Chapter 112 Nun (Part )

After visiting the injured, I saw that the NPC uncle responsible for distributing mission rewards was unconscious, and the cute girl responsible for distributing benefits was nowhere to be seen.

Zhu Mingyao, who was deeply bored, felt that there was no point in staying. After saying hello to Nick and others, he was ready to pat his butt and go home.

This mission originally planned by the Special Investigation Bureau to train new recruits has been completely changed by a bunch of gods. Just cleaning up the mess will probably take several days. He doesn't want to wait here. With.

Compared with the death or injury of official personnel, this time he gained a lot. Not only did he receive a lot of reward points, he also got a batch of valuable goods, and finally gained the favorability of a beautiful girl.

Putting it into a game, it would be like defeating every boss, breaking open every treasure box, and also creating a side plot about a beautiful girl teammate.

Why should I rate S-level mission completion, right?

It can be said that the career line and the love line are blooming, and they are blooming.

At this time, Nick Burkhardt was holding his cell phone, looking unhappy as he was being scolded by his boss on the other end of the phone. He did not look majestic at all in battle.

An important subordinate suddenly disappeared without saying a word during the execution of a mission, and ran thousands of miles away to resolve personal grudges for his teammates. Such an unorganized and undisciplined matter would make any superior get angry. Just scolding him was already enough. Considering the golden signboard of the Green family, he was treated very politely.

Knowing that he was at fault, the young demon hunter had no choice but to silently endure the violent output from the other end of the phone.

Seeing that his new friend was about to leave, although he couldn't spare the time to send him off, he still whispered a few words to his teammates despite his busy schedule.

Then the werewolf Eero ran all the way to catch up with Zhu Mingyao, pulled him aside, covered his mouth and whispered something into the other person's ear.

After hearing a few words, the young man's eyes changed, and he gave Nick a thumbs up. The two made eye contact and nodded knowingly.

This guy looked carefree, but he was careless in appearance. He was worried that after Zhu Mingyao killed Brother Bob, there would be some trouble in the Voodoo Organization in Jinzhou, so he offered to take the title.

Of course, this is just publicity to the outside world, and the rewards that should be given within the Special Bureau will naturally be received by the young man.

He had a clear mind and was loyal, so he was worthy of a close friendship. Zhu Mingyao secretly gave him a thumbs up.

After exchanging contact information with the werewolf Eero and making an appointment for everyone to get together, he turned around and went to find the local person in charge, preparing to ask for a better special car to take him back.

——The federal railway system is so bad that it’s hard to describe the feeling when you sit up. You can’t let the man who saved lives squeeze into a Greyhound bus, right?

Well, the morning glow is quite gorgeous today, it must be a good sign!

After walking out of the hospital gate, Zhu Mingyao looked at the colorful clouds on the horizon, touched the phone number left by the cute girl in his pocket, and thought like this.


"The beautiful morning glow is a good sign...

Dear old woman, have you ever felt...that the atmosphere in the manor has changed recently? "

Wearing a semi-old denim work jacket with seams all over, Old York scratched his gray hair and raised his eyes to look at the colorful clouds on the horizon.

He waved the gardening shears in his hand nonchalantly, and managed to trim a few dark green holly trees into a rough shape. He turned to his wife, who was wearing a black butler's apron, and said thoughtfully.

"Even the flowers and plants in the courtyard seem to be more energetic, much better than the wilted and half-dry state before."

He smacked his mouth and licked it, which loosened the decayed back molars, and said thoughtfully:
  "Perhaps the news from the mayor is true? Those people a few days ago were really exorcists..."

He glanced at the tall ancient house behind him and lowered his voice, "Has... been completely resolved?"

"Don't worry about so much, just do our job well!" His wife, Mrs. Sarah, the housekeeper of Corian Manor, reprimanded slightly harshly.

She patted the broken leaves that had splashed on her apron, picked up the broom and handed it to her husband. "No matter what others say, we still follow the old rules and finish cleaning quickly. We will leave before the sun goes down."

"It's not noon yet, it's still early. If you wait a little longer, maybe there will be customers. It's always good to earn a little more tips...

Let me say, being poor is much scarier than ghosts and so on..."

The old man muttered and swept the cut dead branches and leaves into a pile.

"Drip! Drip!"

Just when Mrs. Sarah raised her eyebrows and was about to argue with her old man about which was scarier, a poor ghost or an evil ghost, several penetrating car horns suddenly came from outside the gate of the manor.

"Haha, there is business. I knew that the colorful clouds in the morning were a good sign." Old York's eyes lit up, he threw away the broom and ran over happily.

"I remember that there is no accommodation reservation list today." Mrs. Sarah frowned, wiped her hands on her apron, and quickly followed her husband, "Is it a temporary visitor?"

The old man excitedly opened the fence-style wrought iron gate, and with the creaking sound of the door shaft turning, an expensive GMC nanny car slowly drove in.

Under Old York's expectant gaze, two nuns wearing black turbans stepped out of the car.

  Old York, who thought he had caught a well-to-do guest, suddenly lost his earnest expression. Even when he answered a few questions from the other party, he seemed absent-minded and distracted, even though the visitor took out the mayor's request. The letter offering unconditional assistance failed to change his life-like attitude.

It wasn't until a few cute green pictures appeared that his soul was brought back to the earth from the clouds.


"You even dare to accept tips from clergymen. I think you are really hopeless..."

Seeing the housekeeper and his wife driving away amid Mrs. Sarah's scoldings, the obviously older of the two nuns said hello:

"Let's go in, DeLauris...oh, there's no need to take that!"

The old nun's face was full of helplessness as she watched her companion pull out two large polyester travel bags from the nanny's car and start taking out some obviously not very good things.

The golden sunlight at nearly noon shines down from the sky, illuminating the face of the old nun. Although the sharp knives of time have left many deep fishtail-like lines at the corners of her eyes and between her brows, her well-proportioned bones and straight and harmonious appearance From her facial features, you can still see some of her youthful charm.

Her companion was squatting on the ground, taking out an assault rifle equipped with a grenade launcher from the bag, and replied in a rough voice:
  "It's better to be careful. Those idiot fortune tellers raised by the church, if they are reliable once, do we still have to follow the target?

Although they swear that the target only appeared here temporarily, who can guarantee that the son of a bitch who crawled out of hell has left now? "

Holding a string of clanging rune grenades, he inserted them into his combat belt one by one, picked up two spare alchemy magazines, and dressed himself up like Rambo, the younger nun held on Standing up on her knees, she turned out to be a middle-aged black woman with a fat figure and a head full of exaggerated curly hair.

“The biggest lesson I learned during my years as a singer in Las Vegas was to never put your hopes in other people!”

She fixed a pocket Bible with a gilt cover around her waist with a silver chain and continued speaking bitterly.

"Besides yourself, no one can be trusted when riding a horse!

"Including God!"

 Ah, the recommendation has ended. I wonder if it can be put on the shelves next week? I’ve been updating all day long. I’m really tired.
    ("▔▔) Khan


(End of this chapter)

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