Jiang Yan quickly got up and walked to the window, opening it a little.

Even though there was a screen covering the window, a pile of black ash mixed with biting cold wind blew in.

She frowned.

If you don't open the windows, you may get carbon monoxide poisoning.

Open the windows, not to mention the biting cold wind, these black haze are also a problem.

There is a smog purifier in her space, but unfortunately, she lacks a suitable reason to take it out, so she can only hold on for a while.

"How about I put some fungus in it? It just tastes a bit weird." Su Dai thought of the dust and suggested.

The remaining three nodded, "Well, you are the chef, you have the final say."

"What are you doing, chef? I feel like I'm making pig food." Su Dai laughed at herself in embarrassment.

Jiang Yan couldn't help but laugh, "It's not considered pig food, it's just a pot of random stew at most, haha."

Nowadays, food and seasonings are limited, and it is not easy to cook rice.

She considers herself to be a superb cook, but this is despite the fact that the ingredients are complete and exquisite.

It is not easy for someone like Su Dai who can balance taste and medicinal value.

"Speaking of random stew, on such a cold day, I suddenly want to eat goose stewed in an iron pot!" Su Dai swallowed.

Jiang Yan finally discovered that Su Dai's attention was actually easily diverted.

He is also an easily satisfied person.

In the end times, this is not a bad thing.

Sun Jingtao and Ye Qing also thought about it.

The two of them also swallowed, but their eyes were fixed on the few pieces of bacon tumbling in the noodles in the pot without moving.

Just like a hungry wolf seeing its prey.

Jiang Yan was also greedy, "I suddenly remembered that I seem to have some hot pot base.

As she spoke, she stood up and quickly took out a brick-like bag of spicy hot pot base from the duffel bag where the food was stored.

Her two duffel bags looked thick and heavy, and no one knew what supplies she had put in them.

It felt like she would be able to fish something good out of it after a while.

This time, Su Dai's eyes lit up:

"Oh my God, Jiang Yan, you are such a treasure chest! It's actually made of butter! I love you so much!"

If you can’t eat hot pot, it’s a great pleasure to satisfy your craving with spicy and fragrant hot pot noodles!

"When I visited a hot pot restaurant before, the other owner gave me a whole box. When I came out of Anming, I took the rest with me." Jiang Yan said, handing her the base ingredients. passed.

"One box!" Su Dai's eyes almost widened into copper bells. She swallowed and said with a smile, "Sister, how many do you have left now?"

"There's a lot left, so sister, put it in as hard as you can, don't save it for me!"

When Jiang Yan saw her carefully tearing open the base packet, she took a spoon and scooped it out as little as her thumb. She couldn't help but curling up the corners of her lips and said with a smile.


Although Su Dai responded happily, she did not let go of it and handed it to Sun Jingtao, who was as hard as a brick. "Husband, use a knife to cut it into ten parts for me."

"it is good."

In the end, Su Dai was only willing to give up one-tenth of the money.

She knew how to live her life so well that Jiang Yan couldn't say anything else.

If they eat these things, they will miss one meal, and they will not be able to save them.

Unlike Jiang Yan, she has a lot of space supplies and is very confident.

Speaking of the materials in the space, Jiang Yan felt a little dumbfounded.

Those expensive big yachts, those helicopters, the RV called the Doomsday Fortress that was bought for 20 to 30 million yuan, and those high-tech munitions are still gathering dust in space.

But she secretly believed that these things would be used sooner or later.

However, the time has not come yet.

After all, now, where is the place?

The road ahead is still long.
Just thinking about it, the rich fragrance has already hit my nostrils. The clear water noodles that looked bland just now have now transformed into spicy, delicious and rich hot pot noodles.

Su Dai had already taken out the bowls and chopsticks and fished some out for everyone.

Nowadays, even noodle soup is a precious food.

Therefore, they all use the water used to cook the noodles, put the seasonings and ingredients directly in and mix them.

After a few people finished eating and boiled some water to wash themselves briefly, the one-hour limited supply of electricity each day had not yet come on.

Several people were unable to find anyone to complain or inquire about, but there was nowhere to go.

The time was actually around nine o'clock, but I don't know if it was because of the curfew. Except for the sound of the wind, it was quiet outside, as if I was living in a ghost town.

After the four chatted for a while, they went back to their houses.

Ye Qing and Sun Jingtao, when they went out today, found a job to temporarily assist in fishing.

The next morning, you have to get up early.

They told Jiang Yan and Su Dai to take it easy at home and get some rest before talking.

Ye Qing assembled all the dismantled guns before the others returned to the house.

Jiang Yan returned to the room, locked the door, and finally relaxed completely.

The previous ten days on board had made her both happy and exhausted.

However, she did not enter the space immediately. Instead, she walked to the window, took out the telescope, and looked outside.

It was dark outside.

There was no shadow of any lights.

It may also be that the dark haze is too heavy, blocking the scattered dim lights and shadows.

Jiang Yan took back the telescope, walked back to the cold single bed and sat down, silent for a while.

She didn't know why, but she felt a little confused inside.

I was busy on the road earlier, thinking that it would be great if I could reach land, it would be great if I didn’t have to experience earthquakes again, and it would be great if I could find an opportunity to enter the space and open up and lie flat and smash.

Now that I have arrived on land, settled in, and have some alone time, I can enter the space at any time, but I start to feel a little confused.

It's like life suddenly lost its purpose.

But what is her life goal?

she does not know.

After all, nowadays, other people's food, clothing, clothing and life are nothing to her.

"Jiejiejie?" Mom, what are you thinking about?
Hua Bao's sudden voice brought Jiang Yan back from her thoughts.

"I didn't think anything of it." Jiang Yan smiled.

"Jie Jie Jie!" Mom, I'm hungry!
Jiang Yan: "."

Suddenly she forgot that she was full, but Hua Bao hadn't eaten yet.

After all, there are several boxes of gold nuggets in the space.

Huabao won't cry out when he's not hungry, but as soon as there's something to eat, he'll be obsessed with it, and he's a very greedy little cat.

Speaking of gold mines, Jiang Yan's eyes lit up.


How could she forget that her space is still being upgraded.

The mountains, rivers, lakes and seas haven’t appeared yet!

She originally wanted to go to Dongshan, but she also went there because of the rich gold there.

Since there are coal mines in Xiangcheng, will there be gold mines as well?
In addition, since there is so much chaos here now, wouldn't it be better for her to take advantage of the troubled waters and make some zero-dollar purchases?

Even if there are no gold mines, it would not be a bad thing to collect some coal mines into the space!
Just thinking about it, Jiang Yan suddenly became excited again.

She stood up and was about to take Hua Bao into the space with a thought, but she heard rustling footsteps coming from outside the wall.

Judging from the sound, there are quite a few people coming!

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