I'll forge a new destiny

Chapter 101 Collapse

Chapter 101 Collapse

This destiny belonging to Satyr has not ended yet, but it is obvious that it has to change its owner. And the losses caused during this transfer...


[The level of this node is determined to be reef level. 】

[Please choose one of the following three options. 】

[Fragments of the Sky Star (information): Under the guidance of fate, you will definitely get a fragment of the Sky Star.

(This is the beginning of the ordinary person’s journey to the strong, and the starting point for his destiny to change.)]

[Ripper's Hook (treasure): Under the watchful eye of fate, the executioner under the Dark Judge left his most beloved thing in the world as a thank you gift for a wonderful killing before embarking on the road to death.

(The murderer has no weapons, and everything he holds is a symbol of nightmare, indicating his bloodthirsty nature.)]

[Endless blood flow (blessing): With the gift of fate, that thing that should have shined somewhere and brought fear to the enemy with its ability to survive a hundred battles will be your trophy.

(Killing is not a skill. People who are addicted to death are capable of making death unable to find themselves.)]


Looking at his reward, Zhang Xing fell into thinking.

The term "Judge of Darkness" was not unfamiliar to him. If there are no accidents, this thing should be Charles' original name. The person in front of me...

"You are more useless than I thought, or is it because Charles is too good?"

As a pirate captain who has already gained quite a reputation and has shown himself to be strong, but in the end he is just an executioner under Charles, Satyr does give people a lot of sense of disparity.

Yunek miscalculated after all - even if he did not meet Zhang Xing this time, he chose to continue evading because of weakness. But as long as he is still in the port of Eris, he should have many opportunities to meet this person.

After all, the starting point of Charles' destiny should be Satir.

Looking at the first option, Zhang Xing nodded.

There should be no problem with his judgment, because he has already discovered that not only the items obtained, but also the system's description of the rewards is actually a good source of intelligence.

There is a high probability that in his original destiny, Charles would get the chance to become a strong man after meeting Satyr, and his destiny would change from that moment on.

Of course, this change is a change planned by fate.

Destiny is such a wonderful thing, it always brings you back to the route it has planned inadvertently and naturally.

Charles' fate has already changed dramatically due to Zhang Xing's intervention. There is a high probability that he will never meet Satir again, and if he does, it will not be the same as before.

But Zhang Xing finally walked in front of Satyr, and Satyr's power will eventually appear by Charles' side.

Although it will change its owner and form, it is inevitable to retain this power.

"Even everything is my own choice."

Even though at first, the reward he wanted to draw was clearly from Yunek, in the end he chose to respect this person.

It sounds like just a coincidence, but isn't fate made up of coincidences?

He actually thought about letting Satir disappear completely without leaving any trace of him, but Zhang Xing gave up this idea in just a moment.

It is impossible for him to choose the fragment of the Sky Star for this reason, although this treasure is indeed rare and precious, and it is also really useful - at least there are many people around him who can use this thing now.

But again, it’s easy to get this thing, but there are ways to get it. In addition, Zhang Xing also has some other conjectures... In short, compared to cherishing but reproducing things, limited or out-of-print options are the choice. It should be chosen when drawing cards.

Coincidentally, two of the three options in front of me will be out of print.

The abilities of the awakened ones will not be the same. Even if they appear the same, the underlying logic will be different.

This is also the reason why when two awakened people fight, they will suppress each other.

Since they will all be out of print, naturally you have to choose a rarer one. For example, I haven't seen it before, at least I haven't seen anything similar.

Then the third option can be eliminated first.

Judging from the description, it should be about the ability to recover.

Zhang Xing already has such abilities, and the recovery power provided by that master is still being used in conjunction with the watermelon rind to strengthen his body.

And resilience is the foundation of melee combatants. Out of some stubborn ideas, Zhang Xing didn't really want Satir's power to join in.

At least if he has a choice, he can still refuse to eat this bowl of rice.

"Even if I, Zhang Xing, starve to death and die outside, I will never choose something like this!"

From the looks of it, the only choice is...

"What will fate's attention look like?"

As the words fell, Satir's body suddenly twitched.

To be honest, in this dark night, it was a bit scary for this thing to suddenly act like this, but Zhang Xing didn't look frightened at all.

Because he was very sure, not only him, but also the prompts from the system could clearly prove that Satyr was indeed dead - damn, it was starting to get scary now.

Satyr, who was suspected of being a corpse, twitched for a moment and then stopped moving. It seemed that the remaining recovery power caused his body to twitch instinctively.

After all, it is still hot, so it should be normal to show some signs of not being dead... right?

Under Zhang Xing's gaze, the final twitch of the body sunk into the ground caused several gravels to escape from their original positions.

Although most of Yunek's attacks did not hit Satir, under his full strength, the scratches all over the ground were like the most suitable path planned in advance. It guided the rounded gravel to a new location.

A somewhat dangerous position.

It was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. It was so insignificant that it made people doubt that even a gust of wind would have a stronger effect than it did.

But as those few stones lightly hit the desk or chopping board, the satyr inadvertently landed many attacks on it during its counterattack, causing it to become a little swaying.

Destined damage appears where and when it should appear.

Obviously when those attacks hit, there was nothing unusual about this table or this room.

But now, those cracks that are invisible to the naked eye no longer try to hide their existence. With the impact of those few stones as the original driving force, they openly show their appearance.

Click, click, click...

In the thin and continuous sound, the chain collapse began.

(End of this chapter)

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