Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 194 Achieving Continuous Achievements

Early the next morning, Galil escorted a group of prisoners back to Wushanbao.

After returning this time, given the evidence, the crime Leisen committed should be irrefutable.

However, it is foreseeable that it is still very difficult to eradicate the Skull and Bones Society through Leisen.

Although these days, Redal has interrogated Feliton and learned that Leisen contacted the Skull and Bones Society through Viscount Tiny of the Purple Thunder Territory.

But it is impossible to drag the Purple Thunder Leader into the water just based on Feliton's explanation.

First of all, the Purple Thunder family has an extraordinary status. Viscount Tyney is a powerful knight in his own right, and his daughter is married to Barrington, and his grandson is the heir to the Hyde family;

Secondly, the oral accusation is too unconvincing. In the absence of other evidence, Viscount Tenny can completely say that this is a rumor and frame-up made by Feridon, and he can just refuse to admit it.

Unless Leisen can provide completely undeniable evidence of the transfer to Viscount Tenny.

However, during the communication with the Purple Thunder Leader, Viscount Taini did not have anything substantial in Leisen's hands.

Even in the assassination of Luo Ning this time, the other party only conveyed the news verbally through Feliton, and even the verbal message was only one sentence and did not involve specific details.

Regarding the Purple Thunder Territory, Luo Ning just gave Galil a friendly reminder.

As for how to judge Leisen in the future and how to track down the Skull and Bones Society, these are things that Wushanbao needs to consider.

After Galil left, Baron Mas and Talon of Wrangler City also bid farewell.

Their mission actually ended when Luo Ning arrived at Swamp Castle. The reason why they stayed here for two more days was entirely out of the friendship of the Iron Heel family.

Now that Luo Ning's men have taken over the defense here, they have no reason to stay.

After sending these two groups of guests away, Luo Ning basically spent the next two days or so on patrol, and as a result, he learned more about this territory.

What Thain leads is actually a swamp.

The south, west and north sides of this place are surrounded by high and low mountains and forests. Apart from a road in the southwest corner leading to the outside world, the only transportation left is the trail leading to the black-collar tribe in the north.

Going east from Swamp Town, the terrain is flat, but the wet ground, coupled with large and small lakes, rivers, mire, and dangerous creatures that often appear, make it difficult for people to walk.

And even if you go east through the swamp, you can only reach the seaside, and there are no human cities there.

Therefore, over the years, the area where Leisen and his subjects moved was estimated to be hundreds of square kilometers around Swamp Town.

Swamp Town is located in the southwest corner of the entire Thain Territory. This location makes it much more convenient to access the outside world.

The area where the residents of the town live is basically concentrated in this place.

On the one hand, this is because the land in the south is relatively dry and is more suitable for life than the wet swamp mud;

On the other hand, the only more than 67,000 acres of cultivated land in Marsh Town are all concentrated in this area, making it convenient for farmers to live and work here.

When Luo Ning heard that there were nearly 70,000 acres of cultivated land in Marsh Town, he felt happy.

After all, up to now, Shanlin Town has cultivated just over 30,000 acres of land, and Swamp Town has more than twice as much land as Shanlin Town.

But as he thought about the population of Swamp Town and the world's food output per acre, the smile on Luo Ning's face disappeared.

More than 60,000 acres of cultivated land may sound like a lot, but in reality, if all of it was cultivated, the harvested food would barely feed the 10,000 people in Swamp Town.

The reason is that food production is too low.

During the years Leisen has been running Swamp Town, although he has relied on the swamp to operate the black buffalo industry and cooperated with the development of aquatic products, fishing and hunting, he has no worries about having no money to buy food outside, but the problem of insufficient arable land has always existed.

Moreover, if Rayson wants to quickly expand the population of Swamp Town, this problem must be solved. But he didn't find a solution, or he didn't think about turning the swamp into arable farmland.

Perhaps for Leisen, instead of turning swamps into farmland, it is better to directly cultivate fish and shrimps, which can not only be used as food rations when hungry, but also sell them for money in exchange for other supplies.

So after many years of entanglement, he turned his attention outside of the Thane Territory, and that's how he joined forces with Prince to seize the food in Hillwood Town, and subdued Joffrey to occupy the Black Collar Tribe.

Luo Ning was riding on the Cloud Riding Horse, looking at the vast but flat swamp, and couldn't help but sigh: "Leisen, Leisen, you really don't know what a treasure is."

There are many areas in this swamp that are considered low swamps.

The surface of this kind of swamp is flat and low-lying. Its peat layer is relatively thin and rich in nutrients. The peat extracted from the swamp can be used as organic fertilizer.

This vast swamp is like a huge, natural organic fertilizer base for Luo Ning.

And low-lying swamps like this one can become fertile farmland once the water is drained.

Leisen was completely unaware of this, and instead took the risk to invade the territories of other nobles, which was a bit of a waste of money.

Luo Ning believes that as long as these organic fertilizers are used rationally and combined with the planting techniques he taught Wilson and others, the food output in Marsh Town will definitely increase compared to previous years.

"Before spring plowing, let Wilson organize manpower to mine peat and fertilize the cultivated land."

Luo Ning turned his horse's head and ended his inspection of the territory, returning to Swamp Castle in the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Sir, Wilson has been waiting in the study for a long time."

Butler Chahar has adapted to the new environment. In the past two days, he has taken care of the Swamp Castle in an orderly manner. Even the newly recruited servants have begun training.

"How is the new castle?" Luo Ning asked casually.

Chahar unabashedly admired: "It's more spacious, more majestic, and more solid than Shanlin Castle! Master, maybe this place is more suitable for your status."

The Viscount of Wubei Territory must have a decent castle to live in, and Shanlin Castle is really a bit shabby.

"I'll consider relocation."

Luo Ning understood what the housekeeper meant, but many of his craftsmen and industrial arrangements were in Shanlin Town, and in terms of living environment, he still preferred Shanlin Castle.

While the two were talking, they had arrived at the spacious living room, where political officer Wilson and his assistant were already waiting there.

"Sir, you are finally back!" Wilson and others quickly stood up and saluted.

Luo Ning smiled and signaled that everyone should not be too restrained, "Come here to see me. Has the census been completed?"

"Yes, my lord!"

Wilson took a stack of parchment on the table and handed it to Luo Ning respectfully, "A total of 9856 people in Swamp Town are registered. Please take a look!"

Luo Ning's eyes lit up. The population of Swamp Town did not disappoint him.

"Good job, everyone!"

As the parchment was taken over by Luo Ning, two lines of text jumped out of his sight:

[The achievement of "Prosperous Population" is achieved, attribute points +100, energy essence +200]

[Achievement of "Prosperous Population" achieved, attribute points +150, energy essence +300] (End of this chapter)

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