Ordinary fantasy adventure in Faerûn

Chapter 144: The Record of Light Disintegrates the Warhammer

Chapter 144: Record of Light·Disintegration Warhammer

Nohill didn't try to guess Ska's little thoughts. He was now more curious about what level of equipment this extremely cool-looking warhammer belonged to. And combined with Ska's previous statement that this warhammer was the weapon used by the founding emperor, then this There is a high probability that this hammer is a legendary weapon!

With such a mood, Nohir immediately opened the panel the moment he reached out to take the war hammer.

[Record of Light·Disintegration Warhammer]

[+3 rare magic weapons]

[Enchanting Effect: Dispel Evil, Holy Strike, Light Disintegration]

[Dispel evil: Hold the war hammer high with the highest good thoughts, stimulate its inner holy power, and drive away undead creatures and lower plane evil spirits within a 60-foot (20-meter) range. Evil creatures within this range will be subject to continuous damage. Radiant damage, blinding, and staying away. ]

[Note: This special skill can be combined with the Oath of Guidance of the Oath of Devotion Paladin to dispel uncleanness, or the Guidance of the Divine Power of the Light Domain Priest to exert greater power. ]

[Holy Strike: This war hammer has sacred power engraved inside it. If the user can channel this power, then any damage caused by this war hammer will be regarded as an additional Holy Slash. ]

[Note: Only a paladin or priest who is compatible with it can channel this power. ]

[Light disintegration: If the demon or undead creature attacked frontally by this war hammer has a constitution lower than 18 points, it will be disintegrated into ashes by the light power of this war hammer. ]

powerful! Too strong! But such a powerful weapon is not a legendary equipment? He originally thought that as the spiritual symbol of a country, this warhammer would have a high probability of being a legendary magic item, but it turned out not to be. This was really unexpected.

Well, it seems that Nohir needs to re-evaluate the rarity of legendary equipment in this world. However, although this equipment is not a legendary weapon, its effect is too practical, and it can be regarded as a weapon against evil creatures. An extremely specialized offensive weapon, it is also an exclusive equipment that perfectly matches the paladin or priest profession.

"This weapon is very powerful, but it is not very suitable for me. On the contrary, it is very suitable for you. And as the holy weapon of the Eltugardians, even if there is no restriction on the maximum power of the paladin or priest, you are more powerful than me. Be eligible to use it.”

Nohir returned the warhammer to Ska, and then suddenly added something after thinking about it.

"Well, you said before that this warhammer has a very important historical significance. I hope this significance will not make you feel reluctant to use this weapon. After all, we now need to do everything possible to increase our power."

After hearing this, Ska felt dumbfounded.

"Well, don't worry, there's no such thing. I'm not that pedantic. After all, weapons are meant to be used by people. Although this weapon represents a great honor and makes me feel a little unworthy, I'm afraid I can't do it now. There’s no one better suited to use it than me.”

Nohir also smiled after hearing this, and then said to Ska.

"That's good, and you don't actually need to belittle yourself. Believe in yourself. You are definitely qualified to use it."

When Scar heard this, he just smiled. He had no comment on this kind of thing. After all, qualifications are not something you just say you have, and he would not say anything unreasonable about Nohir's encouragement. What depressing words refute his good intentions.

After Nohir returned the weapon to Scar, he was taken to the three small boxes on the left. He was very curious about what was in these exquisite small boxes.

So he took off his gloves again and began to use his claws to slowly pry open the exquisite iron lock on it. However, this lock was much more sophisticated than the previous door lock. Nohir spent a lot of effort and failed to pry it open. Open even one.

So in a fit of anger, he directly pressed down on the box itself, then grabbed the iron lock with his left hand and pulled hard, and pulled off the lock ring together with it.


Nohill made this comment about this iron lock, which has more decorative effect than practical use. After all, the size of this small iron box means that the lock that locks the box will never be too big, and in the face of this small lock, In fact, Nohill didn't need to pry it open at all. It was actually easier for him to just pull it off with brute force.

Nohir threw away the iron lock and opened the box, and what he saw was a variety of beautiful gems of different values. These colorful and beautiful stones were filled with them, two feet long (0.6 meters) and one foot wide (0.3 m) small iron box.

Nohir reached out and grabbed a handful of gems and looked at them carefully.

"The value of these stones is not low." Nohir couldn't help but murmured to himself, and Ska also stepped forward and grabbed a handful of gems to check, and then said.

"Indeed, every gem here has a minimum value of at least ten gold coins, and valuable and cherished gems can be worth at least more than 500 gold coins."

Ska picked up a crystal-type, light cyan transparent gem and said to Nohir.

"This is a blue crystal. This gemstone alone is worth at least 500 gold coins in the market price of Eltoril in the past. And I have seen at least two gemstones of this level at a glance."

Nohill was a little surprised after hearing this. What Ska said was almost exactly the same as the price estimated by the panel. He didn't expect that Ska actually had this unique skill.

"Don't look at me so surprised, Nohir. My family also taught me to identify valuables when I was a child, so I still know this knowledge."

Scar smiled as he explained.

"It's just a pity that there are not many high-value gems like this in this box. Instead, these low-value gems account for the majority."

Ska picked up another opaque gem with very irregular edges and corners, dark blue color and mottled lines inside, and said to Nohir.

"Azurite is one of the cheapest gemstones, but even so, a standard-sized azurite can sell for nearly ten gold coins at least, and it is possible to dig out high-quality azurite when mining azurite. Quality azurite or blue spinel, but unfortunately, most of this box is azurite.”

Scar placed the gem back into the box and continued.

"Although there are not many truly high-value gems, they can still be considered a considerable fortune. What's more, we haven't checked carefully yet. Maybe there is a super gem in this box of gems that is worth far more than ordinary gems. , such as the legendary black sapphire or red hao stone."

"Even if there is nothing of this level, the quantity of this full box alone is enough to be considered astonishingly valuable. It may even be worth more than the entire box of gold."

It is indeed true, and the most important thing is that it is convenient and easy to carry. Even if you don’t take anything else when you retreat, just taking this small box of gems is definitely worth the price, and this is not over yet, this is just a box Of the harvest, there are two other boxes that have not been opened.

Nohir walked to the other two treasure boxes. Because there was this small treasure box with the pearl in front of him before, now he couldn't even imagine what kind of treasures the other two boxes would contain.

So he simply stopped thinking about it and simply tore off the lock rings of the two iron boxes and opened them respectively.

But unexpectedly, one of the two boxes was filled with bottles and cans, while the other box contained only a cloak and a hat.

 Thanks to book friend 20220517221501283, Latias, Crimson Marn, Su Danji, book friend 20210301106545370218, and book friend 20221008150307232 for their support!



(End of this chapter)

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