Chapter 193 Promotion Ceremony?

The slightly floating ash on the ground suddenly broke free from the constraints of gravity, like countless tiny satellites, floating and spinning around the demon hunter.

Eric restrained the momentum that leaked out in shock. He chewed on the information he got and deduced the most likely truth!

Promotion ceremony!

What does it take for a vampire veteran who has lived for hundreds of years to be promoted?
  Nature is a lot of precious materials, intricate rituals, and...

Blood! Blood! Endless blood!

Even with your knees you know, what kind of bloody storm is going to happen?
  After your strength is greatly increased, what kind of horrific and tragic things will you do if you are unscrupulous?
  Whether it was due to his duties as a demon hunter or his own personality, he couldn't accept it. He turned sharply, his clothes stirred up the dust in the air with the wind, and he hurried towards the exit.

Just when he was about to step out of here, Eric's burly figure suddenly stopped and asked without looking back:
  "Lucian...since you noticed it, didn't you plan to stop it?"

"What to stop?" The rough man's beast eyes flashed with a cunning light,
  “If he has been hiding in a mouse hole and surviving peacefully, the huge protective umbrella he has woven by using money and first support to win over human beings’ powerful people may be able to make the federal government use rat-proof weapons once or twice.

But he actually lost his mind and wanted to jump out and push open the sacred door of immortality. That would be asking for death! "

Lucian grinned happily, and his sharp fangs struck up and down, making a crisp sound.

"Now is the era of mankind. Whether he succeeds or fails, he will be attacked by a group of people... No one will easily allow a dark alien to set foot in immortality!
  That's why I have always restrained my tribe and never tried to challenge human society except for the battle with vampires. Even though I knew that the Federation was using us, I didn't care. "

He stood up from the twisted "throne" piled with rags and debris, and waved his hands with emotion.

"Goodbye, Lord Blade, this is probably the last time we meet.

Victor's fate has been decided, and the centuries-old grudge between me and him is about to be settled. Next, I will move my family to the wilderness of the southern continent, hiding from the world and avoiding the subsequent turmoil.

The towering mountains and unpolluted forests are the hunting grounds where Fenrir's descendants should run happily!
  And it’s time for me, an old wolf, to find my own burial place..."

"… I wish you a safe journey."

After a moment of silence, the demon hunter, who had killed countless dark creatures and made non-human beings fearful, finally gave a cold blessing.

The other party's wisdom and decisiveness are worthy of his golden words.

The birds are gone, the good bows are hidden, the cunning rabbits are dead, and the lackeys are cooked. The most powerful vampire family in the Federation is about to be destroyed. The werewolf tribe that has been used to contain them has lost the value of its existence in the eyes of the official. They can't take it. Things like the Origin Blood First Embrace help human dignitaries prolong their lives.

Taking the initiative to withdraw at this time is the best result.

Werewolves, who have always shown themselves to be rough and savage, have such survival wisdom.

So what could make the cunning and cunning old vampire risk his life to sneak out of the lair and hold a promotion ceremony?
  After getting out of the sewer, looking at the stars under the black and purple sky, Eric asked silently.

Have you found some kind of support and are convinced that you can successfully advance?



Red orange yellow green blue blue purple...

Endless colored light spots intertwined, merged, and transformed, forming a whirlpool. Zhu Mingyao felt as if his consciousness was being rubbed and thrown into a drum washing machine, turning it into a ball of paste at a speed of 1200 rpm. Even his tough soul, which was accomplished in cultivation, could not bear it. , began to feel confused.

As if a century had passed, his eyes suddenly lit up, the whirlpool of colorful light dissipated, and a strong wind rushed towards him, and the fierce air flow caused the hem of his clothes to rise and fall.

In his sight, the boundless dark blue ocean and the plain white clouds intertwined up and down, circling and tumbling with each other, forming a huge and overwhelming picture. At this moment, he was falling rapidly in the picture, and he was about to have a close contact with the water.


He quickly summoned his true energy, stepped on the void and glided with air, and found a gray-black rock protruding from the water and landed on it.

Standing firm with both feet on the ground, Zhu Mingyao checked his belongings on this lonely rock. He took out his staff, set up a pergola with his hands, used the technique of looking at the energy, and looked around.

But as far as the eye can see, let alone other people, there is not even a decent piece of land. It is just a vast body of water with green waves and white foam, and at most there are a few small reefs.

The smell that can only be smelled by the nose does not have any fishy smell of ordinary sea water, leaving only a pure smell of salt, which proves that this place is special.

Even without the crazy and random discharge of nuclear sewage in childhood, there would be no such pure ocean in nature.

This is [Teotihuacan], or the sea area outside Skull Island?

The group of people who came in were dispersed, which was something Zhu Mingyao did not expect.

According to officials, during the early investigation, several precious puppets made by ancient alchemist masters were released, and no such situation was encountered. This is probably a unique rule for living entities.

Zhu Mingyao felt the inexplicable aura everywhere in the space, tried a few tricks, picked up the portable communicator and fed it a few times, and determined that the communication spells and electronic signals were greatly interfered with, and even the spiritual sense The spiritual thoughts were compressed to within one or two hundred meters.

Under these conditions, let alone exploring and hunting for treasures, it would be difficult to even find the place where the spiritual veins condensed according to plan and put in the space locator.

He cast spells one after another in his hands, assessing the difference in feedback.

Well, the divination and summoning types are the most severely affected. The results of the former are chaotic and unclear, and although the latter can be used, no matter what kind of ghosts and spirits are summoned, they cannot be too far away from the main body, otherwise they will lose contact.

As for other magical powers and secret techniques, although their power has been weakened to a certain extent, they are still acceptable on the whole.

He looked at it for a long time and smacked his lips.

“Let’s find a way to find the main island of [Teotihuacan] first.”

Having made up his mind, Zhu Mingyao dug into his treasure bag, took out a gray-green straw rope and threw it into the sky. He held a spell together and the straw rope suddenly rose up into a large cloud of white smoke, expanding and transforming into a ten-meter-long horned horned dragon. .

Although it would be easier to cross the water by yourself, it would be more dangerous. He had not forgotten that both the original film and the collected diary information mentioned that there were a large number of aquatic monsters living in the secret territory.

The sea water seems calm, but the range of spiritual sense is currently narrowed. If a big guy suddenly rushes out from underneath, it will be funny if you don't have time to react and your anus will be exploded.

Jumping on the dragon's back and sitting down firmly, Zhu Mingyao slapped the dragon's head and horn, causing several blue and white smoke clouds to float up.

He craned his neck, looked left and right, and flew in the direction where Wutu's energy was strongest.

(End of this chapter)

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