Crimson Servant

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Everyone aboard the Daystar saw the tall monster, and he followed Captain Barnes, accompanied by John the Warlock.

Barnes chattered to introduce his partners to the new members, while the blue flames on Arlington's body were visible to the naked eye, burning brightly in the dark night. I don't know if it was an illusion, but every time the captain chuckled, the flames would suddenly shoot up.

"This is Miss Vivian, and this is Mr. Raven. They are my friends. You can't touch them, Arlington."

"Hmph!" The hell guard snorted disdainfully.

Barnes was not angry and looked at John with a smile.

"Do as he says, Arlington," John said.

"I will abide by the contract and do what this evil-born villain says." Arlington looked ferocious and bared his teeth at Barnes!
"No, no, no, you can't be so cruel, Arlington, I'm your contract partner's friend." Barnes shook his finger, enjoying the pleasure of teasing the devil.

Arrington was furious and let out a series of meaningless rants.

John sighed.

"Stay away from me, stinky lowlife!" Arrington expressed a hellish welcome.

"Nice to meet you, Big Cat." Vivian greeted happily. She looked at Arlington's obsidian breastplate and observed the beautiful inscriptions filled with magic.

"No, they're yours."

The Hell Guard's anger subsided a little, and Arlington had a premonition that this would be the only joy of his humiliating journey in the material world.

At the last moment, Barnes transferred the contract object to himself. After the enslavement rune was broken through, the crimson power became a new tool to restrain the devil. Arlington cannot tear up the contract. As a bargaining chip in the deal, part of John Kemp's power will be integrated into the devil's flesh and blood. Arlington will be contaminated, and even death will not be able to get rid of it, because his body will be in hell. Reshaping, which is equivalent to injecting corruption into hell, will make him a target of public criticism in hell.

Asmodeus's contract was broken before it was completed, and the price paid would be forcibly claimed by Hell. This was originally a rule that was beneficial to the devil, but now it has cost Arlington his life.

"Live or die?" Arrington even smiled at Barnes.

“The ship needs them to run.”

"If you dare to let these weaklings ride on my head..." Arlington gritted his teeth.

Of course Arlington would not accept those corrupted souls, nor could he tear up the contract, let alone let John break it. After much deliberation, working for the Warlock turned out to be the best plan. Damn it, it was all Barnes' fault.

Raven stood not far away. The intimidation of the Hell Guard made the warrior's muscles tense, but seeing that John could control the situation, he just nodded slightly.

"Oh, there are them." Barnes pointed at the slave workers squatting on the edge of the deck. Everyone who was pointed by Barnes's finger would flinch a few steps. The shape of Arlington had aroused fear in them. .

Arlington took a serrated whip from his belt and narrowed his eyes in pleasure, "Haha, you don't know how good I am at this."

Using the devil to drive evil people, the morning star moves forward in the sea. Under Arlington's spur, the sailboat reaches a speed far beyond the daily level. It must be said that knowing people and making good use of them is one of Barnes' strengths.

But no one could stand him talking about this for a week. In a short week, Arlington built the ship into a part of the nine hells, with strict levels, harsh labor, and this The devil is atrocious as hell. John and others began to have dinner together, because only among the four of them could they feel the air that was not polluted by sulfur.

John chose to sit at the table opposite Raven. If he were sitting across from Barnes or Vivian, an inadvertent eye contact would be the catalyst for their chattering.

The female ranger has a great interest in the warlock. She will look at John with her shining emerald eyes, blinking in the gaze without saying a word, disturbing his meditation and then running away quickly, or using An elegant dance move sends an invitation to dance. Most of the rest of the time, she would climb up the rope net that controls the sail, letting the sea breeze blow her long silver hair, quietly looking ahead, or showing off her singing voice.

The one who communicates with Vivian the most is Barnes. Both of them have restless tempers. They have some common interests in art, but the classical art mentioned by the female ranger is earlier than what Barnes first knew. ten years. But it doesn't matter. The smooth-tongued Barnes can easily gain friends and enemies.

"Barnes, why is he avoiding me?"

In the captain's cabin, Vivian Odiz opened the cabinet against the wall. There were rum bottles, some of which were empty.

Barnes was leaning over the table, burping from wine, and pressed his face against the cold tabletop to cool his heated head.


"Our mutual friend."

Barnes's brain moved, like a rusty rudder working again.

"Oh, that's normal. He's just a boy. Boys are always shy when an attractive girl is around them."

Vivian accepted this answer easily.

Before leaving, the female ranger left a kind message.

"Barnes, you are not suitable for drinking. Your drinking capacity is too low. The slightest stimulation will suppress your heartbeat. This reaction is like an allergy."

Barnes was stunned for a moment, with a smile on his face and soft eyebrows.

"Thank you for your concern, Vivian, but I need these. The captain can't live without his treasure."

Vivian saw Barnes's rare expression. Her eyes seemed to see a tree tightening its branches and squeezing out sweet syrup.

Vivian finally left the captain's room without saying anything. She walked straight to the deck, towards the warriors who were maintaining their weapons.

She said with relief, "Can you understand that feeling of seeing something strange but not being the right person for it, Raven?"

Raven stopped what he was doing, raised his head, and looked at her.

"I can understand it now."

(End of this chapter)

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