Welcome to the world of strange dreams

Chapter 119 116 She wants to be ordinary

If that counts as a face.

The whole thing was flat, the flesh and blood were blurred, the facial features could not be seen clearly, and one eyeball was still drooped on the cheek.

The middle of his forehead seemed to be split open, and his brain mixed with blood was slowly flowing down.

But that "person" was actually still smiling.

Fu Minghui felt strangely calm and happy, as if he didn't know that he had become like this.

She was so shocked that she reached back and put her hand on Luo Zhao's knee.

Before she could say anything, or even think about anything, an earth-shaking feeling came immediately.

Subconsciously, she hugged Luo Zhao's knees tightly to prevent herself from being thrown out.

It felt like being stuffed into a drum washing machine. The spinning was completely inadequate to describe how uncomfortable it was. The huge centrifugal force seemed to separate her limbs and head from her torso!
The pain, the bone-piercing pain, came so suddenly and seemed to last forever.

Unable to help herself, she screamed softly, tears rolling down her face.

But she didn't know what to do at all, didn't know how to avoid it or save herself.

Fortunately, she felt Luo Zhao hugging her waist from behind.

His arms were so strong and stable, and even carried his unique warmth in this situation, and the aura on his body also followed.

Instantly, Fu Minghui felt like he was being lifted up.

It was as if I was trapped in quicksand and was about to be submerged, but I was pulled out and escaped from the sea of ​​suffering.

Panting heavily, he climbed onto Luo Zhao's arm, as if grasping a life-saving straw.

"Are you feeling better?" Luo Zhao's voice came from his head.

Looking up, her eyes finally focused, and she saw those eyes that made her feel safe.

"We...this is..." she asked stammering.

"Out of the illusion, but not out of the border." Luo Zhao helped Fu Minghui stand up.

Looking down, he saw that her fleshy, white and tender little hands were tightly grasping his sleeves, which were ruffled. He hesitated and did not retract his hands.

Fu Minghui didn't pay attention to his own behavior, he just looked around.

There was chaos all around, but there was a bright spot not far away.

If you look closely, it looks like a cliff.

"There was a car accident," she said.

Even though she had never been in a car accident, she just knew what it was like.

"Indeed, this border incident is most likely related to a car accident." Luo Zhao nodded.

"Have you seen that person's face? He's sitting next to you?" Fu Minghui thought of that person.

Obviously I don't know him, but his body looks very young.

In fact, even if they had known each other before, they would not be able to recognize him with his head damaged like that.

Luo Zhao shook his head.

If there was a wall here, Fu Minghui wanted to run into it.

Why, why were such tragic images "specially provided" to her by those spirits.

She doesn't need to be so special, really, she wants to be ordinary, the more ordinary the better!
"What does it look like?" Luo Zhao asked.

Fu Minghui resisted the urge to vomit and described it in as much detail as possible.

How she wished Luo Zhao could see it directly, so that she would feel that she had an accomplice and the psychological pressure would not be so great.

Under Luo Zhao's guidance, the two exchanged some details and feelings.

Then Luo Zhao said, "Come out of the border now, you need to rest. If you have any ideas and discoveries, we will continue to discuss them at the meeting tomorrow afternoon."

ah? Have a meeting!
Fu Minghui was still a little confused.

Luo Zhao patiently explained, "Go back and go back to sleep. I think the energy of the illusion has been exhausted and I won't look for you again tonight. You have a good class tomorrow morning. When there is no class in the afternoon, Yun Ke will take you out." "What if they find me again and drag me into the border again?" Fu Minghui was worried.

"You just come into the border and I'll know."

Luo Zhao was confident, and Fu Minghui was also at peace.

Then, she saw Luo Zhao's familiar action: touching the sides of his glasses.

Then she came out.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Yun Ke sticking his head out from the upper bunk and staring at her.


She just said a word when she saw Yun Ke put his index finger to his lips, made a "shh" gesture, and pointed to the bed opposite.

There, Hu Yun seemed to be asleep, with his back to them.

In the night, her thin body undulated into a stiff back, looking a little lonely and pitiful.

Fu Minghui looked at Yun Ke.

Yun Ke blinked at her and pointed at Hu Yun, obviously not trusting that the other person was really asleep.

Fu Minghui had no choice but to gesture with a victory finger to express that he was fine, then took a few deep breaths, thinking about Luo Zhao's words, and slowly fell asleep again.

It's not that she's big-hearted, it's that going in and out of the border seems like a waste of energy and energy. Every time she came out, she was extremely tired, especially her brain, which seemed to be overstretched.

Just as Luo Zhao expected, the night was very peaceful. She didn't have any nightmares, nor did she enter the boundary. She slept soundly until dawn.

When I woke up, I found that Hu Yun had packed his things and was going to the library for morning reading. Yun Ke was also awake, with his legs crossed and munching on an apple.

"Get up quickly. If it's a little later, there won't even be breakfast in the cafeteria." Yun Ke dug Fu Minghui out of bed, "I don't want to eat takeout, it's very greasy. Besides, don't you have classes in the morning?"

"Okay, Mom." Fu Minghui joked sleepily.

"My daughter is so good." Yun Ke joked back.

Hu Yun was holding the computer and was about to go out. He stood by the door and turned around and said, "Have you two known each other before?"

Fu Minghui's heart tightened.

Yun Ke, however, said calmly and authentically, "I don't know you, why do you say that?"

"Actually, I haven't known each other for a long time, but I have known Xiao Fu for a long time, but your relationship seems to be better." Hu Yunyi said pointedly.

"There is a saying that we feel like old friends at first sight." Yun Ke remained as calm as water, "Besides, I like cute little girls."

He quickly complimented Hu Yun, "I'm not saying you're not cute, but you are an elegant and beautiful intellectual image. I prefer silly and sweet people, like this one."

She pointed at Fu Minghui again and said sincerely, "These days, people are called silly and sweet, but this one is the real deal."

For a moment, Fu Minghui believed that Yun Ke's comments about her were true...

Hu Yun smiled and suddenly asked Yun Ke, "Do you like women? I'm sorry, this is private, I shouldn't pry around."

"You asked me if it starts with "L"?" Yun Ke didn't care, "I'm not sure yet myself at the moment. I just like little girls, silly and sweet. Even if it's "L", I think it's quite normal."

She came back from studying abroad in a corrupt country.

But according to Fu Minghui, Yun Ke belongs to the majority of people's school in a certain orientation.

She is very friendly to the same sex, never engages in female rivalry, and likes to protect others.

So Fu Minghui likes her very much.

"What about you?" Unexpectedly, Yun Ke asked Hu Yun, "What's your orientation?"

First update.

Also, I remembered why I dreamed about my cat being eaten.

That night when I was playing with them, I ran around the house shouting: The monster is here and eating kittens. The monster is going to eat the kitten. so……

You really can't get too excited at night.

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