Because Fu Minghui couldn't raise his head, he didn't see the thin smile on Luo Zhao's lips.

Of course, he didn’t know that he had been tricked again.

"The reason will be found. You have to conserve your energy. Entering the border is a tiring job." Luo Zhao said, "Okay, take a few more breaths and go back to the meeting."

It's like I can't breathe indoors.

Fu Minghui complained.

But he still greedily took a few breaths of fresh air and was brought back by Luo Zhao again.

Little did they know that Luo Zhao was calm and calm on the surface, but in his heart he felt that Fu Minghui was really interesting.

Her behavior is what people say on the Internet: she doesn't say it with her mouth, but her body is very honest, right?
Abbreviation: The word is too honest for the body.

Because the exchange and collision of various investigation results gave the investigation a new direction, the following meeting was very smooth and fast.

After Luo Zhao assigned the task, Yun Ke suddenly said, "Master, where will we eat at noon tomorrow? You won't forget, right? Or pretend to have forgotten?"

Luo Zhao was startled, obviously he had really forgotten.

"If you are so persistent at work, the Lord will be happier." Zhang Jianhui teased with a smile.

"Eating is also an important part of work. I need energy, right Huihui?" Yun Ke raised his chin to Fu Minghui and started calling her by her nickname.

"You choose." Luo Zhao intervened in time to avoid Fu Minghui's answer.

"There is a new Russian restaurant opened near Huihui's house. I read in the reviews that it is quite authentic. Shall we eat that one?" Yun Ke said quickly, obviously he had planned it in advance and was only waiting to speak out at this time.

"How do you know? You read food reviews and visit restaurants every day, right?" Zhang Jianhui joked again.

"Sure enough, my little friend understands me! Those are my favorite things to read, besides comics."

"For those who don't know, I would think you studied in Russia and like Russian food so much." Luo Zhao couldn't help but say.

"Is there anything delicious in Fuguo? Is there a food desert? You don't know how I came here during the years when I was studying abroad." Yun Ke complained mercilessly, "Why do I gain weight? It's because I was hungry there. After returning to China, I had a strong compensatory mentality for various cuisines, and my body also felt this way."

"Okay, I'll just listen to you." Luo Zhao confirmed.

"I'll send you the location later." Yun Ke said happily.

He came over again and took Fu Minghui's arm, "That store is near your home. We're not going back to school today anyway. Why don't you invite me to stay at your house and let's have a party with our besties in pajamas?"

Fu Minghui didn't agree with anything, but on the contrary, he was very happy.

Moreover, she hadn't seen Hua Chan for several days and missed her very much.

It was Zhang Jianhui who took them to the subway station, and then the two girls visited nearby stores. After all, Yun Ke didn't have a change of clothes.

At the very least, you need pajamas for your pajama party.

"Do you want to buy new clothes?" Yun Ke also asked her, "Tomorrow when we have dinner, let's all dress up nicely, and don't look like gray mice all day long. The work we do cannot be leaked, and even the people are treated as if they are working underground. By."

"I have a lot of clothes..." Fu Minghui has no desire to buy.

And only Yun Ke could dare to say this.

It used to be Rou Rou, but later there was Hua Chan.

Because it sounds very Versailles, even if she's telling the truth.

"Women don't buy clothes because they don't have them, or even because they need them, they just want to buy them." Yun Ke took Fu Minghui's arm, "If you want to buy it, buy it. If you don't want to buy it, we just go home for a midnight snack."

Fu Minghui didn't want to buy it.

And she is not the kind of woman who likes shopping, but when she sent her location to Luo Zhao and Zhang Jianhui, she found that the Russian restaurant was very formal and high-end, and even had a dress code.

Although you don't have to wear an evening gown, you must wear formal attire.

Since Yun Ke's clothes were T-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans and sneakers, they took a stroll through the men's clothing area and bought Yun Ke a suit.

Yun Ke doesn't want to wear a skirt, and women's suits don't come in plus sizes.

Looking at the size of the small size, which looks like children's clothing, I really don't know who these clothes are made for.

"I feel like I sell insurance." Looking at himself in the dressing mirror, Yun Ke smiled. "I think you look like you're ready to turn a straight girl off." Fu Minghui also laughed and rushed to settle the bill.

"It's a pity that Lu Dachui is on a business trip. Otherwise, I'll give him a hard blow." Yun Ke didn't show any pretense and accepted Fu Minghui's gift generously.

Fu Minghui didn't buy anything that was too expensive. It wasn't because he couldn't bear to part with it, but because even though friends don't care about each other and they have a common financial relationship, they still have to be relatively equal.

In this way, everyone is at ease.

That night, the two chatted happily.

Or three people.

Hua Chan made Yun Ke completely surprised, no, I should say crazy in love.

In the end, the two of them chatted more animatedly, and Fu Minghui was like a supporting character, smiling while listening.

"Hua Chan is more advanced than the AI ​​models in the bureau." Yun Ke envied Fu Minghui.

Then he turned to the computer and said, "You are the best."

"That's a must!" Hua Chan said unceremoniously and flashed her light at Fu Minghui, "This woman never takes me out. I'm very dissatisfied."

"It's great to stay at home. I like to stay at home, but unfortunately I don't have such a good life." Yun Ke waved his hand, "If it were me, I would love to stay at home and read comics every day."

Speaking of comics, Hua Chan reads a lot...

One person and one machine talked excitedly.

Fu Minghui listened beside him, his eyelids gradually became heavy, and he slowly fell asleep.

There was no dream tonight, but it gave her a sense of warmth that she had not seen for a long time.

She is no longer an extremely lonely person who has lost her parents and best friend. She has friends, partners, and people who live and die with her...

"Are you wearing smoky makeup?"

At the agreed time the next day, Fu Minghui and Yun Ke met Zhang Jianhui at the door of the restaurant.

When the latter saw Fu Minghui, surprise flashed in his eyes.

Seeing Yun Ke, he seemed frightened.

"What do you, a straight man, know about smoky makeup?" Yun Ke pointed to his big dark circles, "I didn't sleep well."

"She and Hua Chan talked so much that they almost didn't sleep." Fu Minghui revealed, covering his mouth and laughing, "She is amazing. She chatted with Hua Chan until her battery ran out, and she also lost battery. The overdraft was so severe that she couldn't even recharge it for the whole day."

"I'm convinced." Zhang Jianhui raised his thumb.

Before Fu Minghui came, of the four people here, the master talked little and was ordinary, while Yun Ke and Lu Dachui were the talkative ones.

Yun Ke pulled Fu Minghui and said, "Ignore him. Real men are so boring. They judge whether a woman wears makeup by looking at whether you are wearing lipstick. If you don't even wash your face, but put on lipstick, he will think you are You’re wearing makeup. But if you’re wearing nude makeup or full makeup, as long as you don’t use lipstick, he’ll think you’re bare-faced.”

Fu Minghui deeply agrees.

She also dressed up a little today, wearing a soft and smooth green wrap skirt with thin black stripes. A large black bow is dotted on the diagonal side of the waist.

Although the weather has entered autumn, fortunately it is not too cold yet, so I paired it with a pair of black strappy stiletto sandals.

The whole person does not pretend to be eighteen years old, but is lively and fresh.

"This is pure and lustful." Yun Ke said.

Fu Minghui thought of Luo Zhao, that kind of sullen and coquettish man who was pure and innocent, so what?

"You ate well when you were a child, and you seemed to be growing well." Before going out, Yun Ke deliberately glanced at Fu Minghui's chest, "Now it's complete, we can count as having a female team member in the cleaning department."

"Aren't you also a woman?" Fu Minghui blushed a little after being praised.

"They don't think I'm a woman." Yun Ke spread his hands indifferently.

Looking at Zhang Jianhui's reaction now, it's true.

Nowadays, Internet vocabulary is updated so quickly that when I wrote the title of this chapter, I felt so old-fashioned. Ha ha.

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