Chapter 212 Asking for help

Go back a few minutes...

The silver-gray sword light danced rapidly, causing branches and leaves to fly horizontally, creating a path among the dense network of vines and shrubs.

"Hoho..." Gavin Browning gasped and ran quickly. Enduring the unforgettable sharp pain on his shoulder, he pulled out a small parchment roll with his left hand, reluctantly brought it to his mouth, tore it open with his teeth, and then took advantage of the situation. leave.

Three figures who looked exactly like him appeared. They had the same weak aura, the skin on their left shoulder was torn, and the same expressions of panic and vividness. Even the sword in their right hand could cut through the vegetation blocking the road. They each chose a direction to escape in an instant.

The ferocious aura that had been clinging to the rear actually shifted slightly, and a thick, sinuous black shadow brought a sharp sonic boom, passing over the jungle, killing a running clone on the spot!

After activating the real phantom and gaining some breathing space, the young priest knight did not dare to delay any longer. He hurriedly added a holy healing spell to himself, and then rushed towards the direction where the skull smoke was rising in the sky just now.

The Church of the Evangelical Church is the leading sect in the federal Protestant church, and it has always been well-informed. Before entering the secret realm, the elders briefly introduced the members of other organizations in private. This strange scene looks like the spells of Eastern necromancers. Something you made.

At this moment, at that moment, on ordinary days, he would probably still be proud of his status as a clergyman and keep a polite distance from him, but at the critical moment of life and death when he was being chased by a terrifying enemy, how could he care so much?

What kind of pagan evil wizard?

That's my long-lost half-brother, okay!

Sensing the destruction of his clones, and hearing the sound of the trees breaking behind him getting closer and closer, Gavin felt a sudden shock in his heart. He knocked the heels of his feet against each other, activating the silver-blue feather-like runes inlaid on the leather boots. Surrounded by the breeze, the speed increased by 30%.

But as he was running away in a hurry, he didn't realize that at the wound on his shoulder, a faint snake-shaped black mist gradually took shape and quietly penetrated into his body.

He walked straight through several bushes of lush agave, letting the thick long leaves that stood like swords break on the force field shield, splashing out the viscous juice with a bitter smell, and then jumped over a lying on the ground. The large decaying trees and dense green vegetation that fill the eyes gradually become sparse, and large phosphorus cliffs are vaguely visible.

"We're almost there! It should be this area!" Gavin was slightly refreshed. He quickly weighed his thoughts and silently recited the holy words. A bit of milky white light appeared out of thin air and rushed up to a height of 100 meters. With a "bang", Exploding like holiday fireworks.

Then his body suddenly became hazy and transparent, and he jumped sideways as if his butt was on fire.

As expected, a black shadow as thick as a hugging tree fell from the sky in an instant, hitting the place where he stood a few seconds ago. It lifted up a large piece of soil and plowed a deep ravine on the soft ground. It was half decomposed by fungi. Dead branches and leaves were flying everywhere, emitting a strange rotten smell.

Taking this opportunity, the priest knight held his sword upside down, knelt down on one knee, and shouted loudly. A dozen white light cross swords appeared, arranged in an array and inserted into the ground around the thick black shadow, and a forbidden power rippled. And came out, temporarily freezing the other party's actions.

Then he raised his sword high, with holy radiance surging all over his body, and a halo composed of four or five kinds of runes of various colors bloomed under his feet. His aura rose again and again, as if he was going to fight to the death with the pursuing enemies!

This desperate and desperate posture made the pursuers pause cautiously. As a top hunter, it has enough wisdom to evaluate the strength and weakness, and will not be paralyzed just because of the enemy's small size.

However, the natural overlords who roamed the secret jungle underestimated the cunning upright ape who ruled the concrete jungle.

A blinding white light flashed, and the figure did not pounce on it, but turned into a small dot hundreds of meters away, and bursts of high-pitched bipedal beast language came along with the wind:

"Which organization are you friends with in front of me? I'm Gavin from the Evangelical Association.

——Help! "

…    …


A human figure wrapped in holy light and with an afterimage sprang out from the jungle like a cannonball, smashing countless flowers and plants along the way. It had broken branches on its head and green vines around its waist. A dog ate shit and fell on the thick wet ground. On the tidal meadow.

Zhu Mingyao and the others who ran over to find out what was going on saw this embarrassing scene.

Standing up in a dancing and swaying manner, the young priest knight spat out the blades of grass in his mouth. He didn't care about the shameful appearance of his face covered with mud. He staggered over and ran towards him while shouting:

" careful, there are monsters..."

Your next sentence, could it be that the troll is in the basement? Looking at this very immediate scene, Zhu Mingyao twitched the corners of his mouth and glanced at Bai Ziyuan beside him.

First it was a pirated version of Death Eater's Dark Mark, and now it's a cosplay of Professor Quirrell. Are you two pretending to be Harry Potter?

Although the witty words in his mind turned around a few times, Zhu Mingyao still showed some perseverance and controlled his image, and did not change his job to a complainer on the spot.

It's just that this is not because his Qi-nurturing skills have improved, but because the vicious aura coming from the opposite side is so strong that even the spiritual senses of several people who have been severely suppressed can be clearly sensed.

He opened his mouth to speak, but his expression suddenly changed.

"Get out of the way!" "Pull over!" "Get out of the way!"

The group of people present, all elites of the younger generation, warned and took action almost at the same time!

The psychic spider silk pulled at the arms and waist, and a few clouds of sinister wind wrapped around the head and feet, dragging the priest knight away from the place. The translucent force field hand and the alchemy armor-piercing bullet passed over the seeker and met the ferocious shadow whistling from behind!

The sharp alloy warhead was the first to attack. With the help of high-explosive gunpowder, it spread the smooth light on the shadow for a moment, penetrated deeply, and then exploded into a ball of fire!

It is a pity that although this crystal of modern military industry and ancient alchemy can easily knock down a strong African rhinoceros, it is still not powerful enough in front of this opponent.

The shadow like a floating python only trembled slightly, and then it hit the big hand of the force field without stopping with the strong wind.

The giant palm of witchcraft that could crush gold and stone was exploded with a bang, turning into little spiritual lights that flew away in an instant. Madison, who released the spell, groaned, and his petite body shook, obviously losing the battle.

How could the arrogant daughter with a strong personality be willing to suffer in vain? The girl struck with both palms in anger. After the witchcraft hand collapsed, the remaining star points of aura suddenly turned red, and in an instant turned into dozens of explosive missiles, attacking the enemy. Indiscriminate bombing.

The violent fire element tore apart the dim light on the surface of the shadow, revealing a long purple-black tongue with ferocious flesh thorns underneath!

Several people took a breath of cold air. If a tongue is like this, how big must the enemy be?

Their questions didn't last long, and they were immediately answered:

At the other end of the long purple-black tongue, a large piece of chaotic dim mist separated. Two four-toed claws as big as a house fell down, and then a long, pointed head with sunken features and a skull-like shape stretched out!

(End of this chapter)

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