Shenhao System: Nine trillion fell from the sky

Chapter 244 The Alliance attacks!

Chapter 244 The Alliance attacks!

He knows that managing a group of trolls is not an easy task. The key lies in how to grasp their psychological needs and life expectations. Only by meeting their needs can they truly follow you. Although this group of people are powerful online, they also have their own lives and expectations in reality. Only by truly caring about them can you make them follow you wholeheartedly.

"Okay, boss." Xiaodao promised over there, "I'll send you the bill later."

"Thank you!" Jia Xiaoliang hung up the phone after saying this. He sat there in silence for a moment and then started to punch 500,000 yuan into the knife. This is what he deserves and what he needs. Only in this way can the relationship between them be stronger and longer.

What's more, from today on, Jia Xiaoliang has become the master of money and poverty. The partner who used to be with him like a shadow has now disappeared without a trace. He is the number one figure of the Golden Keyboard, his reputation is as dazzling as the scorching sun, and his prestige is like a violent storm, sweeping across the world, and no one can match it.

In just a few days, the number of views on his video surged like a storm, surpassing the 500 million-view mark in one fell swoop. That number is staggering, like a towering mountain peak, so high that one can only look up. His Douyin fans came in like a tidal wave, one after another, breaking through the five million mark in an instant. Fans at Station B are equally enthusiastic. The number of three million is no longer a limit, but has become a starting point for their leaps. Fans of Little Sweet Potato soared like a rocket, exceeding an astonishing number of 10 million in one fell swoop. The number of fans on all major platforms continues to skyrocket, like an unstoppable torrent, rushing without end.

Invitations for business cooperation come like snow flakes, and they come in an endless stream.

A large company even offered him a sky-high contract with an annual salary of 30 million. This is a number that many people dream of and a life-long goal for many people. However, Jia Xiaoliang remains unmoved.

Because he is not an ordinary Internet celebrity anchor, he is a navy leader with a large group of elite keyboard warriors under his command. He has mastered the powerful power of online public opinion. With just a few words, he can push a person's reputation to the forefront and make himself a lot of money. His value does not lie in the level of the target he attacks, but in the influence he has, which is a value that cannot be ignored.

The sky-high price contract was like a tempting peach, but Jia Xiaoliang refused. Because he has more than just money in his eyes, but also lofty ambitions and unique vision. He has established his own private studio, which is about to set sail like a big ship and will soon be transformed into an online public relations company. What he wants to do is not just be an Internet celebrity, he wants to become the ruler of the online world, be his own boss, and become the person standing at the top of the pyramid.

He even dreamed of entering the media industry, becoming an investor, and signing a lot of top beautiful artists. Those goddesses who looked down on him in the past will all speak based on his face in the future. He can enjoy the power and material things that success brings and can control everything he wants. Such a picture only existed in his dreams before, but now, with his rise, such a dream is within reach, as if it is right in front of him.

His eyes sparkled with ambition and determination, like the stars in the night sky, bright and determined. Every tiny movement reveals his inner strength and confidence. He knows that he is only one step away from success, and he will definitely take this step steadily. At this moment, "Boss, you are too generous. I will go through fire and water for you!" Xiaodao's message came, and the admiration and admiration in his tone were obviously infected by his heroic ambition.

Jia Xiaoliang looked at the message on the phone screen and smiled slightly, "Okay, don't be stupid. Everyone has worked hard these days, take us to relax!" His words were full of confidence and pride. This is Jia Xiaoliang. He not only wants to succeed himself, but also leads his team to glory. His success is not only his own glory but also the victory of the team.

  On the other side, here is Qiu Qianqian who has returned to the company.

She seemed to have become a tireless machine these days. She was immersed in the ocean of work and was almost swallowed by the waves. Her figure shuttled through various departments of the company, her hands typing quickly on the keyboard, and her eyes firm and bright, like burning flames.

She's crazy busy. Qidian Real Estate had a long backlog of business that she needed to handle, and the work after the merger of Endpoint Group also fell on her shoulders. Jin Nier, the original partner, has now become a hands-off shopkeeper and has gone out to enjoy life, leaving the business and projects of two large real estate companies all relying on Qiu Qianqian.

Qiu Qianqian's days are filled to the brim with long working hours, as if she is being deprived of even the space to breathe. Her life was like a tightly compressed spring. At least 19 hours of every 24-hour day were occupied by official duties. While eating, her chopsticks were stirring in the bowl, but her thoughts drifted to the strategic layout; when going to the toilet, her fingers were flying on the keyboard of her mobile phone, replying to emails one after another; even while taking a bath, She listened to reports that affected the company's fate. In her sleep, her mind was still filled with the company's projects, like a never-ending movie.

However, even in the face of such tremendous pressure, Qiu Qianqian did not collapse. Instead, she became more resilient. She is like a potter, using her drastic reforms to carefully carve the future of two large real estate companies. Qidian Real Estate, the company she founded, was once just a tool for her crazy expansion and money-burning. But now, everything is different. The land acquisition has been completed, and she sincerely attached herself to Feng Yihao and began to work hard for the company's profitability.

Feng Yihao's trust is an indescribable encouragement to her. He handed the company's important projects into her hands. What an honor and what a responsibility. She can't let her boss down, let alone fail herself. She still has a huge sum of 30 billion to repay. The company's projects have not yet made a profit, and every penny is spent like water. She had to succeed, she had to make this project a success.

Her face was engraved with traces of perseverance and determination, and her eyes seemed to be burning with a determined flame. Fatigue and hardship are just trials for her, stimulating her stronger fighting spirit. She is like a warrior, the more difficult times she faces, the more she shows her bravery and tenacity. Every challenge and difficulty makes her stronger and more fearless. This is Qiu Qianqian, a woman who looks weak on the outside but is as tough as steel on the inside. She deeply knows that every effort now is for future glory; every hardship now is for future sweetness. In her dictionary, there is no giving up, no failure, only unwavering success. Only in this way can she live up to Feng Yihao's trust, pay off the huge sum of 30 billion, and leave a deep mark on her name in the company's history.

So, she continued to work hard. No matter how tired her body was or how troubled her mind, nothing could stop her from moving forward. Her goal is clear and firm, which is to make the company's projects successful in her hands and to make Qidian Real Estate and Dandian Group shine brightly.

On this day, Assistant Xiao Li finished her work report. When she was bored, she casually asked Qiu Qianqian who was sitting in the corner of the office: "Mr. Qiu, did you pay attention to the news today? It turns out that the famous Feng Yihao is actually a scumbag?" Xiao Li's words filled the air, like a lit fuse, waiting for the moment of explosion.

Hearing this, Qiu Qianqian instantly raised her head from the document, her brows furrowed, and her eyes revealed the sharp light of a superior. The eyes were like those of a cheetah, sharp and cold, revealing a majestic power. The atmosphere in the office became tense in an instant, like the calm before a storm. Her movements paused for a moment, then she slowly raised her head, looking directly at Xiao Li.

"Feng Yihao," her voice was low and powerful. Every word was like a stone covered with ice and snow, cold and hard. "Is this a name you, a little assistant, can call casually?" Her words were like a sharp knife. The sword pointed directly at Xiao Li's heart.

Xiao Li was suppressed by her momentum and was a little panicked. She answered tremblingly: "'s Feng Yihao, the person who is very popular on the Internet recently!" Her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally almost disappeared in the air.

"Let me take a look!" Qiu Qianqian took the female assistant's mobile phone unceremoniously. There was a kind of majesty in her eyes that made people dare not look directly. Her eyes were like fire, burning Xiao Li's heart. Qiu Qianqian's fingers slid across the screen, and every click was like a cold judgment, which made people palpitate.

Ten minutes later, Qiu Qianqian's face was ashen and extremely angry, like a lion about to go crazy. Her eyes were burning with rage, as if they wanted to devour everything. "Xiao Li, you call the legal department immediately and draft a lawyer's letter." Her voice was full of cold anger. "This person named Jia Xiaoliang actually spread false rumors on the Internet and caused harm to the big boss of our company. For the loss of reputation, I want him to compensate 10 billion!" Her words were like cold arrows, shooting towards Xiao Li.

Then she continued angrily: "Moreover, all media outlets that spread rumors, regardless of size, individuals or companies, I want them all to be brought to court. This kind of behavior of spreading false statements must be punished by law." Her tone Resolute and decisive, like the biting ice in the cold wind, leaving no room for negotiation.

At this time, Xiao Li looked confused, "What? When did Jia Xiaoliang slander the big boss of our company?" She was like a fallen leaf being sucked into a whirlpool, and she lost her direction for a moment, "Isn't our big boss the legendary... ······" She suddenly widened her eyes, as if she had seen something terrible, and a guess came into her mind, "Could it be..."

"Yes, Feng Yihao is the big boss of our company, he is Brother Hao!" Qiu Qianqian said sharply. It was as if a bolt from the blue exploded above Xiao Li's head. She was stunned on the spot and could not recover for a while. The office was filled with silence, with only Qiu Qianqian's stern eyes echoing in the air. Her figure became taller and taller in the afterglow of the setting sun, like a cold stone monument, standing in the wind and rain, and no one could shake her determination.

Endless consternation and confusion surged in Xiao Li's heart. "It's so shocking! So surprising!" She muttered silently, "It turns out that Feng Yihao is not only talented and handsome, but he is also a peerless hero. Behind him is actually From a wealthy family, he is truly a prince!”

Prior to this, Feng Yihao was admired by everyone for his bold behavior on major live broadcast platforms, and was also taken for granted by some people as a playboy. There are so many beauties around him, and people seem to be used to it. However, why is Dudu being criticized for this? Why did it cause such an uproar once his true identity was revealed?

Qiu Qianqian's heart was full of indignation: "Brother Hao's status, how can it be the turn of people like you to comment? His real estate company's total investment amount has exceeded 150 billion, and this is just the tip of the iceberg! Before you I have no doubt about Jia Xiaoliang’s remarks, but now it seems that, combined with Feng Yihao’s identity, those remarks are nonsense and are all rumors and slander!”

"I understand, Mr. Qiu." Xiao Li took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. "I will notify the legal department right away." After saying that, she immediately stood up and left the office. She knew that this matter was related to the reputation of the big boss and was no longer a trivial matter. Must be taken seriously!
  At this moment, in the "Avengers" WeChat group, a tense atmosphere shrouded like a dark cloud. This seems to have some indescribable connection with the actions of Yihao Capital. The WeChat group became their battlefield, with each other arguing and refusing to give in.

Lan Shumin, Ouyang Murphy, Li Yueyue, Shu Shenyu, Qin Xuwen, Ji Feier and others are like burning flames, colliding and burning with each other in this virtual space. They felt an indescribable anger and anxiety because of Feng Yihao's incident.

Li Yueyue, an activist in the group, was the first to bear the brunt. Her fingers flew across the screen, like a pianist's fingertips jumping on the keys, tapping out her dissatisfaction and anger. "Why does Jia Xiaoliang call Feng Yihao a scumbag?" she asked excitedly, "Yes, he is generous, but he is not sentimental! He is not a central air conditioner! He is not good to everyone! He is real, he is Hot-blooded, he is our hero!”

(End of this chapter)

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