Shenhao System: Nine trillion fell from the sky

Chapter 239 Kim’s Crisis (There is a red envelope in this chapter)

Chapter 239 Kim’s Crisis (There is a red envelope in this chapter)

Half an hour later, Lan Shumin and Qin Xuwen met in the corner of the cafe. At that time, Lan Shumin's demeanor seemed to reveal her inner decisiveness and confidence. Her eyes were so sharp that she seemed to have seen some truth about the future, as if this half hour of introspection had allowed her to make some far-reaching decisions.

As for Qin Xuwen, her expression revealed a cheerful curiosity. She is full of anticipation for the upcoming conversation, and her eyes are like the brightest stars in the night sky, shining with curiosity and exploration of the unknown. Her slight hint of doubt was more like her expectations and longing for the future.

"Shumin, what do you want from me?" Qin Xuwen's voice was relaxed and full of expectation, like a summer breeze, blowing gently, making people feel an inexplicable comfort.

Lan Shumin smiled slightly. Her smile was calm and steady, like still water flowing deep, with a unique charm. "Xu Wen, I want to ask you for a favor." She said with elegant gestures, as if she was inviting Qin Xu Wen to walk into a new world together.

Inside the cafe, the environment is elegant and peaceful. The soft lighting is like the stars in the night sky, reflecting various coffee cups. The rich aroma of coffee in the cup fills the air, like a seductive magic that makes people intoxicated.

The two of them each ordered a latte and sat down in a quiet corner. At that moment, the aroma of coffee rose up, like a quiet ritual, making people feel an inexplicable peace.

As soon as Lan Shumin sat down, she went straight to the topic, "Xu Wen, I heard that your uncle is the leader of the Ministry of Health. I recently want to launch a medical product, which is a scar-removing ointment with very miraculous effects. I only use it In three days, the scar on my forehead has basically disappeared. I would like to ask for your help to let more people know the magic of this ointment."

After listening to Lan Shumin's request, Qin Xuwen was silent for a moment. She looked at Lan Shumin, a flash of shock in her eyes. "Scar removal ointment? Is it really so miraculous?" Her voice was full of doubts, but it was more of expectation and curiosity about this product.

"Let me show you the bare-faced photo I took last night." Lan Shumin said softly, her delicate fingers gently sliding through her bag and taking out her mobile phone. Her tone was full of confidence, and her bright eyes revealed expectation, as if she was expecting Qin Xuwen's shock and admiration when she saw the photo.

The moment the phone was taken out, Lan Shumin's fingertips lightly crossed the screen, dancing like a light butterfly. Her movements are skillful and natural, showing her love and familiarity with this mobile phone. In the photo, she is bare-faced, her face as clear as the lake under the moonlight, and the scar on her forehead is like a faint shadow, almost invisible.

"Uh-huh! I was talking about what you put on your forehead, and it turned out to be this!" Qin Xuwen screamed, pointing her slender fingers directly at Lan Shumin's forehead. Her eyes were full of curiosity, as if she were seeing a new continent she had never set foot on, full of exploration and knowledge.

Qin Xuwen lowered her head, staring at the photos on her phone with her obsidian eyes. Her eyes widened instantly, as if a boulder was thrown into a lake, causing ripples. In that photo, the scar on Lan Shumin's forehead has almost faded to the point of being invisible, leaving only a faint trace, as if the trace is about to disappear on a windswept beach.

"Is it really so magical?" Qin Xuwen slowly raised her head and looked at Lan Shumin with doubts in her eyes. Her voice was as soft as falling petals, as if she was asking whether this was real, a dream or reality.

"That's right." Lan Shumin nodded slightly, her eyes as firm as iron, as if she had endless trust in the ointment she was using. Her voice revealed a deep sense of confidence, which was trust in the product and affirmation of herself.

Hearing Lan Shumin's affirmative answer, Qin Xuwen fell into deep thought, "So that's it. Why did Dr. Feng suddenly want to set up a pharmaceutical group? It turns out that he had this idea for a long time." She said thoughtfully, her tone Full of admiration and understanding, "Dr. Feng's medical skills are so powerful. It is normal for him to prepare such a magical ointment. It seems that everything is prepared. He has even developed the ointment for the market." , no wonder they let me set up a pharmaceutical group!"

Qin Xuwen's words made Lan Shumin stunned for a moment. Her eyes were full of confusion and confusion, "When did Feng Yihao ask you to establish a pharmaceutical group? Why didn't I know about this?" Her voice revealed disbelief and a hint of loss. She didn't know anything about this. , as if being excluded from an important secret.

Qin Xuwen sat there, like a still sculpture, her eyes blurred, as if her soul had traveled a few days ago. At that time, she was like a wounded deer, indulging in the pain of lovelorn, locking herself in the house day after day, closing her heart tightly, turning a blind eye to all the sounds from the outside world. Her world then became gray and dull, losing its color.

However, on a seemingly ordinary night of live streaming, a bright light illuminated her world. It was an astonishing reward, which shattered her peaceful life like lightning and awakened her from the endless darkness. The huge reward came from Dr. Feng, and this name stirred up waves in her heart.

"Yes, it just happened a few days ago." She spoke slowly, her voice revealing an indescribable complex emotion, as if she was recalling a distant past event. Her tone was full of bitterness and helplessness, "I was in a very bad mood that day because I broke up with my girlfriend and I was bored at home every day." There was a deep pain in her eyes, as if she was telling herself Inner struggle and pain.

Lan Shumin was stunned after hearing this. She felt Qin Xuwen's helplessness and sadness. Her brows furrowed slightly, as if she was digesting this huge amount of information. "Three billion?" she repeated softly, and this number stirred up huge waves in her heart. She couldn't help but start to think about Dr. Feng's motives and the story behind him, "Did I not pay attention to the news on the Internet these days? What big thing did Brother Hao do?"

She paused and stared at Qin Xuwen closely, as if she wanted to see through her heart. She wants to find out more about the secrets between Qin Xuwen and Dr. Feng. "Wait a minute, Xu Wen, let me figure it out." Lan Shumin took a deep breath, "First question, did you break up with your girlfriend? Aren't you a girl?"

Hearing this, Qin Xuwen took a deep breath, knowing that this question could not be avoided. She nodded and admitted frankly: "Yes, I have always liked girls, ever since I was a child. I approached you before because you are good-looking and I like you very much." Her words were simple and direct, without any concealment. This frankness shocked Lan Shumin, and at the same time gave her a deeper understanding and sympathy for Qin Xuwen.

Lan Shumin felt as if a huge wave had been stirred up in her heart. This news is really shocking. She had always had the impression of Qin Xuwen as an ordinary girl, but now she discovered that she had such a deep secret hidden behind her. This impact made her feel a little at a loss. She couldn't help but continue to ask: "So, how do you feel about me and Feng Yihao now?"

Qin Xuwen was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking deeply. "I still have feelings for you. After all, we were such good friends. But I seem to have more feelings for Feng Yihao." Her words revealed a deep helplessness and confusion. "I don't know what happened to me," she added.

Facing Qin Xuwen's answer, Lan Shumin took a deep breath and tried to calm down her emotions. She realized this wasn't going to be simple. "Okay, then let me ask the second question." She paused, "You mean Feng Yihao gave you a reward of three billion as a gift? This money is ostensibly a reward for you, but in fact it is He asked you to use the money to set up a pharmaceutical group?" Her words revealed suspicion and inquiry about Feng Yihao.

"That's right!" Qin Xuwen's eyes flashed with admiration and excitement, "Not only did he reward me, he also gave Mengmeng three billion. Others didn't know that Feng Yimeng was Brother Hao's sister. He This move was so powerful that it not only allowed hard-shell TV to officially rise in the live broadcast industry, but also instantly reversed the predicament of the film and television base project. It also slapped the Kim chaebol in the face through this counterattack, which people have to admire."

At that moment, Lan Shumin seemed to be trapped in a whirlpool of happiness, feeling a huge sense of satisfaction surging deep in her heart. She suddenly understood that Feng Yihao's layout and decision-making were like a superb chess master, and every move was exquisite, far beyond her imagination. His presence is like the bright starlight in the night sky, not only leading her path forward, but also illuminating the darkness deep in her heart. Her eyes couldn't help but moisten. This feeling was like drizzle quietly nourishing the earth, silently but deeply imprinted in her heart.

Qin Xuwen keenly caught the subtle changes in Lan Shumin's mood and asked softly: "Shumin, what's wrong with you?" Her voice was full of concern.

Lan Shumin shook her head gently, with a forced smile on her lips, "It's okay, it's just sand in her eyes." She tried to hide her inner excitement, but the surging emotions were difficult to calm down.

Qin Xuwen looked at her steadily and said thoughtfully: "Our cooperation proposal this time is really in tune. Feng Yihao has paid so much for us, and his generosity shows a great kindness to me. Do you think we can Should we join forces to push this pharmaceutical group to new heights?"

Lan Shumin was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "That's true. Moreover, we can also invite Ouyang Murphy to join us. Her live broadcast ability is outstanding, and she will definitely be able to promote our products to a wider market and increase brand exposure. Spend."

The two looked at each other and smiled, their eyes shining with common ambition and expectation. They know that this moment's decision will change their future. So, without further delay, they decided to take action immediately and met with Ouyang Murphy to discuss the plan. They rode together in a luxurious Lamborghini Poison, speeding on the road leading to the Jinmao Building. The atmosphere in the car is relaxed and happy, full of good expectations for the future. They chatted and laughed happily, sharing each other's opinions and ideas, and were full of unlimited confidence and eager expectations for the future.

In the speeding car, they continued to discuss the details of the project in depth. "Shumin, I think it is a good choice to locate the pharmaceutical factory near the film and television base. Feng Yihao owns a large amount of idle land there, which can not only provide employment opportunities for local residents, but also attract people to the film and television base and boost the economy. Development." The light of wisdom in Qin Xuwen's eyes flashed, and her words revealed her grand vision for the future.

After hearing this, Lan Shumin's eyes flashed with joy, "This is a great idea! Moreover, we can further expand our business scope and open private hospitals and beauty salons. In this way, we will not only create a brand effect, but also provide more complete medical care and beauty services. We want more people to understand and recognize our beauty products so that they can shine in the market."

Their conversation gradually became filled with excitement and excitement. The car echoed with laughter, full of expectations and confidence for the future. They seem to have seen their beauty empire emerging in the glorious future. They firmly believe that as long as they work together and advance hand in hand, with Feng Yihao's wisdom and resources, they will be able to create their own business miracle. At this moment, they are united, full of determination and courage, ready to face the challenges and opportunities of the future.

  On the other side, Qiu Qianqian returned to Yibin City.

Like a warrior, she walked into the gate of Qidian Real Estate with firm steps. Her expression revealed a kind of perseverance and courage, as if her whole body was radiating light, and that light burned with firm belief and unyielding courage. Her gaze is as sharp as a knife, as if she can penetrate everyone's inner secrets, and her eyes are like a beacon in the darkness, illuminating the road ahead.

The first thing she did when she came back was to calm people's hearts with an iron fist. Like a conductor, she accurately controls every rhythm of the company. Her movements are powerful and precise, like the beats in a piece of music, striking everyone's heart. In this major shake-up, she ruthlessly eliminated all potential undercover agents one by one. Her decisiveness and determination were like a shower, cleaning away the haze within the company. In just one day, more than 200 high-level personnel were dealt with. The company experienced a huge earthquake, and the employees were all shocked. They looked at her as if they were watching the birth of a legend.

However, the earthquake did not defeat Qiu Qianqian. On the contrary, she is like a diamond, which shines brighter after being tempered. She is like a solid stone, standing there quietly, unaffected by anyone's comments. Her heart is clean and neat, without a trace of impurity, and her perseverance and decisiveness have earned her the title of "Female Overlord".

At the same time, she also made a bold personnel promotion. She is good at using power, dancing on the stage of power like a superb dancer. She wields the stick of power and plays the carrot-and-stick policy to the fullest. Those promoted talents are all elites with outstanding abilities and unlimited potential. They were in awe of her and at the same time grateful to her because she gave them the opportunity to display their talents on a wider stage.

After dealing with all this, she immediately called Jinneel. There was a kind of confidence and determination in her voice, as if she could travel through the phone line and directly reach the other party's heart. As the chief CEO of Qidian Real Estate, she formally proposed the idea of ​​​​company merger. This idea was like a bomb that instantly detonated between the two companies. Jinnier on the other end of the phone was not too surprised. Her admiration for Feng Yihao was beyond words. "It seems that this woman has completely betrayed the Jin chaebol." She murmured to herself, "Brother Yihao is informal. He is the one who is truly courageous when he employs people without doubting them and does not use them when he doubts them!" After saying that, she made a quick decision and agreed to the merger.

After the phone call ended, the company's senior management meeting was held as scheduled. Qiu Qianqian stood on the podium, her figure tall and majestic, like a mountain peak standing on the earth. Her expression was solemn and serious, and her deep eyes revealed a firm and resolute light. Her language is sonorous and powerful, without any sloppiness.

"Everyone, I want to announce a fact to you." She paused and glanced at everyone present. "The Endpoint Group was actually funded by Feng Yihao." Her words detonated in the venue like a bomb. Time, everyone was stunned.

She continued: "The two companies will join hands to build a Chinese film and television base and create a brilliant future." At this moment, the venue seemed to fall into silence, with only Qiu Qianqian's voice echoing. Her words were like an atomic bomb, instantly detonating the whole place. All senior employees were shocked speechless. The expressions on their faces ranged from surprise to confusion to enlightenment, as if they had experienced a spiritual baptism.

In the days that followed, the company was like boiling water, with tens of thousands of employees talking about it and almost in an uproar. They gathered around, whispering to each other, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. They originally thought that Endpoint Group was their competitor, and were angry that the other party copied their operating model. However, now the truth is revealed, the two companies are actually one. Feng Yihao's land acquisition plan had been completed without their knowledge. The anxiety in the hearts of employees disappeared instantly, and the worries that the company was about to go bankrupt also disappeared. "How is this possible? Endpoint Group is actually our own company!" An employee couldn't help but exclaimed, with a shocked look on his face.

"Yeah, I always thought we were competing with our opponents, but I didn't expect that we were actually one of our own." Another employee also sighed, his tone full of sudden realization.

Employees began to look forward to the future. Under the leadership of Feng Yihao, the two company giants would join forces to create a brilliant future. They seem to have seen that a new era is coming, and a film and television empire of their own is about to rise. Their hearts were full of excitement and expectation, as if they had seen the glorious future waving to them.

Qiu Qianqian stood in front of the office window, looking at the busy employees outside the window, and her heart was full of satisfaction and pride. She knew she had made the right decision. This decision not only changed the fate of the company, but also changed the fate of every employee. She firmly believes that under the leadership of Feng Yihao, they will be able to create a glorious world of their own.

The next day, as the first ray of sunshine in the morning penetrated the earth, the news of the merger between Qidian Real Estate and Endpoint Group was like a sharp falcon, swooping down on the calm lake, causing an uproar. It was like a blockbuster that detonated instantly on the Internet. Like a pair of invisible giant wings, the news swept the entire province in an instant, and even caused quite a shock across the country. For people in other provinces and cities, this is just a distant story and something to talk about after dinner. However, for people in Sichuan and Chongqing Province, this is undoubtedly a magnitude 9 earthquake that shakes the foundation of their lives.

For a time, the news within Jiangcheng's rich first-generation group and rich second-generation group was like a volcano erupting, burning every corner. Investors and real estate developers were stunned as if they were struck by lightning. No one could escape the impact of this news. Before this, Brother Hao had never personally confirmed the relationship between the two companies. Although there were many speculations, speculations were speculations after all, and the reality was so shocking. Now that the news of the merger of the two companies was exposed, everyone was caught off guard, like a naked bird in the cold winter.

"So that's it, Brother Hao's operation is so clever!" Someone sighed in the group, with admiration beyond words. "I thought he was just a philanthropic boy who likes to throw away money. I didn't expect that he is a lot of smart people. Sure enough, he has Rich people don’t have a fuel-efficient lamp!”

"This wave of Kim's chaebol has been completely fooled. Brother Hao really fooled everyone!" Another person echoed, his tone full of wonder and helplessness.

Shu Ziliang sat in front of the computer, his eyes as deep as the sea, watching the messages in the group chat being constantly refreshed, and he admired his wise decision in his heart. He was like a lone boatman. He had long seen that Brother Hao was not an ordinary person. Now it seemed that he was the one who had the last laugh. Early this morning, the phone was ringing constantly. Many rich second-generation people called him, their voices full of anxiety and expectation. They hoped to connect with Brother Hao through him.

In Jiangcheng's second-generation circle, Brother Hao's name has become a shining golden sign. He is like a legendary figure, and has achieved great success in both film and television base projects and live broadcast projects. Some hail him as the new richest man in Jiangcheng, while others speculate that the Feng Chaebol behind him is the real giant. In any case, Brother Hao's status is now unshakable. He stands like a majestic mountain peak.

However, behind this seemingly lively scene, there is also a hint of helplessness and desolation. Some people who had quit the second-generation group for some reason began to regret it. They were like lost souls. "Damn it, it was Shangguan Hongchao who encouraged everyone to quit the group, otherwise it wouldn't be so embarrassing now." They complained. As I sat there, my heart was filled with regret, but there was no regret in selling medicine.

These regretful people once retreated under the light of Brother Hao. Now in their eyes, Brother Hao is like an insurmountable mountain, an existence that they are eager to come into contact with again. "If I hadn't quit the group back then, and now when I went to other places, I would have said that I know Brother Hao, and it would have been a matter of thief's advantage." They thought regretfully. However, there are no ifs in life, only results.

Their behavior of withdrawing from the group is tantamount to losing that seemingly dazzling halo, making them appear to be lacking confidence in the face of reality. They are like animals that have lost their protective color and have nowhere to hide in the jungle. Now, it seems to have become even more difficult for them to rejoin that circle.

Under the dim light, Shu Ziliang sat alone in the corner. His figure looked particularly lonely in the afterglow of dusk, and his eyes were deep, as if he could penetrate the silence behind this noisy city. The phone rang suddenly, breaking the tranquility.

"Brother Liang, you have to help me and see if you can find a way for me to return to the group." On the other end of the phone, Aqiang's voice trembled and begged, his tone full of endless regret, "I was so sad that day I lost my mind and was fooled by someone's few words, and did such stupid things. You know it well, my admiration for Brother Hao has never changed, and now I really..." His voice Choking, as if clinging to the last glimmer of hope.

Shu Ziliang listened quietly, and he could feel Aqiang's regret and despair. This brother who once fought side by side was now so embarrassed on the other end of the phone, which made him feel a little distressed. However, he also knows that there are some things that once you make a choice, you can never go back.

He took a deep breath and said slowly: "Aqiang, I really can't help you with this matter. When you chose to leave, you should have thought that the rules in the group have changed. Moreover," he After a pause, there was a trace of helplessness in his voice, "Brother Hao has just distributed the peripheral projects of the film and television base to everyone. If you go back at this time, you will undoubtedly be competing with everyone. Even if I ask, I'm afraid no one will accept it. you."

Aqiang on the other end of the phone was silent. As he listened to Shu Ziliang's words, the regret in his heart surged up like a tide, almost drowning him. He thought of his original decision and the admiration and trust he once had for Brother Hao, and his heart was filled with endless regret and self-blame.

"I...I really didn't expect that I would have such an opportunity if I stayed in the second-generation group." Aqiang's voice was full of bitterness, "The land of the film and television base has been acquired by Brother Hao. This The project has received support from the provincial government. In the future, the film and television base will also build a university town and open a film and television academy to attract tourists... This is what I have always dreamed of!" His voice became more and more excited. "Brother Liang, you are my only hope, can you help me again? I am willing to pay any price!"

Listening to Aqiang's plea, Shu Ziliang sighed softly. He understood Aqiang's mood, but he also knew that some things could not be undone by regret and begging. "Aqiang, it's not that I don't want to help you," he said in a serious tone, "but I really can't do anything about this matter. You choose the path yourself, and you can only bear the consequences." He paused, "That's it, we'll talk again when we have the chance." After saying that, he hung up the phone decisively.

This is the fifth call Shu Ziliang received today. He knows that there may be more calls coming, and more former brothers seeking help from him. He closed his eyes tiredly, his heart filled with helplessness and emotion. This is life, right? It is full of choices and being chosen, and behind every choice, there may be unforeseen consequences. He couldn't help them. They must learn to live with the consequences of their choices.

In Shu Ziliang's eyes, Brother Hao is like an insurmountable mountain, and his unusualness is far beyond what the world can imagine. That unique ability in resource integration and character building seems to be his innate talent. He never deliberately created it, but every action and every decision he made was like an ingenious artist, inadvertently creating a powerful persona that made everyone around him deeply in awe of him.

With a wave of his hand, he can generously give tens of billions of gifts to female anchors. His heroic spirit is like a violent storm, which is jaw-dropping and beyond words. And in the group chat, he singled out the second generation, showed his tough attitude without any scruples, turned against others in person, like a tiger descending from the mountain, unstoppable. His wealth is as rich as the ocean, immeasurable; his heart is as deep as the abyss in the night, making it impossible to peer into the bottom. The background is so deep that no one can see its full picture. It is like a solid rock. No matter how wind blows or rains, I remain unmoved and show a strong posture.

The word "Brother Hao" has become a kind of belief in the second-generation circle in Jiangcheng. It seems that as long as you have contact with him, you can be tainted by his light, making people feel even more honored. That kind of powerful appeal has been deeply rooted in people's hearts in a subtle way. As long as he raises his arms, almost all the second-generation circles in Jiangcheng will respond. The scene of stars holding the moon is enough to make people breathtaking.

These second generations, the resources in their hands are shining like stars in the sky, spread over all walks of life. These powers, viewed individually, do not seem to be noticeable, just like fireflies at night, weak and lonely. However, when these resources and connections come together, the power is like a falling galaxy, majestic and dazzling, making it difficult for people to look directly at it.

And Brother Hao, he is the helmsman of this force. He stood quietly in the center, like a master carving beautiful jade, polishing every part to perfection. His strategizing and decisive victory are like silent movements, leading this force towards the unknown. He poured all the resources into the film and television base project one by one, like a river flowing into the sea. The huge project was like a bottomless pit, swallowing up all the resources, but also giving birth to endless possibilities.

The popularity of this project is beyond anyone’s imagination. Countless people went crazy and fell in love with it, as if it was a national carnival. This is already a powerful force and there is no need to give anyone any more face. But now, they are like bees surrounding Brother Hao, their eyes full of admiration and desire. It was as if they saw their savior, their guiding light. Their willingness and their willingness to go through fire and water all declare the true excellence of Brother Hao.

When the film and television base is completed, the relationship between the second generation and Brother Hao will undoubtedly become closer. The relationship between them has gone beyond the bond of interest and has become an emotional sustenance. They know that only by following Brother Hao's footsteps can they ensure their own maximum interests and gain a foothold in this turbulent era. They have no doubt about every decision made by Brother Hao, as if Brother Hao is their direction and their belief.

This kind of appeal is like a fire burning in their hearts. They went through fire and water for Brother Hao without hesitation. Because following Brother Hao, they can indeed make money, which is an opportunity that others cannot provide. This is Brother Hao’s unique charm and the reason why they follow him willingly. This kind of appeal is not only a temptation of interests, but also an emotional resonance. They are willing to follow Brother Hao into the unknown future, even if that road is full of hardships and challenges.

Brother Hao's existence is like a beacon, lighting up their path forward. Every action and decision he made seemed to be a signal, leading them in the direction they were going. They looked at his figure standing tall in front of them. It was a kind of faith and a kind of strength. They know that as long as they follow Brother Hao's footsteps, they can reach the hope-filled shore.

  At this moment, Feng Yihao was sitting quietly in the corner, doing nothing like a calm lake. An indifferent expression appeared on his face, like a veil, separating him from the complexity of the world. With a slight movement of his fingers, the phone slipped out of his pocket and fell into his palm. His movements were familiar, as if everything had become a part of his life. He clicked on Douyin and scanned the screen with his eyes, looking for anchors worthy of his reward to pass the boring time. His eyes were calm, showing no emotion.

However, this peaceful atmosphere did not last long. A sudden piece of news hit his life like a meteorite. It was about the sanitary environment of the Brilliant Grand Hotel. The heat soared instantly, like a flame igniting in an instant. The word "shock" in the title was like a sharp blade, piercing his indifference.

The pictures on the news made him frown. It was the filthiness of the hotel room, laid bare. Bed sheets and quilt covers used by previous guests, as long as the marks are not obvious, are ignored by the cleaning staff and not changed. He could almost see the stained sheets and smell the pungent smell. Bath towels, which were supposed to be spotless white, were used to wipe down the toilet bowl. This image made him feel sick. What is even more unacceptable is that the towels used in the toilet are once again provided to guests for washing their faces after being cleaned in the laundry room. There were all kinds of filthy traces hidden inside the pillowcase. All of this makes people feel extremely shocked and angry.

The anger of netizens is surging like a volcanic eruption. They cannot accept such a dirty secret behind a five-star hotel. They all expressed their intention to boycott this magnificent hotel and let this irresponsible behavior get the punishment it deserves.

Feng Yihao's expression became solemn, his brows furrowed, and his eyes revealed deep doubts. "The Magnificent Grand Hotel, isn't this the property of the Jin family?" He was full of doubts in his heart. "Is this an accidental revelation, or was it done deliberately by someone who wanted to bring down the Jin family?" His doubts reappeared, regarding this He was puzzled by everything.

He thought of Jinnelle's innocent face and the past of the Jin family. There was a problem with the Jin family's property. He did not gloat or add insult to injury. This was his last act of friendship. He knew in his heart that if it weren't for Jin Ni'er, he would have made him pay the price long ago if that boy Jin Junjun dared to take advantage of Lan Shumin.

  In the Jin Group's splendid building, the atmosphere of dark clouds made the air seem dull and solemn. The tip of the building stuck straight into the clouds, like a sharp knife, trying to pierce the overwhelming dark clouds, but it seemed to be in vain. Jin Junjun, the helmsman of the Jin Group, his face was as gloomy as a dark cloud, as if water would drip out at any time. His eyes shone with anger and anxiety, like a wild beast that was about to go mad, full of endless irritability and anxiety.

That morning, negative news about the Brilliant Grand Hotel sprung up on major online platforms. Popular online bloggers have criticized it angrily, and their words are like sharp swords, pointing directly at the heart of the hotel. Countless netizens were aroused by these news, and like a colony of enraged ants, they poured into major Internet platforms such as Douyin, Xiaohongshu, and Kuaishou. The negative news about the Brilliant Grand Hotel was instantly overwhelming and dense.

However, this is not the end yet. News broke that a guest at the Brilliant Hotel ate flies, cockroaches, maggots and other disgusting things. This news is like a stone that stirs up a thousand waves. Whether it is hotel hygiene or restaurant hygiene, the brand reputation of Jinbihuihuang Group suffered a serious blow in an instant. This giant that stood tall in the business world was pushed to the forefront almost instantly, and its brand value plummeted.

The impact of all this is directly reflected in the stock market. Because of this incident, after the stock market opened at nine o'clock this morning, the share price of Jin Group fell like a cliff, falling by two yuan. The market value has evaporated by 3 billion. For Jin Junjun, this blow was like a huge stone weighing on his heart, making him almost breathless.

However, the bigger blow was yet to come. Jin Nier suddenly announced the news of the merger of Endpoint Group and Qidian Real Estate, and Feng Yihao's in-depth layout was finally exposed. This news detonated like a bomb within the Kim Group, making the already precarious Kim Group even worse. At this time, Jin Junjun seemed to be on a ship in a storm, surrounded by rough waves and in danger of capsizing at any time.

He hurriedly convened an emergency meeting with the group's senior management to discuss countermeasures. The atmosphere in the conference room was solemn and oppressive, and no one dared to speak easily to break the silence.

(End of this chapter)

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