Welcome to the world of strange dreams

Chapter 139 136 power disappeared?

What does this mean?
Fu Minghui immediately wanted to explode.

Does this mean she doesn't have to worry about work? Can you live a good life without even working?

Although it is true, why are these words sour?
"Then my work becomes a necessity and I feel noble." She said while sitting at her desk and turning on the computer.

This laptop is not the one at home. After all, the one at home is the real body of Hua Chan.

Of course, this one can connect to Hua Chan, but it’s a bit like a human phone call. Hua Chan won’t be at the first scene.

The complex and childish social environment of school is not suitable for the AI ​​girl. She will collapse, just like the last time she had a quarrel with someone.

"I didn't mean anything else." Hu Yun seemed to be explaining, "It's just that you and Yun Ke always ran outside. I thought we were playing again."

"I won't do it anymore. I'm going to work hard." Fu Minghui said without emotion.

The two of them just talked back to back, neither of them looking at the other.

It felt like a minor disagreement in a college girls' dormitory, which was not worth mentioning.

But Fu Minghui admired Hu Yun a little: her grades in her major were so good that she could even take the postgraduate entrance examination, and I heard the chances were pretty good. I didn’t expect that he was also a powerful hacker and had such a high IQ.

I heard that people who can study and work hard on their own are also a type of people with high emotional intelligence.

Faced with such a person who has both high quotients, does a person like her with low quotients have any chance of winning?

Suddenly, she doubted herself.

But why target her? why? why?

She is really curious.

And her low emotional intelligence is now showing, because she has something on her mind and can't learn a word even in front of the computer.

Even if Yun Ke received a message halfway, saying that Uncle Shen had returned home safely and that there were no accidents along the way, she still felt uneasy.

Nothing will happen, right? She was thinking wildly.

But the result was beyond all of their expectations: she still spent that night peacefully, and nothing happened.

Even slept quite well.

But there was news from Uncle Shen: People watching the Shen family discovered that Uncle Shen suddenly suffered from sleepwalking, and it was very serious.

"What kind of serious method?" Fu Minghui asked nervously.

Yun Ke was called back to the station in the morning and went to see the surveillance camera in person.

Surveillance in the car and surveillance on the street.

Why have a car?

Because Uncle Shen, who was sleepwalking, seemed like a normal person. He dressed neatly and went out quietly without disturbing his wife at home. He accurately took the elevator downstairs and took a taxi on the street.

I wasn't awake enough to use a taxi app, so I hailed a taxi on the street.

He was even able to chat with the driver along the way.

But afterwards, when the driver recalled it, he said that something felt wrong at the time. Because although the passenger spoke to him, he spoke very slowly, his words were a bit erratic, and his eyes were blank.

He didn't pay much attention at the time, after all, he was burning the midnight oil and met too many drunk people.

Looking back now, he believed that the passenger, Uncle Shen, was actually in a state of insanity.

Address, the school to which you applied directly.

After arriving, Uncle Shen refused to pay at first, which made the driver think he was traveling in a Bawang car. He was very angry and had a heated argument. Uncle Shen seemed to ignore it, but because he couldn't open the door, he started beating him like crazy in the car.

At this time, the driver was frightened and finally realized that he was not driving a drunk cat.

The scene of madness was so scary that the driver jumped out of the car, abandoned the car and fled.

"At that time, his face was distorted and he was very scary. He screamed in a high-pitched voice, which was even more scary. He also yelled for help. I thought I had encountered a mental illness, so I naturally ran away."

"A psychopath won't pay for his life if he beats someone to death, and they all have evil intentions. Normal people can't beat them at all, okay?"

"Actually, I thought he was possessed by an evil spirit. After all, it was after two o'clock in the middle of the night. Could it be that he was a ghost?"

The driver later made random guesses, but he slowly believed it until the police repeatedly told him that Uncle Shen was suffering from the sequelae of the car accident and might have visual and auditory hallucinations.

Especially later, the driver saw Uncle Shen, who was trapped in the car, banging his head against the glass, which even cracked, showing the force of the impact.

"It's so scary. If it weren't for the high fare of night trains, I would never drive in the middle of the night in order to make a living." He finally said.

In fact, in cities, there are many supernatural stories about ghosts encountered by night bus drivers.

Most of them are based on rumors, but a few...

"Now Uncle Shen has been sent to the hospital again." Yun Ke said after returning.

Fu Minghui felt particularly guilty and worried.

She had always suspected that her and Yun Ke's sudden appearance had given Uncle Shen too much stimulation.

Although they didn't understand what irritated each other, it was obvious that they were just chatting to strengthen the energy entanglement between people.

However, can people's consciousness or thoughts in the real world be connected with the boundary?

no one knows.

"Don't worry, he's done a lot of tests, and the problem is not serious, it's just a skin injury." Yun Ke couldn't help but marveled, "His head is so hard, and he didn't have a concussion even after such a bump..."

Fu Minghui had heard that when people are in a state of sleepwalking, that kind of deep sleepwalking, the person involved behaves as if he is awake, but he just doesn't know what he did.

"Maybe the state of being trapped in the car reminded him of the car accident." Fu Minghui sighed, "Maybe he called for help, not to save himself, but..."

"It may also be something deep in consciousness. The human brain is truly the most complex organ in the world. Even with the advanced medical science, only a small part of it has been explored."

"So he is still in the hospital now?" Fu Minghui asked.

Yun Ke nodded, "Such a fierce situation will definitely require hospitalization for two days of observation. It will scare the family quite a lot."

If you get seriously ill, is it your fault alone?
No, the whole family will be involved.

Fortunately, the driver was scared to death and ran directly to a crowded place to call the police.

Fortunately, after hitting his head, Uncle Shen actually fell asleep again.

The police officers who arrived at the scene were knowledgeable and saw the problem and did not wake him up directly.

Otherwise, if a sleepwalker is forcibly awakened, the problem may become even greater.

"It's like this. It's equivalent to a critical incident. Why haven't I been pulled into the border yet?" Fu Minghui was even more puzzled about this matter.

what happened? Did something happen that she didn't know about?
How could she change from an extremely sensitive person who easily entered the boundary and could be pulled in at any time to become so dull that she seemed to be staying out of it?

Could it be that the superpower disappeared?
Fu Minghui's mood was complicated. If the superpower really disappeared, she should have been happy. (End of chapter)

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