The world of beauty drama begins with the surrender of Jason

Chapter 274 [Hercules] and [Illusionist] 1

Chapter 274 [Hercules] and [Illusionist] 1

The colorful and wide pointed-toe boots swayed, and with brisk footsteps, he circled twice around the broken corpse wearing a blue jumpsuit on the iron bed.

"Fortunately, I have almost collected the power of fear. It's no wonder that I spent so much effort to find a town with the same name as you to hold the ceremony."

A white glove was raised, and he pulled down the increasingly larger black balloon floating on the ceiling. He appraised the size with satisfaction and untied the rope.

An infinite amount of black-yellow aura of fear, which was as real as a substance, poured out like a tidal wave like a large piece of filthy sludge, pouring on the corpse without any reservation.

The sky, the earth, the pillars, and the walls were densely packed, as if the evil runes written in dried blood all glowed with demonic light. Amidst the murmuring sounds like insects eating leaves, the tall and burly corpse trembled, and slowly climbed up stiffly, waxy and yellow. A leather mask emerged from the void and was placed directly on his face.

"Welcome to the [Circus], my Mr. [Hercules]!"

The masked zombie turned its head, its eyeholes as empty as the abyss, silently staring at the figure opposite. He casually pulled off a few bars on the iron bed and kneaded them. In his big hands, the hard metal changed its shape as docilely as soft mud. .

Under the pale phosphorescent light, a foot-long sharp knife with flowing cold light quickly took shape. The ferocious aura was as burning as fire, and there was a sense of eagerness, as if he was choosing the place to strike.

"I said, welcome to [the circus], dear Mr. Miles, didn't you hear..."

Faced with the unruly intentions of the new [member], a mass of evil force that was ten times more powerful came down, instantly overpowering the tyrannical evil aura of the masked zombie, crushing it with a rattling sound all over its body, and its withered leather. Small cracks were faintly visible in the mask, and the tough bones seemed ready to turn into powder at any time.

After a moment of stalemate in front of an even bigger terror, it finally lowered its head to show its surrender.

A dark phantom slowly rose from the forehead of the masked zombie, transformed into a string of tiny strange characters, and fell into the white gloves.

After getting the secret text of his real name, he laughed happily with a funny voice.

"Very good. As a bonus for joining the group, before we leave, let Mr. [Illusionist] accompany you to say hello to those guests and have a good time!"

Watching the two silhouettes, one tall and one short, disappear at the top of the stairs, a pair of white gloves with dark silver patterns appeared and he rubbed his fingers.

"Ms. Morgana, how are you thinking? I sincerely invite you to be the [magician] of the circus, and unlike others, you will not need to provide your real name, you only need to sign a loose contract , providing [fear] that is of no use to you..."

In the corner, light and shadow slowly squirmed, and an illusory figure wearing a medieval-style blue-black dress slid out gently like a ghost.

"As promised, as long as you help me get the Ring of Merlin back, I will agree to your request."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's visit the respected Voodoo Mistress now. I believe she will understand the pros and cons and provide help rationally." The orange pupils flickered and she clapped her hands happily. .

A gorgeous arch composed of many balloons, lace flowers, and ribbons carefully woven suddenly protruded from the void. The space inside the door was like sparkling waves on the water. In the haze, a huge five-color gilded tent was looming.



"You two, you must hold on tight to me!"

Katie held the two frightened children tightly with one hand and protected them behind her. She held a cross dagger high in the other hand and waved it nervously from side to side.

The originally brightly lit and cozy home was now dark, with only the family altar beneath them and the sword in their hands emitting a faint light.

She felt like she was going crazy. How could such a ridiculous thing happen? The clown in the video suddenly crawled out of the TV and launched an attack, but at the critical moment, the so-called holy objects that grandpa brought back from visiting friends in the Holy City actually showed their power and protected them!

Is this a reality show director filming a fantasy drama?

How pitiful she was, she actually always thought that grandpa was bragging when he said that his childhood friend was a big shot in the church.

It just looks like it won’t last long...

Katie stared at the approaching monster in horror, and the sound of footsteps hit her heart like a heavy hammer.

As the enemy approached, the thick darkness rushed toward him like a demon with teeth and claws, and all the furnishings on the altar began to shake.

The writing on the hand-copied parchment Bible is blurred and disappears;

The pure holy water in the glass bottle evaporated strangely;

The angel wing model made of pure white feathers has turned yellow and discolored.

Even the silver sword in her hand was shaking unbearably, and the Latin mottos engraved on it quickly rusted and peeled off.

A white glove brushed over the kitchen counter, caressed the knife rack, weighed the items one by one, and selected a thick-backed bone-chopping machete.

Feeling that the power to protect his prey was about to be exhausted, the clown in black and white cloth smiled cruelly, shook his head in a pretentious manner, flipped his fingers and suddenly held out a candle with a grimace on it.

It puffed up its cheeks exaggeratedly and blew hard, and evil wind and evil energy surged out, blowing out the small candle flame in an instant. Immediately afterwards, a scorching flame suddenly erupted, licking the already thin holy light fiercely like a long dragon.

The last straw completely broke the camel's back, and the sutra scrolls and wings instantly ignited into thick black smoke. The bottle of holy water suddenly exploded, and sharp glass shards flew everywhere, slicing the children's arms and causing them to scream in pain.

The bone-chopping steel knife hit hard, and with a "dang" sound, it easily broke the rusty sword and slashed towards the woman's head!

Katie held the child in her arms and tried desperately to dodge, but her body couldn't keep up with the speed of her thinking. She could only watch in despair as the deadly weapon fell little by little!

"Hey!" The horrifying sound of a sharp blade splitting flesh and bone echoed in her ears, but she didn't feel the slightest pain on her body.

"You guys are really lucky..."

Zhu Mingyao withdrew the sword pill and glanced around coldly. The clown's corpse had gradually turned into putrid sludge, and the altar was also in a mess.

Like them, there is only one resident in a thousand who has real religious objects enshrined in their homes, and most people are not so lucky to be able to rescue themselves. I am afraid there will be many casualties tonight.

Fortunately this should be the last one.

The golden eyes on his forehead carefully sensed that the clowns raging in the town had been completely eliminated by the Five Elements Yin Soldiers and the summoned flying dragons, and the fog gradually dissipated.

Zhu Mingyao breathed a sigh of relief, took out his communicator, and prepared to contact Beverly and the others to enter the scene and deal with the aftermath.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, and two strange auras suddenly appeared in his spiritual sense!

A pure and cold killing intent was as powerful and sharp as a bone-scraping steel knife, attacking the logistics team outside the city.

But another fluctuating change is surprisingly complex like a kaleidoscope, shrouding me!

 Ah, I finally finished writing. At the end of the month tomorrow, I will take a day off as usual and use up the leave note. Next month, I’m afraid I can only maintain 3000 words a day at most. I’m sorry everyone, I’m such a waste.



(End of this chapter)

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