Crimson Servant

Chapter 120 Worse than Death

Chapter 120 Worse than Death
When the riot started, the captain's room was surrounded by knife-wielding thugs. The first mate, who was personally advised by Barnes, and his accomplices gathered outside the door. There was an insidious tacit understanding between them. They made room for the first mate, trying to make the captain realize in his last moments that his foolish trust had led to this ridiculous betrayal.

The attacker laughed silently, hid the sword behind his back, and watched expectantly as the first mate pushed open the door to the captain's cabin.

The idiot was indeed inside. Barnes sat leisurely on the exquisite chair, his legs draped over the edge of the table, his body lazily sunk into the soft padding. The first mate who opened the door made his eyes wander from the sea. Move away from the picture.

Barnes was obviously stunned for a moment, hurriedly stood up from his seat, and moved his butt off the seat, causing a series of panic movements that made the thugs who entered the room laugh. This sense of humor was even more evident in what happened next. The climax was reached in the fierce and inward scolding sound.

"First Mate! How dare you let these lazy guys enter my captain's cabin without permission? Did you forget to ask them to make a reservation?"

The corners of the first mate's mouth dropped rapidly, and Barnes's bossy tone was not the only reason to annoy him. This idiot captain's lips were obviously stuck when he tried to call his name. In the end, he only referred to himself by his pathetic position. I wasted my time and spent a whole day being his dog, but he couldn't even remember his own name and didn't take me seriously at all.

"Boss..." the first mate lowered his voice and stepped forward with an obviously sinister look.

"Everyone is grateful for the job opportunities you brought us, so we decided to repay you."

Their malice is no longer concealed, and even morons can detect the hostility expressed by the body movements of several people.

Barnes' uneasiness was confirmed. He looked frightened, staggered back, turned around and rushed into the small observation deck of the captain's cabin. He looked around and found that there was no way to retreat.

The traitors walked into the captain's cabin and slowly approached, enjoying the pleasure of oppressing Barnes.

John's angry voice appeared directly in Barnes's head.

They were frightened out of their minds, pushed each other, formed a chaotic formation, and finally died in unbearable fear.

They ignored Barnes' pleas for mercy and allowed him to continue his tragic performance.

What horrific sight did they see? Barnes thought curiously, shook his head, and put the thoughts out of his mind. Barnes muttered to himself, if I ask, that insidious boy will be happy to stuff the same illusion into my head.

Red light seeped out from under the wooden planks of the captain's cabin, and the crimson magic light spread like rolling molten lava on the floor. Everyone's cheeks were dyed red by the magic halo, as if blood began to flow out from under their skin. The walls were melting, and the fragments of the ceiling fell like dripping wax oil on the traitors' heads, shoulders, and protruding noses, making a burning hissing sound. The traitors screamed, but they could not stop the walls from falling. The strips of meat covered his body and tied him up.

Barnes put his hands on the railing and watched the people grapple with each other like crazy, grabbing everyone's neck that was not suffocated. Their faces swelled to the color of pig liver, then became cold and hard, and they died in a tragic manner.

" can't hurt me!"

With the sea breeze blowing, Barnes said towards the room with no signs of life: "I thought you would come up in person."

"Because, because, the room of Captain Barnes' good friend the boy in red is down here."

[Will you mend the big hole I tore into the floorboards? 】

Barnes touched his chin, "Okay, you're right, I don't want to hurt this beauty, although she will eventually die."

[In addition, it is not easy to cast an illusion in your mind. Your mind has extremely high resistance, and there is also a reaction spell of purgatory rebuke in your mind. 】Barnes was stunned for a moment, and quickly resisted and interrupted the warlock's spiritual link.

"You are banned from accessing my brain for life for violating the privacy rights of the great Captain Barnes!"

The telepathic energy fluctuations disappeared quickly, but Barnes always felt that he could still hear the warlock's chuckle.

"Fuck the Crimson God."

This late-night rebellion was quickly suppressed by the force of Raven and others. The sea isolated the ship, and the bulkhead isolated the civilized society. The potential in the human heart was magnified by loneliness, leading either to beauty or to destruction.

And the bloody conflict that took place in this gorgeous Day Star may have brought the bloody suppression of Barnes' crew to an end.

When counting the corpses, Raven was still worried about the high death rate. Vivian's lack of survival and the strange death in the captain's room aggravated the crew's uneasiness (although their status at this time was close to that of prisoner slaves) ).

Fortunately, the movement caused by the warrior attracted most of the attention, so too many people did not die at the hands of unscrupulous teammates. Raven breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the captain who was doing nothing next to him.

"How are we going to dispose of these bodies and throw them into the sea?" Several people have already counted the pockets of more than a dozen deceased people, and can't find anything that can prove their identities. Such people who can't find their belongings have nowhere to put them even after they die. , not to mention John and the others are not good-hearted people.

"Let's use these fresh materials to summon purgatory creatures! We happen to be short of personnel right now, and we need a competent overseer on the ship." Barnes gave a thumbs up and made his devilish speech in front of several people.

The slave worker who was close to them unfortunately overheard their conversation. His pupils dilated due to fear, and he looked down at the corpses. Like him, they once boarded a pirate ship to avoid trial, dreaming of freedom after breaking into the lawless sea, but now, they have ended up like this, and even the corpses have become nourishment for torturing the living.

But everything is irreversible. Even if the slave workers foresee a tragic future, they can only wait in despair.

Because the sea has become their prison.

Barnes' arrangement made Raven narrow his eyes, but he did not raise any objection. He followed the captain's instructions and dragged the body into the small room in the bilge, where a summoning circle and the skull of a goat had been prepared at some point. There were candles burning around, and the smell of sulfur caused a slight stench.

Vivian was interested in the summoning ritual at first, but when she smelled the strange smell, she immediately covered her mouth and rushed to the deck.

John stayed under the instructions of Barnes. He and Raven looked at each other and nodded lightly to each other.

After the door was closed, Barnes became extremely active. He took out a wooden bowl filled with the blood of the evildoers. His fingers were directly dipped in the corrupted plasma, and he traced the goat skulls and rituals, entering a state of selflessness with concentration.

Because he was prepared in advance, Barnes' drawing was completed quickly in a few minutes. He turned back to John and said with a smile: "John, you have to do me a little favor."


"Take a few steps to the side and stand among the corpses."

(End of this chapter)

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