Chapter 248 Zero Debt

Now that Qiu Qianqian has been reused by Brother Hao, once she has established a firm foothold in the company, if she develops a desire for revenge against the Jin chaebol, the consequences will be disastrous. This made him feel scared. He knew that he could no longer sit back and watch the film and television base project continue to develop. Otherwise, this project will be like a cancer, shaking the foundation of the Octopus Film and Television Base, and threatening the Jin family's status in the entertainment industry.

Irritability rose in Jin Junjun's heart, and he rubbed his temples in an attempt to relieve the discomfort. He glanced at Yuan Liyuan who was standing aside, and his tone revealed an unquestionable order, "You, go and check right away. What is Qiu Qianqian doing now? What's going on with her? I want to know her every move!"

Yuan Liyuan nodded tremblingly. She did not dare to look directly into Jin Junjun's eyes. The coldness and determination revealed in those eyes frightened her. She lowered her head and hurried out, as if escaping from the cold winter night.

Watching her back disappear outside the door, Jin Junjun's face became even more gloomy. His eyes shone with a cold and determined light, like a volcano about to erupt. He clenched his fists and secretly swore in his heart: I will never allow anyone or anything to shake the status of my Jin family! No matter who stands in front of me, no matter who dares to threaten me, I will definitely make him pay the price!

  One month, time slipped through the fingertips like a stream, short and hurried, making it impossible to grasp. However, in this fleeting month, the entertainment industry was like a bomb that exploded, causing an uproar and shaking everyone's heartstrings.

Financial news is like a keen falcon, accurately capturing a shocking piece of news from the vast business information and displaying it to the world. Yihao Capital, a capital giant under the firm leadership of President Qiu Qianqian, actually fully acquired the land in Yibin City from several major chaebols. A total of 325 acres of land is owned by Yihao Capital. This move is an astonishing move. Yihao Capital invested a total of billion to complete this staggering transaction in one go. The contract has been signed and everything is settled beyond doubt.

When the news first broke, netizens were in an uproar, causing ripples like a stone thrown into a calm lake. Their various emotions are intertwined into a complicated picture on the Internet. Surprise, doubt, envy, and jealousy are like colorful bubbles constantly popping up, which is dizzying.

Among the second-generation group in Jiangcheng, this news was like a bomb dropped, causing thousands of waves. The group of friends expressed their opinions, argued endlessly, and sparked sparks of collision of opinions.

“It’s beyond my expectation that Yihao Capital is so powerful.” A group member couldn’t help but exclaimed, “They made the move so quickly, 325 billion! This is simply crazy.”

"Yes, I am also shocked." Another group member echoed, "The Kim chaebol family has a great business and should not be short of tens of billions. Now it seems that they have to admit defeat."

"Those eagles wanted to come to the bottom of the cauldron to drain the fire, but they were defeated by Brother Hao." Someone ridiculed, "In the end, they suffered heavy losses and had to retreat. Now at least they have not lost too much, and they can be considered untied. Tens of billions of dollars to live in.”

"Have you noticed the impact of this acquisition on the film and television base project?" Someone else put forward a new point of view, with unique insights in their eyes, "After acquiring these 300,000 acres of land, the film and television base will be completely integrated into a whole. This is definitely good news for future urban planning, construction and development. Just look at the map and it will be clear."

"It's true. This acquisition has formed a golden triangle for the film and television base." Someone said excitedly, his eyes revealing his longing for the future. "This is an excellent investment opportunity! What are you waiting for? Everyone, hurry up and go to Iraq. Go buy a property in Binshi, you will definitely not lose money on this investment.”

The atmosphere in the group became increasingly heated. Everyone's face was filled with anticipation and excitement, as if they had already seen the prosperous future. Their words were full of admiration and expectations for Yihao Capital, as well as speculation and expectations for future housing prices.

In this way, people in the second-generation group discussed heartily this evening, and everyone's heart was full of expectations and speculations. They seemed to have foreseen the glorious future of Yihao Capital, and also saw their place in this capital feast.

In the vast sea of ​​​​the Internet, Yihao Capital is like a huge ship, moving steadily forward in the stormy waves. This debate about them is like a storm on the sea, tearing the calm sea into pieces. And the 300,000 acres of land was undoubtedly the ballast of the ship, and Qiu Qianqian held it tightly in her hands.

The moment the news came out, it was like the explosion of a deep-sea torpedo, shocking the entire online world. People were stunned and looked at the huge number on the screen in disbelief - Yihao Capital's financial resources were so strong. However, this is just the beginning. The following news is like a raging fire cooking oil, making this debate burn even more fiercely.

"Yihao Capital is about to apply for a huge loan of more than 100 billion from major banks." The words of this bank reviewer were like a bombshell, igniting people's discussion. This number was so huge that it naturally triggered a strict review of Yihao Capital by banks. Like hunters, they scrutinize every detail of Yihao Capital sharply and carefully, not letting go of any clues.

Under people's watchful eyes, the results of the review finally emerged. Yihao Capital, this seemingly ordinary group, has zero debt! This number is like a bolt from the blue, making people unbelievable. In the real estate industry, debt is the norm, but Yihao Capital is an anomaly. They have never taken out a loan from any bank or financial institution and all funds are their own. This situation is simply unbelievable in the real estate industry, and can even be said to be terrifying.

These two simple words "zero debt" hit people's hearts like a heavy hammer. It means that Yihao Capital's financial resources are so strong that they don't need to borrow money to make ends meet. In sharp contrast to them are those real estate companies that went bankrupt due to excessive debt and broken capital chains. Their unfinished buildings are like scars that cannot be healed, reminding people of the cruelty of this industry.

However, Yihao Capital is different. They are like a solid fortress. No matter how strong the external storms are, they still stand firm. Their assets are clean and without any stain. Such financial resources naturally caused real estate prices to skyrocket, and the name of Yihao Capital became famous throughout the Internet world. People started buying their properties like crazy and waiting for the value to rise. Yihao Capital’s real estate properties have become very popular over time. Investors from all over the country have flocked to Yihao Capital. They are not only interested in Yihao Capital's strong financial resources, but also their sound business strategies. The eyes of these investors are full of hot light, as if they see future wealth waving to them.

In a short period of time, two-thirds of the 20 residential properties planned and developed by Yihao Capital were sold out in just half a day. Such a scene is staggering and makes people admire the charm and influence of Yihao Capital.

On a busy night, on the Douyin live broadcast platform, a financial blogger was preparing to start broadcasting. His eyes were as sharp as knives, as if he were looking through the two-dimensional space of the screen to directly see into Feng Yihao's inner three-dimensional world. His words were like a scalpel made of fine steel, accurately and deeply analyzing Feng Yihao's capital operations.

"More than 20 communities, hundreds of thousands of apartments." He slowly said the number, the shock in his tone was palpable, and the cigarette butt in his hand was unconsciously squeezed out of shape. "This wave of pre-sales, absorbed The funds actually amount to more than 100 billion, which is something that even the financial department of Yihao Capital cannot imagine."

He paused slightly, as if giving the audience time to digest this huge number, "Although some people bought their houses through loans, this wave of pre-sales still filled Yihao Capital's financial account with more than 10 billion. This is an eye-wateringly huge number.”

In the live broadcast room, smoke filled the room, and his face looked more serious in the smoke, as if he was thinking about the depth and meaning behind this huge number. Then, he seemed to have thought of something, and a glimmer of clarity flashed in his eyes.

"You know, when the pre-sale performance data was announced, the whole Internet went crazy. People were stunned and couldn't believe the facts in front of them. These more than 10 billion, plus loans, the total reached more than 100 billion Although the funds are not all profits, the price Feng Yihao paid for the land was extremely low, just like cabbage price. After the house is completed and officially handed over, the profit will be at least half. This is his brilliance."

His words were like bombs, and the audience in the live broadcast room was shocked speechless by his words. But he continued, "Moreover, Yihao Capital has now received tens of billions of funds. This money can be used to invest and make more money. The remaining home buyers repay the loan every month and use it to pay wages, Construction and operation, that’s enough. Let’s do the math, Feng Yihao can earn 50 billion a day, what a crazy number!”

His tone became more and more excited, and his admiration for Feng Yihao was beyond words, "Feng Yihao, he is a real business genius. He knows how to use the power of capital to promote the development of the company, he knows how to grasp the rhythm of the market, he even He understands the psychology of home buyers. Such a man deserves learning and respect from all of us.”

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was pushed to a climax by his words, and netizens left messages expressing their surprise at Feng Yihao.

In the live broadcast room, the atmosphere was like a raging fire cooking oil, on the verge of breaking out. The words of the financial blogger were like a match, instantly igniting the heated emotions in the room. The messages on the screen were as brilliant as fireworks, scrolling rapidly. Netizens rushed to express their astonishment and admiration for Feng Yihao like moths flying to a flame.

"I'm crazy, I'm really going crazy!" A netizen's message was like a wildfire, instantly igniting a fire. "Brother Hao can actually make 50 billion in a day? This is simply a fantasy. It's true. Fake?" His words revealed endless doubts, but they were also full of desire and respect for this achievement.

Another netizen followed closely, and his message was more like a kind of self-comfort: "Even if the blogger's analysis is slightly different, Brother Hao's strength is absolutely beyond doubt. I originally thought Mr. Ma earned a few dollars a day One billion is already the limit, but who knew that Brother Hao would be even better and could earn tens of billions a day. This kind of ability is simply too scary!"

However, there is always a voice of doubt in the praise: "Brother upstairs, your metaphor is not appropriate. Mr. Ma earns hundreds of millions a day. That is the result of his continuous operation and steady operation, and it is real income. And Brother Hao To put it bluntly, pre-sale properties are overdrawing the future. It will take at least one or two years to build these properties. So on average, Brother Hao only earns one or two billion in a day!" This netizen's analysis is obviously more Rationally, his words were like a basin of cold water, instantly cooling down the overheated atmosphere.

"Only one or two hundred million? Brother, do you have any misunderstanding about one or two billion?" The last netizen's message was full of joking, "For us, making a thousand yuan a day is already a dream. .Brother Hao’s one or two billion is simply unimaginable wealth to us!”

The discussion in the live broadcast room became more and more heated, and various opinions were flying like sparks. Feng Yihao's name was mentioned again and again. His brilliant achievements were like a mountain standing in front of people, a seemingly insurmountable peak.

The popularity of real estate pre-sales is like a sudden summer rainstorm, which catches people off guard. In the streets and alleys, people are talking about this hot topic, as if it is the only focus at the moment. However, behind the bustle, Feng Yihao knew nothing. He was sitting in his office, frowning, thinking about an unusual thing that had happened recently.

Qiu Qianqian, the girl who always smiled, used to come to Feng Yihao every once in a while to discuss some financial issues, but recently, she disappeared without a trace. Feng Yihao felt a little uncomfortable and even a little confused. He shook his head and thought: "Isn't this unscientific?" His company has been making frequent moves recently. Yihao Capital has been acquiring various companies and launching multiple projects at the same time. Every day Fund flows are astronomically huge. Against this background, Qiu Qianqian's disappearance is undoubtedly a strange sign.

Feng Yihao thought for a moment, couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and dialed Qiu Qianqian's number. A familiar ringtone came from the other end of the phone, and after a while, Qiu Qianqian's voice came: "Hey! Boss, I just have something to report to you!" There was a hint of expectation and excitement in her voice, as if she had some good news. share.

(End of this chapter)

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