A widower's entertainment

Chapter 119 [Wind]

Chapter 119 [Wind] (please subscribe)

Winter in the South comes suddenly, and a cold wave comes without any warning, instantly making the South feel chilly and desolate.

The cold wind was blowing loudly outside, and the sound of the wind was cutting everything outside the house like a knife, and the squeaking sound made people feel chilly.

Lin Youcheng listened to the biting wind outside and said to Jiang Xiulian who was preparing meals in the kitchen, "Xiulian, it's going to rain. They didn't bring an umbrella. I'll go pick up the child."

When Jiang Xiulian heard this, she hurriedly came out of the kitchen and said, "Uncle, how about I go? You still have to write a manuscript."

"Look at the kids."

Lin Youcheng waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to say more, took two umbrellas and went out, heading towards Chunfeng Primary School.

The sky was dark and depressing, the wind was blowing bitterly, and there were very few people on the streets.

Chunfeng Primary School was not far away. Lin Youcheng arrived before school. Not many people came to the school gate to deliver umbrellas to the children. However, when others saw Lin Youcheng coming to pick up the children from school, they couldn't help but smile and say hello.

"Youcheng, you are here to give the baby an umbrella."


Lin Youcheng knew who this burly man was. He was Liu Zhuangzhuang's father who bought a TV at home.

"I don't plan to come over. I don't think it's going to rain. Besides, it's okay for the boy to get wet in the rain. The kid's mother insists that I come over to give him an umbrella."

Dad Zhuangzhuang started chatting with Lin Youcheng very familiarly, and then said, "It's not easy for you to be alone with several kids in your family? Are you planning to find another one?"

Lin Youcheng looked at Zhuang Zhuang's father and had a similar premonition, and said, "No."

Zhuangzhuang's father's words were instantly stopped by Lin Youcheng's words. Just as he was preparing something, the rain began to fall. At this time, the sound of "dang-dang" hitting the iron bell also followed. came.

Nowadays, there are still dedicated people to ring the bell in schools. This is also the main signal for students and teachers to work and rest. The bell refers to the kind of iron bell made of cast iron, which is similar to the one given by the masses in the movie "Tunnel War". The bells used to ring the Eighth Route Army's reports are the same. This kind of iron bell is usually hung on a tree. There is a hammer inside the bell jar, and a rope is hung below. When striking, the rope is pulled, and the hammer hits the iron bell, making a sound. "Dang-dang" sound.

What the children look forward to the most is the last bell, called the "end of get out of class bell". This time it is struck intermittently, making a "dang-dang-dang" sound, which means "get out of class is over."

Now, of course, school is over.

Just after this, a large group of carrot heads rushed out of the classroom. Some rushed forward regardless, some held their schoolbags on their heads, and some walked out leisurely with umbrellas.

Lin Youcheng saw Lin Zhaoxi from a distance carrying a military green satchel, followed by Lin Zhaoqing and Lin Zhaomei, both carrying small military-colored satchels.

Lin Youcheng didn't say much to Zhuang Zhuang's father and hurried to pick up Lin Zhaoxi and his brother.


Lin Zhaomei saw Lin Youcheng from a distance, rushed to Lin Youcheng in a few steps, and said excitedly: "Dad, you are here to pick us up!"

Lin Youcheng smiled and nodded and said, "Yes."

Lin Zhaoxi was not surprised that Lin Youcheng would come to pick them up, because her father was so good now. With a smile on her face, she took the umbrella handed over by Lin Youcheng. She and Lin Zhaoqing held an umbrella together, and Lin Youcheng Cheng Ze held an umbrella for Lin Zhaomei.

The rain gradually became heavier.

Lin Zhaoxi looked at the umbrella in Lin Youcheng's hand and noticed that the umbrella in Lin Youcheng's hand was leaning towards Lin Zhaomei.

In the wind and rain, Lin Zhaomei held Lin Youcheng's hand and kept talking all the way, with a smile on her face. She shared today's happy things with Lin Youcheng, unaware that half of Lin Youcheng's shoulders were soaked by the rain. Yes, keep walking forward.

"Xi'er, go quickly."

Lin Zhaoxi nodded, took Lin Zhaoqing's hand and stepped up his pace. He also followed Lin Youcheng's example and tilted the umbrella slightly towards Lin Zhaoqing.

The wind and rain were cold and the pace was non-stop.

After returning home, Lin Youcheng immediately asked the carrots to change clothes quickly and be sure not to catch a cold.

The carrot heads had long been used to Lin Youcheng's nagging and didn't think there was anything wrong.

Everything was as usual. After dinner, Jiang Xiulian finished her work in the kitchen and took Zhao Wenjie to the rented house. Lin Youcheng wanted to breastfeed Lin Zhaole.

The carrot heads also do their homework very sensibly.

At some point, the rain outside the house gradually stopped, but the cold wind was still blowing, still cutting like a knife, which made people panic.

Even though he was leaning against the stove, Lin Youcheng felt a hint of chill, so he wrapped his coat tightly. He stood up and took another look at the child who had fallen asleep. He was worried that the child would not sleep well and would catch the cold while kicking the quilt in the middle of the night.

The children slept soundly and peacefully.

Lin Youcheng returned to the table. He couldn't sleep, so he got up to write a manuscript.

There was a cold sound of wind outside the dark house, and the story written on the table was also "The Sound of Wind".

Some wars can be seen. The fields are filled with gunpowder smoke, and the trenches are full of broken flags and cracked armor. At a glance, it is full of devastation and rivers of blood.

But some wars are invisible. There are no hails of bullets, no billowing smoke, but the people trapped inside are like walking on a tightrope on the edge of a cliff. If they make a mistake, they will be shattered to pieces.

Now, "The Wind" written by Lin Youcheng is about such a war.

"The Wind" is undoubtedly a classic and has always been regarded as a leader among Chinese spy films. It has been widely praised by audiences and critics for its exquisite production, complex plot structure and profound themes.

It can be said that "The Wind" is considered the pinnacle of Chinese spy films. It is characterized by rich details, distinctive characters, compact plot and full of suspense. Although there is no battlefield scene, it reveals the war in another way. A more brutal side.

In Lin Youcheng's heart, in the true sense, the most important thing about "The Wind", an artistic work with rich connotations, is that it makes people aware of an unforgettable historical memory.

The story of the original novel took place during the Anti-Japanese War. Although the period was the same, Lin Youcheng still had to adapt it to a certain extent.

Of course, the general content of the story remains the same, that is, important members of our party will hold an important meeting. However, this information has been intercepted by the Japanese and puppet government, which is setting up a dragnet to prepare for the killing. The enemy's actions were also discovered by our party's underground workers. The enemy must catch the "old ghost", our party's underground worker lurking inside, within a limited time, and the "old ghost" must pass on the information in a timely manner. Centering around different purposes, the enemy and ourselves launched a thrilling fight.

Wu Zhiguo, captain of the bandit suppression brigade of the Wang Puppet Government, Jin Shenghuo, director of the Military Aircraft Department, Li Ningyu, chief of the Translation and Electronics Section of the Military Aircraft Department, Gu Xiaomeng, a section officer, and Bai Xiaonian, the attendant of Commander Zhang, were brought into Qiuzhuang. These five people are all officials of the enemy and puppet government, but they may also be soldiers of our party lurking within the enemy - "old ghosts".

The quiet and beautiful Qiuzhuang is haunted by ghosts. Everyone is looking for "ghosts", but everyone is also making trouble, evil against evil, dog bites dog, framing, plotting, fighting, human nature is lost, and bestiality flourishes.

It is really about the annihilation of human nature. Although "The Wind" is weird and strange, the main story of "The Wind" is about "uncovering the ghost". The key is not just a story about "who is the ghost", but there are also series of stories in it. Quite different, a method of extorting confessions with a strong sense of curiosity.

In the dialogue with Xiaonian, a stool covered with iron nails was used, and a thick and large awl nail was polished in the center of the stool. The torture was so bloody that it was horrifying. As for Li Ningyu, there was no physical harm at all from beginning to end, because Takeda used various measuring instruments to measure every detail of Li Ningyu's naked body. This is obviously a "psychological sexual assault" that is minimally harmful but extremely humiliating. Of course, the most horrific thing in the whole film is that of Gu Xiaomeng, who had his legs spread apart, straddled on a thick hemp rope, and pulled back and forth. The humiliation and pain involved were truly unimaginable pain.

However, Lin Youcheng knew very well that torture and confessions that appeared in books or movies were actually even more cruel and horrific during that period of history.

This was the test of life and death that those ancestors faced and suffered at that time.

Thinking of this, Lin Youcheng wrapped his coat tightly and moved closer to the stove. He really felt cold.

The sound of the wind outside the house also made people feel chilly.

Lin Youcheng continued to write.

The sound of the wind was still there. Lin Youcheng picked up the cup of hot tea on the table and took a sip to warm himself up and make himself more comfortable. He looked at the content on the grid paper with a complicated mood.

In Lin Youcheng's view, compared to spy films, "The Wind" can also be called a 'Blizzard Villa'-style mystery film, which is a proper behind-the-scenes mystery film.

In Lin Youcheng's view, it doesn't actually matter that he wrote this story based on the movie. Although in the original novel, Li Ningyu died and Gu Xiaomeng lived, and the movie is just the opposite, the core of the story is the same, conveying are all the same information.

Now Lin Youcheng wrote this story based on Gu Xiaomeng as the "old ghost" in the movie "The Wind". At the end of the story, Gu Xiaomeng refused to obey the orders of the "old gun".

Lin Youcheng does not think this story is completely fictional.

Because in reality, during that period of history, some people and Lao Qiang might have taken it for granted that a weak woman could not withstand severe torture, so they stepped forward and ordered Gu Xiaomeng to report him. But just as Lao Qiang did not expect, and others did not expect, Gu Xiaomeng did not take the opportunity to show weakness, but obeyed the order on the surface, actually made a plan secretly, sacrificed himself, and saved everyone.

In the end, two Morse codes were taken out of Qiuzhuang by Gu Xiaomeng.

She sewed a copy on her underwear and was transported out with her body. It was not only a sacrifice for her faith, but also a symbol of a desperate breakthrough and a kind of self-fulfillment. The other one was embroidered on Li Ningyu's cheongsam. Those were the last words she left to the world. The old ghost is not a person, but a spirit.

Yes, as Gu Xiaomeng said in his last suicide note, the old ghost is not a person, it is a spirit and a belief.

Whether it is Li Ningyu or Gu Xiaomeng, the story is the same. During that period of history, there were many revolutionary ancestors like Gu Xiaomeng and Li Ningyu who fought with their lives like that.

Lin Youcheng stopped his thoughts, listened to the wind outside, and looked through the "People's Literature" on the table.

In the previous issue of "People's Literature", there was a paragraph about the encounter between Lin Qi and Gu Xiaomeng, which was very simple.

"Lao Zhang, who brought Lin Qi out from the Salesian Home to see him, regretted that he had known to take Lin Qi back to the Salesian Home earlier. He should not have been playing until this time before rushing back in a hurry. He didn't know that this group of people Who is this person? His identity is very unusual. He pulled Lin Qi and hurriedly stood on the side of the road, hunched over, for fear of getting into trouble.

In the middle of the night when the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, five people are driving in a car. It seems strange no matter how you look at it, but there are a lot of strange things in the world now.

The car suddenly braked and the five people sitting in the car almost fell. Someone inside the car asked in a loud voice: "What's going on?"

"It's okay, Captain Wu, two people suddenly ran out."

A dwarf man was accompanied by a short old man, which was very strange.

"Sister Yu, look at that little old man."

Hearing this, a woman looked at the old man with an old face through the car window and didn't pay much attention.

Fortunately, the people in this car didn't care about the two strangers Lin Qi. They seemed to have something important to do and left in a hurry, so they continued to drive away.

Through the car window, Lin Qi looked at the five people in the car. Each of them had a different look. Lin Qi's curious eyes met the eyes of the woman who was speaking.

"Xiaomeng, stop looking."

The woman named Xiaomeng's eyes were calm. Even when she looked at the little old man's old face, which looked like an old ghost, she was still very calm.

The car windows are closed.

"Lynch, let's go back quickly."

Lao Zhang took Lin Qi and continued to the Salesian Home. "


Just for a moment, they passed each other and were already separated.

Obviously, the encounter between Gu Xiaomeng and Lin Qi was just passing by, and there was nothing special about it.

But it was obvious that the five people sitting in the car didn't know their fate in this life, just like the little old man Lynch didn't know his fate in the future.

Lin Youcheng wonders if anyone will find that after watching "The Wind", the simple paragraph that appeared in "The Strange Things in the World" passed by with only a few strokes.

Of course, Lin Youcheng knew very clearly that he would not specifically mention Lynch's little old man who looked like an old ghost in "The Wind" because the story of "The Wind" didn't need it at all.

Because on that night, the real old ghost had already embarked on the bloody road of no return.

Lin Youcheng put down "People's Literature" and continued to write on the grid paper.

In the dark night, only the cold wind sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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