Chapter 296 Mountain Road, Accident 1
Hot and cold air convection with each other, quietly gathering into the mountain wind, blowing from the depths of the forest, gently blowing through the stretching woods, gently picking the slender and light dry leaves from the branches, taking them away from their original 's habitat.

With the power of the wind, these plucked light yellow flakes were like floating feathers, slowly spinning and dancing in the air, and finally fell on the country roads, blending with the dust everywhere.

The humus, catalyzed by sunshine, rain and snow, spreads along both sides of the road, forming two faint wavy lines washed by the rain. There are only a few old tire marks on them, indicating the fact that there are few people in the surrounding area.

A round pine cone fell from the tree and rolled onto the road. A fluffy brown shadow emerged, but a North American red squirrel couldn't bear to see the delicious nut full of oil rotting with the dust and mud, and followed closely behind. Coming in pursuit.

It showed its sharp fangs, cracked open the hard scaly skin, and stuffed its cheek pouches with bits of nature's gifts, ready to take them back to its den for storage in preparation for the coming cold winter.

Only halfway through the meal, its ears suddenly stood up, and it hurriedly threw away the food held between its two little paws. Its big fluffy tail trembled, and it scurried back into the forest.

After a few breaths, a blue-gray car silhouette slid past at a steady speed.

"It's another animal. The ecological protection in the nearby area is quite good."

Zhu Mingyao glanced at the little creature that was running away, turned a corner, slowed down the car a few points, and at the same time sensed his surroundings attentively.

This mountain road is winding and poorly maintained. The branches of trees along the road block the light. Even in broad daylight, the view is somewhat poor.


"Don't you have eyes? It's not dark yet! Just hit me straight up!"

"There was a dead deer lying there bloody just now. I was just looking at it. By the time I noticed you, it was already too late to brake."

"Am I cursed by the devil today?"

After about half an hour, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and had a strange expression that was half-smiling, as if he had discovered something unexpected.

Three men, two women, and five young men who looked like college students were crossing their arms and akimbo, all staring at him with angry eyes.

The black-haired man grabbed his hair in frustration and looked at the accident scene in front of him with despair.

The man became more and more embarrassed when he heard this, waving his fingers and explaining in a panic:

"I saved my pocket money for four months to buy the latest model..."

"Ah! My dear Spike Explorer..." Among them was a curly-haired young man wearing a yellow coat who was well-mannered and crying. He was holding his beloved mountain bike hanging behind the white Ford, twisted into twists by the impact, with a crazy expression.

His blue Toyota and a white Ford Traveler were lying across the road. One head exploded, the other butt exploded, and engine oil and parts were splashed all over the floor. You can see how violent the anus explosion just now was.


It is right for ordinary pedestrians to be careful here, but in the eyes of an extraordinary person who has accomplished spiritual practice, it is no different from a smooth road. The reason why he behaves this way is because the clues revealed by the divine prophecy are within this radius. In the mountains and forests for dozens of miles.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Zhu Mingyao restrained his aura and secretly sent out the two ghosts of Tumu and Mu from the Five Elements Yin Soldiers to search quietly under the cover of environmental attributes.

"In the final analysis, I was driving too fast. Do you think it's okay to speed seriously if there are no police on the country road? Fortunately, we were not in the car. At that moment, I seemed to see the grandma in heaven waving to me!" The girl with short red hair He clutched his chest and said with lingering fear.

The boyfriend wearing brown goggles beside him snorted at the perpetrator and hugged his lover tightly with pity.

"I'm really sorry. I have an urgent job and I need to rush it. I didn't expect there to be other vehicles on the semi-abandoned trail." The black-haired man apologized guiltily, looking around them in a panic, confirming I was secretly relieved that no one was hurt.

"Don't worry, I will compensate everyone for your losses." He swallowed and asked with some pain:

"By the way...why did you stop in the middle of the road?"

"Because the tire was punctured." Not paying attention to the implicit shirk of responsibility in the other party's words, a tall girl with long flowing hair walked up from behind. The breeze opened the front of the short windbreaker, revealing the lower body outlined by a stretchy white vest. Full of hills.

She angrily raised a slender object in her hand, pointed at the tires of her car and said:

"Some bastard pulled up a barbed wire fence on the road, tied one end to a tree, and then there was a bang!"

Her pretty face was clouded, and she shook the rusty gray-black wire. "It was even dipped in carbon ash to make it camouflage. That damn guy did it on purpose!"

"Perhaps it was done by a nearby repair shop. Countryside people have many dirty tricks to get a few bucks." The black-haired man shook his head helplessly.

"This has gone beyond the scope of a prank! Call the police. No matter who it is, he must be allowed to reflect in prison!" Thinking of the dangerous scene just now, the red-haired girl waved her cell phone angrily.

Wearing a blue long-sleeved T-shirt, the young woman with dark complexion grinned and patted her best friend on the shoulder, "Don't waste your efforts. You overestimate the infrastructure level of Federal Communications Company. From the moment you enter the mountain road, there are no calls." There is no grid signal.”

"What should we do? Are we trapped in the wilderness? It's very cold in the mountains. I didn't bring any thick clothes." The red-haired girl held her smooth forearm and rubbed it hard a few times. She was the only one in the group who cared about dressing up the most, and she was still wearing a thin and hot summer dress.

The long-haired girl pondered for a moment, "I remember there was a small grocery store run by an old man at the intersection when I came here. There should be a phone..."

The black-haired man smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. When I went to buy cigarettes, the boss was complaining about why the maintenance man hadn't come to the door yet - the phone hadn't been working for half a month."

He stretched out his hand dejectedly: "Chris, a network engineer who wanted to take a big job to make money, but failed because of a car accident, and had to pay for the maintenance instead."

"I'm so sorry for you." The girl in the white vest smiled amused by his sense of humor, tilted her head towards her companions, and simply introduced herself to her family.

"As for us, it goes without saying, but you should also be able to see it - a group of poor college students who go on a trip after the typical graduation season.

The handsome guy wearing sunglasses is Alvin, the red-haired beauty is his girlfriend France, the nerd Scott in yellow clothes and the black-haired Carly are a couple, my name is Jesse, and I am a sad single driver... …”

"Hey, I haven't officially agreed to him yet!" Carly rolled up her sleeves and put her hands on her waist, her wheat-colored forearm muscles bulging, protesting against her taking the opportunity to assist her friend.

"Classmates, enough of the joking, let's think of a solution." France pouted and scolded.

Jesse rummaged through the messy trunk for a long time, and barely pulled out a relatively complete coat from the cracks in the twisted metal plate and threw it to her.

"What else can I do? Wrap up your delicate waist that is afraid of the wind and cold, and let's walk back to the service area together."

"I don't want to hike twenty or thirty miles in the mountains..." The red-haired lady frowned in disgust and threw away the clothes stained with engine oil on her hands.

She opened the car door, checked the cracked glass, flattened the seat, stretched out and lay in, "Fortunately, it's not broken yet, I'll just hold on in this little nest for a while, and wait for you to call for rescue." .”

(End of this chapter)

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