Don’t be too poisonous to the concubine of the Wu family who was born in Wu

Chapter 406 64 spirit clams left behind (just missing the last step of the spirit clam seal)

Chapter 406 64. The spirit clam is left behind (just the last step to bring the spirit clam back)
  Wu Xuanyue pointed at the Green Forest Continent under her feet, already planning the outcome.

The orphan of the world looked straight out, as if he still didn't know what the structure of this green forest continent was. He asked with confusion on his face: "Miss, what do you mean by this? If you let me awaken the spiritual beings in the world, I, the orphan of the world, can't I have so many abilities, but if you ask me to wake up a dead thing, wouldn’t it be a real embarrassment?”

Wu Xuanyue sneered and shook her head: "Master Mishi, I think you have misunderstood me. How do you know that the continent under your feet is a dead land, and it is not caused by a spiritual creature?"

As soon as these words came out, Mishi Yigu was stunned, frowned even more and said: "Girl... you mean..."

Wu Xuanyue didn't show off, and simply told the truth to Mishi's orphan: "Young Master Mishi may not know something. The continent under your feet is called Green Forest Kun Earth. He is the spiritual beast born from this spiritual clam, Kunpeng. Divine beast, if you don’t believe it, you can play a tune on the flute and see how the Kuntu earth under your feet reacts.”

The lost orphan frowned, and the doubts on his face became more and more profound: "Girl... I... have something to say, I don't know whether to say it or not. You... you... who are you? Why do you know so much about me? Then The Song of the Hidden Flute was composed by me over the years, and outsiders have no idea that I have this ability. You say you are a fairy in this water, how could you know what happened to me in that world?"

Seeing that Wu Xuanyue could no longer hide her lies, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to hide anything from the other party. What should she do?

Wu Xuanyue smiled awkwardly, with a smile on her face and some calculations in her heart——

"Hey~ Young Master, you are worrying too much. It is true that I am the fairy in the sea. As for my identity, you will reveal it one day. But the mystery has not yet arrived. The fate between you and me is still shallow. It is useless to talk more. It is better to do this, you Do me a favor. One day, God will let you and I meet. Then I will tell you who I am and why I know so many things about you."

Wu Xuanyue didn't bother to lie to the other party, and kept making secrets just to hide the truth.

The misgivings on Mishi's orphan's face became even more intense, and he was obviously dissatisfied with this statement.

"Girl - you have to be honest with each other. You are honest with me, and I am sincere to you. Shouldn't our cooperative relationship be based on mutual honesty?"

Wu Xuanyue pretended to be helpless, with a mysterious expression on her face, she straightened her body and said: "Master Mishi, the secret of heaven is mysterious, I can't say more, please remember one sentence, there is no banquet in the world, the fate is still shallow, and it will eventually end." Separation; things in the world are mysterious and ever-changing, and fate is endless, and we will eventually get together. When you and I are still shallow, we will have to part ways; if you and I are fate, we will eventually get together after a few years."

The orphan in the world only saw that the woman in front of her was a worldly person, not a mortal, and the mystery behind her words was such that if she asked one more question, not only would she not get any results, but she would anger Tianji, which would be very detrimental to herself.

The orphan of the world thought for a long time, and finally gave in. He looked a little disappointed and thought, but he could only agree to the other party's request -

"Okay - now that the girl's words have come to this, it will be meaningless for me to say more words. If the girl needs me to play the hidden flute, I will sacrifice the hidden flute to the sky, but I don't know if there will be a girl. Yayoi will try his best to get the expected result.”

After finishing speaking, the orphan raised his hand, held the flute between his lips, and played a tune on the flute, melodious and distant...

As soon as the song ended, Wu Xuanyue listened in rapt attention, but she didn't know when the continent beneath her feet started to rumble and react!

The green forest Kunpeng beast opened its huge eyes, and the focus of their eyes focused on the body of the spirit clam Wu Xuanyue. Wu Xuanyue suddenly felt a chill, and instantly understood the meaning of the green forest beast's anxious eyes.

Seeing this, Wu Xuanyue got lucky, and her spiritual energy wrapped around the clam again. She wanted to leap up, jump into the water, and get into the belly of the green forest beast.

Before leaving, Wu Xuanyue glanced back. The orphan looked flustered with reluctance. Wu Xuanyue stepped forward, raised his fists with both hands, and said respectfully——

"Master Yayo, I have taken my leave. Thank you very much for helping me. I want to see you one day. I will do my best to repay you for your kindness!"

After saying this, Wu Xuanyue caught a trace of astonishment on the face of Mi Shi's orphan. Before the other party could speak, Wu Xuanyue jumped into the sea water, and the water sprayed everywhere.

The orphan covered his face with his sleeves and looked away at the ocean again. There was a trace of ripples in the water. But at this moment, his body and mind became unstable and shifted backwards, shaking the mountains and the earth.

It turned out that it was the Kunpeng divine beast that opened its mouth as wide as the sky and swallowed Wu Xuanyue and the spiritual clam into its belly.

Ever since Wu Xuanyue entered the belly of the green forest Kunpeng divine beast, her eyes were dizzy. When she reacted, the spiritual clam she carried with her breath disappeared without knowing when. There was a turbulence and shaking, and Wu Xuanyue broke through the water and came out. , he suddenly emerged from the spiritual plate in black.

He had obviously brought this spiritual clam with him, so why was it lost when luck came his way?
  Could it be that I carried it at the wrong time? Is it possible that I can’t bring out the things from the past now?

Wu Xuanyue sat cross-legged with her arms folded, lowered her head and supported her forehead, hanging on the black and white spirit plate, deep in thought. As she was meditating hard, the environment around her suddenly changed drastically.

The stagnant spirit plate just now began to rotate slowly, and the speed gradually increased, and the Kunpeng divine beast also started to jump and move in panic as the spirit plate's rotation speed increased.

Wu Xuanyue frowned anxiously, knowing that her spiritual energy was limited and she could only control time to freeze for a moment, but she could not control time for a long time.

But now that the soul clam is missing, what should I do? He was clearly about to see the dawn of victory, but at this moment, something like this happened. How could he let himself take such a breath?
  At this crisis-ridden moment, Wu Xuanyue had an idea flash in his mind, and a bolt of lightning passed by——

"That's right! Even if the spiritual clam is left behind, it will eventually fall into the Kunpeng beast's belly. Although it is an old thing, the spiritual clam will never get out of the Kunpeng beast's belly! Therefore, the most important thing for me right now is to quickly find the whereabouts of this spiritual clam!"

As soon as he thought of this, Wu Xuanyue didn't have time to think, so he stopped and jumped into the white end of the great compass of heaven and earth - the spiritual plate called the real pole.

Wu Xuanyue knew that this reality was something that really existed now, so as long as he could find the whereabouts of the spiritual clam in the wriggling Kunpeng beast, all problems would be solved!
  right! You can't give up. No one knows how the outcome will develop until the last moment...

(End of this chapter)

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