Nowadays, He Yuxin seems a bit confident. Even though Ri Lun and Riyao are clearly planning to raise an army to hold the enemy accountable, He Yuxin is still smiling and has a stable mentality.

"Ms. He, I think we treated you very well."

Indeed, as a person who had been deceived, they did not force her to do anything, and they did not restrict her personal freedom too much.

There is indeed a deacon who has been following her, but this deacon can only say something in words and has very little actual effect.

He Yuxin ate the same food as the host, and the food was not bad. She was indeed treated as a 'distinguished guest'.

But He Yuxin said.

"I'm a little anxious to leave. As you know, women's age waits for no one. I want to have a child of my own. If I delay it any longer, I will become an older mother."

What he said was particularly speechless.

But after being speechless, Miss Nichiwa and Mr. Niyao also fell into deep thought.

They were thinking about whether He Yuxin was telling the truth.

After a long time, Mr. Ri Yao spoke again.

"Xiaoya is your biological daughter." Xiaoya refers to the little girl.

However, He Yuxin shook her head.

"No, no, no, with a father like that, she is not the perfect child I want."

The advantages of getting involved with her outweigh the disadvantages at this time, so let the little girl stay with Xu Yaozu.

Mr. Ri Yao felt that He Yuxin was ill, and this moment seemed to intensify his suspicion.

Finally, Miss Hinawa spoke to break the strange atmosphere.

"So Ms. He, what kind of... father do you want for your child?"

He Yuxin thought for a while and said it as if she was serious.

"You have to be good-looking. Handsome, beautiful, wild, all of these are fine. You also have to have a good temperament. I don't like the sick and the weak. You have to have a higher IQ. The most important thing is that you have a clean identity."

Miss Hinawa nodded slowly, and after a while, she spoke slowly.

"Ms. He's request will be met, and then we hope that Ms. He can be more at ease."

He Yuxin smiled. She didn't promise anything, but the matter of her releasing wild animals privately seemed to be settled.

The attitude of these two people towards her was indeed too good...

This made He Yuxin couldn't help but wonder if the person who was going to undergo the transplant operation was among the two of them.

Her identity is a doctor who performs replantation, but obviously there are no patients with missing arms or legs for her.

Thinking about it in an illegal way, these people wouldn't want her to have a body transplant.

Thinking about the snake people she saw again, the smile on He Yuxin's face became deeper.

Interesting, really interesting.

On the same day, He Yuxin met the person arranged for her by Miss Rilun.

He was a tall, long-legged man with a model face.

A foreigner with a short beard, trimmed beautifully, a high nose and deep eyes, somewhat handsome.

But it's not He Yuxin's favorite style.

So He Yuxin sent people away.

I didn't like this, so about four hours later, Ms. Hinawa had another set of twins delivered.

The elder brother is a sunny and handsome boy, and the younger brother is a shy little puppy.

His appearance can only be considered above average, and he has a good figure. Standing together, the two of them are indeed quite exciting.

But He Yuxin was still dissatisfied and kicked them out again. It was night, He Yuxin didn't sleep, lying on the bed waiting for the snake man to visit.

But the strange thing is that the snake man didn't come today. Instead, a big green snake climbed up to her window and knocked on her window with its mandibles.

He Yuxin didn't take precautions at first. After hearing the noise, he walked over and opened the curtains.

When Leng Buding saw the head of a big snake, she was so frightened that she froze up.

This is more exciting than seeing a ghost!

The big green snake didn't seem to feel He Yuxin's fear. When He Yuxin didn't move, it knocked her window with its chin again.

He Yuxin strangely understood what the big green snake meant. It wanted her to open the window.

Do you want to open it?

It's better not to do it. What's the difference between this and the little white rabbit opening the door to the hungry wolf?

But the big green snake really didn't look like it was about to get violent and hurt anyone.

After hesitating for three seconds, He Yuxin actually reached out and opened the window for it.

Of course, the main reason why she opened the window was because the window was relatively narrow, and at most the big green snake's head could enter. If the big green snake forced its way in, its body would most likely get stuck.

After opening the window, He Yuxin took two steps back, as if signaling that the big green snake could come in, and also as if she was avoiding the big green snake and not standing in front of the big green snake.

As for the big green snake, it didn't come in. Instead, after He Yuxin opened the window, it first nodded to He Yuxin as if in greeting, then slowly opened its mouth wide and faced the open window for a long time.

He Yuxin could see the flesh squirming in its open mouth. She didn't know what it was going to do until a white thing was pushed out from the depths of its throat.

That's an egg!

The egg was spat out by the big green snake, and then it slipped into her house.

He Yuxin looked at the egg stiffly. She was very familiar with this kind of egg, it was exactly the kind she had met before.

Look at the egg, and then look at the big green snake that has closed its mouth and looks at her with its big eyes.

After a long while, He Yuxin tried to speak.

"What do you mean? What do you want me to do?"

Although this idea was strange, He Yuxin still felt that this big snake could understand what she was talking about.

He Yuxin waited, but the big snake was still looking at her, motionless.

What to do now?

He Yuxin looked at the egg, hesitated for a long time and then squatted down, then in front of the big snake, she reached out and took out the wine bottle.

He Yuxin didn't know what the big snake wanted to do, but she felt that since the big snake sent the egg to her, it must have wanted her to do something.

Thinking about what she had done to snake eggs, the most likely thing was touching the wine bottle.

Although the wine bottle is her skill, she has not understood the purpose of the wine bottle and what the golden liquid inside is for such a long time.

The wine bottle passed through the snake egg, and indeed there was an extra drop of golden liquid inside.

He Yuxin looked at the big green snake again. The big green snake moved at this time, put its head close to the window, spit out bright red snake letters, and then put its big head on the open window.

He Yuxin was stunned to see something cute from the big head of a big green snake.


He Yuxin didn't move, and neither did the big green snake.

The person and the snake were in a stalemate for a long time. He Yuxin's feet were numb from squatting, so she had no choice but to get up. After thinking about it, she picked up the snake egg and approached the big snake cautiously.

"This egg...what do you want to do with this egg?"

He Yuxin was so focused on the big green snake that she didn't even notice that the snake egg in her hand cracked quietly.

She didn't look away from the big green snake until the shell of the snake egg cracked and fell. At this time, the 'little' snake inside the snake egg had already swam out!

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