Obtain the divine power at the beginning

Chapter 331 Chapter 331 Reaping the magic power of wedding clothes

Chapter 331 331. Harvesting the magic power of wedding clothes again
There was a scream at the top of the city, and many golden soldiers fell down into the already frozen moat with broken arms and legs, splashing with blood.

Shi Tianyu ran down the tower and cut away with several more flaming knives.

Dozens of golden soldiers surrounding An'er were either chopped in half or decapitated, and instantly caught fire, burning brightly.

Shi Tianyu leaned over and picked up a heavy hammer.

Break the iron gate beam with one hammer and open the city gate.

Shi Tianyu threw the sledgehammer and killed several people.

He flew out again, used two flaming knives in his backhand, cut off the iron cables of the suspension bridge, and lowered the suspension bridge.

Yue'er and Dudu came on horseback, raised their swords and shouted: "Kill!"

Two thousand Ming troops poured into the city like a tide.

Upon seeing this, the Jin soldiers lost their fighting spirit and fled from other city gates one after another, completely defeated.

In just one day and two nights, Xiping Fort was gained and lost again, and lost and recovered again.

Liu Sen, stained with blood, walked into the Zhongjun Mansion, bowed forward and said, "My dear brother is truly a god!"

He was in admiration for Shi Tianyu.

Zhang Xin came in and said with emotion: "Brother, if the world's martial arts community can resolve their grievances with you and come together to Liaodong to fight the Tatars, with a handsome man like you in command, I believe that expelling the Golden Dog will be just around the corner."

Hearing this, Shi Tianyu bowed in return and said very humbly: "The victory over Xiping Fort depends on the support of all the soldiers and your family." An'er was even more excited after hearing this.

Yue'er said proudly: "Actually, my brother is still the best. He can hit wherever he wants and succeed wherever he hits."


Everyone laughed.

Shi Tianyu smiled again and said: "Okay, brother Liu and sister-in-law will guard Xiping Fort. If the Jin soldiers come to recapture Xiping Fort, they will fire a few cannons.

An'er, Yue'er, I went to Shaling in the north to see Xie Wen and Xu Xu, and see if we could meet up with Luo Baozhong.

When the reinforcements of the Jin soldiers came to besiege Xiping Fort, we came from Shaling and cooperated with you inside and outside. Then we killed the Jin soldiers with vigor and mobilized more Jin soldiers from Jinzhou and Ningyuan.

In this way, it will be very easy for us to recapture Jinzhou and Ningyuan by then, and there will be no tough battle at all. "

Liu Sen felt that it was feasible and said: "The bodies of our soldiers and the Jin soldiers in Shaling were not able to be buried due to frequent clashes between the two armies. They are very scary. If you go there at night, the Jin soldiers will not be surprised."

So everyone went their separate ways.

At this time, the snow in the sandy ridge was very thick.

The snow has covered the bodies of soldiers from both sides who died in the battle a few months ago.

Too many soldiers from both sides died in this battle, and the night was very cold.

An'er looked back from time to time, feeling like someone behind her was always blowing on her neck.

It was freezing cold and the wind was howling.

At this time, Luo Baozhong robbed Jin Bing's food and livestock and rushed over to join Shi Tianyu, An'er, Xie Wen, Xu Xu and others.

All have good results.

When they met, they were all very excited.

After listening to the reports from Luo Baozhong and Xie Wen, Shi Tianyu said: "Everyone set up a tent at night and sleep together. Jin Bing didn't expect us to come here, so we can have a good sleep tonight."

Senior Brother Xu, you are planning to write a battle report in Western Liaoning. Let’s see when. Let Xie Daxia make another trip to Kyoto to deliver the battle report to Lord Long Live. This will also make it easier for Lord Long Live to support Senior Brother Xu in the future. "

After saying that, he took An'er into the tent that had been set up to rest.

Seeing this, Yue'er sighed and said, "Brother has a companion. It seems that I have to sleep with the dog again."


All the soldiers burst into laughter.

Xu Huan couldn't help but feel refreshed when he heard that the battle report was submitted to Zhu Youxiao.

I quickly went to write a battle report.

The winding mountain is not high, it is high in the north and low in the south.

The branches are covered with snow, and the sky is vast.

Xie Wen is now covered with fire bombs.

Seeing that Luo Baozhong came back with a lot of supplies, but he didn't grab anything, he was very unhappy.

So Xie Wen led some soldiers to Panling to set up an ambush, and ordered: "Brothers, hide the horses in the forest and lie down on the ground. As long as there are golden soldiers escorting livestock, we will kill them and take back the food and grass. Transported to Guangning City."

After giving the order, he dismounted first and sat against the tree.

Luo Baozhong asked the soldiers to rest in the sand ridge and came alone on horseback with a gun, deciding to help Xie Wen.

Knowing that Xie Wen was weak in force, he said to Xie Wen: "Master Xie, our best support for Xiping Fort is to grab food. It's cold, so let all the soldiers sit around and light some fires. Don't sleep alone, otherwise He’ll freeze to death.”

Xie Wen suddenly had an idea and came up with an idea and said, "Hey, we can cut down trees and surround them together to protect them from the wind and snow!"

Luo Baozhong lit a fire and nodded.

The sky and the earth are white, and snowflakes are falling.

"Come on!"



Xie Wen was sleeping when he suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves and shouts.

The sentinel horse galloped over, dismounted, bowed and reported the situation to Xie Wen, saying: "Report! Xie Daxia, they are the Jin soldiers who came from Jinzhou, driving people and livestock. The leading generals are Tulong and Totem brothers. , there are about a thousand Jin soldiers, mostly infantry."

Xie Wen rubbed his eyes, took out two fire bombs, stood up and said: "Tell General Luo to take a detour to the north to take the back path of the Jin soldiers. I will stop Brother Tulong. Other brothers, hurry up and ambush the Jin soldiers and rob the enemy." supplies.”


The man responded to the order, jumped on his horse, and hurried to deliver the order.

Xie Wen rode alone, rode westward, and galloped for a while, blocking the path of Tulong's men, and shouted: "Tulong, leave all the animals and people behind, and spare your life."

The Jin soldiers were shocked and formed a phalanx to fight.

When Tulong saw that Xie Wen was the only one, he couldn't help laughing up to the sky, holding two hooks in his hands and riding his horse.

One hook was drawn to the head, and the other was hooked to Xie Wen's horse's head.

Xie Wenyang flicked his hand and threw a handful of flame bombs towards Tu Long.

There were loud noises and black smoke filled the air.

Tulong, including his men and horses, were blown to pieces with blood and bones flying everywhere.

Totem screamed: "Brother!"

He galloped towards Xie Wen on horseback, swung the meteor hammer, and threw it out, hitting Xie Wen in the face.

Xie Wen flew away from the horse and threw a handful of fire bombs at the totem.

There were loud noises again, and black smoke filled the air.

The totem, including its men and horses, was blown to pieces.

A fire bomb may be avoided by the Tulong and Totem brothers.

However, if the flame bombs are thrown away, the two brothers Tulong and Totem will not be able to run away, and they can only die miserably.

At this time, Luo Baozhong led a thousand cavalry and came from behind the Jin soldiers.

The Jin soldiers were so frightened that they fled in all directions.

Xie Wen floated over and said loudly: "Fellow fellows, we are General Chu Feng's troops. Get some food and find another place to live. Hurry!"

Most of the people fled in all directions carrying grain or goats.

There were also some men who knelt in front of Xie Wen, clasped their fists and raised their hands, saying, "Thank you, general. I am willing to join the army and follow you and General Chu Feng to kill the enemy, regain the lost land, and protect my homeland."

Xie Wen said excitedly: "Okay, you go and collect the swords abandoned by the Jin soldiers, and quickly go to the Shaling Mountains to find General Chu Feng. His real name is Shi Tianyu. Go quickly!" He then directed the soldiers to count the supplies and load them on the carriage. middle.

Luo Baozhong rode over, blamed Xie Wen, and said, "Xie Wen, why don't you leave a gold general for your nephew to enjoy his handiwork?"

Xie Wen smiled and said: "Haha! Nephew, did you hear the sound of horse hooves? Look to the west. There is a group of people coming. Go and kill them."

Then he pointed in the west direction.

Sure enough, a group of Jin Army cavalry galloped over, with about ten thousand people.

Luo Baozhong flew on his horse, raised his silver spear, and looked to the west.

He turned back and smiled and said: "Xie Daxia, you are so ruthless. You have tens of thousands of gold soldiers. How can my nephew kill you?"

Of course Xie Wen would not let Luo Baozhong die, and what he just said was just a joke.

So, he smiled and said: "Looking at how fast Jin Bing ran, he must be rushing to help Xiping Fort. Nephew, let's lurk and let them pass. Then, let's go and spank Jin Bing."

Luo Baozhong nodded, waved his hand and shouted: "Brothers, lurk quickly. Hurry!"

The two led their troops to gallop up the mountain, then each covered their horses' mouths and lay down on the snow.

Snowflakes dance gracefully in the cold wind.

This golden army was preparing to capture Guangning after rushing to Jinzhou.

Suddenly, he learned that Xiping Fort had been captured by the Ming army soldiers again, so he rushed to support Ben Yong and E Xiong.

This team of Jin soldiers is led by Jin generals such as Ertai, Erkang, Tu Shifang, and Sony.

They galloped all the way to take back Xiping Fort.

Rush to the foot of Xiping Fort and besiege the city from four gates: southeast, northwest and southeast.

Liu Sen looked at the castle and saw countless golden soldiers outside the castle, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

Zhang Xin shouted urgently: "Archers are waiting. Cannons in red are ready."

The archers rushed up to the castle and prepared nervously.

The artillerymen urgently loaded ammunition and prepared to fire.

Ertai, who was meeting troops with Benyong and Exiong, rushed towards the west gate, raised his sword, and shouted angrily: "The generals on the top of the city, listen, if you don't leave the city and surrender, once we break the city, we will kill you chickens and dogs." Do not stay."

Liu Sen said angrily: "Bah! Are you a bird? Go to hell!"

He spat at Ertai.

Ben Yong gave the order and shouted: "Fire the arrow!"

Whoosh! The golden soldiers fired thousands of arrows.

The Ming soldiers on the castle fell to the ground, and the remaining people hurriedly crouched on the top of the city.

Ertai and Benyong looked up to the sky and laughed, feeling very proud.

Zhang Xin ordered the artillery fire.

There were loud explosions, and the golden soldiers who were close to the castle were blown with blood and flesh, and broken bones were scattered everywhere.

At this time, Luo Baozhong and Xie Wen led their troops to attack from behind Jin Bing from the south.

The Jin soldiers were caught off guard and fell down one after another.

Tu Shifang held a stick, Sony held a gun, turned his horse's head, and led his troops to fight.

Luo Baozhong was the first to rush into the encirclement of Jin soldiers and cursed angrily: "Grandpa has a gun, and you have a gun too. You are so ignorant!"

Shoot Sony.

Sony blocked the shot and felt that the opponent's shot was very heavy.

His horse neighed and jumped back.

Luo Baozhong glanced at his horse and fired back.

Sony's arms were numb, and before he could react, Luo Baozhong shot him with a backhand, knocking him off his horse.

The Ming army's cavalry rode through.

Sony died tragically in the snow, splashing a column of blood.

Xie Wen didn't say anything when he encountered earth and rocks, he just threw a flame bomb at them.

Tu Shifang didn't know what the flame bullet was, so he thought it was some kind of hidden weapon, so he held up his stick and flicked it.

There were loud noises.

The earth and rocks were blown away until no bones were left, and even people and horses disappeared from this world.

"Okay!" The Ming army soldiers at the south gate of the city cheered in unison.

The two main generals of the Jin soldiers who besieged the south gate of Xiping Fort were killed and were charged by the Ming army's cavalry. The Jin soldiers fled in chaos.

Xie Wen and Luo Baozhong led their troops into Xiping Fort.

Liu Sen hugged Xie Wen and Luo Baozhong tightly and said excitedly: "Xie Daxia, brother Luo, I have been looking forward to having you here."

Luo Baozhong left Liu Sen and said: "The enemy's two generals are dead, so they will inevitably increase their troops. My younger brother and Xie Daxia will lead their troops to rest first. You guys stick to the castle. When Brother Shi arrives, we will work together to kill them again."

Liu Sen nodded and hurriedly ordered the fire-headed soldiers to light a fire and make food.

When Ertai heard that something was going on at the south gate, he and Ben Yong came over with their troops to take a look. Unexpectedly, they didn't even find the earthworks or Sony's body. He couldn't help but yelled in anger that the Ming army officers and soldiers were really nothing, and ordered to attack the city.

The Ming soldiers were few in number and could not withstand the rain of arrows from the Jin soldiers, so they hurriedly fell on the top of the city.

The golden soldiers rushed to the foot of the fort in an instant and built ladders to attack the city.

Liu Sen suddenly appeared from behind the city wall and laughed loudly: "Haha! Ertai, do you think I'm afraid of you? I want to wait until you get closer before I fight." After looking up to the sky and laughing, he waved his hand: " Brothers, kill!”

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty all showed up at the top of the city, pushing the ladders together, shooting arrows together, throwing stones together, and rolling logs together.

The golden soldiers who climbed up the ladder fell down one after another, splattered with blood and died.

Screams were heard everywhere.

"Retreat the troops! Retreat three miles to set up camp and surround us."

Ertai was fooled by Liu Sen and was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood and did not dare to attack the city by force again.

He sent his troops back three miles and asked for reinforcements.

After receiving the report, Luo Baozhong didn't bother to eat, so he came out with his gun again, and said to Liu Sen and Xie Wen: "The Jin soldiers have set up camp, let's take advantage of the situation and attack again. Xie Daxia, you go out of the east gate, and my nephew goes out to the west gate, don't be too eager to fight. Come back after disrupting the golden soldiers."

Immediately he led a thousand cavalry out of the west gate and led his troops out of the city, using his silver spear in one fell swoop.

The cavalry of the Ming army rode their horses like the wind and wielded their long sabers to kill the golden soldiers.

Erkang, who was outside the west gate, commanded the Jin soldiers. Before they could set up camp, they were overturned by Luo Baozhong's men who were attacking.

E Xiong's troops at the east gate were suddenly attacked by Xie Wen's troops, and there were also many casualties.

Xie Wen and Luo Baozhong were not willing to fight. They disrupted the Jin soldiers and immediately led their troops back to Xipingbao.

When Ertai heard the news, he was so angry that he had to order the Jin soldiers to retreat again. He yelled angrily: "Retreat to five miles. Generals and soldiers were sent to patrol in front of the village to prevent the Ming soldiers from coming out of the city to harass. Some of the soldiers set up an ambush with bows and arrows. , to ambush the Ming troops who come to disturb our troops at any time."

Luo Baozhong, Liu Sen, Xie Wen and others carried their rice bowls and walked to the top of the city while eating. When they saw this, they all looked up to the sky and laughed.


A group of men and horses came from north to south to kill.

The leader was riding a yellow-clawed flying lightning, like a wolf and a tiger.

Both palms shot out flaming knives with a radius of more than two meters, slashing and burning countless golden soldiers to death.

There was another chaos in the Jinbing camp, with many casualties.

And Yue'er was riding a Jueying BMW, with Dudu holding the horse's reins with her left front paw, and holding the Hong Ming sword in her right front paw as she danced quickly to block arrows to protect herself.

Yue'er sat behind Dudu, throwing fire bombs from time to time with her small hands, causing the golden soldiers to fly bloody and bloody.

Luo Baozhong was so happy that he threw down his job and shouted: "Brother Shi is here. Let's go and go out of the city to kill for a while."

After roaring, he immediately picked up his gun and rode out of the city.

"Let's go and fight out together."

Liu Sen waved his hand and all the soldiers came out of the city.

Ertai and his troops were caught off guard and led the gold soldiers to flee on horseback.

Tens of thousands of golden soldiers scattered in all directions.

Shi Tianyu led his troops into Xiping Fort.

Everyone was very happy to gather together.

At this time, Qin Fang and others, who had been ordered to lurk in the direction of Jinzhou, were worried about Luo Baozhong, so they asked Luo Jinhua, Li Du, and Luo Han to bring some cavalry to Xiping Fort to see the situation.

Shi Tianyu told Liu Sen to get a few more jars of good wine for him to taste.

Xu Shi laughed loudly and said: "Niece Chu Feng still understands Lao Cheng!"

The night was darkening and the snow was still falling.

While everyone was drinking wine with him, they discussed the plan to lure the enemy.

Shi Tianyu said: "The food that Xie Daxia and Luo Xiandi grabbed is enough for us to eat for a few days.

However, they have to continue to rob the Jin soldiers of their money, food and livestock, and they have to send more troops to lurk in the sand ridge.

Because I appear here, the golden soldiers will definitely surround me with heavy troops.

They hate me so much. But the more they hate me, the more they will mobilize more and more troops to surround me.

In the future, it will be effortless for us to attack Jinzhou. "

An'er took over the topic and offered another suggestion, saying: "It's cold over there in the sand ridge. We have to take turns to go there. We can't always let a certain group of soldiers suffer the cold there."

Qin Fang didn't have Qin Fang to control him this time, so drinking was very enjoyable.

He said boldly: "Old Cheng, let's go and have a good night's rest in the city tonight."

When Luo Jinhua saw Luo Baozhong getting up, she was afraid that Luo Baozhong would rush to get there, so she said, "Okay, I'll go get some golden soldier heads too. Brother Zhong, take a good rest." Luo Baozhong sat down helplessly.

Shi Tianyu also said boldly: "Okay! You lead a thousand cavalry to the sand ridge to ambush the passing Jin soldiers. The others should take a rest."

The generals were very tired from tossing back and forth, so they took a rest.

"Report! Ertai and Benyong led five thousand golden soldiers to rush from west to east."

"Report! Aorong and Sika led five thousand golden soldiers to attack from south to north."

"Report! Sun Deli and Wu Hai led five thousand golden soldiers to rush from east to west."

"Report! E Xiong and An Qi led five thousand golden soldiers to attack from north to south."

Early the next morning, the sentry rider came in a hurry to report.

Shi Tianyu hurriedly ordered his soldiers to beat drums and raise the tent.

When all the generals heard the sound of drums, they gathered in front of the central military hall to obey orders.

An'er hurriedly asked Shi Tianyu to invite Ying to fight.

He cupped his fists and cupped his hands, bowed and said, "General Shi, little girl, go out of the south gate and challenge Ska."

Smoke and dust billowed, and the snow howled under the iron hooves.

Shi Tianyu said: "Okay, you go!"

Then he turned to Xie Wen and said, "Xie Daxia, go and plunder the formation for An'er."

An'er and Xie Wen left in response to the order.

Shi Tianyu added: "When I heard someone with the character Ao, I got a headache, because these people must be Ao Bai's brothers. They are all descendants of the magical skill of marriage, and they are also people of high martial arts, so it is difficult to deal with them.

Now, since Aorong led the troops from Nanmen, he was naturally the strongest opponent.

Let's go to the east gate. Sun Deli and Wu Hai are both subordinates of Sun Degong. They are both traitors. Kill them. "


The generals responded to the order, immediately put on their armor, held their swords and rode out of the city.

An'er walked out of the Zhongjun Hall, jumped on his horse, and rode out of the city. He was anxious to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds. Unexpectedly, he went to the wrong gate and ran out of the east gate instead.

When Sun Deli saw that An'er was a little girl, he couldn't help being angry. He raised his gun and went to fight. Surrender to my lord, and Sun will send you to Shenyang to become the imperial concubine."

An'er was furious, pulled out his Miao sword, and cursed angrily: "Traitor, your surname is Sun? You are Sun Deli, right? Bah! A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory, so he must die!" After scolding, he rode his horse and raised his sword. , slashed at Sun Deli with a knife.

After Sun Deli blocked his gun, the gun barrel fell diagonally to the left.

An'er raised her sword and galloped past.

The two men turned their horses around again and started fighting again. After more than ten rounds.

An'er held the knife to hold Sun Deli's gun, and then swiped it diagonally.

Sun Deli screamed and was cut off from the waist by An'er.

When Wu Hai saw this, he burst into tears and cried: "Brother Sun! You died so miserably!"

He stabbed An'er in the chest with a gun.

An'er fought against the enemy for the first time on the battlefield and killed one of the enemy generals, which was very satisfying.

Then he got down on his saddle to avoid it, rode his horse past, and stabbed him with his backhand.

Wu Hai's horse was struck in the buttocks, and the horse neighed and fell, knocking him off the horse.

Luo Baozhong seized the opportunity, swung his silver spear, and shouted: "Charge!"

He led more than a thousand cavalry to charge forward.

Wu Hai was instantly trampled to pieces by the Ming cavalry.

The Jin soldiers at the east gate were in chaos and fled in all directions.

After hearing the news, Ao Rong came on horseback and roared at An'er: "Little girl, where can you escape?"

The two hammers swung, and the horse and horse riding the Zhaoye Jade Lion rushed towards him like lightning.

One hammer hit An'er's face, the other hit her belly.

Luo Baozhong screamed: "Miss An'er, come back to the city quickly!"

Then he danced his spear and rode his horse to come to support, holding his spear and piercing Aorong's neck, armpit, and waist.

Aorong swung his hammers.

An'er's Miao knife flew away from his hand, and the tiger's mouth cracked.

Xie Wen flew in the air, reached out and grabbed the Miao Dao in his hand.

Originally, Xie Wen wanted to kill Ao Rong with a fire bomb, but Luo Baozhong had already approached Ao Rong on horseback.

Xie Wen was afraid of accidentally injuring Luo Baozhong and did not dare to throw the fire bomb.

Luo Baozhong shot three times, but all of them bounced away, causing pain in the tiger's mouth.

Shi Tianyu jumped down from the castle in a hurry, rushed towards Aorong in the air, and cut out two flaming knives, standing between Aorong and Luo Baozhong.

Ao Rong's powerful hammer was so heavy that he smashed two flame knives with two hammers.

Luo Baozhong took the opportunity to gallop away.

Yue'er shouted from the castle: "Brother, grab his BMW. I like his BMW. The color is nice and pure white."

Ao Rong heard the sound and looked up to see Yue'er jumping up and down on the castle. He was very angry.

It seemed that the little girl had convinced Shi Tianyu to defeat him.

Ao Rong suddenly flew away from the horse, using the magic skill of wedding clothes, his body grew ten feet and eighty feet, and he hit Shi Tianyu with a hammer.

Shi Tianyu landed on the ground, his palms floating in the air.

Ao Rongwu hit Ben Yong with two hammers, beating him to pieces.

Shi Tianyufei took Aorong's Zhaoye Jade Lion BMW and rode away.

Yue'er on the castle hurriedly led Dudu down the city wall, and met Shi Tianyu coming back on horseback under the city gate.

Shi Tianyu dismounted, put the horse's rein on Dudu's left front paw, then jumped up and flew in the air.

But he met Ao Rong in mid-air.

Ao Rong found out that he had killed Ben Yong. He was so angry that he jumped up with his hammer and went straight to the castle.

Unexpectedly, Shi Tianyu moved very quickly. After seizing the Zhaoye Jade Lion and BMW, he turned around and came to kill him.

The two dueled in the air.

Shi Tianyu used a pair of flaming knives to deal with Ao Rong's pair of big copper hammers.

When the soldiers on both sides saw this, they all shouted: "Okay!"

Ertai came on horseback. Seeing this, he hurriedly commanded the golden soldiers to gather into a square formation, brandished the green dragon sword, and rode towards the east gate of the city.

Jin Bing also took the opportunity to rush towards the east gate.

An'er endured the pain of the tiger's mouth and danced the Miao knife, leading more than a thousand cavalry to protect the suspension bridge.

Xu, Luo Jinhua, Luo Han, Yu Chisong and others hurriedly rode out of the city to protect the suspension bridge.

Exiong and Erkang came upon hearing the sound and took the opportunity to lead their troops to cover up the attack.

The Ming cavalry could not stop them and retreated, causing over a hundred casualties in an instant.

At this time, Liu Sen and Zhang Xin led their cavalry and infantry to attack from north to east.

The Jin soldiers were attacked from behind, and chaos broke out again.

Luo Baozhong's jaw cracked prematurely and his hands were covered in blood.

But he gritted his teeth and held on, fearing that the castle would be lost, so he grabbed his spear and rode his horse, stabbing Yi Lin.

Yilin held the knife horizontally and slashed it downwards.

Aorong and Shi Tianyu both fell to the ground.

Aorong lost his BMW, his eyes became redder, and he hit Shi Tianyu with heavy hammer.

Shi Tianyu kept cutting the flaming knife towards Ao Rong, but he also retreated step by step, rising into the air from time to time.

To lure Aorong to chase him in the air.

Ao Rong was extremely angry and naturally fell into the trap. Sure enough, he held his double hammer and kept chasing Shi Tianyu.

Soon, Shi Tianyu led Aolong to chase him out of the place where the soldiers from both sides were fighting, and flew down over Panling.

Ao Rong volleyed with a hammer and struck it.

Shi Tianyu's palms fluttered.

Ao Rong spun in the air and smashed the air with his hammers.

Shi Tianyu came silently and pressed his palms on the back of Ao Rong's heart.

Immediately, Aorong's full and complete version of the wedding dress magic power flooded into Shi Tianyu's body like a torrential river.

Ao Rong couldn't hold the hammers.

The two hammers fell to the ground with two loud bangs, making two big pits on the ground.

Aorong sat down on the ground weakly.

Gradually, Aorong's bones crackled and his body gradually shrank.

After a while, Aorong only weighed more than forty kilograms.

Shi Tianyu didn't kill Ao Rong, he kicked Ao Rong away, lifted his feet and flew back to Xiping Fort.

Then he floated down, facing the golden soldiers and generals, and cut out flaming knives with a radius of more than two meters.

Cut to death and burn countless gold soldiers and generals.

Ao Rong is not Shi Tianyu's opponent. Who else among the golden soldiers and generals in front of him is Shi Tianyu's opponent?
Piles of corpses were on fire, and the smell of corpses spread everywhere, which was very unpleasant.

When the Ming army saw this, they all became energetic and started killing the enemy like wolves and tigers.

The Jin soldiers fled in confusion.

Ertai didn't see Aorong come back and felt bad. Seeing that Shi Tianyu was no match for him, he ordered a retreat.

Shi Tianyu led his troops to retreat to Xiping Fort and bandaged Luo Baozhong's wounds himself.

Luo Jinhua came over and found that Luo Baozhong's palm was rotten, and she couldn't help but cry with distress.

Luo Baozhong hurriedly comforted Luo Jinhua and said, "Sister, wrap my palm so that I can still hold a gun and fight tomorrow."

An'er bandaged the wound, came over laughing and laughed at Luo Jinhua, saying, "What are you afraid of? My right palm is also torn."


The generals laughed.

Luo Jinhua didn't dare to say anything anymore.

Arhat was moved, walked over, took the initiative to invite Shi Tianyu, bowed and said: "Tonight, Brother Shi and Brother Yu will go to the sand ridge to ambush the Jin soldiers. You can go and have a rest."

Shi Tianyu left Luo Baozhong, waved his hand and said: "No! We have been fighting southward from Shaling several times. The Jin soldiers must be suspicious and will definitely send generals to Shaling to set up an ambush. There are Jin soldiers outside Xiping Fort. We can only do it now Only give up Xiping Fort."

He categorically rejected Luohan's proposal.

The generals were shocked and asked: "What?"

The north wind roars, and the snow is white as far as the eye can see.

Shi Tianyu immediately analyzed the battle situation and said: "We have transferred a large number of Jin soldiers to Xiping Fort, and it is time for us to attack Jinzhou.

Later, we will take advantage of the Jin army's defeat and take advantage of the situation to fight out and go south to recapture Songshan Fort. We are at the horns of each other with Jinzhou and it is the best strategy to prevent the enemy from going south to Ningyuan. Now, the Jin soldiers have sent reinforcements from all over, and the enemy in Jinzhou is weak. It is time for us to take back Jinzhou.

This is also one of the thirty-six strategies to fish in troubled waters.

As for Xiping Fort, we will definitely come back in the future. "

Luo Baozhong said in agreement: "If we defend Xiping Fort, the enemy will continue to send troops for reinforcements.

When the enemy's heavy troops arrive and we are trapped, it will be difficult for us to defend the city and we will die in battle. The banner of the Ten Tigers of Liaodong will surely fall.

After the Jin soldiers get Xiping Fort, they will definitely reinforce Jinzhou. By then, it will be even more difficult for us to recapture Jinzhou.

Therefore, we still have to listen to Brother Shi and act according to Brother Shi's strategy. "

In this way, everyone had no objections and immediately ordered the gang leader to light a fire and make rice.

Then, each found a place to rest.

Shi Tianyu felt that his prestige was high enough and he no longer needed to rely on the Hong Ming sword.

Seeing everyone leaving the Zhongjun Hall, he raised his left middle finger and threw the Hongming sword into the study room of locker No. 02 in the system space.

He walked out of the Zhongjun Mansion again, transported the Jueying BMW back to the locker No. 03 in the system space, and handed it over to Ma Shuan for care.

Because Yue'er has fallen in love with the Zhaoye Jade Lion and likes to ride the Zhaoye Jade Lion.

Then, Shi Tianyu took out the Daxia Dragon Bird Sword from Yue'er's small study room in locker No. 03, handed it to Yue'er who was still playing with the Jade Lion at Night in front of the Zhongjun Mansion, and then returned to the inner room of the Zhongjun Mansion. Lie down for a while.

after lunch.

Shi Tianyu immediately deployed his troops to break out, saying: "To lure Kai Ertai, Zhu Du, Luo Jinhua, and Luo Baozhong went to challenge them.

Xie Wen, Liu Sen, Zhang Xin, An'er, and Luo Han led a thousand cavalry to rush into the Jin soldiers' positions, and then moved down from north to south.

Yue'er and I acted according to the circumstances.

Everyone must remember that our goals are Jinzhou and Ningyuan, so don’t be reluctant to fight. "

"Promise!" The generals were ordered to leave. Taking advantage of the unsteady foothold of the Jin soldiers, they took advantage of the situation and rushed southward to Songshan Fort.

Luo Baozhong, Li Cheng and others led more than a thousand cavalry to retreat to Shaling.

Ertai, Exiong, Erkang and other golden generals led their troops and refused to let go.

The strong wind blew by, like a ghost crying and a wolf howling.

The Shaling area is particularly cold and terrifying.

Luo Baozhong lunged at Ertai with one swoop of his silver spear, stabbing Ertai's throat, chest and abdomen three times in a row.

Ertai's sword was in full swing, but he felt that Luo Baozhong's spear was extremely heavy and difficult to block, making it difficult to breathe.

The two rode past.

He cursed E Xiong angrily, held the giant mountain-cutting ax, and killed him with three axes: grabbing the head, splitting the waist, and hooking the horse.

E Xiong raised his gun to block left and right, in a hurry.

Luo Zhongbao rode his horse past E Xiong and fired a backhand shot.

The Luo family's "Returning Spear" is unique in the world.

Exiong was shot in the waist and died tragically under his horse.

Zhuge Liang and Luo Baozhong rushed to stop the golden soldiers, using their axes on the left and spears on the right, as fast as tigers.

Yu Chisong, Luo Jinhua, Liu Sen and others led their troops to take advantage of the situation and then went south.

Shi Tianyu and Yue'er watched the battle for a while. When they saw the golden soldiers entering Xiping Fort, they walked down the tower, jumped on their horses, and rode out of the city.

Dozens of golden cavalry surrounded them and attacked Shi Tianyu and Yue'er at the same time.

Yue'er handed the knife to Dudu, took out two flame bombs and threw them away.

There were loud noises.

The golden soldiers were blown to pieces with blood and flesh flying everywhere.
Dozens of golden soldiers wielded sickles to chop off the legs of Shi Tianyu and Yue'er's horses.

The yellow-clawed flying lightning and Zhaoye jade lions that Shi Tianyu and Yue'er stepped on jumped into the sky from time to time.

Shi Tianyu whirled and slashed away with two flaming knives, slashing more than a hundred golden soldiers in half.

Suddenly the fire burst into the sky.

More than two hundred mutilated corpses fell to the ground and caught fire.

Yue'er threw out two flame bombs with her backhand, and the golden soldiers were blown away with their flesh and blood.

The brother and sister rode their horses like flying and soon caught up with Luo Baozhong.

"Kill!" Ertai ordered breathlessly, leading his troops in hot pursuit.

Luo Baozhong and Shi Tianyu rode together and asked as they ran, "Brother Shi, why are you heading east?"

Shi Tianyu said: "Let's flee eastward to distract the enemy so that An'er and others can go south to attack Songshan Fort."

This highly flexible mobile warfare made Luo Baozhong somewhat unable to react.

Shi Tianyu suddenly reined in his horse, clapped his hands, and slashed two flaming knives at Ertai who was chasing after him.

At this time, Luo Baozhong finally understood Shi Tianyu's intention and returned to fight.

The two Ertai brothers could not resist the rain of rocks, so they hurriedly returned to their horses and fled.

Shi Tianyu rode his horse and continued running eastward.

Ertai and other golden generals led troops to pursue them again.

They fought and stopped, and Shi Tianyu and others suddenly rode their horses north and jumped into the dense forest at the junction of Hetao.

Everyone flew off their horses and started chipping wood to make a fire to keep warm.

Most of the powerful Jin soldiers besieged Xiping Fort.

Duoji, the guard of Songshan Fort, could not stop Liu Sen, Duo and other heroes by himself.

Songshan Fort was captured by troops led by An'er, Yuchisong, Liu Sen, Luo Han, Luo Jinhua, Zhang Xin and others.

Lieutenant General Jin Bing was out of the city for many years. When Yuchisong's troops arrived, he was whipped off his horse by Yuchisong.


Everyone entered Songshan Castle again, smiling relaxedly.

When Yu Chisong entered the city, he raised his fingers and praised Shi Tianyu: "General Shi is really a god!"

An'er frowned, very worried about Shi Tianyu, and said melancholy: "I wonder where they are now?"

Recalling the previous battles, he said with emotion: "When I went south, they rode their horses to the east, with golden soldiers blocking them in front and intercepting them in the back. Alas!"

Liu Sensui said: "We have to go find them."

Luo Jinhua shook his head and said: "The sea of ​​snow is vast, where can we find it? If we go out and the golden soldiers come again, then we won't even have a place to stay." Wei Chisong quickly persuaded: "General Shi said, we must remember Look, Jinzhou is our goal, we must not act recklessly, lest we ruin General Shi's plan."

"Report! Duoji led ten thousand troops and surrounded Songshan Fort."

At this time, a sentry rider came to report.

Everyone had no time to think, so they wiped away their tears and hurried to the city.

Under the castle are black golden soldiers again.

Zhuge said loudly: "According to General Shi's plan, hold on without fighting, hold off Duoji, and try to hold off more Jin soldiers in order to regain Jinzhou." Everyone agreed, and took turns leading their troops to the top of the city to confront the Jin soldiers.

Winter has passed and spring has come, but it is still cold in the north.

The snow in the capital was swept by the garrison on the roadside and condensed into ice.

Zhu Youxiao took the battle report written by Xu Xu and sent to the palace by Xie Wen using his superb Qinggong. He walked in the imperial garden and was very happy.

From time to time, he would say a sentence: "Eight Vajras! Ten Tigers of Liaodong! Okay, I read Shi Aiqing correctly."

Capture Jinzhou and attack Ningyuan. In this way, Liaoxi is still in my hands.

What a plan! So domineering. "

Empress Zhang came forward, her face full of sorrow, and urgently advised Zhu Youxiao, saying: "Long live my lord, after the king arrived at the border pass, he advocated the main defense of the enemy, abandoned Jinning and other passes, and wanted to attack the Eight Mile Pass. Build a city and build a wall to secure Shanhaiguan.

This is a conservative strategy and should not be promoted. It is more terrible than the fall of western Liaoning.

If things continue like this, Shanhaiguan will be broken.

Shi Aiqing was already a fourth-rank official in the royal title of Long Live Lord. The concubine suggested that Shi Aiqing should be promoted to the next level again, making Shi Aiqing the Liaodong manager and governor of Liaodong.

It’s time for Long Live Lord to take a strong dose of medicine and apply bone scraping to cure the poison at the border. "

Zhu Youxiao paced with his hands behind his back and remained silent for a long time.

He was only eighteen years old, but he was burdened with a heavy burden, internal and external troubles.

Although Empress Zhang was young, her mother respected the world and had a high position. She reminded Zhu Youxiao and said: "Long live my lord, Xu Hongru of Qilu raised an army to cause trouble. It lasted nearly a year and was not wiped out. If there is another failure at the border, the Ming Dynasty will be destroyed." The country is in danger."

Zhu Youxiao nodded and said: "Well, tomorrow morning, I will be in charge of discussing politics. I will listen to the audience's words and then send Tiger General to Qilu to quell the rebellion. Since the king is in Jin, let's arrange other duties."

Empress Zhang held her husband's arm and said in a very urgent tone as she walked: "The most urgent task is to send experts from the imperial court to the border to find out the whereabouts of Shi Aiqing and others. The Eight King Kongs and the Ten Tigers of Liaodong, after our army was defeated across the board, Liang A clear banner of resistance to gold was raised.

Especially Shi Aiqing, who led the martial arts men and some of the soldiers he had taken in, went back and forth to seize Zhenwu Fort, Xiping Fort, and Songshan Fort, firmly guarding Guangning City, severely defeating the enemy, and inspiring the people! "

Zhu Youxiao immediately turned around and announced loudly: "Come, let Murong Sheng enter the palace and ask him to lead his masters to the border to find Shi Aiqing's whereabouts."

Several guards and Eunuch Huang hurriedly knelt down to accept the order and left.

Empress Zhang and Zhu Youxiao stayed together and returned to Kunning Palace together. They offered advice and said, "Long live my lord, the courtiers still have objections to holding on to the border or actively regaining the lost territory.

If the whereabouts of Shi Aiqing are found, he can be reused and send this tiger general to Qilu to put down the rebellion temporarily.

After the Liaodong strategy is finalized, Shi Aiqing will be transferred to Liaodong to guard the border and capture the golden troops. "

Zhu Youxiao nodded tenderly, stretched out his hand to undress her.


The snow is falling heavily and the sea of ​​snow is boundless.

Shi Tianyu, Yue'er, and Luo Baozhong hid in the woods and made a fire to keep warm.

After all, brothers Ertai and Erkang should also lead their troops to Songshan Fort.

So, Shi Tianyu used the beast control technique to summon several snow leopards, and slashed them to death on the snow with a few flame knives.

Then he clapped his hands to extinguish the fire, washed the snow leopards with snow water, and made a fire to barbecue, one for each person.

After filling his belly, he jumped on his horse and galloped towards Songshan Fort.

"Shi Tianyu? Someone come quickly!"

There are still a few Jin soldiers at the foot of the mountain still searching the mountain.

The first general recognized Shi Tianyu's mount, Huang Feidian, and hurriedly jumped on his horse, shouting loudly.

Dozens of golden soldiers immediately jumped out from the forest and fired arrows at Shi Tianyu and others.

Shi Tianyu took the lead in the charge, whipping out several flaming knives and sending a hail of arrows flying backwards.

Then he cut and burned those golden soldiers to death.

Then, he rushed to Songshan Fort with great speed.

When the other Jin soldiers saw this, they fled in panic.

(End of this chapter)

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