Don’t be too poisonous to the concubine of the Wu family who was born in Wu

Chapter 3716 775 Mirror Flowers and Moon in the Water

Tan Furong squatted on tiptoes on the desk, staring down at Yahe's eyes, full of intimidation.

At this point, Yahe couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He looked straight at Tan Furong and was actually stunned and didn't speak for a long time.

There was a thick atmosphere of gunpowder smoke between the two of them. Although it was silent, the pressure was pressing.

After a long time, Yahe laughed, breaking the tension between the two: "Hehehe~ Little fox cub, are you starting to show off your claws now? What do you want?"

"It's not what I want, but I'm warning you, don't do any shameful tricks for me. If you cause trouble again, Paradise Pavilion will never tolerate you!"

Tan Furong ordered the other party as the young master of the Paradise Pavilion.

Hearing this, Yahe's laughter became even more unbridled and unscrupulous. This was because he didn't take the other person seriously at all.

"You? With your three-legged cat skills, are you yelling at me? Do you know the forces behind me?"

"No matter how powerful the power behind you is, it is the Jile Pavilion that gives you the confidence. If there is no Jile Pavilion, who do you think you are?"

Tan Furong was not afraid of Yahe's threat at all. She raised her chin slightly with a quiet expression and sinister eyes.

"Haha~ I don't like being threatened the most, especially by those who are arrogant and conceited. If you talk to me nicely..."

Yahe sneered and finally stopped acting. He simply showed his minions and confronted Tan Furong.

However, Tan Furong didn't give the other party a chance to be presumptuous, and immediately interrupted him——

"If I talk to you nicely, will you ignore me? Are you kidding me? Your villain nature is like this. Even if I talk to you nicely, it will only give you an idea of ​​opportunity. Instead of doing this , it’s better to turn your back early, if you can’t get me here, then just be honest.”

Yahe almost laughed himself to death when he heard such remarks, because in his eyes, Tan Furong never noticed it at all.

If he hadn't thought it was the young leader of the Paradise Pavilion and had some spirituality, he wouldn't have intentionally approached it.

The results of it? The other party really regards himself as a piece of cake, doesn't he?

"I know~ You feel that you are confident now that you have the support of the second prince. Tan Furong, don't be too self-righteous. What if you don't say he is the second prince? He is just a prince with no future. His Majesty the Dragon King has so many Prince, are you so sure that he will inherit the throne in the future?"

"What does it have to do with me whether he can inherit the throne? That is his business, and I - now I just want to run the Paradise Pavilion well!"

In response to Yahe's provocation, Tan Furong's eyebrows moved slightly, her eyes turned cold, and she said calmly.

But these words made Yahe understand other meanings.

"Oh... I understand! You two have broken up! Then you, Tan Furong, will suffer in the future! You have offended the royal family, do you still want to hang out here in Di Jiuli? Just wait for the second prince to wear small shoes for you!"

As he said this, Yahe threw his head back and laughed wildly, looking like a villain who only sees jokes but doesn't take it too seriously.

At this moment, Tan Furong narrowed her eyes and snorted coldly: "Whatever you think is fine! Please go out, I want to meditate, you are disturbing me."

But Yahe refused to leave, and continued to disgust Qin Furong and said: "Huh? Have I touched on your pain points? Are you angry, little brat? Come on, come on, tell me, let me listen, you two are Why did you fall out? That's right~ If you can live like a couple of gods and gods, why would you want to come back? I see that the second prince has also changed his attitude. What must have happened to you two?" Tan Furong didn't It got bored and turned away. In order to calm down its heart, it wrote again and continued to copy scriptures, but it said: "What does it have to do with you?"

Yahe leaned over, covered his face and sneered: "It has nothing to do with me, but your relationship with the royal family always has something to do with Ji Le Pavilion, right? If you offend the royal family, it will inevitably affect the business of Ji Le Pavilion. I always do it for Ji Le Pavilion. Is it for your own good?"

Yahe looked like a villain, sarcastic and even more hypocritically concerned.

Tan Furong rolled her eyes and said again: "It's easy to just eat carrots and worry about it. If you don't worry about it anymore, I will take care of it all~"

"You?! Just you? Hehehe~ Do you think too highly of your own abilities? Or do you underestimate the power of the Quan clan?"

"go out!"

Tan Furong knew that the other party's endless entanglement had only two purposes, that is, she wanted to know what happened when she and Shangguan Marquis escaped, and what was her relationship with Shangguan Marquis?

He wanted to get information from himself and regain the favor of Shangguan princes as a favor.

How could Tan Furong give the other party a second chance like this? But that was because he didn't tell him everything about himself and Shangguan Marquis, making him a worthless person, so he was honest.

"It's your business what you want to think. In short, don't pry for information from me from now on!"

Tan Furong simply said the unpleasant words to the front, cutting off all thoughts of the other party.

"! OK, OK! I understand, are you going to sever all ties with me?"

"Haha~ What Yahe said is interesting. When did I, Qin Furong, have any kindness to you? How can I say it with absolute righteousness?"

This time, Tan Furong learned to be smart and no longer responded impatiently. Instead, she learned the opponent's trick of being sarcastic and indifferent.

"Qin Furong, don't be proud! Do you think you have the upper hand? Let me tell you, our destiny has been linked to each other for a long time. If you want to rely on my restraint, I'm afraid it won't be possible in this life! You I am in a symbiotic relationship, and if I can’t survive, you won’t be able to live comfortably either!”

At this moment, Yahe was completely anxious. He found that the little fox in front of him had really changed. He couldn't control it at all. He still looked like he wanted to draw a clear line with himself.

Tan Furong is Yahe's most important tool as a leader. If he can't get any information from her, then the eldest prince will be offended. How can he survive in Di Jiuli in the future?

He has lost one of his hands and is no different from a disabled person now. If he doesn't have a supporter, how will he live in the future?

Qin Furong closed her eyes and sneered: "You still don't know your position or situation until now, and you just want to climb a high branch. Do you know that there are some people you can't afford to offend? In the eyes of those powerful and noble people, you and I It’s nothing more than a cheap plaything!”

"So what? People always have value in life. Being used by others is enough to prove that I am still valuable. It is better than being a useless person!"

"Being used by others is also used, and being used by me is also used. Why don't you think about Ji Le Pavilion's position?"

Yahe's words undoubtedly angered Qin Furong again...

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