I'll forge a new destiny

Chapter 159 Fire starts

Chapter 159 Fire starts

"what happened?!"

"Why is it windy here?"


The panic that had not completely subsided began to expand again under the twists and turns of this micro-storm.

But this time, the people at Gilded House could no longer appease the customers.

Even if they could, these customers wouldn't be able to respond - even when the wind blows, there is still a rootless owner. They can still stand firm in the strong wind... because Zhang Xing allows them to stand where they are.


"Cough cough cough-"

Forget it if you stand, and there is no need to make any noise.

The wind surrounding them not only trapped everyone in place, but also kept pouring into each person's mouth when they tried to open their mouths to speak. In this spacious hall, except for some gradually fainting coughs and the whistling wind, , only one person’s voice.

Zhang Xing, who overturned the table, had a false sense of embarrassment on his face, holding the watermelon peel and standing in the middle of the torch.


In the gradually rising flames, together with the re-burning buildings, the people around here began to become brand new fuel.

Under the refraction of the water mist shield, some deformed and heavy sounds echoed in the ears of everyone who was still alive.

"Ah...it seems to be a little bigger."

The fire ignited again with the dry wind at the end of the spread, and the flashing spots gradually became dazzling red.

After joking with Charles, his voice gradually became louder.

"It doesn't matter whether you are sad for failure or painful for being weak, but never regret because you did the right thing. At least at this time, being right...means success."

"But it doesn't matter, there are more than one Liuying Alliance like this." Looking at the fire that should be uncontrollable even if he releases the control now, Zhang Xing nodded and said: "There is not only one Liuying Alliance in Xiacheng District."

It's just that some people want to be more equal.

Behind him, Charles was carrying two weaklings—the two of them had just recovered from the shock caused by Zhang Xing and noticed their current state.

The heat wave, with the help of the wind, fell equally on everyone.

"Destiny doesn't like to give people choices, but I like to share this thing."

The power of a spark can also start a prairie fire.

The roar of the strong wind drew out another force again.

Whether it is a fish that has slipped through the net without being surrounded, a wage earner who works as a waiter around the customer, a salesman who comes to spend money, or a tool that has received complete training.

Light shines in everyone's eyes.

Zhang Xing's voice.

These people are protected by Zhang Xing's power and have uncontrollable fear of the flames that are so close, but they are unable to move. They all heard the words that penetrated their eardrums and reached their minds——

Hmm...hmm-hmm? !

It is true that being handsome is not everything, even if the scene is bigger, but these two brats only look at Zhang Xing with admiration...looking at Charles will make him blush.

The wind helps the fire, and the fire borrows the power of the wind.

Many of these people who were bound did not understand what this sentence meant, and they only felt inexplicable.

But there's one thing they know for sure.

The restraints on his body were released.

The shackles from the strong wind began to dissipate, and the gag that kept them from expressing their emotions stopped working.


After leaving the wind barrier, the real heat wave finally gave these survivors an intuitive understanding of the light and heat, and also made them realize that now was not the time to scream.

The unquenchable fire burned every inch of skin, and it seemed like it was planning to do more. Like make them the same as those torches.

The screams stopped abruptly.

In other words, there are no longer just screams.

The sounds of panicked footsteps were mixed with the sounds of yelling and beatings, as well as some pleading and struggling, buzzing like flies on the few tunnels that remained after the strong wind dissipated.

The tunnels are disappearing!

Everyone who can still calm down... or at least think, is clearly aware of this fatal fact.

If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave.

The desire to survive makes everyone who is willing to take action take the most direct action.

"I think if you take action, besides being able to kill them all, you won't be able to kill them faster than they do."

"I will work hard!"

"..." After a moment of silence, Zhang Xing smacked his lips: "That's not the point of my words, but it's okay if you think so, but don't do it next time."

He looked back at the escape tunnel, looking at the consumers who had made a real splash for a chance of survival - in fact, if they were willing to queue up, they would definitely be able to get out - and some of them had slipped through the cracks.

Nothing to see.

After all, as he said, except for being more efficient, he is probably not as good as Charles.

But since it is endless, it should not be called efficient.

Especially Charles will work harder in the future - Zhang Xing feels that this kid can still be trusted when it comes to things like murder.

After you stop paying attention to the back fuel that doesn't matter whether you live or die, you have to look at the people who are really worth watching.

Those who neither participated in the escape nor took any action, but just stood there blankly, not knowing what they were thinking.

It's like giving up on survival and preparing to die.

But Zhang Xing knows that these people will not give up life, and will even cherish life more. Because they have just gained life, a life that belongs to them and can be controlled at will.

The gust of wind was not the only thing that was untied - those words were meant for those who could understand.

People in Gilded House are good at obeying, whether they are obeying guests or... obeying fate.

But now they can obey themselves, make decisions for themselves for the first time in a long time, and do things beyond orders. Let your slow brain move and think carefully about whether you want to slap the guests who are pressing on you.

If there are still guests in the future...

Zhang Xing, who was still standing there with the watermelon rind in his hands, stood there patiently, without urging or doing anything more.

He is tolerant to people who have no choice most of the time.

Although I won't show mercy when I start using my hands, I don't mind letting them enjoy the joy a little more.

Anyway, he is a little tired now - he cannot underestimate everything, even if it can be destroyed by himself.

Zhang Xing really didn't expect that it didn't take much effort to destroy the corridor, but it took so much effort to remove the influence on these people.

Maybe it's because there are a lot of restrictions and Zhang Xing has been a bit harsh in crossing the line.

In order for the corridor itself to be effective, it requires a long period of training and torture. This leads to either being able to get through it easily, or actually completing the training and becoming a qualified Gilded Building employee.

The ferocious aura coming from the watermelon rind, as Zhang Xing expected, used absolute suppression to destroy the thoughts that had been put into the hearts of employees by the corridor.

But as a man who rejected the wild nature of watermelon rind, the backlash he received from eating this kind of back-turning grass was not small at all.

"But the effect is pretty good, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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