"She won't do anything illegal or criminal secretly, right?" Fu Minghui was surprised.

"Continue to investigate." Luo Zhao tapped the table and added, "Cooperate with the police in the investigation."

It is to cooperate with the police, not to ask the police to cooperate.

There are priorities here.

There are few people in the bureau, strange things happen in the border, and the cleaning department is even more stretched. Therefore, it is not a top secret matter, and there is usually secret cooperation with the police.

If Hu Yun commits illegal acts, police intervention is necessary.

"I also checked the police investigation file on my aunt's death. There was absolutely no sign of homicide. She was just sleepwalking and then fell. Unluckily, her head hit the ground first, and she just..."

Zhang Jianhui continued after Luo Zhao signaled, "But according to the family members, the deceased dormitory aunt never had sleepwalking problems. When her cousin incited the family members to make trouble, she had to say that the school put too much pressure or there was some kind of coercion. It's just a conspiracy theory."

"Is this related to the case of head attack?" Fu Minghui asked.

After all, the way the aunt died was related to her head.

"At present, there is no connection." Zhang Jianhui spread his hands.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence, but we can investigate further." Luo Zhao said, "But the other cases of attacks on the head all happened in the border, and there was no direct destruction of the body."

Fu Minghui couldn't help but nod.

She has also experienced that kind of situation. It doesn't seem to be very violent, but it is really uncomfortable.

"Is it really a head change?" Yun Ke scratched his chin.

If you think about it, it is not impossible.

But when Fu Minghui recalled his own experience, he felt that it was not the case, and couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

Luo Zhao saw it and trusted her intuition.

"Let's talk about your findings." He looked at Fu Minghui and Yun Ke.

Fu Minghui: Huh? ! calls me?
Yun Ke sat next to her and gave her an elbow.

Yun Ke: "We are in a team, you are here to report today."

"You better say it..." Fu Minghui declined.

Taking Luo Zhao's class was hard enough for her. Now when a subordinate faces a leader, she feels the same way as a student faces a teacher.

"Have you always wanted to be a non-staff member and not become a full-time employee?" Yun Ke whispered.

In fact, she doesn't have to be like this. In this conference room, no matter how low the voice is, you can hear it. What's more, someone like Luo Zhao whose five senses are much sharper than ordinary people?
She just has a gesture to show respect for the leader, haha.

Fu Minghui was encouraged and could only clear his throat.

In fact, can she say that she doesn't want to become a regular employee? She just wants to be an ordinary person, okay? It was the inexplicable appearance of broken abilities in her body that forced her to look for the "organization".

When I thought about my abilities, the image of me as a child being led to a mysterious place by my parents suddenly came to my mind.

Similarly, as soon as the scene appeared, it was as if something was forcefully pulling it back into the depths of her memory, causing her head to hurt as if it was being pulled.

This time she restrained herself well and did not scream.

But her sudden frown and pause were still caught by Luo Zhao.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Fu Minghui shook his head, "It's nothing, just a flash of inspiration in my mind, but it was too fast and I couldn't catch it."

She wasn't lying, because when she thought about her childhood scenes, something did slip through her mind. Not about myself, but about this case.

But she really didn't catch it.

"The human brain is a very magical organ, and it is like this many times. But a fleeting thought is often the fact. Unfortunately, the fact is the hardest to catch." Yun Ke said.

Suddenly he covered his mouth and laughed, "This is chicken soup, almost like chicken soup. But don't be anxious. The harder you think about this situation, the harder it will be to remember it. Just relax."

Fu Minghui wanted to say: I was quite relaxed at first, but when you said it, I became nervous.

So she took three deep breaths, and then told the story about how they finally met the uncle at school, and that the uncle was probably an amnesiac.

In fact, Fu Minghui stuttered about just a few words.

She thought Luo Zhao would be dissatisfied, but it turned out that not only Luo Zhao, but also Zhang Jianhui listened to her patiently, and Yun Ke looked encouraging throughout.

Fu Minghui felt warm in his heart.

After all, except for her parents and Rourou, everyone she knew in the world thought she was useless.

Afraid of her parents' wealth, those people never said this on the surface, but instead praised her and flattered her.

But she knew the truth in her heart.

Now that she is the only one left, I guess those people won't hide it, right?

On the side, Yun Ke also showed everyone the photos he took of his uncle.

Her photography skills are quite good and her portrait of the uncle is very clear.

The key point is that she thought of taking pictures at that time, and pretended to take pictures of clouds. Her performance was extremely natural and did not arouse any suspicion.

Fu Minghui admired this.

If it were her, she would have been too stupid to react, let alone think of a countermeasure.

As expected, she lacked training.

"What you speculated is probably the truth." After Luo Zhao read the photos, he also showed a few on the projection screen.

At a glance, everyone can confirm that the uncle and Shen Miao are father and son.

They were all pictures of the uncle, his photos with Shen Miao, and family photos.

A good family of four is seriously missing a corner...

"According to hospital information, Father Shen was seriously injured at the time, but the head injuries were relatively minor, mainly to various organs, and his throat was cut by sharp broken glass. He lay in the ICU for more than a month before being rescued. Come here." Luo Zhao explained the part of his investigation, "It can be considered as a walk behind the closed door of hell. It should be said that he lingered for a long time. During this period, he was notified of critical illness several times. If he can survive, the doctors think it is a miracle."

Would a man like Luo Zhao believe in miracles?

Fu Minghui did not complain.

Just listen to Luo Zhao continue to say, "The strange thing is that when he woke up, he lost his memory. It should be said that he lost his memory partially, so that he didn't notice it at the time. Two weeks after he was discharged from the hospital, his family members sent him to the hospital for treatment."

"Amnesia jokes are often used in movies and TV shows. In reality, amnesia is very rare, especially this...how should I say, picky." Yun Ke plucked his short hair before summing up the words.

"As I said just now, his head was only a skin injury, and his brain was not damaged. Even if he went to the hospital for a checkup later, no pathological reaction was found in his brain. There was no problem with his memory test, and his memory is even quite good." Luo Zhao said, "Except that he forgot that he once had a son and everything about this son."

Fu Minghui's eyes widened: Is there such a thing? This is too strange.

"There is not even the smallest fragment of memory about his son. It seems that Shen Miao has never appeared in his life." Luo Zhao turned off the projector.

I was really confused. Today is the 22nd day of the first lunar month. I actually remembered it as the second day of the second lunar month. I almost clicked my scissors and cut off my bangs to suit the occasion.

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