Welcome to the world of strange dreams

Chapter 101 101 Remote Dormitory

Although there were some ups and downs in being good at temporarily living on campus, it was finally done.

However, because Fu Minghui applied midway, there were no vacancies in most dormitories, so he had to share a single room with a senior who was taking the postgraduate entrance examination.

Sounds good, at least it's not a room for four or eight.

But this room is out of the way!

Not only is it located in the northwest corner of the entire campus, it is also at the end of the corridor in the building, separated from other rooms by a toilet and a water room.

It's the perfect place for a locked-room murder case like the one in the comics.

In fact, the conditions of many universities are now better, and many dormitories have their own bathrooms.

The university she attends is very modern, but the building she lives in is an old building that hasn't had time to be renovated.

The water room and toilet are both public. Fortunately, there is a railing on the other side of the corridor, so you can see the outdoor scene, and the light is not dark.

The downside is that the door and window are on one side.

In other words, if the curtains are not hung, the interior can be seen from the corridor.

This is the only old building like this, with six floors, and they are on the fourth floor.

Downstairs is a small garden, not far away is the teaching building and the library built with the help of her parents.

It feels like a castle that is about to decay, being cornered by the thriving new rich around it.

"The scenery is pretty good during the day, especially when the sun sets." The senior sister named Hu Yun introduced Fu Minghui enthusiastically, "But at night, few people come and the street lights are not bright, so the garden looks eerie. If you are timid, you can't do it at night. Just don’t go out.”

After saying that, he patted Fu Minghui on the shoulder, "But don't be afraid, the lights in the library opposite will stay on until very late, just like looking at the stars."

Most likely, they also know the significance of this building to Fu Minghui.

And because the old building is low and the surrounding buildings are tall, it is very cramped when looking at the sky. The feeling of looking at the sky from a well is suddenly increased by 30%.

But obviously, Sister Hu is a very optimistic person and is very satisfied with the living environment.

I call her senior just because she studies normally and doesn't stop studying when there is nothing to do. So in terms of age, he is actually one year younger than Fu Minghui...

Fu Minghui suddenly felt that it was a bit shameful for a woman of her age to call herself a school girl.

But what can I do? They are senior.

"It's okay, you can't see stars at all in the city anyway." Fu Minghui said quickly.

I don't know if it was her imagination, but when she entered the room, she felt that the temperature was a bit low, and it was obviously a sunny day outside, but it didn't seem to be bright inside.

She was a little bit murmuring in her heart. After all, she often saw many tips on the Internet: Don’t stay at the end of the corridor when staying in a hotel.

Although this is not a hotel, the principle is the same.

From a Feng Shui perspective, at the end of a long corridor, especially the dead end, where there is no passage, the breath will not flow easily.

Therefore, it is easy to hide things.

Some things can't get away and will linger here.

"Did senior sister live by herself before?" Fu Minghui asked tentatively.

Actually, I wanted to find out what's wrong with living alone here.

If not, there should be basically no more people now... right?

If she was pulled into the border, she would not be afraid since Luo Zhao was waiting for her there anyway.

"I lived by myself for more than a year before." Hu Yun nodded, "It was very quiet when I was studying. I read until midnight without worrying about disturbing others. But..."

Speaking of this, Hu Yun seemed to realize that it seemed unfriendly to say this, and quickly added, "But you are lonely alone, and there is no one to talk to. Now that you are here, I am still very happy and welcome. ." "Thank you." Fu Minghui said politely, "I was afraid of disturbing you."

From Hu Yun's words, Fu Minghui heard several meanings and felt relieved.

First, nothing happened for more than a year.

Secondly, she often reads at night and everything is normal.

Third, the other party does not reject the new roommate.

"I'm a terrible sleeper, and I basically can't wake up. Senior sister, just follow your own schedule and study routine. If I fall asleep, just ignore me."

She was worried that when she entered the border, her half-dead state would not scare people.

If Hu Yun was troubled and thought she was unconscious, he might take her to the hospital.

It should have been more convenient to live in a single room, but it was already this semester, which meant that everyone had been at the table for a long time. How could she, the eldest lady, still get her turn to order? It would be nice to be able to move in smoothly.

Fu Minghui always felt that if Luo Zhao came to arrange it, all problems would be solved. But what if he doesn't take action? She can only do this on her own.

Besides, she didn't even dare to stay in a hotel room by herself, not to mention that this kind of old and shabby dormitory was full of the atmosphere of antiquity and age.

It's nice to have some company.

Once she enters the border, her physical body in the real world is fragile and must be in a safe environment or protected by someone. I believe Luo Zhao will make arrangements and will not let her take risks.

After a few more polite words, Fu Minghui began to pack his luggage.

Because she didn't know how long she would be staying, she didn't bring many things with her.

However, this was originally a four-person room, but now it is occupied by two people, so each person has a bunk bed, two narrow cabinets, and two desks, which is enough.

The desk was placed under the window, and Fu Minghui quickly placed a pile of skin care products and a dressing mirror.

Alas, at twenty-five, it’s time to take care of yourself.

"I didn't expect you to live on campus." Hu Yun said suddenly, watching Fu Minghui busy at the side.

"Do you know me?" Fu Minghui was curious.

But immediately shut up.

Is she someone who has been on trending searches? Strangers know her, let alone people in school?

This situation was a bit scary, as if she was exposed to others, but she knew nothing about the surrounding environment.

"I believe you." Hu Yun said again, smiling good-naturedly.

This made Fu Minghui a little surprised and heartwarming. He didn't notice Hu Yun's eyes flickering.

Hu Yun also quickly looked away, picked up a hot water bottle and said, "When I saw the video before, I felt that the perspective was too biased and there were obvious signs of editing. If it was deliberately published in such an incomplete way, it means there is something wrong. , it’s against you. It’s even a frame-up.”

"Thank you for understanding." Fu Minghui was really grateful.

When most people in the world have ill intentions towards you, suddenly someone shows kindness, and the psychological distance suddenly becomes closer.

Hu Yun shook his head, "Facts have proven that I was right. You were wronged. Someone definitely wanted to set the pace."

"Facts?" Fu Minghui grasped the key point and was surprised, "Was the senior sister present at the time?"

"That's not true, but didn't you even look at your phone? Yesterday, a comprehensive, unedited video was released, and everyone knew that they had been deceived. Now the direction of public opinion has turned, haven't you noticed?"

"I'll take a look, I'll take a look right away." Fu Minghui dropped what he was doing and grabbed his phone.

Twenty-nine, stick money.

The Chinese New Year atmosphere in the north is quite strong. Today I spent more than two hours just putting up money-draping couplets on windows, and my waist is about to break.

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