luo Ming is not very good at nor does he like communicating with strangers, but on the one hand Director Zhu is more proactive, and on the other hand Director Zhu is not a stranger.

Luo Ming and Director Zhu met more often than Lin Shuwen and Director Zhu met.

Although Director Zhu is almost 50 years old, he is a person who likes to accept new things.

"Mr. Luo, I heard that your Burning Light Technology is engaged in artificial intelligence?"

"Director Zhu, who did you listen to?"

"Ashan said, he said that your company is engaged in big data algorithms. Isn't big data algorithm a part of artificial intelligence?"

"Well, you are right to say that."

"What does Mr. Luo think of the development prospects of artificial intelligence?"

Luo Ming was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect Director Zhu to ask this question.

Before Luo Ming's time travel, the direction of artificial intelligence in China was the integration of software and hardware, that is, collecting data through sensors, storing and processing information, performing calculations through computing power, and finally forming a decision-making mechanism for feedback.

In this aspect, foreign countries can't keep up. Anyone who has been abroad or visited foreign airports can clearly feel the gap between foreign countries and domestic countries in this aspect.

Even if you have never been abroad, people with cars and driver's licenses have similar experiences. As long as your driver's license has not expired in China, no one will ever check your driver's license. Once it expires, you will be caught by the police.

This is because when you drive by the camera, the camera has recognized your personal information, and the AI ​​automatically compares whether you have a driver's license, whether your driver's license has expired, and whether you have had your car inspected. The results will come out in 3 seconds at most. In areas with high penetration rates, it doesn’t even take 3 seconds.

It can be seen from these small things that the integration of software and hardware has long been widely used in the field of social life, production and manufacturing.

Luo Ming feels that AI in foreign countries is somewhat flashy. He believes that artificial intelligence is a real application, not just embroidered pillows such as blockchain, metaverse, chatGPT...

Using artificial intelligence for chatting and playing chess is overkill. The integration of software and hardware is the future development trend.

Then Luo Ming changed these things into a more suitable way and told Director Zhu.

(End of this chapter)

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