"Okay, okay! You are noble, you have the Tao, and you have high cultivation. Why didn't I see that you are such a tolerant person? If I follow your way of thinking, it would be better to do this, and our hatred will be over. Don’t take revenge, just go back to your own homes and manage your own one-third of an acre of land. You can be your princess of Xijiang, and I can be my peaceful emperor~"

As for Wu Xuanyue's words of being so righteous, instead of being recognized by Nalan Youmeng, they actually aroused a burst of cynicism from the other party.

After all, in the eyes of Nalan Youmeng, the other party is just a backer, and he is the emperor of Zhentianmen Zhenerbajing. This little girl has only learned the Tao for a few days here, and she is doing it in front of him. Are you starting to shop?

It feels really bad to be lectured like this, especially by a newbie who is preaching from behind. It is conceivable that Nalan Youmeng has successfully touched the bottom line of dignity and sensitivity by Wu Xuanyue.

When Wu Xuanyue saw that the situation was not right, she immediately admitted her mistake with a smile on her face and said: "Hey, my aunt has started to go online again. I have no other meaning. Look, what you said is not for me. Did I deliver it to your door?”

As soon as these words came out, Nalan Youmeng narrowed his eyes and felt a chill coming from him. If he had been unable to endure it, he would have been so frightened that his legs would weaken.

"What do you mean? I delivered it to your door? What exactly do you want to say?"

"Just like this fine wine, if you drink it dry it really lacks flavor, but if you pair it with some delicacies, it would be better with some silk and bamboo music. Of course, I am not talking about this fine wine. What I just said is just a flashy big show." The truth, if you explain this truth, it will only sound dry, but it happened that this aunt gave me a good dish when she was angry! It was the aunt's dry words that revealed the essence of the matter. "

Wu Xuanyue was a eloquent person. He aroused Nalan Youmeng's curiosity and successfully whetted his appetite.

"What the hell! Talking like a human!"

Nalan Youmeng was more than curious, but he still had a short temper and didn't give the other party time to get around.

"Auntie, think about it, if there weren't so many evil people in this world who need to be rescued, if there weren't so many bad things in this world that need someone to correct the chaos, would people like my parents who like to be lazy be willing to stop this important task of martial arts? What if? If my parents had not been in power, would martial arts be as glorious as it is today?"

Sure enough, Wu Xuanyue was very eloquent, and when these words came into the other person's mouth, they came out as just a few words, and they sounded very reasonable.

"Haha~ From what you said, it's these evil people and evil deeds that made your parents successful, right? Then should I still thank the Shangguan family?"

Nalan Youmeng couldn't help rolling her eyes, and she dismissed Wu Xuanyue's paradoxes that sounded reasonable.

Wu Xuanyue naturally saw that the other party was not easy to fool, so she smiled and continued to make up for it -

"There's no need to be grateful. What my aunt said~ Hey~ is also my fault. She has to explain something. Isn't this getting darker and darker? Isn't it clear to my aunt what the virtues of my parents are? To put it nicely, One is carefree and carefree, the other is deeply affectionate; to put it bluntly, one is a devil who doesn't like to take responsibility, and the other is a fool whose mind is full of love. They are a perfect match, but God has given them this gift. Regarding the innate divine power, if the great evil in the world had not inspired their inner sense of justice, do you think it would be really easy for those two people to come out?"

As soon as these words came out, Nalan Youmeng, who was still sullen at first, burst out laughing.

"Pfft! Hahaha~ You Wu Xuanyue! Is there really someone like you? Do you describe your parents like this?" Seeing that Nalan Youmeng finally had a smile on his face, Wu Xuanyue scratched his head in embarrassment. If I wasn't trying to make you happy, why would I spend so much time hacking my own parents? Sigh...it's really hard to coax an aunt like you.

Looking at Wu Xuanyue's tearless face, Nalan Youmeng felt relieved. Then he put down his airs, raised his brows and said angrily——

"Okay, okay, you don't have to work hard to please me. I understand everything you say, but... I don't have as much tolerance as you and can tolerate others trampling on the dignity of my loved ones. Using conspiracy and tricks to seize the souls of my relatives makes me angry just thinking about it."

Saying that, Nalan Youmeng still felt that it was not enough, so he slammed the wine glass in his hand on the table with a look of gnashing of teeth.

Wu Xuanyue let out a long sigh and explained helplessly: "What about my parents who are trying to tolerate others bullying me like this? It's just... To put it bluntly, my aunt saw clearly after I mastered the martial arts of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi. I also know the ins and outs of the matter. Some people are taking advantage now, and there will be retribution in the future, and the retribution they get is even greater than the advantage they took. I am no longer angry, and all the frustrations in my heart are loosened. , that’s why I dare to talk about some so-called great truths with you so brazenly.”

Hearing this, Nalan Youmeng narrowed his eyes and leaned forward. Come closer.

Looking at the interrogating expression on her face, she deliberately lowered her voice and asked——

"How long are you going to keep your relationship with me? Tell me, what kind of retribution will the Marquis Shangguan receive in the future?"

Wu Xuanyue was caught off guard by this sudden straight ball, and she couldn't help but move back. A sentence suddenly popped into her heart -

Who else could her retribution be? Apart from you, Nalan Youmeng, who is his natural nemesis as Marquis Shangguan, who else could be there?
However, Wu Xuanyue knew the secret of heaven, but he could never reveal the secret of heaven under untimely circumstances.

Thinking of this, Wu Xuanyue chuckled and decided to get over the matter in a sloppy way.

"Auntie... why are you so concerned about His Majesty the Dragon King's retribution? Don't you hate that he is part of the Tianmen Party?"

As soon as these words came out, Nalan Youmeng was startled for a moment, and then retracted his body impatiently and said: "Don't you know why I specifically mentioned him, Marquis Shangguan? He is the worst person in this powerful clan, so-called To capture a thief, capture the king first, then hit the snake seven inches away. Besides, whose body is your mother's soul? You are a heartless little kid, and all you think about is all kinds of nonsense?"

No, Wu Xuanyue couldn't help but be scolded by the other party again. She could only smile to make up for it. Who made her accustomed to the other party's unpredictable style?
"Yes, yes... what my aunt said is absolutely true... Yue'er is just a bad person, Yue'er must change!"

"Tsk~ The little fox started to act stupid and evil again~"

As for Wu Xuanyue's insincere apology, Nalan Youmeng was also very clear about it, but he was not used to it, so he simply exposed the other person's face...

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