A widower's entertainment

Chapter 171 [Literature Correspondence Class]

Chapter 171 [Literature Correspondence Class] (Please subscribe)
Decheng, Chunfeng Lane.

Situ Hui from the Bayi Film Studio arrived suddenly and left quickly. He was waiting for Lin Youcheng to finish writing the script of "War Meridian".

The time was very calm. In this peaceful courtyard, Lin Youcheng began to write a script. The "Decheng Daily" newspaper on the table did not appear. Only a few seconds after the launch of the "Challenger" space shuttle of the United States The explosion killed all seven astronauts on board. Until April, no one in Chunfeng Alley would know that an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the north and a serious nuclear leak occurred.

Everything seemed so calm, so calm that no one noticed that 1986 was the tenth anniversary of the end of that special period, and it was also the tenth anniversary of the new era of literature that started scar literature. But even so, something special happened in the domestic literary world. .

Lin Youcheng published the novel "War Meridian", while Jia Pingwa published his first novel "Impotence", a story on a river, and Mo Xian published it in the magazine "People's Literature" Published that amazing novella "Red Sorghum", as well as Li Shaling's novel "Xia Xia at School", Zhao Bingkun's novel "Cixi's Escape to the West", Chen Zhongshi's novella "Early Summer", Wang Baocheng's "" "Human Rhythm", Sha Bing's "Quiet Summer Nights", Han Qi's "Green Bamboo"...

Of course, there is also the first part of Lu Yao's "Ordinary World" which was rejected by "Contemporary" magazine and published in "Flower City" magazine.

Lin Youcheng looked at the "Ordinary World" article in "Flower City" magazine. He knew very clearly that the first volume of "The Ordinary World" published now was as ordinary as the title of the book, and it had not been well recognized. It was not until the third volume was released in 1989 and won the third Mao Dun Literature Award in 1991 that he gained his due status and value.

Lin Youcheng personally likes the novel "The Ordinary World" very much. He knows that the current literary world does not have a high opinion of Lu Yao's "The Ordinary World" and there are many bad voices.

Lin Youcheng put down the "Flower City" magazine and read a review article he wrote for Lu Yao's "Ordinary World" in "Wenhui Po".

"The characters and plots of "The Ordinary World" written by Lu Yao are very realistic. They use simple language and real feelings to witness the ordinary beliefs and lives in ordinary life. In terms of artistic techniques, they are simple and concise, and the language is popular and clear. , the characters’ personalities and relationships are clear and clear, and the theme meaning is easy to understand. Some current literary critics think “The Ordinary World” is too outdated and may be biased.”

Lin Youcheng put down the literary review article and was just about to continue writing the script of "War Meridian" when he saw Zhang Jiefang walking in with a smile on his face.

"Successful, the association plans to invite you to give some classes to students in the literature correspondence class."

In fact, Lin Youcheng knew a long time ago that with the recruitment of students by the Lu Xun Literary Institute in Beijing, literary and literary federations and writers' associations at all levels are now rushing to establish literary correspondence institutions, such as the "Yalu River" Correspondence Creation Center of Liao Province and the one in Jinling City. The Literature Correspondence Course of the School of Youth Literature, and the Bac Ha Provincial Writers Association established the Literature Correspondence Course of the School of Contemporary Literature. In addition, there are also publications such as "People's Literature", "Northern Literature", "Poetry Magazine", "Yanhe", "Spring Breeze" and "Poet". "Great Wall Literature and Art" has organized correspondence courses on literary creation.

On the contrary, now it is Lin Youcheng, the winner of the Mao Dun Literature Prize, who can teach students in the literature correspondence class and teach some amazing and knowledge about literary creation.

Regardless of whether Lin Youcheng's literary criticism article has any impact, at least one thing is very certain -

A long time ago, the Hunan Provincial Writers Association recommended Lin Youcheng to go to the capital to attend the correspondence class of Lu Xun Institute of Literature, but Lin Youcheng refused directly. He had no way to go to the capital to study at that time. After all, there were still many carrots. His head needs to be taken care of. Now Lin Youcheng has long become a well-known writer and has won the Mao Dun Literary Award. His status has been improved, and he does not need to attend any correspondence courses at the School of Literature to study literature.

This is not to say that "The Ordinary World" belongs to the popular literature system, but that it is difficult to find a balance between literary works that are considered high quality and works that are popular among readers.

Lin Youcheng was a little surprised when he heard Zhang Jiefang's words. He did not expect that Zhang Jiefang would ask him to teach students in the literature correspondence class. This was beyond his expectation.

After all, Lin Youcheng is not an unknown new author. As the winner of the Mao Dun Literature Award, Lin Youcheng, a relatively well-known writer, gave Lu Yao's "The Ordinary World" a high evaluation. He will still attract some attention.

"We must know that literature is a product of the times, not only in the sense of creation theory, but also in the sense of reception aesthetics. "The Ordinary World" is not in line with the changes and innovation trends in literature, but is in line with the reality of social changes at that time. opportunity. Although literature and art are currently undergoing drastic changes, the desire for literary innovation has attracted the attention of the literary community, and the idea of ​​literary autonomy has also affected the willful development of literature in innovation. Literary exploration has promoted the rapid development of Chinese literature and art. Improvement, to a certain extent, also leads to the separation of creation and reading.”

Some literature correspondence courses will also publish news about correspondence courses in newspapers. The schooling lasts for one year and the tuition fee is ten yuan. Then the remittance orders come like a snowflake. The correspondence department immediately has more than one hundred thousand yuan in cash. It can be imagined that these literary hobbies are now How passionate the author is about literary creation.

Lin Youcheng is actually very clear. In fact, from the late 1980s to the 1990s, domestic intellectual culture and ordinary popular culture will be in a state of serious separation in the future. The general anxiety in terms of literary acceptance is the inability to integrate the contradiction of "sharing both refined and popular" , is nothing more than a small symptom of cultural dilemma.

It is for this reason that Zhang Jiefang from the Federation of Literary and Art Circles specially came to Chunfeng Lane to invite Lin Youcheng.

Obviously, this literary review article by Lin Youcheng has caused a certain amount of discussion to some extent.

Although Lin Youcheng plans to go to the capital later, it is obvious that Lin Youcheng has not gone yet, and naturally he is still with the Hunan Writers Association.

Lin Youcheng didn't know that his literary review article was seen by Lu Yao in the distance, and he was somewhat inspired. After all, his "Ordinary World" has not received much attention at all. The sensation, let alone praise, made Lu Yao hesitate whether to continue writing the story behind "The Ordinary World".

Lin Youcheng's literary criticism is still very popular now, and this is also because Lin Youcheng's status is different now.

"Of course, profound changes in ideology, sense of the times, and values ​​have also caused Chinese society's thinking and cognitive methods to be adjusted. Now Lu Yao's "Ordinary World" precisely removes the artistic exploration that is so popular today, and Focusing on writing about the personal awakening, pursuit and destiny of rural youth, it is obvious that the evaluation of "The Ordinary World" cannot simply be based on the artistic innovation of the text itself, nor can it only be positioned based on the trend of literary change. It is more appropriate to evaluate "The Ordinary World" The method of interpretation should be to establish an effective context based on the way the work fits the times and the interaction with social consciousness..."

Lin Youcheng didn't know what other editors and literary critics thought of Lu Yao's "The Ordinary World". He himself liked "The Ordinary World" very much.

Of course, this method of literary correspondence learning lasted from the early 1980s to the early 1990s, which lasted for ten years, and became a new way for literary youth to become self-taught. Just like the "Yalu River" Correspondence Creation Center, which was founded three years ago, has been well received by It is welcomed by the majority of young literary people and plays a very important role in cultivating new literary talents and developing and strengthening the literary team.

I have to say that this is all because Lin Youcheng is no longer the new writer who just came out.

However, when Zhang Jiefang invited him to give lectures to the students in the literature correspondence class, Lin Youcheng still waved his hand and refused: "How can I give lectures to them?"

"I haven't graduated from high school. I was a street sweeper before. Going to teach students is a bit inappropriate." When Zhang Jiefang heard what Lin Youcheng said, he hurriedly said: "Youcheng, what you said is wrong. , if you can’t give them lectures and share knowledge about literary creation, then who can.”

"Those students all like your works very much and are looking forward to meeting you."

When Lin Youcheng saw that Zhang Jiefang kept trying to persuade him, he agreed after much hesitation.

In fact, compared with literature correspondence courses in other places, the one in Hunan Province is not that complicated, which means that Lin Youcheng is allowed to teach the students.

You should know that in other places, some literature correspondence courses are divided into junior classes and advanced classes. As long as you are interested in literature, you can study in the junior class. If you have published exercises in newspapers and periodicals, you can directly enroll in the senior class. The annual tuition for junior classes is 18 yuan, and the tuition for advanced classes is 30 yuan.

You know, the salary of employees at this time is only tens of yuan.

There are also literature correspondence colleges like Renmin University, where you can systematically learn literary knowledge, but the tuition fee is 280 yuan, which is almost half a year's income of a poor farmer.

The key point is that many correspondence courses have simple tutoring methods. The organizers mail some self-edited literature textbooks to students for self-study at home. For example, "The Feast of Literature - Master Forum" contains the creative talks of Western modern writers in the 20th century.

Students regularly mail their works to the Correspondence Department as required. Correspondence teachers are basically well-known writers, literary editors, professors and lecturers in colleges and universities, and researchers in literary research departments. Each person shares the task of tutoring one or two hundred students, and reads and responds to manuscripts in his spare time. Whether it is a long manuscript of 20,000 to 30,000 words or a short poem of a few lines, he reviews each piece and points out the strengths and weaknesses of the work.

As for students in the advanced class, they submit more homework than students in the junior class. They also arrange special tutoring by well-known writers and editors to ensure that an article will be published in their internal journal within the year, and they will be given priority to participate in face-to-face lectures and pen conferences.

Lin Youcheng agreed to Zhang Jiefang, so he was naturally prepared. After all, this was not an ordinary association seminar, but a serious class for students.

The Xiang Province Literature Correspondence Class is temporarily located in the school.

I have to say that Hunan Province is still very serious about running this correspondence course in literature. The course arrangement for students is six days a week, with classes scheduled in the morning and afternoon, including classical, Western, modern and contemporary, basic, and ideological. , both theoretical and practical, these courses are available.

There is also the option of inviting famous writers to talk about their creative experience. Regardless of whether Lin Youcheng is a famous writer or not, at least now Lin Youcheng has also been invited to talk about his creative experience.

I don't know if the young students were really looking forward to it or for some other reason. When Lin Youcheng appeared in the classroom, it really caused quite a stir.

There is no other way. You must know that when Lin Youcheng held a lecture in Yanyuan, the capital, he also aroused great excitement among countless students.

Now all the young students are very excited when they see Lin Youcheng. It is obvious that most of the people present have read the novels written by Lin Youcheng, whether it is the romance "Hawthorn Tree Love", "The Devotion of Suspect X" ", "Love Letter", or "Wonderful Things in the World" which won the Mao Dun Literature Award, as well as the war novels "The Wind", "My Commander, My Regiment", and "The Wind", which were recently published in three major literary magazines. "War Meridian" delighted these young literature lovers.

You must know that literary talents are highly valued nowadays. After all, there is a rural author who published two short stories in a large literary magazine and was introduced to the cultural station to solve the financial establishment problem. There are also girls who are choosing a mate. When they see a marriage advertisement that says "love literature", they tend to think highly of it.

If any writer's novel is adapted into a movie, that would be even more extraordinary, it would definitely create a sensation. Lu Yao's "Life" and Li Cunbao's "Wreaths Under the Mountains" were both sold out, and they became famous all over the world in one fell swoop.

Obviously, literature is an extremely noble hobby, and the ambition of many teenagers is to become writers.

It is precisely for this reason that these young people are standing here.

"Teacher Lin Youcheng, I especially like your book "The Devotion of Suspect X", I really like it!"

"I like your "Love Letter" the most. I have written to you, but unfortunately I have not received a reply from you."

"I also wrote a letter to you. I wonder if you, Teacher Lin Youcheng, received that letter."

"I watched "The Stranger Things" several times, and every time I watched it I couldn't help but cry at the end."

"Teacher Lin, you wrote "The Wind" so well. The whole plot is so well designed, and the combination of reasoning and espionage is so good."

"Comrade Lin Youcheng, I particularly like the character of Lao San in your novel "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree". I am still moved by the love story between Lao San and Jingqiu."


At this moment, these young people standing in front of Lin Youcheng are all true literature lovers.

Everyone's eyes looked at Lin Youcheng with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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