Chapter 110 Strange Corpse Dangerous Baby

"Gang leader!"

Wang Shen and the others had just left when someone broke the silence for a moment with a voice.

Lu Zhao, the leader of the Qinghe Gang's torture hall, ran out of the house crying and rushed to Lei Liang's headless body, bursting into tears.


Lu Boxhi followed and ran out. He also rushed into the yard and came to Lei Liang's body.

The father and son cried in front of Lei Liang's body, which was heartbreaking, as if a close relative had died.

It really saddens the listener and makes the listener cry.

Being surrounded by the father and son, everyone in the house ran out and surrounded Lei Liang's body, crying and shedding tears. They didn't know who they were crying for or who they were performing for.

Outside the manor, a few people were not far away when Wang Shen suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter, Ashen?" Seeing him stop, Chen Zheng also stopped.

"Isn't this Lei Liang fake?"

Wang Shen stared at Lei Liang's head in Chen Zheng's hand, and he suddenly thought of Mr. Huang, who had dominated Goose City for decades.

Is it possible for Lei Liang to get a substitute?

"Fake?" Chen Zheng and Shen Jun were both stunned after hearing this.

"How did you know that he was fake?" Chen Zheng asked hurriedly. This is not a trivial matter. If it was fake, their work would have been in vain.

Seeing that Lei Liang was dead and the enemy was gone, he could breathe a sigh of relief. When Wang Shen said this, he felt anxious again.

"Probably not, I'm overthinking." Wang Shen thought carefully and said again. Appearance can be faked, but one's cultivation cannot be faked.

Phew, Chen Zheng and Shen Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

Lei Liang is dead, and there are still some things that need to be dealt with.

"Why did you bring He Zhongshuo's body out with you?" Chen Zheng looked at the body carried by Wang Shen with some confusion.

"I want to study it," Wang Shen said.

"Research, what are you studying on this corpse?" Chen Zheng was surprised after hearing this.

"Bodies also hide a lot of secrets."

"Secret? Why does he have so much hair on his body and face? He looks like a mountain monster. Is he going to become a mountain monster?" After hearing Wang Shen's words, Chen Zheng couldn't help but wonder. He took a second look at He Zhongshuo's body.

"This is what I'm curious about, so I want to study it." Wang Shen said.

"You should be careful, don't let yourself become like this, neither human nor ghost."

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

They first came to Chen Luan's tomb and used Lei Liang's head to pay homage to the deceased Chen Luan, and then went to the prison where Chen Luan's family was imprisoned.

The little guards who were on guard were desperate and rushed towards him, but Chen Zheng killed them all.

Chen Luan's parents, wife and children, and some elders from Chen Zheng's village were all here. They were tortured inhumanely, and were reduced to skinny bones with scars all over their bodies.

Among them, Chen Luan's father has only one breath left, and his wife has gone crazy.

"Lei Liang, it's too easy to die. His muscles should be peeled off, his bones crushed and his ashes thrown away!" Chen Zheng said bitterly when he saw this.

They rescued these people, and some of them were already stupid when they came out of prison.

In Lei Liang's manor, the two monks from Jinding Temple came back from outside. When they saw Lei Liang's body on the ground, their expressions changed with anger.

"They're so cunning!"

Earlier, they chased for a distance and fought with the two people. The senior brother discovered that Wang Shen's kung fu was not very advanced, but that his body skills were somewhat advanced.

It's just that the man seems to have no intention of fighting and wants to run away.

He suddenly realized that they might have tricked the other party into tricking the tiger away from the mountain, so he was about to return to the manor, but unexpectedly the man caught up with him. In the end, he killed the other person, took off the mask and saw the other person's face clearly. It is very different from Wang Shen's portrait.

After realizing that he had been deceived, he hurriedly found his junior brother. The two junior brothers fought together against the man holding the sword. Seeing that he was defeated, the man turned around and ran away. They did not pursue him but immediately rushed back to Lei Liang's manor, far away. Then I heard crying.

When I entered the manor, I saw this scene in front of me.

Lei Liang is dead and his head is missing!

The junior brother's revenge was not avenged, and another fellow senior brother died.

"How are we going to explain to Master when we go back?"

"Didn't Senior Brother Lei Liang say that Senior Uncle He was also in his village? Didn't he take action?"

The senior brother hurriedly asked the people who were still crying around Lei Liang's body.

"Didn't anyone else show up?" Lu Zhao responded.

The brothers looked at each other.

"Did Uncle He also have an accident?"

They entered Lei Liang's manor and saw a thin old man in a study. At this time, he had lost his breath and his face was strangely green and black.

"Uncle He?!"

"Who killed him? Master Uncle He was a person who had reached the threshold of Shenxuan Realm before!"

On the other side, Chen Zheng gave the silver coins prepared in advance to the imprisoned villagers. Then they helped Chen Luan's family into a carriage.

"Where are you going next?" Wang Shen looked at Chen Zheng beside him.

According to the current situation, it is almost impossible for Chen Zheng to stay in Wuyang County and Lan He to take over the Qinghe Gang, unless he hides in secret, but the risk is too great.

"I'll get them settled first, and then I'm going to take a long trip to the north." When he said this, Chen Zheng looked up into the distance. "North? The capital?"

"Maybe somewhere further away." Chen Zhengdao.

"Further away, when will you come back?"

"Wait until I become famous all over the world. Then I will come back with all my glory." Chen Zheng thought for a while and said.

"Where's Auntie?"

"I have made arrangements. What about you? Continue to stay here?"

"It's good here. There is a green river, these mountains, mountains and water." Wang Shen nodded.

"But the outside world is more exciting, you should go out and see it."

"I will go." Wang Shen said with a smile.

"Let's go!" Chen Zheng's eyes were slightly moist. He didn't know when he would come back after saying goodbye.

"Bon voyage and take care."

"Take care of yourself!"

Click, click, click, the horse's hooves hit the road, crunch, the wheels turn, the carriage goes further and further away, and finally disappears on the official road.

"From now on, I am alone again."

After separating from Chen Zheng, Wang Shen first carried He Zhongshuo's body to a hidden place and took off all his clothes.

I saw that He Zhongshuo's body was also covered with blue-black hair, which was like an atavism of human beings.

"Sure enough, it's the same with me!"

The changes in He Zhongshuo's body were not only the growth of strange bluish-black down, but his body frame was obviously much larger than the last time Wang Shen saw him.

Wang Shen noticed this when he saw him in Lei Liang's manor. It was almost the same robe. The last time they met, the robe was floating outside He Zhongshuo's body. This time, his body clearly stretched the robe. stand up.

Moreover, He Zhongshuo's height has also changed significantly. When we last met, he was about seven feet tall, but now He Zhongshuo's body is nearly nine feet.

Judging from his appearance alone, he already looks like a mountain demon.

How could he have changed so much in such a short period of time?

"Mountain God Seal?" Wang Shen suddenly thought of the Mountain God Seal.

He Zhongshuo once said that Wang Shen would become like him sooner or later.

At that time, He Zhongshuo must have concluded through some method that Wang Shen had come into contact with the He Boyin, and the Heboyin would stimulate some special changes in the human body, such as fish gills growing behind the ears and fish scales growing on the skin.

The Mountain God Seal will cause people to grow such fur and change in the direction of wild beasts.

When he was practicing with Shen Jingsheng in Ninglong Mansion, Shen Jingsheng once said that that path might make people less human and ghosts less like ghosts.

"So, the Mountain God Seal and He Boy Seal are still dangerous treasures, so it's best to avoid them as much as possible!"

Thinking of this, Wang Shen subconsciously touched the back of his ears. The skin was smooth and tender, without any abnormalities.

"But the first time I came into contact with the He Boy Seal, I suddenly gained the ability to control water. If I come into contact with the Mountain God Seal again, will I also gain another ability? This is a risk and an opportunity."

He Boyin was hidden in a creek.

The Mountain God Seal was in He Zhongshuo's hand. He didn't take it with him when he killed Lei Liang this time. He should have hidden it somewhere in the mountain.

Wang Shen thought of the words He Zhongshuo said before he died.

"Mountain God Cave? Did he hide the Mountain God Seal in the Mountain God Cave?"

When Wang Shen thought of the Mountain God Cave, he thought of the talismans in the Mountain God Cave and the word "mountain" that impressed him deeply.

The Mountain God Seal can be put aside for a while, but he is still very interested in those things.

After some research, Wang Shen found a place to bury He Zhongshuo's body and set up a monument for him.

Returning to the abandoned old house, he saw the black snake and a big fish again.

"You're not alone, you have a companion." Wang Shen reached out and touched the black snake's head.

The fish was cut open and the internal organs were given to the black snake. The remaining fish was stewed in a pot and then steamed into a pot of rice.

"I should drink some wine today. You wait here first." After saying this, Wang Shen jumped up and disappeared into the forest.

He came back not long after, holding a jar of wine in his hand. Wang Shen poured two bowls of wine, one of which was brought to Black Snake.

"Taste it."

The black snake spit out the snake letter and felt the taste, then looked up at Wang Shen.

Seeing Wang Shen pick up the wine bowl and drink it all in one gulp, it also sneaked closer to the wine bowl, took a sip, and suddenly shrank back. Obviously the taste of the wine was not good to it.

Haha, Wang Shen laughed when he saw this.

"Don't be anxious, take your time and taste it carefully. This turbid wine actually has a lot of flavor." After that, he poured another bowl of wine and drank it in one gulp.

The black snake saw him drinking, and then tried to take another sip.

"Come, try this fish soup." As he spoke, Wang Shen scooped up another large bowl of fish soup and brought it to Black Snake.

"Lei Liang is dead, and he has finally settled his worries. From now on, he can practice with peace of mind."

As said before, Wang Shen has no intention of leaving here.

(End of this chapter)

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