Your Majesty, drink the medicine quickly

Chapter 176 Half a month later

Chapter 176 Half a month later

Absalom was lost in thought.

What Elizabeth said is indeed right. Moreover, the Holy Lord has always wanted all the Violet people to take the bitter fern.

Therefore, however much He distrusted Elizabeth, it was necessary to reduce the number of pilgrims.

"I will try my best to convince His Majesty Dante, but you know that Your Majesty has been frightened by Yeshathemis." Absalom looked at Katerina: "However, the Angry Hell has just harvested a batch of sufferings recently. ferns, and I know where they are kept.”

Katerina's eyes lit up.

She understood what Absalom meant - steal.

What happened next went very smoothly - Elizabeth and Li Pu fell into the hands of the cult smoothly.

In the whole incident, it seems that Irene and others successfully sent Elizabeth and Li Pu into the cult.

But in fact, it was Elizabeth who asked the cultists to cooperate with Irene to complete this matter.

It can be said that everything was planned by Elizabeth.

The third wrong decision was that she thought that as long as she did not spread the news about the cult, the sixteen loyal nuns would not be able to bring Katerina over.

Even if she didn't tell Erin about the cult, Erin knew how to do it.

His guess was too conservative.

Erin once said that they have been fighting against the cult, and if forced, they will temporarily betray their faith and become a cult to find out what is going on there.

It does not matter whether the hearts of the sixteen loyal nuns have been distorted. They have all been fulfilling their promises.

The only ones who ate the bitter fern were the sixteen nuns, the duke, and Absalon and his demonic knights.

These sixteen people are the only group of people in the entire Violet City who have not forgotten their beliefs despite being repeatedly brainwashed by cults.

As for the bitter fern violets do get the bitter fern. Because Katerina went to hell specifically for this matter.

half a month later.

Like Katerina, how could Elizabeth know what would happen when Lip went completely crazy?

How could she have expected that sixteen nuns would know everything about the cult?

When people got the bitter fern, they cried bitterly, but that night, they threw the bitter fern into the garbage.

The second wrong decision was to treat this terrible madman as a sacrifice and send it to the altar.

After she 'fell' into the hands of the cult, she naturally wouldn't spread the word about the cult to Irene.

Because even the patriarch of the cult doesn’t know who is a cultist and who is not a cultist!

Elizabeth had no idea that Irene and others were cultists.

Everything is going according to Elizabeth's plan.

After splitting up with Elizabeth, the sixteen loyal nuns infiltrated the cult several times and were brainwashed by the cultists several times. But he still hasn't forgotten what he has to do.

They once transformed into cultists, but they also regained their sincere beliefs.

Li Pu had previously made a bold guess about this cult composed of lunatics - even the cultists themselves did not know who was a cultist in the city and who was not.

The so-called cure for Li Pu was to drive him completely crazy while he was asleep!

But in this plan, she made three fatal decisions.

The first wrong decision drove Li Pu completely crazy.

"Something must have happened to Elizabeth, otherwise the news would not have been spread."

Holding a torch, Erin passed through the last secret passage and came to a wall.

"The prison is just behind this wall." Looking at the wall, Irene pursed her lips and said to the people behind her: "I once made a guess about this cult - the cultists may not Know you’re a cultist.”

"After we started executing the infiltration plan, I discovered that I knew everything about this cult very well. I even knew that today was the day of sacrifice, and I even knew that Nip was being held captive here."

"Kagelina. Perhaps the sixteen of us are also cultists and we may even have participated in all the sacrifices in the past half month."

In the past half month, Katerina has been busy with various things. He didn't stay with Eileen and others all the time.

But she also diverted some attention to Irene and others.

She had already seen some clues from Irene and others.

But they proved themselves with their actions.

Everyone has betrayed, even the devil Absalom may have betrayed. But these sixteen people have never been betrayed.

"Eileen, of course you are a cultist - so am I." Katerina smiled: "We are all cultists today."

Erin's eyes moved slightly, and she and Katerina looked at each other for a moment, and everything was lost in words.

"Hurry up and write the forbidden divine script." Katerina urged: "Didn't you say that many areas of the temple can be turned into passages by writing the forbidden divine script?"

"It is indeed necessary to open the forbidden divine pattern. We should have learned from the hands of the cultists what can only be mastered at the core level."

The nuns were busy on the walls.

Katerina turned around sadly and looked at her surroundings.

This is a passage in the Temple of Yeshathemis.

And here is only three halls away from the Garden of Misery.

"After going round and round, I actually came back here again. Who would have thought that the cult's nest was built in the remains of Yeshathemis. A lot of things have really happened in the past half month."

"Yes." Irene sighed a little: "The Duke secretly summoned his old subordinates in the Holy See and took full control of the fortress. He withstood the first wave of offensive from the Hell Alliance."

As the Duke said, he no longer trusts anyone but Li Pu and Katerina.

Therefore, he left the matter of the sacred objects to the two of them.

But he did not believe in the Knights of Saron, so he left the plan to eradicate the cult to them.

I don't believe in the Knights because there are too few people in this army and too many people.

There are too few people because, even if the knights are reliable, these three thousand people cannot control the millions of people in the city with the power of thunder.

There are too many people because the intelligence organization within the cult is already very terrifying. With so many people executing the plan, things will definitely be exposed.

Therefore, the Duke did not place all his bets on the Knights.

The so-called eradication of cults is just a smoke bomb he released.

The Duke was right, Li Pu and Katerina had indeed taken care of the sacred object. And the plan to eradicate the cult was indeed exposed.

Therefore, during this half month, the cult no longer paid attention to the turtles in the urn such as the Duke and Saron, but focused its attention on hell.

They have been trying to induce the Duke and Absalom to help Dante open the gates of hell in the city.

In the dealings between the two sides, the Duke successfully delayed time.

(End of this chapter)

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