Don’t be too poisonous to the concubine of the Wu family who was born in Wu

Chapter 262 233 Horse Control (Xuan Yue separated from the main force when he was riding a horse)

Chapter 262 233. Horse Control (Xuan Yue separated from the main force when he was riding a horse)
  Wu Chaoyang was regarded as a transparent person with no sense of existence at all. A concubine was even given a bloody horse, but as for his wife...

This comparison between people is simply infuriating!

Wu Chaoyang really hated Wu Xuanyue, but he was at his wits' end. Who knew that he had tried all his tricks before, but in the end he was beaten backwards, allowing the other party to win the game!

This time, let alone a sweaty horse, even her husband's serious eyes didn't bother to give it to him. If he didn't care about his identity, I'm afraid Cao Yunfei wouldn't know what he would do to him.

Wu Chaoyang is heartbroken and holds a grudge, but he also understands that those who have to understand the current affairs are the heroes. Now he is slightly at a disadvantage. If he acts recklessly, he will not be able to see the situation clearly, which will make Cao Yunfei even more disgusted. If this is the case, I should honestly restrain my sharpness, take a long-term approach, and wait for the opportunity to take action.

Come to think of it, this spring festival is still long, and if I fail to succeed, I don't believe that this damn girl is so tough and can escape the disaster every time!

Wu Chaoyang followed Cao Yunfei's traces. He knew that the other party didn't like people pestering him, but he wanted to stick to him shamelessly. Who said that he was the first wife of the house? He must use this power. Taken to the extreme.

When Wu Chaoyang followed, Cao Yunfei's face became really grim. He was really a bullshit plaster that he couldn't get rid of. What evil had he done in his previous life! How much debt of gratitude do you owe to the two women now?

Cao Yunfei couldn't get the woman he liked, and the woman he didn't like was pressed against him every day. Cao Yunfei was really annoyed.

Wu Chaoyang kicked off his feet, leaned over, and said in a very dignified and obedient manner: "Husband, why did you leave Chaoyang and walk alone? Do you know that you and I are husband and wife, and Chaoyang will follow you wherever you go?" Where, if others saw the joke, they would think that our Cao family is at odds with each other."

Wu Chaoyang spoke softly and spoke sharply. Naturally, others could hear half of the meaning behind his words.

Wu Xuanyue sneered with a different face, looked at Cao Yunfei with contempt, raised his fists with both hands, the so-called courtesy of a soldier, even if he was unhappy in his heart, he still had to pretend.

"Hall Master Cao should take care of his wife's safety - Lingyao is leading the Yinhu Qisha, hunting first, so he will not disturb the actions of Hall Master Cao and his wife."

After speaking, Wu Xuanyue's face remained angry. She held a whip in one hand and hit the horse on the ass fiercely. The red rabbit seemed to sense the intimidating arrogance of the owner on the horse. This time, he moved forward in a more orderly manner. Dare to be as crazy as before and do whatever you want.

Cao Yunfei was stunned and silent. Apart from having no choice but to send Wu Xuanyue and his group away, he was speechless. He kicked off his horse and galloped up. He looked back with a cold face and said in a good voice, "Let's go——" My lady!"

A proud smile appeared on Wu Chaoyang's face, he was flattered, he got on the horse's back with numb hands and followed closely.

Wu Xuanyue felt unhappy to the extreme. The Red Rabbit really had strong legs and feet, and a flying horse. Although Wu Xuanyue didn't have any martial spirit, her riding and shooting skills were not affected in the slightest. At first, because she was not familiar with the Red Rabbit horse, She couldn't figure out the opponent's veins or the opponent's pace. Now after wrestling, Wu Xuanyue finally understood the fierceness of the red rabbit, and also understood the virtues of the horse through this painful experience.

Wu Xuanyue rode the horse, controlling it left and right, and struck hard as soon as he hit it. Since he was in a bad mood, he simply vented all his anger on this horse control technique.

Chitu is a beast after all. He suddenly feels that the master on his back is not easy to offend. No matter how he resists, the opponent will resist him. If he wants to pick him up and kick him, the master on his body will not give him a chance to give in. He will give in with a few whips. After coming down, Chitu became a lot more honest.

During a fast ride, Chitu's arrogance was suppressed a lot by Wu Xuanyue. Wu Xuanyue also admired what was under her crotch. Although her temper was a little fierce, she was still a horse racing for thousands of miles with sweat and blood. , I can control it like the wind, carrying it as fast as the wind, traveling thousands of miles, catching the wind and lightning, and superman thousands of miles away. With such a BMW in hand, I am as powerful as a tiger on the battlefield.

Wu Xuanyue fell more and more in love with the red rabbit horse that Cao Yunfei gave her. Riding thousands of miles on horseback, it felt so exciting, so she gave her horse a name. : "Wind Chi".

Wu Xuanyue was riding a horse galloping happily, but when he looked back, he suddenly looked confused and stunned, and suddenly became nervous. When did he find there were no more two people behind him? Wu Xuanyue pulled the reins, stopped and wandered, looking around. He was actually in an open grassland, with no sense of direction, which was strange and scary.

Wu Xuanyue's heart was pounding. It would be a lie to say that she was not panicked at all.

"Is anyone here--"

Wu Xuanyue looked up to the sky and shouted, but no one responded. This situation made Wu Xuanyue panic even more.

At this time, suddenly, the branches were dense, bustling and moving, and suddenly, several flying arrows shot towards Wu Xuanyue at lightning speed.

Wu Xuanyue panicked and saw the flying arrows approaching. Wu Xuanyue hurriedly raised her whip, and the red rabbit stepped smartly and dodged the three flying arrows.

Wu Xuanyue shouted in her heart that something was wrong. Just as she hesitated for a moment, dozens of flying arrows came towards her.

Wu Xuanyue didn't have time to think, Pegasus raised his whip, dodged left and right, and fled.

There was a quick pursuit, and the three figures behind Wu Xuanyue chased after him like leeches, shooting away with arrows. Wu Xuanyue was unable to dodge, and was so panicked that she only looked to the southwest in front of her, which was a dense forest of trees. Wu Xuanyue Yue didn't even think about it, and drove his horse into the bushes.

The three people chasing Wu Xuanyue were all in the name of protection, but in fact they were spying on Wu Xuanyue's three villains - Qin Yong, Jin Rui and Jiang Can.

Finally, the perfect opportunity came. The three of them were no longer hiding in the dark. Unable to control their temper, they jumped out and exposed their true bodies. As expected, this time they had already made up their minds - or else they would succeed. !
  Seeing that Wu Xuanyue was cunning and drove his horse into the bushes, the three men did not relax their vigilance and followed closely. The biggest feature of the bushes was that there were too many obstructions, making it difficult to find the target.

But no matter what, no matter how cunning this woman Shan Lingyao is, so what? Now that she has no martial arts skills, she is just an ordinary person. Now that she is in this situation, isn't she just like a fish on the chopping board, being slaughtered by others?
  The three of them entered the bushes and immediately slowed down their pace. The horses' hooves moved forward slowly. Qin Yong looked around but could not find Wu Xuanyue.

Qin Yong glanced at the two younger brothers beside him. Liao Yu and Jiang Can instantly understood that this meant they should split up.

Liao Yu and Jiang Can nodded and did not dare to say anything.

The three of them acted separately, just to find a woman who had no power to restrain a chicken, and to deal with her quickly.

After searching for a while, Jiang Can found the figure of Red Rabbit "Feng Chi" not far away, but did not find the owner of the horse.

But being able to find a horse is a good sign. The girl doesn't have a horse, so her footsteps won't be too fast. She probably hid nearby.

After all the calculations, Jiang Canyang whistled loudly, and soon there was the sound of horse hooves, and Liao Yu and Qin Yong rushed over...

(End of this chapter)

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