Chapter 167 Steel and Night

Henry Lai took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and then told the secrets of that year.

“Among the major countries in the world at that time, the Federation had the shortest history of being established and had the least foundation in the extraordinary field. After obtaining this batch of information and several related sacred objects, the upper levels were so excited that they felt as if they had found a treasure, and immediately mobilized their strength to start the experiment! "

"The two of them are the results of the experiment, right? But it seems like it wasn't completely successful, right?"

Zhu Mingyao guessed and asked, it is obvious that if the enemy's strength had already entered the divine realm, he would have been beaten into a small piece of cake on the spot. How would he have a chance to escape?
  "Indeed, no matter which power system it is, the ability to create life belongs to a very high level. This is why among the thirty-six methods of Xuanmen Tiangang, mediating creation ranks first.

As you can imagine, it is extremely difficult to create an ordinary individual, let alone create a god!
  Even though federal officials spent more than ten years, poured countless resources and efforts, and did many sensational things that harmed the world, the experiment still failed more than half. They failed to create a real living god, but only a mere human god. Obtained two with partial divine characteristics
  --baby. "

Henry Lai pointed at the two human figures in the water mirror.

“[Steel] Antonio!
  【Dark Night】Alex! "

The former is to select suitable special individuals from thousands of southern European immigrants. It is said that its hidden bloodline can be traced back to the lineage of the Holy Mountain God of Ancient Greece and the lineage of Hercules. The Federation injects a certain ancient Greek temple sacred item into it. The remaining divine blood in the vessel wants to bring the famous mythological hero back to earth.

The latter collected the blood of hundreds of vampires from more than a dozen clans and pieced it together, using the Third Reich's black magic equipment to extract the blood essence and adding embryos produced by artificial insemination technology.

As he grew up, the experimenters continued to feed him the blood of powerful creatures, trying to use this method to reversely deduce the combination to recreate the power of the first three generations of vampires that was comparable to the gods.

These two are powerful hidden cards of the federal government, which are rarely used rashly, so basically no one knows about them. "

Having said this, Henry Lai's expression became more serious.

"You also know that our chamber of commerce has many different schools of law, and several of them are good at summoning gods and using magic. When we first conducted experiments, the Federation exchanged some information about Shinto techniques with us. I also learned a little bit about the inside story.”

"That Antonio is nothing. He has been upright since he was a child. After activating the divine blood, he seems to be affected by the blood. His character has become more brave and heroic. He has bravely saved people in several large-scale extraordinary crises encountered by the Federation. As long as If you don't commit any crime, you don't have to worry about him taking action against you."

"As for this Alex, we need to be more careful. He has no father or mother. He grew up in a laboratory environment. He was born in the secret arts and black magic rituals of the vampire family. He has absorbed the soul fragments of many vampires. His mind is fickle, his mind is secretive and cunning, he treats others as nothing, just like what you see, he may go crazy at any time, and if he sees him, he will hide as far away as possible.”

Zhu Mingyao said angrily:
  "Then those magical weapons of mine were thrown away in vain?"

"With me here, how can I let them fool them?" Henry Lai sneered.

"The vicious dog I raised almost hurt someone, so I have to have an explanation, at least enough compensation."

"Besides..." He turned around and smiled, looking up and down.

"Brother Zhang showed off to me, saying that your cultivation has been advancing by leaps and bounds recently, and you have been promoted to innate. It turned out to be true when I saw you today. It seems that the candidate has been found..."

Henry Lai twirled his mustache and gave serious instructions:

"You have been staying in Luo City recently. Stop running around. There will be something you need to do in a while!"

Seeing that Zhu Mingyao was a little confused, he added a few words:

"Don't worry, it's a good opportunity. It is said that every Hualian disciple who breaks through will be rewarded with a gift. This time it happens to happen, so I might as well use this opportunity as a reward.

The Chamber of Commerce is currently working hard to collect information. Once we understand the situation there, we will ask you to make careful plans. "

"Okay, let's not talk about anything else. Let's change the topic. I will go to the Special Investigation Bureau tomorrow to talk about compensation. What kind of magic weapon do you want? I will get you some useful things."


The thick pieces of tuna are cut open, revealing the attractive pink texture.

Dense oxygen bubbles in the water tank surround the fist-sized conch.

The market, filled with a damp smell, was bustling with people.

"There is a good opportunity, what is it? It's mysterious..."

Zhu Mingyao looked at the crimson crustacean with its teeth and claws splayed, and it was put into a foam insulation box and put into a bag. What he was thinking about was Henry Lai's words a few days ago.

After paying off the money and carrying the shopping bag, he easily passed the two fat ladies blocking the way and walked out of the fish market.

This season is when New World lobsters are put on the market in large quantities. The meat is fat and delicious, and the price is quite affordable.

Zhu Mingyao made himself a meal of lobster pasta the day before yesterday. After finishing it, he felt that he was still unsatisfied. Today he went to the market early and picked out two freshly caught products, preparing to add some porcini and morels. , imitate the little master and make a Baoshan Feilong pot.

Last night, the sea breeze brought a burst of rain, temporarily suppressing the summer heat by three points, but as the scorching sun slowly rose from the east, the remaining coolness of the night quickly dissipated like foam.

Seeing the orange-red shadow of the bus appear at the street corner, Zhu Mingyao hurriedly walked up to the platform in three steps and then two steps.

There will definitely be a lot of people during the morning rush hour at work, so grab a seat first!

After getting on the bus, the young man walked backwards as a habit. Suddenly, he frowned invisibly, glanced at the back row covertly, and locked on a rickety man wearing a hoodie and wrapped tightly. man.

Smelling the disgusting smell of sour sweat mixed with burnt cigarette smoke, Zhu Mingyao changed his mind, stopped, and took advantage of the situation to find a seat in front and sit down.

"Probably he is another high-flying idiot, stay away from him."

After driving for a few stops, there were indeed more people on the bus, and soon the carriage was full. Those who came after us could only stand there holding the pull tab.

Fortunately, he came up in time. The young man was bored and watched everyone practice their usual business.

Although now, Guzhai's business is basically half-closed, and he no longer relies on it for a living, but it can still be used as a hobby to pass the time.

The old lady's bracelet was made of gold-plated copper, and her coat was so worn that she was unwilling to change it. It seemed that she was not living a satisfactory life.

...Although turquoise is not a precious commodity, this ring is large enough, in good condition, and its style matches the owner's temperament. This old gentleman is an elegant person with good taste...

This golden cross pendant seems to be a little older. It is long at the top and short at the left and right. It is a typical Latin cross. If it is not deliberately made old, it must be at least a hundred years old. The chain is attached later and is too new.

But the mother next to her is really caring. Even if there are adults sitting together, she shouldn't let a girl in her teens bring such expensive things. The security in Los Angeles is not very good...

(End of this chapter)

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